No .lib and .dll found, but .h is there - c++

So I'm trying to use RtAudio to read microphone input in real time, but the problem is that when I download the .zip file, I found the header files but there is no .lib files or dll, and I need them Link with my project, where are they?
I'm a beginner in cpp:)
This is the RtAudio

You seem to have downloaded a copy of source code repository. Compiled binaries such libraries are not stored in such repositories. That's why you won't find them there.
In order to get the compiled libraries from the source code, you must compile i.e. build the source code. Each project has their own way of building from source, although there are common patterns. The frontpage that you link to contains instructions on how to build that project. The instructions to build it are under the heading "Building".


Building proto3 library in windows for C++

I've successfully generated .cc and .h files from a proto2 protobuf. I've also followed the directions at to create the lib to link against. I created a couple projects in visual studio and was able to create two executables for the addressbook example. Everything works as advertised.
I'm now looking at proto3, as it's likely I'll need support for objective-c. It's trivial to download the precompiled binaries to generate .cc and .h files, but I cannot figure out how to duplicate the above steps in windows to create a lib for me to link against. Has anyone else been able to do so? Thanks.

How exactly compile sqllite app in Code Blocs on Windows in c++

(My first question)
I have no idea how i can compile and link my project in Code Blocs on Windows in c++ properly. I included and i set up it's localization in compiler options. I assume that i need to link any library. I read that it can by sqlite(3?).lib but in all downloadable files on sqlite project site is only .dll
huge thx for help
The suggested way of using the SQLite library is to embed it directly in your application, i.e., download the amalgamation source code, and just add the sqlite3.c and .h files to your project in the sample place where you have the other source files.
Also how build sqlite lib , how to use def files

Where can I find the SVN .lib files?

I'm trying to write an application that wraps SVN. I've downloaded the binaries for it, and all I've found are DLLs.
Is there somewhere where I can find the .lib files? Or do I need to use LoadLibrary and find each method manually? Or do I just need to include the SVN source code, which would be a pain to maintain.
I have found a download that has all the .libs and include files after following this question, anyone else trying to find an answer should look here:
For anyone else who may be looking for the same thing, there is a download here that has everything you want!
Are there Windows API binaries for Subversion or do I have to build SVN to call the API from Windows C++?
I don't think that what you want is readily available as very few people use that. You are searching for a developer build for svn.
Your best chances are to download the source code for svn and compile it yourself. That way the lib files will be generated and you will be able to link against them.
EDIT : Another option you have is to use another layer of wrapper around SVN and use something like rapidSVN API. This will expose most common svn features and you don't have to handle the svn source code.
EDIT2 : I think that they moved to github
DLL's are libs, but they are dynamic libs, loaded and executed during run time. Lib files, however, are libraries that have been loaded into the compiler and used to compile the binaries. In your case, there wouldn't be lib files because the .exe binaries already have the libs built into them. Where-as, you do get the DLL's because they aren't built into the binaries, but instead are loaded somewhere inside the binary during execution.
There is no reason to include the .lib's in a binary download since the binaries don't need them anymore to function. The only reason you would need .lib files is if you had the rest of the source code in order to build your own .exe again.

Working with DLL in a C++ application

I'm planning to use id3lib in my application. I'm looking for a way to use the library as a DLL. I've noticed that they released the library in various form: one of which is windows binary. My target platform in Windows, and I'll use Qt 4.8. After I extract the files in windows binary, I found the following files in Release folder:
I know how to use a DLL in Qt given the DLL, one or more header files where function prototypes resides, and with or without the *.lib file. This package doesn't come with a header file.
How am I supposed to use this package without any header file? What's the purpose of the *.lib and *.exp files here? As far as I know *.lib files are used for static linking with functions which I don't want in my program.
You've just missed the header. It is available under the include subfolder (see here), also the .lib file is still needed for linking, even if you'll be using the DLL.
The usual course is to use a header file #included in the C++ file, the .lib file to link to and the .dll is required at run time.
The header file should/may be in another package as the same header is probably used for different kinds of linking strategies.
At worst you should be able to use a tool such as depends.exe to view the exported symbols and create your own h file to match - but it would be better to find a .h file issued with the release.

Static libpng link with visual studio 2010

I'm trying to add PNG support to my application and thus I want to include libpng. I know it needs zlib and thus I downloaded that as well. I went into the png folder/projects/vstudio and I opened the solution. I compiled it and it went just fine. I added some headers from it into my application and I copied the lib files. My program is a dll written in c++ which is later used from C#. When I run it in C# it complains about not finding my dll (tough if I remove the png part it works fine). I've had this problem before and it usually means a dll dependency is wrong.
Now... libpng compiled both some .lib files and some .dll files. The dll files are bigger. My only guess is that it needs the dll files as well but I've seen that people can link to libpng without a dll.
So my questions is: How can I compile libpng(and zlib for that instance) into just static libraries and how can I include those in my projects? I've searched around the internet and I couldn't find anything useful.
To make all your libraries static, you would have to recompile everything "from scratch" as static libraries.
This simply means you should create a set of projects for each library you have in your sequence and set the output type to static library.
After that you should eliminate library dependencies between the libraries themselves (this means you should link the output of some projects to another projects, e.g. if your "libpng" library uses "libzip", it means you should first compile the "libzip" and link that output (static library) to your "libpng" project.
In the very end you would have a big set of static libraries compiled for your platform, which you can use in your projects.
Also to mention, try googling more carefully. I'm sure someone has this done and you would probably need to download a package of .lib files for your platform (I know that very often the "dev" bundle of libraries only includes an import library paired with appropriate .dll file, but there are a lot of enthusiasts like you :)