Can I add a form application to my C++ console application - c++

I have a C++ console application. I do some operations with keys. Do I have a chance to do these operations on the button by adding a form application?

you can make a separate MFC application which uses c++ only and windows classes, then you can integrate all classes from Console application to it ...
or -
change subsystem in visual studio to subsystem: windows from console, by going to project properties of course. then create a win32 windows with controls on it ...
ya got two ways ...


How to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr in Visual Studio to a Visual Studio window when debugging a console application?

I am writing a cross-platform application in C++ using Visual Studio.
My project type is the most basic one "Win32 console application".
I admit it, I haven't mastered all bits of windows software development, but there seems to be a clear pattern:
When you run an application from a CMD session, by default, Windows connects the app's default stdin/stdout/stderr with this CMD session.
(I.e. when you type 'dir' in a cmd session, it doesn't fire up a new cmd window.)
This is, however, not the case when running an application from VS. That is, when I press F5, it fires up a new console window, runs my console app inside this window and connects stdin/stdout/stderr with this console window.
What I want is instead to connect stdin/stdout/stderr with a sub-window inside the Visual Studio itself. (Akin to an "Immediate" window.)
Then I won't have to switch back and forth between VS and CMD.
Clearly, there should be some mechanisms to achieve that, since from an ordinary command prompt I could do something like:
a.exe 1>stdout.txt 2>stderr.txt <stdin.txt
I'd like Visual Studio to do something like that when running my application, but instead of files, connect the streams to a sub-window in VS.
The principal thing here is that this should be done without any modifications to the application code itself, because it must be completely independent of the development environment and/or platform.
(That's why I didn't use one of the many solutions found on stackoverflow -- they all are based on some adaptation of the application code.)

Microsoft Visual cannot add tools

I´m new at Visual Studio C++ and maybe I´m asking a very trivial question. I have a project/application but I have to add a few new features to it. When I open the project in MVS and in "dialog" folder there are windows (or dialogs?) used by application and I can modify them but I´m not allowed to add components/tools that I really need. I have only Dialog editor tools unlocked. I can compile an run application but When I try to add a form to project I´ll see a message:
You are adding a CLR component to a native project. Your project will be converted to have Common language runtime support.
I´ve googled some information about .NET forms and windows dialogs, but I do not know what to do next. If I choose "yes" (convert project) I cannot compile it anymore.
What can I do if I would like to use a ZedGraph controll to plot graphs from data in this app?
The C# GUI tools are different to the C++ tools (like MFC).
When you try to add C# tools to a C++ project the IDE warns you "You are adding a CLR component..."
Depending on which IDE you are using, when you bring up the resource view ( e.g. with ctrl + shift + E you should be able to find the existing dialogs and double click to edit them.
It seems that ZedGraph is a C# library (from the docs), so you will have to convert into a C# project in order to use it, which will not be straightforward, or use a suitable C++ one.

How do I build a Windows GUI Application in Eclipse using C++ (a non console application)

I can't seem to figure out how build a windows GUI application in Eclipse with C++ . I can only build to a console. When I create a new project it doesn't give me the option for a Windows Application. I'm using Eclipse IDE for C/C++. Am I downloading the wrong flavor of Eclipse?
What am I doing wrong?
Here is an example to get you started with creating a simple window:
compiled with mingw this will open a console + the created window.
To hide the console, just add this linker flag: -mwindows
Unlike Visual Studio, Eclipse CDT does not have a built-in wizard or options for automatically configuring compiler settings and libraries for building Windows GUI applications. You will need to know what you are doing. Do you intend to build the GUI using Win32/MinGW, or perhaps using some other GUI library, like Qt or wxWidgets? There are many options.
If you are new to C++ and/or GUI development on windows, then there are easier options to get started with.

how to add in Visual Studio 2010 WinForm Object to a C++ Console Application Project

I am building a C++ Console Application which makes some OpenGL printing.
The entire thing is done by glut and gl libraries. My new goal is to add some Windows Forms to the project so one could "configure" the 'game' with some textbox and other controls provided by VS before the console appliction starts.
I know that the best solution for the current problem is to add Win32 API, but I don't know how to integrate console application project with win32 API alltogether.
I know that in C# it's done quite easily with the .ShowDialog() command.
Although launching a window from a console application is perfectly doable, that window will not be responsive, because your console application does not have a message queue. (Or rather, it has a message queue, but it is implemented by code that you have no control over.) So, you can open up a window, draw in it, and force it to manually update, but you cannot receive user input in it.
I would suggest that you forget about doing it this way, and you write a little windowed application instead, which prompts for the configuration and then launches the console application passing it the configuration as command-line parameters, or fills-in a configuration file for the console application to read.

C++ or Python (maybe else) to create GUI for console application in C

I have a Visual C console application (created in VC++2008EE) and I need to add GUI to it.
One idea was to invoke the console app as a subprocess and communicate with it using stdin and stdout. I tried to do that with Python subprocess module - but it deadlocks (probably because my console app is running continuously). As I understood from it is not possible now to integrate continiously running console application with python subprocess module.
The other idea (more strait-forward probably) was to add a form to this console application project. But as I try to do it VS convers the project to one with "Common Language Runtime support" whatever it means, ads the form, a cpp file for form - and it's not compiling anymore saying:
Command line error D8016 : '/MTd' and '/clr' command-line options are incompatible
error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Debug\Form_TEST.sbr': No such file or directory
No idea what it means. I have never dealed with C++, but I have used C and Python some time.
What would you recommend?
If you own the code for the console app, don't mess around trying to talk to it using input and output streams. Extract the logic of your console app into a library, and call that library from a GUI of your choice - either Windows.Forms from C#, Python GTK, ordinary GTK.
The reason that VS turns your application to CLR type is becuase it accidently thinks that you want to use winforms which are part of the .NET framework and the only way to use them is if your project is .NET as well.
You do have other options:
1. Add MFC GUI - native C++ GUI
2. better yet create a new .NET project (C#/VB.NET) with the desirect GUI and call your C/C++ dll using P-Invoke or COM interop