How to use session timeout in django rest view? - django

I am implementing a view for a game using Django REST's APIView. I am very new to Django and have never done this before so I'm not sure how to implement this.
The main idea is that a game only lasts 5 minutes. I am sending a resource to the user and creating a session object. This view. should be unavailable after 5 minutes. Is there such a thing as a view timeout?
Will the session timeout then work for the post request as well or do I need to implement it there as well?
This is my view:
The out commented code at the end is what I was thinking of doing. Can I even do it in the view directly? How else can I do this and test it?
class GameView(APIView):
API View that retrieves the game,
retrieves an game round as well as a random resource per round
allows users to post tags that are verified and saved accordingly to either the Tag or Tagging table
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
current_score = 0
if not isinstance(request.user, CustomUser):
current_user_id = 1
current_user_id =
random_resource = Resource.objects.all().order_by('?').first()
resource_serializer = ResourceSerializer(random_resource)
gameround = Gameround.objects.create(user_id=current_user_id,
gameround_serializer = GameroundSerializer(gameround)
return Response({'resource':,
# TODO: handle timeout after 5 min!
# now =
# end_of_game = start_time + timezone.timedelta(minutes=5)
# if :
# return Response({'resource':, 'gameround':,})
# else:
# return Response(status=status.HTTP_408_REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
*Testing the out commented code in Postman always leads to a 408_request_timeout.


Django asyncio for saving (big amount of) objects - Nothing saved

I want to fetch categories from a Magento API and display them in a template. In the same time, I want to save them in DB for an ulterior use.
Categories are too many and the render of the template takes more than 30 sec.
I start to learn using asyncio but couldn't get my way with it. I surely missed something.
First, my URL leads to the function that retrieves the categories
def get_categories(request):
cats = fetch_categories()
tree = cats['children_data']
print('erreur : impossible de récupérer les catégories (fetch_categories)')
return render(request, 'categories/categories_list.html', {'tree': tree})
When I get the "categories tree", I send it to
async def parse_categories(tree):
for lvl1 in tree:
all_tasks = []
# main products categories (turbo, injectors ...)
for lvl2 in lvl1['children_data']:
# sub categories like RENAULT, DACIA
for lvl3 in lvl2['children_data']:
for lvl4 in lvl3['children_data']:
for lvl5 in lvl4['children_data']:
My save() function is async. I'm not sure it should be. Before I started using async, it was working.
async def save_cat(cat):
cat_id = cat['id']
new_cat = Category() = cat_id = cat.get('name', None)
new_cat.parent = cat.get('parent_id', None)
new_cat.url = cat.get('path', None)
new_cat.is_active = cat.get('is_active', None)
new_cat.position = cat.get('position', None)
new_cat.level = cat.get('level', None)
When I run, no error. The context is well sent to the template and displays well. But no category is saved.
I also tried to make a task list with asyncio.create_task in each level and execute the loop at the end of parse_categories() like said in this thread, without success.
responses = asyncio.gather(*all_tasks, return_exceptions=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Any clue to solve my case will be welcome

set time to live for each session separately KVsession flask

KBsession stores the session TTL based on PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME is there a way to override this for specific sessions
so I have two different API for login I need to give any user login from one of them an infinite session TTL, the other one will take PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME value
note: KBsession back-end is redis
I think the best way is use Session Interface to create specific processing. This is just an example, but I hope you can understand approach.
from flask import Flask, session as flask_session, jsonify
flask_app = Flask(__name__)
# just a few user types
def login_default():
flask_session['user_type'] = DEFAULT_USER_TYPE
return 'login default done'
def login_unique():
flask_session['user_type'] = UNIQUE_USER_TYPE
return 'login unique done'
def get_session_state():
return jsonify(dict(flask_session))
class UserTypeSessionInterface(SecureCookieSessionInterface):
def get_expiration_time(self, app, session):
I just override method. Just demonstration.
It's called from save_session() and open_session()
if session.get('user_type') == UNIQUE_USER_TYPE:
# set 1 hour for unique users
delta = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1)
# set 3 hour for default users
delta = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=3)
# add datetime data into session
session['lifetime'] = delta.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
return delta
# use our custom session implementation
flask_app.session_interface = UserTypeSessionInterface()
Now run server, open new private window, /login-default and /session-state:
# default behaviour
"lifetime": "2018-11-06T16:22:21",
"user_type": "default"
Open one more private window, /login-unique and /session-state:
# unique behaviour
"lifetime": "2018-11-06T14:25:17",
"user_type": "unique"
So, session store tool doesn't matter(redis, cassandra or something else). All what you need is just implement open_session() and save_session():
class YourSessionProcessor(SessionInterface):
def open_session(self, app, request):
# just do here all what you need
def save_session(self, app, session, response):
# just do here all what you need
flask_app.session_interface = YourSessionProcessor()
Also you can use custom session class(just an example):
from flask.sessions import SessionMixin
from werkzeug.datastructures import CallbackDict
class CustomSession(CallbackDict, SessionMixin):
def __init__(self, initial=None, sid=None):
def on_update(self):
self.modified = True
CallbackDict.__init__(self, initial, on_update=on_update)
self.sid = sid
self.modified = False
# YourSessionProcessor
def open_session(self, app, request):
# you can find any useful data in request
# you can find all settings in app.config
sid = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name)
# ... do here everything what you need
return CustomSession(sid=sid)
Hope this helps.

