How to call a non-static method from a function pointer? - c++

I have a class "Person" like so:
typedef void (*action)();
typedef std::unordered_map<int, action> keybindMap; // maps keycodes to functions
class Person {
keybindMap keybinds;
void doSomething();
I use this to call the functions at the right times:
iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym); // event.key.keysym.sym is the key code
if (iter != keybinds.end())
(*iter->second)(); // call whatever function that key is bound to.
To bind a key, I used keybinds.insert_or_assign(SDLK_a, doSomething). However, this doesn't work (because doSomething is non-static). How do I change the binding code and/or the (*iter->second)() part so that I can call something equivalent to person.doSomething?

A non-static method requires an object to call it on. An ordinary function pointer doesn't have room to hold a reference to an object.
If you change your map to hold std::function instead, you can then use std::bind() or a lambda to associate an object with a method pointer, eg:
using action = std::function<void()>;
using keybindMap = std::unordered_map<int, action>;
class Person {
keybindMap keybinds;
void doSomething();
Person p, otherP; //must outlive the map...
p.keybinds[...] = [&otherP](){ otherP.doSomething(); }
iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym);
if (iter != keybinds.end()) {
On the other hand, if all of the target methods are in the same class/object, you can use a plain method pointer instead of std::function, which will reduce some overhead, eg:
class Person {
using action = void (Person::*)();
using keybindMap = std::unordered_map<int, action>;
keybindMap keybinds;
void doSomething();
keybinds[...] = &Person::doSomething;
iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym);
if (iter != keybinds.end()) {


C++ calling a function pointer stored in a struct in a map

I am getting the error term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments when trying to call a function pointer.
The function pointer is stored in a struct. The struct is then stored in a map.
typedef void (CLIOptions::*OptionHandler)(QString);
struct OptionDefinition {
QString name;
QString description;
QString type;
OptionHandler handler;
typedef std::map<QString, OptionDefinition> CLIOptionMap;
I initialise the map like this:
CLIOptionMap optionMap =
QString("Set the TCP server host address"),
// etc...
The problem occurs when I try to iterate through the map and call the handler:
for (it = optionMap.begin(); it != optionMap.end(); ++it) {
QString value = /*snip...*/
What is my problem here?
Your problem is that you don't have a function pointer, you have a pointer to member function, and they are very different beasts. A pointer-to-member-function isn't even a pointer in general (it has to be able to handle pointer to a virtual function in a second virtual base class!)
Given you have a pmf, you need an object to invoke the pmf on. So something like:
for (it = optionMap.begin(); it != optionMap.end(); ++it) {
QString value = /*snip...*/
const auto pmf = it->second.handler;
actually, if you going to use C++11 auto, you can also use the foreach loop:
for (const auto& option : optionMap) {
const auto pmf = option.handler;

c++ - Pointer to "unknown" class

I wrote a special class which checks some states of some external stuff and if something changes I would like to call a callback function.
These function should be not only a global function instead of a function of a special class.
To show what I mean here is some code:
void myClass::addCallbackFunction(unsigned int key, TheSpecialClass* obj, void (TheSpecialClass::*func)(unsigned int, bool)) {
if(!obj) {
callbackFunction cbf;
cbf.object = obj;
cbf.func = func;
if(!(callbackFunctions.find(key) == callbackFunctions.end())) {
//Key allready exists.
} else {
//Key does not exists at the moment. Just create it.
vector<callbackFunction> v;
callbackFunctions.insert({key, v});
void MyClass::callCallbackFunction(unsigned int key, bool newValue) {
vector<callbackFunction> cbfs;
if(!(callbackFunctions.find(key) == callbackFunctions.end())) {
cbfs = callbackFunctions[key];
//calling every function which should be called on a state change.
for(vector<callbackFunction>::iterator it = cbfs.begin(); it != cbfs.end(); ++it) {
((it->object)->*(it->func))(key, newValue);
//to show the struct and the used map
struct callbackFunction {
TheSpecialClass* object;
void (TheSpecialClass::*func)(unsigned int, bool) ;
map<unsigned int, vector<callbackFunction> > callbackFunctions;
Now I want to make 'TheSpecialClass' to some kind of Pointer to a class which can variate. I found void-Pointer but then I have to know which class I passed. I thought there is something like the function pointer out there which I did not found yet.
Do someone know a solution?
I used boost::signal2 to match my usecase.
A tutorial for boost::signal2 is found here.
The signals whould only call functions. Not functions on a special object. There is a workaround by using boost::bind() like:
boost::bind(boost::mem_fn(&SpecialClass::memberFunctionOfTheClass), PointerToTheObjectOfSepcialClass, _1)
The _1 is a placeholder which creates a function (reference) which requires one argument. You can add some more placeholders to use more arguments.

Knowing when to delete associated user data from a std::map<void *, ...>

I have a map of addresses that allows me to store arbitrary data with objects. Basically, a library I'm writing has a templated function that winds up storing arbitrary data with objects.
std::map<void *, MyUserData>
This works, until the object passed in is destroyed, leaving its user data in the map. I want the associated user data to be removed as well, so I need to somehow listen for the destructor of the passed in object,
Some example code that illustrates the problem:
#include <map>
#include <memory>
struct MyUserData
int someNum;
std::map<void *, MyUserData> myMap;
template <typename T>
registerObject<T>(const std::shared_ptr<T> & _object)
static inc = 0;
myMap[(void *)&_object->get()].someNum = inc++;
struct MyObject
int asdf;
int main(int _argc, char ** _argv)
auto obj = std::make_shared<MyObject>();
obj->asdf = 5;
obj = 0;
//The user data is still there. I want it to be removed at this point.
My current solution is to set a custom deleter on the shared_ptr. This signals me for when the object's destructor is called, and tells me when to remove the associated user data. Unfortunately, this requires my library to create the shared_ptr, as there is no "set_deleter" function. It must be initialized in the constructor.
mylib::make_shared<T>(); //Annoying!
I could also have the user manually remove their objects:
mylib::unregister<T>(); //Equally annoying!
My goal is to be able to lazily add objects without any prior-registration.
In a grand summary, I want to detect when the object is deleted, and know when to remove its counterpart from the std::map.
Any suggestions?
P.S. Should I even worry about leaving the user data in the map? What are the chances that an object is allocated with the same address as a previously deleted object? (It would end up receiving the same user data as far as my lib is concerned.)
EDIT: I don't think I expressed my problem very well initially. Rewritten.
From you code example, it looks like the external interface is
template <typename T>
registerObject<T>(const std::shared_ptr<T> & _object);
I assume there is a get-style API somewhere. Let's call this getRegisteredData. (It could be internal.)
Within the confines of the question, I'd use std::weak_ptr<void> instead of void*, as std::weak_ptr<T> can tell when there are no more "strong references" to the object around, but won't prevent the object from being deleted by maintaining a reference.
std::map<std::weak_ptr<void>, MyUserData> myMap;
template <typename T>
registerObject<T>(const std::shared_ptr<T> & _object)
static inc = 0;
myMap[std::weak_ptr<void>(_object)].someNum = inc++;
template <typename T>
MyUserData getRegisteredData(const std::shared_ptr<T> & _object)
return myMap[std::weak_ptr<void>(_object)];
void Internal_RemoveDeadObjects()
auto iter = myMap.cbegin();
while (iter != myMap.cend())
auto& weakPtr = (*iter).first;
const bool needsRemoval = !(weakPtr.expired());
if (needsRemoval)
auto itemToRemove = iter;
Basically, std::weak_ptr and std::shared_ptr collaborate and std::weak_ptr can detect when there are no more std::shared_ptr references to the object in question. Once that is the case, we can remove the ancillary data from myMap. I'm using the two interfaces to myMap, your registerObject and my getRegisteredData as convenient places to call Internal_RemoveDeadObjects to perform the clean up.
Yes, this walks the entirety of myMap every time a new object is registered or the registered data is requested. Modify as you see fit or try a different design.
You ask "Should I even worry about leaving the user data in the map? What are the chances that an object is allocated with the same address as a previously deleted object?" In my experience, decidedly non-zero, so don't do this. :-)
I'd add a deregister method, and make the user deregister their objects. With the interface as given, where you're stripping the type away, I can't see a way to check for the ref-count, and C++ doesn't provide a way to check whether memory has been deleted or not.
I thought about it for a while and this is as far as I got:
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
struct MyUserData
int someNum;
map<void *, MyUserData> myMap;
template<class T>
class my_shared_ptr : public shared_ptr<T>
my_shared_ptr() { }
my_shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<T>& s) : shared_ptr<T>(s) { }
my_shared_ptr(T* t) : shared_ptr<T>(t) { }
if (unique())
template <typename T>
void registerObject(const my_shared_ptr<T> & _object)
static int inc = 0;
myMap[(void *)_object.get()].someNum = inc++;
struct MyObject
int asdf;
int main()
my_shared_ptr<MyObject> obj2;
my_shared_ptr<MyObject> obj = make_shared<MyObject>();
obj->asdf = 5;
obj2 = obj;
assert(myMap.size() == 1);
/* obj is destroyed, but obj2 still points to the data */
assert(myMap.size() == 1);
/* obj2 is destroyed, nobody points to the data */
assert(myMap.size() == 0);
Note however that it wouldn't work if you wrote obj = nullptr; , or obj.reset(), since the object isn't destroyed in those cases (no destructor called). Also, you can't use auto with this solution.
Also, be careful not to call (void *)&_object.get() like you were doing. If I'm not terribly wrong, by that statement you're actually taking the address of the temporary that _object.get() returns, and casting it to void. That address, however, becomes invalid instantly after.
This sounds like a job for... boost::intrusive (! I don't think the current interface will work exactly as it stands though. I'll try to work out a few more details a little later as I get a chance.
You can just do
delete obj;
obj = 0;
this will call the destructor for your user data and remove it from the map.
Or you could make your own manager:
class Pointer;
extern std::map<Pointer,UserData> data;
class Pointer
void * pointer;
//operator ()
void * operator()()
return pointer;
//operator =
Pointer& operator= (void * ptr)
if(ptr == 0)
pointer = 0;
pointer = ptr;
return *this;
Pointer(void * ptr)
pointer = ptr;
pointer = 0;
struct UserData
static int whatever;
std::map<Pointer,UserData> data;
int main()
data[Pointer(new UserData())].whatever++;
data[Pointer(new UserData())].whatever++;
data[Pointer(new UserData())].whatever++;
data[Pointer(new UserData())].whatever++;
Pointer x(new UserData());
x = 0;
return 0;

