No "Create Pull Request" option in Xcode 13.2.1 - pull-request

Having heard about the possibility to create and comment pull requests, I was about to try this feature:
I have successfully added by Bitbucket Cloud account in Preferences using an App Password
I can see my repository, branches
I can create branches and view changes
However, nothing related to pull requests is available:
Xcode does not detect pull requests
I have no "Create Pull Request" option in Xcode
I am using Xcode 13.2.1
Is there anything I have to set or enable for this feature to be available?
Thanks for any help in advance.


Google Cloud Build Step Logs Not Viewable in Console

I am not able to view Google Cloud Build logs in the console. For each step that I click on I cannot see the associated logs in the Build Log window on the right (see picture). This occurs with both the Build Summary and each detail step. The only way to view these logs is to click View Raw, but that is only a great workaround.
Another issue is that each build step status (Success/Failure) is only populated at the end of the entire build process, as opposed to updating after each step.
Is anybody also experiencing this or have suggestions to rememdy this issue? My browser is Google Chrome Version 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Experience shows that there can be adverse interactions between Chrome Plugins and a variety of websites that have rich content or streaming (such as Google's Console). If something seems odd, try and create a new Chrome profile or try running in incognito mode and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, you can incrementally add (or remove) the plugins until you find the one that is causing problems. If you do find the culprit plugin, consider posting that as a comment to others on what you find.
As per the documentation, if you’re storing your build logs in logging, you won’t be able to see them in the cloud build page, instead you will be able to see them in the Logging page(i.e. Operations logging).
To view the build in Cloud Build page in the Cloud Console, if your build logs are present in the Google-created Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Project Viewer role on the project but if your build logs are in a user-specified Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Storage Object Viewer role. And for more information, consider looking at the documentation.
Your second point is an expected behaviour, please look here.
Adding on Kolban's answer above, one of the Chrome extensions that interfered is Imagus. Uninstalling / disabling it should fix the problem.
Another Chrome extension that seems to cause the problem is "Dark Mode". My version is 0.4.2 on Chrome version 96.0.4664.110 and disabling this and refreshing the Build Detail page restored the build log listing.

Update an existing deployment using deployment manager update API

I use Java APIs for the CRUD operations of the google cloud deployment manager API. I can create, preview, delete deployments OK.
But when I try to update an existing deployment that's in preview mode, the API returns the below error.
Deployment in preview must not have a target with UPDATE
The same inputs works OK for create and preview. So, I'm sure that the inputs are OK.
I looked up for others who have reported this issue.
Here is one such report but no solution.
Does anyone know if there's a git hub repo for google cloud deployment manager where we can report this issue?
As mentioned in the answer here, is a known issue and you can still use the workaround suggested.
I have created an issue tracker for this error message. So, you can add your comments there and follow up for upcoming updates.

Stackdriver debug issue for node.js app

Regardless of the browser I'm using, I can't get stackdriver debugging work. After navigating to the source for the code that runs on app engine, clicking on the gutter doesn't do anything.
I'm not using github or bitbucket or google cloud source repo, so uploaded the code from local. I noticed this msg after uploading the dist from local..did anyone succeed in setting this up?
Yes, many use node.js apps with Stackdriver Debugger successfully.
As long as your local source code matches the deployed source code, this is a benign message.
Please email for further support.

WSO2esb-4.8.1 issue with GUI for viewing Logs

We are using WSO2esb-4.8.1.
We want to use the WSO2 GUI to view the tenant specific log. But we are getting the following message always when we navigate to Monitor--> Application Logs.
The log must be configured to use the org.wso2.carbon.logging.core.util.MemoryAppender to view entries on the admin console
I found that in the, the following is used
I changed this to
The issue remains though.
By default, when you install WSO2 4.8.1, Esb, it installs the Logging Management 4.2.1
With this, the logs are visible in the GUI. It works as expected.
But later, if you install any other feature , that includes a higher version of logging management (eg:- in our case, we installed data services 3.1.1 that includes logging management feature 4.2.2), the GUI stops working.
All I did was unchecking the logging feature in data services 3.1.1 when installing data services. This way, the logging feature did not get upgraded, but the rest of the data services did.

Gitlab / Redmine automatic close issue with commit

We are using Gitlab (7.10.2) and Redmine (3.0.2).
All issues are managed in Redmine and Gitlab manages all git-repositories.
We set up Gitlab via the UI so far that commits with the message 'Close #234' are clickable and pointing to the corresponding Redmine ticket website.
We now want to achieve that tickets in Redmine are directly linked with Gitlab commits.
If we are using the internal Gitlab issue system and set the commit-message to ‘Close #234’ the ticket 234 is automatic closed and linked with the commit.
But with Redmine as issue service system we are not able to automatic close issues with commits or have any information about this in Redmine.
Does anyone knows how we can modify Gitlab and/or Redmine to close Redmine tickets with Gitlab commits?
You can use Redmine as an issue tracker with setting the redmine service in Gitlab (In your project -> Services -> Redmine -> fill the URLs, and set active). If this works, when you press "new issue" button in Gitlab, you are redirected to Redmine new issue page. In Gitlab you should have WebHook to inform the Redmine about new push into the repo. This can be set in the settings "In your project -> Settings -> Web hooks" (how, see here).
In Redmine go to Administration -> Settings -> Repositories. Check your referencing keywords. "closes" or "close" should be in the list. Finally in the same tab there is the table at the bottom, where you choose tracker, your fixing keyword (closes, close), set applied status to "Closed", and choose the appropriate amount of % Done (100%).
Similarly you can set other keywords to change status in Redmine tickets.
Use the redmine_gitlab_hook to keep Redmine repo up-to date.