AWS Elastic Beanstalk Degraded - django

I am deploying a Django application on Elastic Beanstalk and getting 'Degraded' Health message. The gateway also shows 502 error. When I check for causes, I get the following messages: 'Following services are not running: web' and 'Impaired services on all instances.
How do I resolve this?


Elastic Beanstalk Environment is down: Showing certificate errors

I have a Nuxt app (Vue client with Express server) that has been working for a couple years. I made a change, committed it and now my app is down. I use Elastic Beanstalk, Code Pipeline. I use route 53 as DNS and ACM (Certificate Manager).
I went straight to my EBS console to check the environment and saw that the health was severe. The logs showed no errors so I went to Events and looked for them there and found this:
Creating Load Balancer listener failed Reason: Resource handler returned message: "Certificate 'arn:aws:acm:us-east-2:019538876777:certificate/ee8af09b-c6d7-4636-b2a6-099792f66caf' not found
I went straight to the AWS Certificate Manager and saw that one certificate had expired for my domain but that another had been issued. So that means that I shouldn't have to request a new one, which I was I thought would be the case.
Where's the disconnect, then? If I have a newly reissued certificate then why is my EBS Environment still throwing an error? Thanks for any helpful tips.

Elastic Beanstalk Server Logs

I have an application hosted in AWS in Elastic Beanstalk. The environment runs ok, but sometimes I get an error message: "The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details.". Where are the server logs that this message refers to?
I looked at Elastic Beanstalk => Environment => Logs but they don't have anything related to the cause of the error.

I can't create the Elastic Beanstalk environment

When I try to create the AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, I received the following error,
LaunchWaitCondition failed. The expected number of EC2 instances were not initialized
within the given time. Rebuild the environment. If this persists, contact support.
Wahts the issue here?

Can't request logs in elastic beanstalk

I want to request logs of my elastic beanstalk environment and I'm using the UI for it. However, upon requesting the logs, there's a loading period after which the logs don't show up. How can I fix this?

Elastic Beanstalk 502 errors during autoscaling

I have an Elastic Beanstalk app running on Docker set up with autoscaling. When another instance is added to my environment as a result of autoscaling, it will 502 while the instance goes through the deployment process. If I ssh into the relevant box, I can see (via docker ps) that docker is in the process of setting itself up.
How can I prevent my load balancer from directing traffic to the instance until after the instance deployment has actually completed? I found this potentially related question on SuperUser, but I think my health check URL is set-up properly -- I have it set-up to point at the root of the domain, which definitely 502s when I navigate to it in my browser, so I suspect that's not the cause of my problem.