Extract substring from Splunk String - regex

I have a field "hostname" in splunk logs which is available in my event as
"host = server.region.ab1dc2.mydomain.com".
I can refer to host with same name "host" in splunk query. I want to extract the substring with 4 digits after two dots ,for the above example , it will be "ab1d". How my splunk query should look like for this extraction?
Basically I have been given a string, and want to skip two dots and then take the four characters after that.

So long as you have at least three segments to a fully-qualified domain name, this should work (without using a regular expression)
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp host=*
| makemv delim="." host
| eval piece=substr(mvindex(host,3),1,4)
makemv converts a field into a multivalue field based on the delim you instruct it to use
Then use eval to grab the third item in the list using mvindex, trimming it with substr
If you really want to use a regular expression, this will do it (again, presuming you have at least three pieces to the FQDN):
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp host=*
| rex field=host "\.[^\.]+\.(?<piece>[^\.]{4})"


How to replace a period within string and not in Numeric using singlestore (MemSQL) DB REGEXP_REPLACE function

I have a scenario wherein I want to replace a period when its surrounded by Alphabets and not when surrounded by Numbers. I figured out a Regular Expression pattern that can identify only the periods in Key names but the pattern is not working in SQL
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE("Amount.fee:0.75,Amount.tot:645.55","(?<!\d)(\.)(?!\d)","_","ig");
Expected output: Amount_fee:0.75,Amount_tot:645.55
Note, I am trying this because, In MemSQL I couldn't access JSON key when it has period in it.
Also verified the pattern "(?<!\d)(.)(?!\d)" using https://coding.tools/regex-replace and it working fine. But, SQL is not working. Am using MemSQL 7.1.9 and POSIX Enhanced Regular expression are supposed to be work. Any help is much appreciated.
Since it looks like you are trying to workaround accessing a JSON key with a period, I will show you how to do that.
This can be done by either surrounding the json key name with backtics while using the shorthand json extract syntax:
select col::%`Amount.fee` from (select '{"Amount.fee":0.75,"Amount.tot":645.55}' col);
| col::%`Amount.fee` |
| 0.75 |
or by using the json_extract_ builtins directly:
select json_extract_double('{"Amount.fee":0.75,"Amount.tot":645.55}', 'Amount.fee');
| json_extract_double('{"Amount.fee":0.75,"Amount.tot":645.55}', 'Amount.fee') |
| 0.75 |
Assuming you only want to target dots that are in between two non digit characters, where the dot is not the first or last character in the string, you may match on ([^\d])\.([^\d]) and replace with \1_\2:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE("Amount.fee:0.75,Amount.tot:645.55", "([^\d])\.([^\d])", "\1_\2", "ig");
Here is a regex demo showing that the replacement is working. Note that you might have to use $1_$2 instead of \1_\2 as the replacement, depending on the regex flavor of your SQL tool.

Splunk - Split a field into multiple fields based on delimiters

I have the following value in a field which needs to be split into multiple fields,
Required output:
Productname : abc.TestAutomation.NNNN.Specs.Prod
Feature name : NDisableTransactionalAccessUsers
Project : TestAssembly:abc.TestAutomation
I have been trying to extract the values into my fields using REX command, but I am failing.
source="Reports.csv" index="prod_reports_data" sourcetype="ReportsData"
| rex "classname(?<Productname>/*)\.(?<Featurename>#*)\.(?<Project>.*)"
| table classname Productname Featurename Project
While I execute this command, there are no results. I am very new to Splunk, can someone guide.
I almost always use multiple rex statement to get what I want ... but if you "know" the data is consistent, this will work (tried on regex101.com):
| rex field=_raw (?<classname>[^\/]+)\/(?<featurename>[^\.]+)\.[[:punct:]]+(?<project>[\w].+)
What this regular expression does:
<classname> :: everything from the front of the event to a front slash (/)
<featurename> :: whatever follows the front slash (/) until a literal dot (.)
discard all found punctuation
<project> :: whatever is left on the line
According to regex101.com, this is likely the most efficient rex you can use (14 steps total)

How to split a string in db2?

