google people api search by phonenumbers - google-people-api

I'm trying to use "searchContacts" method of the Google People Apis to search contacts by phone number but the result is always empty.
If I set the name of one of my contacts in query paramters, It works fine.
If I set the phone number in the query parameter, no result is returned to me.
I also trying to use "The test panel" in the Google documentation page ( but I have the same end.
Is this possibile?
If yes, How should I set the query parameter?
thank you

Use the canonicalForm of the phoneNumber without the + sign.
Request parameter:


Facebook graph api get posts after a certain post id

I am using facebook graph api where I periodically call:
I don't want to get repeat posts the second time I make the call so I would like to filter the call to get anything after either a certain post Id or after a created_time. Is this possible?
I have tried using date_range= but it did not work plus it only allowed me to search by date but not time.
Use timebased paging:
The correct parameter would be since and until. Just store the timestamp of the last post and use it in your next call.

How do I save the web service response to the same excel sheet I extracted the data from?

For example:
The given sample HP Flights SampleAppData.xls and using the CreateFlightOrder, we can link the data to the test functions and get a OrderNumber and Price response from the Web Service. And in the SampleAppData.xls Input tab, we can see that there is a empty column of OrderNumber.
So here is my question, is there any ways that I can take the OrderNumber response and fill the empty column in SampleAppData.xls?
My point to do this is because, let's say I have many test cases to do and will take days, and today I do this certain test and I would need the result of today for the next day's test.
Although I know that the responses are saved in the result but it beats the point of automation if I am required to check the response for each and every test cases?
Yes of course you can. There are a number of ways to do this. The simplest is as follows.
Once you have recorded the results in the Datasheet, your can export them using
You can write back the response programatically , if you already imported mannually .
You can use GetDataSource Class of UFT API , it will work like this lets say you imported excel from FlightSampleData.xls, and named it as FlightSampleData, you have sheet, accessing the sheet will be like below:
for exporting you can use ExportToExcelFile method of GetDataSourse class after your test run . Please let me know if you have any furthur question about this.

Search Yammer for threads between date & time range?

I'm trying to execute a REST query to Yammer that will retrieve all threads (message starters) between a specified date AND time.
I noticed the search/search_tabs.json accepts "search_startdate/search_enddate" filters (though not documented) but not sure if the date is date-only or date/time.
While the messages.json has a "newer/older_than", but they accept ID's not date/time.
So I guess my question is:
Would the messages.json or search.json be more appropriate for this task?
Is there any additional documentation on search, the developer site just has "search - The search query." - what do these "queries" look like?
search_startdate and search_enddate only accept date inputs, not time or datetime inputs. I don't know if these are actually accessible through the API. To answer your questions:
1 - Neither will work for what you're trying to do
2 - I believe that the content of the search query is just the plaintext you want to look for, e.g., to search for "test" you would use

String Ids are not quoted in dependent batch-request to api. Workaround?

I'm currently trying to query the facebook api to retrieve some data via batch-requests with two fql queries.
One of the queries fetches a set of album ids in the form of:
Select aid FROM album WHERE ...
While the other one tries to retrieve photos for the found albums:
SELECT ... FROM photo WHERE aid IN ({result=album_ids:$.*.aid})
Where 'album_ids' is the name of the first query.
Most of the time this works perfectly but sometimes a album comes along with an aid containing a '_' - Which would be perfectly fine since the documentation specifies the aid as string.
However the jsonpath in the second query does not quote the ids according to the facebook api:
Parser error: unexpected '_xxxxx' at position xx
SELECT ... FROM photo WHERE aid IN (10000xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx)
The json result for the first query clearly has them quoted:
Am i missing something here or does facebook wrongly skip to quote the ids in the second query even though they are clearly strings.
As far as i see in the facebook-api and jsonpath specs this should be working.
Or is there a work-around to get this to behave as expected? (Except of doing the quoting client-side and with two seperate requests).
Right now i'm trying to change my query as suggested here: Quoting/escaping jsonpath elements for in clause of dependent fql queries
But maybe there is a way without completely re-structuring the queries itself.

webservice for autosuggest on city names / postal codes including long-lat coordinates?

i'm looking for a webservice, to be used for an autocomplete field,
where people can fill in either a postal code / city name or both
this service will need all cities in Europe, so we can use it for all country websites.
and in a later stadium we want to keep the world open for asia and america so this would be a plus.
preferably it would also return the long-lat coordinates for the locations,
Now it is a free textfield, after leaving the field, we hit the google geocoding service,
to find coordinates... preferably i would tie these two together.
so we don't have to query 2 services for one thing.
does anyone know of the existance of such a service online somewhere?
or would you suggest to build our own database with cities / postal codes / coordinates?
if so we would need to get the content from somewhere too, and i was trying to avoid that issue :)
I recently searched for a similar service, in vain.
I wanted my users to have auto-complete on entering a city name, and once a city is chosen I needed to pass the name and lat/long onto the Google API. In the end I did this: -
downloaded the geonames, full extract: this
Imported it into a SQL DB via SSIS (about 7.5 million records!)
Wrote a simple query to extract just the cities (only the PPLC, PPLA and PPLA2 records).
This left me with a manageable table of 9112 records (with lat / long and country code) which covers all the cities in the world. I then wrote my own code to query the data.
Not ideal, but I needed a solution.
I know this post is very old but for thouse who are looking for a simple solution that can be integrated in 5 minutes here is the link:
Geocomplete jQuery...
For my case I followed this steps:
1 - Download the plugin from here.
2 - Add the jquery.geocomplete.js or jquery.geocomplete.min.js file into your javascript folder of your project.
3 - Call this file in script tags on the html page where you have the input field that you have to autocomplete with cities:
<script src='/PathToTheFile/jquery.geocomplete.js'></script>
4 - To convert an input into an autocomplete field, simply call the Geocomplete plugin in script tags: <script>
$("#IdOfTheInputField").geocomplete(); // Option 1: Call on element.
$.fn.geocomplete("input"); // Option 2: Pass element as argument.
5- You can check for the complete list of options on the link provided at the top.
Hope that this helped!