How to fix Compile path issue in M1 - c++

When I run C++ in VScode it shows:
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin". Using "/opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11" instead.
[2/10/2022, 12:58:19 AM] Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin". Using "/opt/homebrew/bin/gcc-11" instead.
Further, when I try to run C++ code it shows:
Unable to find executable for '/Users/dharshanm/Documents/VS Studio codes/build/Debug/outDebug'


D8016 '/clr' and '/MT' command-line options are incompatible

I have made an Windows Application using visual c++[CLR Empty Project].But when I run that .exe file in another PC i get error of ucrtbased.dll, VCRUNTIME140D and MSVCP140D file is missing.
For this, we have changed the Runtime Library from Multi-threaded Debug DLL(/MDd) to Multi-threaded(/MT). Then also i am getting error like :-
Error : D8016 '/clr' and '/MT' command-line options are incompatible.
So, if any one have any idea to resolve this problem will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance !!!

Cannot find Valgrind executable for use with CLion?

I am trying to connect Valgrind with CLion 2020.2.1 for testing purposes, but CLion (and perhaps I) cannot locate the Valgrind executable.
The path I am currently using is:
But when I try to run anything with Valgrind using this path I get a message stating that it cannot run the program because of this error:
CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
Which seemed to make sense upon further research, as what I am selecting (\usr\bin\valgrind) appears to be a .cpp source file and not an executable - as the error would indicate - but now I don't know what the issue is. If that isn't what CLion is looking for, then where is the file it is looking for?
Have also tried path '/usr/bin/valgrind/' which resulted in "Valgrind executable not found." when I tried to compile.
If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!!

Unable to resolve configuration with compiler Path

I have been getting this error message after installing VS code (New computer just reinstalling things) and I ran into this error message after installing splashkit + the c++ extension:
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath: C:/Users/willi/Documents/Code/102/Test/g++.exe
I would imagine I need to change the path variable but I am not sure.
EDIT: I get this error message after using the command:
skm clang++ program.cpp -o One
I'm sure I am missing something easy here, but I haven't ran into this one before.

Rcpp error through RExcel

I have a problem in using Rcpp from Rexcel.
(especially, sourceCpp() function)
I'm running a 64-bit Windows 10 platform.
I installed R ver 3.3.1 and RExcel.
I also installed Rtools by Rtools34.exe.
I can use RExcel properly if I don't use sourceCpp().
Hoewver, when I use sourceCpp() function, I have an error.
From Rexcel, I execute the command
and this step, there is no error.
Next, I put the following command
and Run code.Then, the error message
Error in command:
'C:/Program' not found
[1] try-error
Is anyone else know the reason of this error?
Of course I set the path for Rtools.
and I can run the code
with no error from normal RGui and RStudio.
Why sourceCpp() causes an error through RExcel while there is no error through normal RGui?
Can anyone help me, please?

CascadeClassifier.load() error in release only

I want to ask about cascadeclassfier load doesn't work in release.
I using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and OpenCV 2.4.7.
my code:
CascadeClassifier cascade;
printf("Error load XML!\n");
return -1;
Things i've tried so far:
Tried to specify the path manually using ""
Tried to use / or \ in the path
Tried to give user permission
Tried to call the xml without using absolute path
Tried to use many kind of codes i've found when searching this error
Tried to seperate the xml by creating a new folder for them
Additional Information:
Running in debug mode work 100% perfectly
Running in release while using visual studio trigger a break
Running using the exe created while building only show "Error load XML!"
i really confused right now, so i decided to ask..
Thanks before.
I've had similar problems when switch from Debug to Release Mode. I had copy config from Debug to Release and mistake at Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies. And I had fix this problem by using opencv_world320d.lib for Debug mode and opencv_world320.lib for Release mode.