How to conditionally format text in PowerBi - powerbi

Is there a way to conditionally format my table so I can add a bar like below? (it was created in excel)
Image I want to create:
I am currently stuck with the following - I highlighted the dates but need to know how I can highlight the holidays in my table with that grey color. (the picture below uses Thanksgiving as the example). My goal is to highlight each individual holiday in the table in grey.
Image I need to conditionally format
Here is what I tried with the formula provided below:

You need a date dimension that has an attribute like isHoliday.
Create a measure where you specify the color in the Hex Code format ("#A1A1A1")
for instance:
measure_color_coding_holiday = SWITCH ( TRUE (), 'Date'[IsHoliday] = "yes", "#808080", 'Date'[IsHoliday] = "No", "#FFFFFF" )
Go to the conditional formatting for the column > Background Color. Choose Field value and pick the new measure.


Conditionally format a table based on average of dataset, but adhering to slicer selections

I have a simple CSV data set such as this.
In my Power BI Desktop, I'd like to load this into a table, and conditionally format the Value column based on whether the value in each row is greater than or less than the average for the currently selected data set.
For instance, the average of Value considering the entire table is 5.08, so if there are no filters applied (as in, all my slicers are set to select nothing), I'd like all rows whose Value is 6 or more to be background colored in one color, and the others in another color. For this, I created two measures like so:
AvgOfVal = DIVIDE( SUM(G2G[Value]), COUNTA(G2G[ID]) )
BGColor = IF(SUM(G2G[Value]) > [AvgOfVal], "Light Pink", "Light Blue")
Then I tried to apply the BGColor measure for conditionally formatting the background, but this doesn't work as expected, and instead produces the result below.
I realize that this is due to the fact that the measure is calculated per row, so when conditional formatting is applied, as seen in the AvgOfVal column in the table, it calculates average per row instead of for the entire data set. How can I calculate a measure that takes into account the entire data set (considering slicers), and do the conditional formatting as I need.
Please keep in mind that if a user were to select a slicer filter (say, MainCategory = D), then I want the conditional formatting to reflect this. So in this case, given that AvgOfVal = 4.80 for MainCategory = D entries, I'd like all rows whose Value >= 5 to be in one color, and others in another color.
I realize that this is due to the fact that the measure is calculated per row
Yes. The key is understanding how that happens. When the measure is calculated a "context transition" happens and the current row is added to the filter context.
So what you want is a calculation that removes the row filter that was added in the context transition. So you need ALLSELECTED(), which does precisely that. eg
Removing the "innermost" filter which in this case is the filter on the row, but leaving all other filters, ie filters added on the report, page, visual, or filters coming from interactions with other visuals like slicers.

Conditional Formatting based on a dropdown in another sheet

I have a Query function in Sheet2 which is based on a dropdown selection in cell I11 of Sheet1. In the Sheet2 Query, I want to automatically highlight the name selected in the Sheet1 dropdown. Per my example below, if 'New Zealand' is selected in the dropdown I want New Zealand to be highlighted like this:
I have tried MATCH, EXACT, INDIRECT and combinations of these but cannot get any to work. I would really appreciate some help.
on range A2:F use this custom formula:
=COUNTIF(A2, INDIRECT("Sheet1!I11"))

How to write a query based on the Date item, in interactive grid

I have a date field and a interactive grid. I am trying to generate the Interactive grid based on the value inputted in the date field.
I am trying to write the query as below :
select pap.effective_start_date , pap.effective_end_date
from per_all_people_f pap
where :SELECT_DATE between pap.effective_start_date and
Here, SELECT_DATE is the name of the Date field (datatype Date picker). I am writing a dynamic action on Change of Date field, and refreshing the interactive grid region.
But when I change the value in Date field, it doesn't return any rows.
I have done a similar change where my interactive grid was based on a dropdown. There I had to set the "page action on selection" to Submit, and it worked. But here, since it is a Date field, the "Page Action on selection" property doesn't appear on the page .
Can somebody please suggest, how can I achieve this.
You need to explicitly convert your bind variables, which are treated as strings, to dates.
The format mask will come from the application properties, or you can be explicit with that, too.

Add Hyperlink below the Card or table visual Conditionally in power bi

I have a Power-Bi Report where I need to show the hyperlink in the card or table conditionally. the report is having Account_id as slicer value.
If an account_id results more than 4 records in the visual, I need to add a extra row with text "More.." in it. Reference image is below.
Thanks in advance
I don't if it's possible to get exactly what you want, but here's my attempt. Power BI still isn't great if you need a lot of control over formatting.
First, create a ranking column:
Rank = RANKX(
Table1[account_id] = EARLIER(Table1[account_id])),
Table1[Partners], , ASC)
Next, a column that displays the top ones and "More..." for any possible 5th items.
Display = IF(Table1[Rank] > 5,
IF(Table1[Rank] < 5,
Finally, a column that contains the desired URL for the "More..." rows:
Link = IF(Table1[Display] = "More...", "", BLANK())
Here's what my sample data table looks like:
Then you can set up a table with the Display and Link column. Make sure to choose "Don't summarize" for the field and choose URL icon on under values formatting options to get the link icon instead of a URL. You'll probably also want to filter out blanks in your visual fitter settings.
For the right-hand table above I changed the column header texts to "Partners" and " " in the table Values box.

Color a row based on column value in Interactive report in Oracle Apex 4

I wanted to color the complete row based on a value of a column. My query looks like this:
select ID,
If the DB_SERVER_STATUS = 'A' then I want the row to be colored
green or
if the DB_SERVER_STATUS = 'I' then I want the row to be
colored yellow or
if the DB_SERVER_STATUS = 'RO' then I want the
row to be colored red.
I have been looking to find a way to do this, but I haven't been able to get the result I want.
If your report is an Interactive report, you could highlight the rows on the report by going through Actions -> Format -> Highlight the rows by selecting the desired color and defining the condition for your column.