Allow managed app consumer access to read/write Key Vault Secret - azure-managed-app

I'm creating an azure managed application that contains a Key Vault and I'd like consumer side users to be able to read/write new key vault secrets. I've tried adding the following data and control actions when configuring the managed app plan:
Allowed Control Actions:
Allowed Data Actions:
However, when I log in as the consumer side user with the owner role and try to list key vault secrets, I get an error which says, "The operation is not allowed by RBAC."
Any idea what's going on? I've tried various combinations of non-wildcarded allowed actions but haven't had any success

I believe it is related to the overall RBAC in Managed Resource Group issue:
You need to revert to access policy based/connection strings.
Edit: Didn't read carefully. You mentioned customer's side. Then your way should have worked.

I found a workaround for this issue. It seems a user needs to have the KeyVault Secret Officer role. On the customer side of the managed application, the subscription owner can provision themselves and anyone else this role at the subscription level. That permission will then apply over the managed application recourse group and allow customer users to update key vault secrets.
I couldn't find a way to provide this builtin role at the resource group level.
Also, I assume but did not verify that you still need to provide the appropriate allowed customer API actions in the managed application definition.


Multi level authentication/authorization or approvals for access/delete resource in AWS

I want to implement a security measure that enables any authenticated user to delete any AWS resource only on approval from any other member.
The main objective is to make sure that, if the creds are compromised, the user should not be able to delete any resource without approval.
Looking forward to get some expert advise and discussion on this.
I understand, the least access privilege and MFA, but still it is fulfilling our requirements.
Since this is not directly supported by AWS, you will have to set up a custom solution for this.
This is one possible solution:
Create a role with delete permissions.
Create a Lambda to use that role to delete a resource.
Implement the Lambda to only processes the delete request if the input includes at least two approvals. (This part depends on your org authentication mechanism. Could be LDAP, short term access tokens, etc)
This fulfills the two requirements you mentioned:
a security measure that enables any authenticated user to delete any AWS resource only on approval from any other member.
The Lambda will only process the request if there is at least 2 approvals.
if the creds are compromised, the user should not be able to delete any resource without approval.
In this design there are no credentials. The role you created can only be assumed by the Lambda. You can further improve the security by only allowing certain Users, Roles or Groups to be able to execute the Lambda.

How to apply 2fa, ACL for IAM in GCP

Recently, the IAM key of GCP was exposed, and miner was installed.
In the case of AWS, 2fa can be set when accessing with an access key, or access can be made only from a specific IP.
If there was such a setting, the accident would not have occurred immediately even if the key was exposed.
I searched for ACL and 2FA settings in GCP, but there is no key setting, only the instance access setting is checked.
Is it possible to set up GCP's Web Console access, 2FA for access to IAM key, and IP ACL?
In addition, an IP-based ACL is required for BigQuery, but it is impossible to access the ACL for BigQuery access when contacting other teams, and it is only controlled by IAM.
If IAM is exposed by user error, is there any way GCP can prevent this?
You can enforce 2fa and IP control on IAM service (with IAM conditions and context-aware access).
Google helps you as it can:
The support contact you in case of abnormal activity, such as miner installed your VM and thus suspicious network activity
The public repository, such as Github, are periodically scanned by google and in case of service account key file found, you are notified
Platform proposes you solution to mitigate the risk
Context aware accesss
IAM condition
Organisation policy to disable the capacity to generate service account key file. Only a small group of users are able to generate them after the validation of the user request. The target is to limit the number of key and to generate them only when the use case require them
SCC (Security Command Center) findings can raise primitive role on service account: too much roles, use predefined role instead
IAM recommender that propose you to reduce the permission scope based on the 90 last days of activities
So a set of tools to be proactive and reactive to events.
You can set up 2 step-verification(2sv) which is triggerd when trying to access GCP vm instances.
Follow this guide to set up 2sv to your instance.
Also, VPC service control can add additional sercurity layer for managed service like bigQuery.
You can block specific IP address bia this service.
This article will help you a lot in using VPC Service Control.

How to restrict AWS Cognito users from taking certain actions?

Help is required in the following problem we're facing 😔
Any tip would be much appreciated!
Details and environment:
A multi-tenant application that aims to provide a dedicated tenant per customer (organization), in order to achieve full separation.
AWS Cognito user pool as my users' datastore and authentication provider.
an "AWS Cognito user pool" per customer (org).
Role management - based on the built-in user pool groups. Group per role and the server-side verifies that a user's access token includes a group name in it's embedded group's list.
So far so good and everything is working as expected, using AWS Amplify's SDK, for the client side's implementation. Amplify performs well and allows me to do whatever I want. The server verifies group belonging etc.
The problem:
I want to restrict non-admin users (that doesn't belong to the "admin" group) from performing certain Cognito actions via Amplify.
2 Examples:
I want to disable non-admin users' ability to modify a specific attribute's value, via Amplify.
I want to disable non-admin users' ability to modify MFA settings for themselves, via Amplify.
The actual problem started when I wanted administrators to be able to set MFA (enable/disable) for other users, but in Cognito (as I understand it) only a user can set his own MFA settings.
What I saw and already tried:
Set read/write permissions for user attributes. So the specific attribute I want to protect is modifiable only via API calls with developer credentials. That way, admins can call my server to ask for attribute modification. The server verifies the role by a group belonging according to the access token and calls Cognito API. The problem with that solution is that it covers only the attribute modification scenario.
Create an AWS Cognito identity pool for each of the user pools. For every group in every user pool, create an AWS IAM role with a policy that would restrict or allow the wanted behavior. The could actually work. The problem with that solution is that it feels like a super-duper overkill, plus it requires me to create an extra identity pool and an IAM role for each user pool. It means that every new customer that joins the service, would require (1) user pool, (2) Cognito client application, (3) identity pool and (4) IAM Role (instead of just a user pool and Cognito client app). Essentially, implementing this solution.
The real question:
Can I restrict users in a certain group from performing actions on themselves, such as disabling the MFA (even that the user-pool's MFA is set to "Optional")?
Thank you all so much! any help would be appreciated!
Well... After long research, we have come to the understanding that there is no proper right way. Every possible solution has its own pros and cons. A consultant meeting with AWS's experts taught us that:
Options Overview:
[Server Side Only] - Solution #1 that I proposed is exactly as described. Drawbacks are the same. It could work, and access to user-attributes will be restricted. Any other action that another client would make will not be blocked.
[Identity Pools] - Solution #2 that I proposed is the most accurate one. Yet I described it with one big mistake: one identity-pool can serve multiple user-pools! So essentially, we could create only one IAM role and one identity-pool per app's role. Then we match every user-pool we want to that same identity-pool and when introducing a new role to the app - just create a new group in the user-pool and match it to the IAM role. This solution is not as complicated as thought, and it would definitely do the trick. As a bonus, you'll get the ability to control and allow access to different AWS services. That being said, it still requires management and effort.
[Post-Auth Lambda] - Solution #3 that was not mentioned here, and I started to work on a day after posting this post. I blocked the write permissions of a new boolean custom attribute called "MFA". It indicates the desired MFA configuration for the user. Only a server could edit its value (and users with the admin role will have access to the server's API endpoint that can modify it). We've deployed a lambda function that would be triggered after successful authentication (post auth trigger in Cognito user-pool). It would verify a match between the desired and current MFA configurations for the authenticated user. If there is a mismatch, throw the user out because he did something that is not allowed.
*To be exact, we created one more custom attribute called "mfa_status" and it is set to true after the user has set it's MFA configurations. The lambda checks if both MFA and mfa_status are true and the real current MFA Configurations are false. if this is the case - the user is thrown out.
The Chosen One:
The solution we picked eventually is #3 (Post-Auth lambda) as it is the most detached solution. It does not require any mix with our server or client's code, any special configurations that are specific to a user pool and it still allows us to keep working with the Cognito's Amplify SDK as a client.
Thank you all for your time, I hope this post would help someone in the future.

