Trying to upload video to vimeo via API, resumable approach, getting 412 response - vimeo-api

I'm trying to upload a video via the presumable approach, I'm able to get the upload link through PHP curl and jQuery ajax
then I'm trying to upload the file but I receive 412 error.
Failed because: Error: Tus: unable to resume upload (new upload cannot be created without an endpoint), originated from request (method: HEAD, URL:, response code: 412, response text: , request id: n/a) (123456789 is just a dummy number here)
I tried to remove the headers but I get 404 error which seems worse to me, so I kept the headers.
I'm unable to upload the file via Postman (testing API software)which is also weird, PATCH with binary data in body, I get a response 204 that there is no content.
When I try the HEAD request for the upload link via Postman (testing API software), I get status 200.
Expected behavior
The file should have been uploaded to Vimeo in chunks...
Used Tus-JS-client version: [1.0.0]
CDN: ttps://
function resumable(url) {
let file = $('#video')[0].files[0];
var chunkSize = 128;
// Create a new tus upload
const upload = new tus.Upload(file, {
uploadUrl: url,
"Tus-Resumable": "1.0.0",
"Accept": "application/vnd.vimeo.*+json;version=3.4"
//endpoint: url,
retryDelays: [0, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000],
metadata: {
filetype: file.type,
uploadSize: file.size,
onError(error) {
console.log(`Failed because: ${error}`);
onProgress(bytesUploaded, bytesTotal) {
const percentage = ((bytesUploaded / bytesTotal) * 100).toFixed(2);
console.log(bytesUploaded, bytesTotal, `${percentage}%`);
onSuccess() {
console.log('Download %s from %s',, upload.url);
// Check if there are any previous uploads to continue.
upload.findPreviousUploads().then(function (previousUploads) {
// Found previous uploads so we select the first one.
if (previousUploads.length) {
// Start the upload

tus-js-client documentation has a Vimeo-specific example


Uploading Base64 file to S3 signed URL

I need to upload an image to S3 using signed URL. I have the image in a base64 string. The below code runs without throwing any error, but at the end I see a text file with base64 content in the S3, not the binary image.
Can you please point out what I am missing?
Generate Signed URL (Lambda function JavaScript)
const signedUrlExpireSeconds = 60 * 100;
var url = s3.getSignedUrl("putObject", {
Bucket: process.env.ScreenshotBucket,
Key: s3Key,
ContentType: "image/jpeg",
ContentEncoding: "base64",
Expires: signedUrlExpireSeconds,
Upload to S3 (Java Code)
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().PUT(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(body))
.header("Content-Encoding", "base64").header("Content-Type", "image/jpeg").uri(URI.create(url)).build();
HttpResponse<String> response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
if (response.statusCode() != 200) {
throw new Exception(response.body());
I am not familiar with the AWS JavaScript SDK. But it seems that setting the 'Content-Type' metadata of the object (not the Content-Type of the putObject HTTP request) to 'image/jpeg' should do the trick.
Fixed it while just playing around with the combinations.
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().PUT(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(body))
Changed to
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().PUT(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofByteArray(body))

How do I make putObject request to presignedUrl using s3 AWS

I am working with AWS S3 Bucket, and trying to upload image from react native project managed by expo. I have express on the backend. I have created a s3 file on backend that handles getting the presigned url, and this works, and returns the url to the front end inside this thunk function from reduxjs toolkit. I used axios to send request to my server, this works. I have used axios and fetch to try the final put to the presigned url but when it reached the s3 bucket there is nothing in the file just an empty file with 200 bytes everytime. When I use the same presigned url from postman and upload and image in binary section then send the post request the image uploads to the bucket no problems. When I send binary or base64 to bucket from RN app it just uploads those values in text form. I attempted react-native-image-picker but was having problems with that too. Any ideas would be helpful thanks. I have included a snippet from redux slice. If you need more info let me know.
redux slice projects.js
// create a project
// fancy funtion here ......
export const createProject = createAsyncThunk(
async (postData) => {
// sending image to s3 bucket and getting a url to store in d
const response = await axios.get("/s3")
// post image directly to s3 bucket
const s3Url = await fetch(, {
method: "PUT",
body: postData.image
// make another request to my server to store extra data
try {
const response = await'/works', postData)
} catch (err) {
console.log("Create projects failed: ", err)

Upload attachment failure Facebook Attachment Upload API

I am trying to add an attachment to my message via facebook attachment upload API.
I am sending from a page (that I am an admin of) to a user that has sent message to my page.
Simple text messages are sent and also attachments as type 'file' is also working correctly. But when I put in 'image' or 'audio' as an attachment, the facebook sends response:
error: {
message: '(#100) Upload attachment failure.',
type: 'OAuthException',
code: 100,
error_subcode: 2018047,
fbtrace_id: 'AzfHWxf3AnikXiCCC-hYJOu'
Here is my code:
let messageData = {
message: {
attachment: {
**type: "image"**,
payload: {
is_reusable: true,
url: <url of the image>
let data = await`${accessToken}`, messageData)
Upload attachment failure. A common way to trigger this error is that the provided media type does not match type of file provided int the URL
from official docs

Getting "Bad Request" for Postman API

I simply took an example from Postman API Documentation for Create Collection and removed the extra request outside the folder.
My intention is to create just a folder with 1 request in it.
Here is the request:
"name":"Sample Collection",
"description":"This is just a sample collection.",
"name":"This is a folder",
"name":"Sample POST Request",
"raw": "{
\"data\": \"123\"
"description":"This is a sample POST Request"
But for this, I am getting "Bad Request" error, what exactly is wrong with my request?
EDIT - Here's what it looks like in Postman
To me, it looks like you’re trying to send the whole collection json file back to that route.
The JSON in the request body on the image is what you would import into Postman to get the Sample Collection folder. This contains a request called Sample POST Request
Copy the request body JSON and save it as a .json file - Then import this using the Import feature in the top left on the application.
This will then create the folder for you in the application with the sample POST request.
If you send it to the echo URL, you will receive a response telling you that the URL has now changed to - Add this new URL into the address bar and hit Send.

Using pre-signed S3 URL using AFNetworking to upload from an iOS app

I am trying to upload an image from my iPhone app to S3 and then store the S3 url back into my rails app. I am not supposed to embed credentials in the iOS app so the approach i'm taking is to:
Step 1. iPhone app sends a request to my rails server to return a pre-signed S3 URL for uploading the image.
Step 2. Rails server uses aws-sdk gem to generate and return a pre-signed URL How to store data in S3 and allow user access in a secure way with rails API / iOS client?
Step 3. iPhone app uses AFNetworking to post the NSData of the image to S3.
I did my best to follow all the directions I found online but it's not working and the result of step 3 returns Error 401 forbidden. Since I am a newbie at this I don't even know what I am doing wrong.
In Step 2, my code looks like this:
def getS3Url
s3 =
:access_key_id => "MY S3 KEY",
:secret_access_key => "MY SECRET ACCESS KEY"
object = s3.buckets[params["bucket"]].objects[params["path"]]
#s3url = object.url_for(:write, { :expires => 20.minutes.from_now, :secure => true }).to_s
The url returned from step2 looks something like this:[access key id]&Expires=[expiration timestamp]&Signature=[Signature]
And once i get that URL i try to post to it by doing the following:
AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
[manager POST:[responseObject valueForKey:#"s3url"] parameters:nil constructingBodyWithBlock:^(id<AFMultipartFormData> formData) {
[formData appendPartWithFileData:jpegData name:#"file" fileName:self.filename mimeType:#"image/png"];
} success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
NSLog(#"Success: %#", responseObject);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", error);
In this code I extract the url out from the returned object with [responseObject valueForKey:#"s3url"], and then pass that as the URL to post. But it doesn't work. Here's the log when i run it in XCode:
Error: Error Domain=AFNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Request failed: forbidden (403)" UserInfo=0x156daaf0 {NSErrorFailingURLKey=[access key id]&Expires=[expiration timestamp]&Signature=[Signature], NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: forbidden (403), NSUnderlyingError=0x156aef90 "Request failed: unacceptable content-type: application/xml", AFNetworkingOperationFailingURLResponseErrorKey= { URL:[access key id]&Expires=[expiration timestamp]&Signature=[Signature] } { status code: 403, headers {
Connection = close;
"Content-Type" = "application/xml";
Date = "Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:21:33 GMT";
Server = AmazonS3;
"Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
"x-amz-id-2" = "FJwEeOjV1/osJKgKeHO+/OjXVBEbvW09XxNX2kn1UYIuHswU+LKh0mJODRJDNLXm";
"x-amz-request-id" = 46E84D0967B6D4CD;
} }}
At this point I don't even know what I am doing wrong. Maybe I'm not even posting to the correct URL. Maybe I need to do more than just POST. I spent the entire weekend trying to figure this out and failed. Could someone please help? Thanks.
I faced a similar "challenge". I had to upload with AFNetworking 2.0 an image to an S3 bucket with a pre-signed URL from my server. In one of my many try and error attempts of doing it I got the same 403 error, and what happened to me was that I had to put the right headers in the request:
Content-Type with the mime type of the image
x-amz-acl as public-read for my bucket configuration
The Content-Length seemed to be optional and note that I haven't uploaded the image in multipart.
So this is what I ended up doing:
+(void) uploadImage:(UIImage *)image atUrl:(NSString *)url withMimeType:(NSString *)mimeType withSuccess:(void (^)(id responseObject))success failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure {
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.1);
NSURL *requestURL = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
AFHTTPSessionManager *client = [[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:requestURL];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init];
[request setHTTPMethod:#"PUT"];
[request setValue:mimeType forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Type"];
[request setHTTPBody:imageData];
[request setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%lu", (unsigned long)[imageData length]] forHTTPHeaderField:#"Content-Length"];
[request setValue:#"public-read" forHTTPHeaderField:#"x-amz-acl"];
[request setURL:requestURL];
NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [client dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, id responseObject, NSError *error) {
if (error == nil) {
if (success) {
} else {
if (failure) {
[task resume];
where url is the presigned url that I've got from my server. Check the JPEG compression that I have at 0.1 as you might want a different compression. In my case the image quality is not important.
Adding to josebama's answer above,
I didnt need to add "x-amz-acl" header field, but instead I added "x-amz-date" and "authorization" headers. Both these headers were returned, from the an API that handled communication with Amazon service, along with a signed URL. The upload to the URL was only successful when I added the two aforementioned header values.
Simply including the "x-amz-acl" header, in my case, would result in a failure to upload.
Perhaps some server side parameters differ or perhaps some setup parameters for amazon vary, needless to say that a solution that works for me might not work for others so it might be good a idea to look at your backend setup a bit..