on data.put() i need to display to the user that the data has been successfully submitted or failure incase pof one

am using python and google app engine majorly on jinja2 templates
i could like when a user registers a new account, they get a popup indicating that their registration is successful of even any alert on the very interface before moving to the next registration step.
def post(self):
user = (str(users.get_current_user().email()))
userquery = Users.query( == user)
count = userquery.count()
if count == 0:
#test if user is admin or employee
qry = Users.query()
count = qry.count()
if count == 0:
privilage = 'admin'
db_put = Users(
l_name = self.request.get("l_name"),
org = self.request.get("org"),
privilage = privilage
How are you calling this POST method? Are you sending a form there directly (use method 1) or is this being done with an AJAX call (use method 2)?
Method 1
You can redirect to a GET page where you render a template with a success or error message for Jinja to use. This would however involve a page change.
import webapp2
class MyHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self): # Let's assume /someurl is mapped to this handler.
template_values = {}
notification = self.request.get('notification')
if notification:
template_values['notification'] = notification
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
# Need to get the template from jinja and set it as template variable.
def post(self):
# Do all your stuff here.
Alternatively you can set the parameters directly on the request instead of passing them as URI parameters:
def post(self):
# Do all your stuff here.
self.redirect('/someurl, params={'notification': 'Success'})
Method 2
In this method you can send back a JSON response with a success or error message. The caller (whatever function in your javascript that submitted the request to the backend) can use that to render a butterbar message or other popup notification of your choosing:
import json
import webapp2
class MyHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
# Do all your stuff here.
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
self.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment'
For the latter, make sure you think about cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities and perhaps add a JSON prefix.

Multiple ajax request (Singleton Pattern)

I am using django restless for an ajax POST request, which took almost 10 to 20 seconds.
Here is my code.
class testEndPoint(Endpoint):
def post(self, request):
testForm = TestEmailForm(
if testForm.is_valid():
sometable = EmailTable.object.get(**condition)
if sometable.is_email_sent == false:
#Send Email
#Took around 15 seconds
sometable.is_email_sent = true
result = testForm.errors
return serialize(result)
i am calling it via $.ajax, but the problem is if two request hit this url with milliseconds time difference, both request passed through if sometable.is_email_sent = false: condition.
How can i prevent multiple submission. Right now i have moved sometable.is_email_sent = true;; before email send part, but i need more generic solution as there are dozen more places where this is happening. I am on django 1.5
django restless
You should disable the originating input element before you start your ajax call (that will prevent the majority of these issues).
The remaining problems can be solved by using select_for_update
class testEndPoint(Endpoint):
def post(self, request):
testForm = TestEmailForm(
if testForm.is_valid():
condition['is_email_sent'] = False
rows = EmailTable.objects.select_for_update().filter(**condition)
for row in rows:
row.is_email_sent = True
#Send Email
result = testForm.errors
return serialize(result)
select_for_update will lock the rows until the end of the transaction (i.e. it needs to be inside a transaction). By adding is_email_sent=False to the condition, we can remove the if. I've moved the changing of is_email_sent above the "Send Email", but it is not strictly necessary -- in any case it will be undone by the transaction rolling back if there is an exception.

SQLAlchemy query not retrieving committed data in alternate session

I have a problem where I insert a database item using a SQLAlchemy / Tastypie REST interface, but the item is missing when subsequently get the list of items. It shows up only after I get the list of items a second time.
I am using SQLAlchemy with Tastypie/Django running on Apache via mod_wsgi. I use a singleton Database Manager class to hold my engine and declarative_base, and with Tastypie, a separate class to get the session and make sure I roll-back if there is a problem with the commit. As in the update below, the problem occurs when I don't close my session after inserting. Why is this necessary?
My original code was like this:
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True))
# Singleton Database Manager class for managing session
class DatabaseManager():
engine = None
base = None
def ready(self):
if self.engine and self.base:
return True
self.engine = create_engine(host, pool_recycle=3600)
self.base = declarative_base(bind=self.engine)
return True
return False
def getSession(self):
if self.ready():
session = Session()
return session
return None
DM = DatabaseManager()
# A session class I use with Tastypie to ensure the session is destroyed at the
# end of the transaction, because Tastypie creates singleton Resources used for
# all threads
class MySession:
def __init__(self):
self.s = DM.getSession()
def safeCommit(self):
def __del__(self):
# ... Then ... when I get requests through Apache/mod_wsgi/Django/Tastypie
# First Request
db = MySession()
print db.s.query(DBClass).count() # returns 4
newItem = DBClass()
print db.s.query(DBClass).count() # returns 5
# Second Request after First Request returns
db = MySession()
print db.s.query(DBClass).count() # returns 4 ... should be 5
# Third Request is okay
db = MySession()
print db.s.query(DBClass).count() # returns 5
After further digging, it appears that the problem is my session needed to be closed after creating. Perhaps because Tastypie's object_create() adds the SQLAlchemy object to it's bundle, and I don't know what happens after it leaves the function's scope:
db = MySession()
newItem = DBClass()
copiedObj = copyObj(newItem) # copy SQLAlchemy record into non-sa object (see below)
return copiedObj
If someone cares to explain this in an answer, I can close the question. Also, for those who are curious, I copy my object out of SQLAlchemy like this:
class Struct:
def __init__(self, **entries):
class MyTastypieResource(Resource):
def copyObject(self, object):
base = {}
# self._meta is part of my tastypie resource
for p in class_mapper(self._meta.object_class).iterate_properties:
if p.key not in base and p.key not in self._meta.excludes:
base[p.key] = getattr(object,p.key)
return Struct(**base)
The problem was resolved by closing my session. The update in the answer didn't solve the problem fully - I ended up adding a middleware class to close the session at the end of a transaction. This ensured everything was written to the database. The middleware looks a bit like this:
class SQLAlchemySessionMiddleWare(object):
def process_response(self, request, response):
session = MyDatabaseManger.getSession()
except Exception, err:
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
session = MyDatabaseManger.getSession()
except Exception, err: