Django web site URLS gets "?next=" randomly after deployed to heroku - django

After deploying django app on heroku the url after every form submission or link in site been press resulting with "?next=" inserts into the URL address, I don't understand from where it comes and why heroku keep inserting them in a random way, running the application locally just working perfectly.
I've deleted the application from heroku and upload it again, the fault persists.
There's no http errors what so ever. If I keep submitting the form eventually will works.
For example: pressing the log button in the django admin console results with this URL:, hitting it quite a bit will finally make it work with the correct url display:
Switching from heroku postgres to AWS RDS postgres didn't help.
Help will be very appreciated.

When a user hits a page requiring authentication, they get redirected to the login URL with a ?next= indicating the page they were trying to access. This way, after they've logged in, they'll get the page they intended to access.
In your case, it seems like /admin/login/admin/ requires a login and the login is actually at /admin/login/. I'm guessing you have a bad link to /admin/login/admin/ somewhere when you intended to just have /admin/login/?

Well, struggling for days just to understand it's heroku backend issue and there's not enough information that could help me solving it (i did try to contact heroku support directly but I'm on a free account).
Finally I decided to deploy it using elastic beanstalk. The implementation took some time with long learning curve but now my site works and works great!
Thanks for trying to help Tim.


I can't sign into the Django admin login page

I have started multiple Django projects with like four different tutorials. Every single time I try "python createsuperuser", the admin login page just loads and loads and never goes anywhere. I want to make it absolutely clear that I haven't touched a thing in the code and everything is default code. I migrated everything before login. I've tried deleting the database and re-migrating. None of that works. Can someone help me? I have made around 10-15 accounts and NONE of them work. The page just keeps loading indefinitely and never goes anywhere. I've looked at EVERY stackoverflow post and no answers work. I started a virtualenv, downloaded Django, didn't touch the code, made migrations, I followed every tutorial TOO THE LETTER(!!!) and this is what I keep getting. The current tutorial hasn't changed in default code and he signed in with no problems. I'm assuming if he did, I can...I don't think putting code in is necessary since it's all virgin code, never touched. I didn't even make any apps yet.
I've tried deleting database and re-migrating
changing the password of current superuser
deleting the entire project and following everything the instructor said (TO THE LETTER!!!)
I have made 10-15 superuser accounts and none work
This sounds similar to a problem I was seeing. I wrote a question for it here (no answers yet): Django local dev server hangs with chrome after form submission. Works in firefox
Are you using windows and the chrome browser? Try using firefox to access the admin page and login. That worked for me. I'm still trying to figure out why Chome doesn't work, though. Like you, I created a brand new project from scratch; sometimes Chrome works and most of the time it doesn't. I've also found that hitting the stop button while the browser is sitting there thinking, then refresh, makes the logged in admin page show up.

django ckeditor running into unexpected errors

I am using django-ckeditor python package in my django app (django 1.11 + python 2.7). I have integrated it with s3 and it is hosted on Heroku. So far everything runs smooth.
Earlier I had an issue that non admin user could not upload images to server thus can not use any images as a part of their content. I fixed it by overriding ckeditor's browse and upload view. When i tested it it was working just fine. I pushed it to production.
Now none of my user can use ckeditors image upload or browse feature. when I try it, (as an admin or as regular user) it works. some users reported that app crashes, some said image wont show up despite uploading to server (also I can't see it in my s3 bucket.)
other images are working well with s3 for all users. but ckeditors images are working only for me, no matter which machine or which role I try as.
I also checked heroku apps, but they are not helpful at all.
Does anyone have idea any guesses why this could be happening.

django oscar paypal redirect

I am using Django Oscar Paypal for payment. I am having an issue with redirecting back to my website on the production mode.
I have successfully set up in the development mode and I have tried two different IP address for runserver : and -> both worked corrected and redirected to whatever server I was running.
I turned off Sandbox mode and I have a website that has https:// working correctly. I try to make a payment on but it redirects to******* when I am redirected to paypal website for payment and click on Continue. (This happens for cancelling as well).
I have checked the views in the paypal app and it has 'reverse' code written correctly. If I paste /checkout/paypal/preview/13/?token=******* part after, it seems to be working correctly.
Is there a way to redirect back to
Many Thanks
I just tried to switch to sandbox mode in the production but it doesn't redirect me to sandbox paypal! It keeps going to proper paypal payment site even with sandbox API... I am getting confused now.
Could this be because I haven't done python migrate and makemigrations?
Oscar uses the Django sites framework to determine the appropriate return URL.
You probably have the wrong domain ( configured on your Site.
Edit the site from the admin (at to set the domain that you use in production. Once you change this the redirect from Paypal should work.

Run fuel php app in AWS EC2 instance

I have a fuel php application created by one of my friend.Now I want to run it on aws EC2 instance(ubuntu).I can run the application using apache2 and its index page is loading.After facebook connect from index page it is supposed to show my fb friends list. But it is showing a 404 error POST not found
I can see a get_facebook() method inside controller(/ajax/auth.php).But it is not catching the method.My top level understanding is i need some url mapping in server level.
Can anyone help me to run the app.Any suggestion will be highly appreciated as a biginner
Are any other URL's loading, or only the index page? If that is the case, it might be a rewriting issue.
Is the default .htaccess file still included in the /public folder? Or did your friend change it?
You may not actually be calling your php code at all. Don't you need something like :

Django, from php to Django

I have a website done with Django, that was previously done with PHP and CodeIgniter. I've moved the website to Webfaction, changed the DNS and all other configurations, but now my email is full of errors like this:
Error (EXTERNAL IP): /index.php/main/leer/7497
I don't know why the Django app is looking for pages from the PHP app, specially since the PHP app was in another host.
Are those URLs from your old site? That's probably a case of people having stale bookmarks, trying to navigate to them, and getting 404s. You might want to consider catching those, and redirecting to the new URL with response code 302.
I can't imagine those errors are caused by Django (except in the sense that the reports are from Django reporting 404s, which it does for free).
I agree with above. Just want to add you should use django.contrib.redirects to move the redirects.
You can read more about it here