AWS IAM: Finding it hard to design a authorization model for SAML-based users

Background: On Azure (we're in the process of moving from azure to aws), we have everything organized into resources groups. By default no one can do much in the prod subscription(account), but based on the team asking for a provisioned resource, a team member gets stamped as the "owner" of the resource group, which just gives him/her full access to that resource group, and can add/remove other members as they see fit. This allows us to set up a very fine-grained set of access controls where each team ultimately decides whats allowed and not - not based on groups but based on users getting access to resource groups (in which instances and other resources exist).
Now that we're moving to AWS I had hoped to use the SAML integration to provide access (we're running Auth0 in front of AzureAD, but this should be the same for any saml/federated aws setup I think).
My problem is that with SAML AWS doesn't really "see" each individual user - they're not auto-created in IAM at first logon or anything, so the only "security boundary" I have to work with are the groups I send into AWS, which I can assign to IAM roles.
This is a problem, because 1)the user has to select the desired role at login (if member of more than one), and 2)each role setup is a manual task which requires me to configre AzureAD, saml claims in auth0 and finally IAM roles in AWS. The latter is obviously something I can automate, but still.
Here's the core of my problem:
Say that I have 2 EC2 instances in AWS: DB and Web. I have 3 users, AdminPete, DBDave and WebWilson. I'd like to be able to give Pete full access to both instances, while Dave and Wilson gets access to "their own" ec2 instance. As far as I can see, I would have to configure two IAM roles (DB and Web), and require Pete (who has access to both) to choose his role at login. This is a super-simple example, but it doesn't really scale well at all.
I'm curious to hear how you guys are doing access control in aws - my goal is to be able to create a very fine-tuned setup using tags or some other mechanism. The official aws documentation only deals with getting saml configured (which is easy enough), but very little about real-life permissions management.
The core of the problem (imho) is that unlike "regular" iam users, I can't attach an iam policy or a group to a single user when that user is federated - I can only attach the policy to the federated role as a whole.
Any pointers appreciated! At this point I'm considering just not using saml at all for our aws stuff so that we can use fine-grained iam policies to manage permissions in a more flexible manner.

Authentication and Authorization to AWS resources

I was reading up per subject matter and has a query on what is the best practice to handle user's authorization to AWS resources.
A 2-tiers windows application that access to AWS S3 and dynamoDB.
There are 2 groups of users - Admin and Normal User. Admin has read + write access, and Normal User has just the read access.
I'm trying to see if I could avoid a 3-tiers design. At such, I would like to access AWS resources directly from my application. In another word, I do not access AWS resources thru web services (that could do my user authorization check there).
I uses Web Identity Federation (google) to authenticate user and uses STS to get temporary credentials.
I've created 2 IAM Roles - AdminRole (with write+read policy) and UserRole (with read policy).
At this point, my thoughts are stuck on what is the best practice and securely choose which role to assume from my application.
Solution 1:
Create a UserRole table in dynamoDb with UserId and Role attributes.
After user has authenticated with google, I'll check the UserRole table against the userid returned from google to get the role of this user. Assuming I've pre-setup all the user's roles in the table.
I do not want to hardcode or expose my AWS secret key onto my app, but for the above execution, I've created a secret key with a role and policy only to the [UserRole] table.
At this point, I would know which role to assume from my app when I get the temporary credential using STS.
However, with the above solution, I see that there is one security loophole. If someone is able to get hold of my application id used for my IAM role, and with some brute-force effort on my IAM roles' name, that person can easily gain temporary credential with AdminRole.
(added) Solution 2:
I create just 1 IAM role - GoogleUserRole
In the policy portion, I allow write access to admin user by using their Federated userid.
I'm still new with writing AWS policies, but I think I've read somewhere that I could have this fine-grained control to the specified user(s). This could be feasible if my users based are small, but not very feasible when my user base grows.
Welcome any thoughts and advises.