I've some URL's in my cas_fnd_dwd_det table,
casi_imp_urls cas_code
----------------------------------- -----------
how do i copy the letters between last '/' and '.pdf' to another column
expected outcome
casi_imp_urls cas_code
----------------------------------- -----------
www.casiac.net/fnds/CASI/qnxp.pdf qnxp
www.casiac.net/fnds/casi/as.pdf as
www.casiac.net/fnds/casi/vindq.pdf vindq
www.casiac.net/fnds/CASI/mnip.pdf mnip
the below URL's are static
Advise, how do i select the codes between last '/' and '.pdf' ?
I would recommend to take a look at REGEXP_SUBSTR. It allows to apply a regular expression. Db2 has string processing functions, but the regex function may be the easiest solution. See SO question on regex and URI parts for different ways of writing the expression. The following would return the last slash, filename and the extension:
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('http://fobar.com/one/two/abc.pdf','\/(\w)*.pdf' ,1,1)
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
The following uses REPLACE and the pattern is from this SO question with the pdf file extension added. It splits the string in three groups: everything up to the last slash, then the file name, then the ".pdf". The '$1' returns the group 1 (groups start with 0). Group 2 would be the ".pdf".
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('http://fobar.com/one/two/abc.pdf','(?:.+\/)(.+)(.pdf)','$1' ,1,1)
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
You could apply LENGTH and SUBSTR to extract the relevant part or try to build that into the regex.
For older Db2 versions than 11.1. Not sure if it works for 9.5, but definitely should work since 9.7.
Try this as is.
with cas_fnd_dwd_det (casi_imp_urls) as (values
, 'www.casiac.net/fnds/casi/as.pdf'
, 'www.casiac.net/fnds/casi/vindq.pdf'
, 'www.casiac.net/fnds/CASI/mnip.PDF'
, xmlcast(xmlquery('fn:replace($s, ".*/(.*)\.pdf", "$1", "i")' passing casi_imp_urls as "s") as varchar(50)) cas_code
from cas_fnd_dwd_det

A single Regex Match Entire String first to then break up into multiple components

I am trying to come up with a RegEx (POSIX like) in a vendor application that returns data looking like illustrated below and presents a single line of data at a time so I do not need to account for multiple rows and need to match a row indvidually.
It can return one or more values in the string result
The application doesn't just let me use a "\d+\.\d+" to capture the component out of the string and I need to map all components of a row of data to a variable unfortunately even if I am going to discard it or otherwise it returns a negative match result.
My data looks like the following with the weird underscore padding.
USER | ___________ 3.58625 | ___________ 7.02235 |
USER | ___________ 10.02625 | ___________ 15.23625 |
The syntax is supports is
Matches REGEX "(Var1 Regex), (Var2 Regex), (Var3 Regex), (Var 4 regex), (Var 5 regex)" and the entire string must match the aggregation of the RegEx components, a single character off and you get nothing.
The "|" characters are field separators for the data.
So in the above what I need is a RegEx that takes it up to the beginning of the numeric and puts that in Var1, then capture the numeric value with decimal point in var 2, then capture up to the next numeric in Var 3, and then keep the numeric in var 4, then capture the space and end field | character into var 5. Only Var 2 and 4 will be useful but I have to capture the entire string.
I have mainly tried capturing between the bars "|" using ^.*\|(.*).\|*$ from this question.
I have also tried the multiple variable ([0-9]+k?[.,]?[0-9]+)\s*-\s*.*?([0-9]+k?[.,]?[0-9]+) mentioned in this question.
I seem to be missing something to get it right when I try using them via RegExr and I feel like I am missing something pretty simple.
In RegExr I never get more than one part of the string I either get just the number, the equivalent of the entire string in a single variable, or just the number which don't work in this context to accomplish the required goal.
The only example the documentation provides is the following from like a SysLog entry of something like in this example I'm consolidating there with "Fault with Resource Name: Disk Specific Problem: Offline"
WHERE value matches regex "(.)Resource Name: (.), Specific Problem: ([^,]),(.)"
SET _Rrsc = var02
SET _Prob = var03
I've spun my wheels on this for several hours so would appreciate any guidance / help to get me over this hump.
Something like this should work:
Or in normal words: Capture everything but numbers, capture a decimal number, capture everything but numbers, capture a decimal number, capture everything.
Using USER | ___________ 10.02625 | ___________ 15.23625 |
$1 = USER | ___________  
$2 = 10.02625
$3 =  | ___________  
$4 = 15.23625
$5 =  |

Regex to remove footer using wildcards

Ok - this is well beyond my limited knowledge of regular expressions. We receive a report from a banking entity in a fixed with text file format. Unfortunately their system exports page headers with the data file that must be removed before processing on our end. The page headers start and end with the same text but the content changes (dates and page numbers). A typical one looks like:
00007xxxxx LAST1,FIRST1 111111 20120930
ABCD EXPORT RPT 10/04/12 at 10/04/12 16:20 Seq 1501 Page 16
MRK014 Report Date: 10/04/12
Acct# Name SH. Balance QTR (YYYYMMDD)
00007xxxxx LAST2,FIRST2 222222 20120930
So each header starts with "ABCD" (actually the name of the bank, just removed here for privacy) and ends with the row of -------------------.
What I need to get it down to is the customer data on two rows (00007xxxxx - those account numbers change per person).
So I need to select from the " ABCD" to the end of the "---" to remove that block of text.
Try this regex.. This is a Java code.. You can use the given pattern in your language..
str = str.replaceAll("ABCD((.*?)[\n\r])+(\\-*)", "");
Where str contains your above data.. Lines are separated by \n I assume..
To ensure you are removing correct part of report I would go with more complicated regex pattern.
Use regex pattern
and replace each match with empty string.
However if your environment does not support regex lookbehind, then you have to use pattern:
and replace each match with first group.
For example in JavaScript it would be:
str.replace(/([\n\r])ABCD\s+EXPORT\s+RPT\s[^-]+[\n\r]\-+[\n\r]+/g, "$1")
Test this code here.