How to pass a reference of manager to the handler object?

What I want to do is to write a small Manager/Handler class. A Manager distributes and manages Handles. Such a handle could be for example a simple filehandle.
If a consumer wants to get a handle which already exists, the manager simply returns a shared_ptr. If the handle does not exist, the manager creates a new handle and then returns the shared_ptr.
Inside the Manager, those shared_ptr's are stored in a simple STL-Map.
If the last shared_ptr, which was assigned gets deleted, I want my manager to remove the related map-element, so that the handler object automatically gets destructed.
This sounds a bit like garbage-collection(e.g. worker thread, which checks the usage count of the pointers), but I am sure it can be done more elegantly.
How do I pass a reference of the manager instance to the handler object? (e.g. sth. like passing a unique_ptr(this) to the constructor of a new handler)
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
* Simple handler class, that actually does nothing.
* This could be e.g. a Filehandler class or sth. like that
class Handler {
int i;
Handler(int i) :i(i) {}
~Handler() {}
// Say who you are.
void print(void) { cout << "I am handler # " << i << endl; }
* This is the "manager" class, that manages all handles. A handle is identified
* by an integer value. If a handle already exists, the Manager returns a shared_ptr,
* if it does not exist, the manager creates a new handle.
class Manager {
map<int, shared_ptr<Handler> > handles;
Manager() {}
~Manager() {}
shared_ptr<Handler> get_handler(int identifier) {
shared_ptr<Handler> retval;
auto it = handles.find(identifier);
if(it != handles.end() ) {
retval = it->second;
} else {
retval = shared_ptr<Handler>(new Handler(identifier));
handles.insert( pair<int, shared_ptr<Handler>>(identifier, retval) );
return retval;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Manager m;
// Handler 13 doesn't exist, so it gets allocated
auto h = m.get_handler(13);
// Manager knows about handler 13, so it returns the already existing shared_ptr
auto i = m.get_handler(13);
h.reset(); // Well... Let's assume we don't need h any more...
// do some stuff...
// ...
i.reset(); // We also loose i. This is exactly the point where i want the manager to forget about the handle 13
return 0;
You may want to hold non-owning pointers in your manager to keep track of existing handles, and give away owning shared_ptr with a custom deleter. The custom deleter would make sure the corresponding observing pointer in the manager is removed when the object eventually gets destroyed.
I called this pattern Tracking Factory, and here is how it works. Given an object class (would be Handler in your case):
class object
size_t get_id() const
return _id;
friend class tracking_factory;
object(size_t id) : _id(id) { }
size_t _id = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
I define a class which creates instances of object and stores non-owning references (weak_ptrs) to them. This class is the only class through which instances of object can be created - this is why the constructor of object is private, and tracking_factory is declared as friend in order to be able to access it:
class tracking_factory
std::shared_ptr<object> get_object(size_t id,
bool createIfNotFound = true)
auto i = std::find_if(
[id] (std::pair<size_t const, std::weak_ptr<object>> const& p)
-> bool
return (p.first == id);
if (i != end(_objects))
return i->second.lock();
else if (createIfNotFound)
return make_object(id);
return std::shared_ptr<object>();
size_t count_instances() const
return _objects.size();
std::shared_ptr<object> make_object(size_t id)
std::shared_ptr<object> sp(
new object(id),
[this, id] (object* p)
delete p;
_objects[id] = sp;
return sp;
std::map<size_t, std::weak_ptr<object>> _objects;
Then, the rest of program will obtain shared_ptrs to objects through the object_factory: if an object with the desired characteristics (an id member here) has been created already, a shared_ptr to it will be returned without a new object being instantiated. Here is some code to test the functionality:
#include <iostream>
int main()
tracking_factory f;
auto print_object_count = [&f] ()
std::cout << "Number of objects: " << f.count_instances() << std::endl;
auto p1 = f.get_object(42);
auto p2 = f.get_object(42);
p1 = f.get_object(0);
Finally, here is a live example.
Store std::weak_ptr objects in the map; they don't retain ownership, so when the last std::shared_ptr object goes away the resource will be destroyed. But they do keep track of whether there are any remaining std::shared_ptr objects that point to the original object, so putting them in the map lets you check later whether there is still a resource there.

Using async with a polymorphic member function

Trying to create an asyncronous Observer pattern is causing a compiler error C3867, which I am clueless how to resolve it. The sample code snippet is as follows
class Subject;
class Observer
virtual void notify(Subject* s) = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {};
class Subject
std::map<std::string, Observer *> observers;
void notify_observers()
std::map<std::string, Observer *>::iterator iter;
for (iter = observers.begin(); iter != observers.end(); ++iter) {
void (Observer::*notify)(Subject *) = iter->second->notify;
std::async(std::launch::async, notify, this);
virtual ~Subject() {};
void observer(std::string id, Observer* o)
observers[id] = o;
template<typename Iter, typename type>
class Sort : public Observer {
virtual void notify(Subject* s)
TestSort<Iter> *a;
a = dynamic_cast<TestSort<Iter> *>(s);
std::vector<type> temp(a->beg(), a->end());
sort(temp->beg(), temp->end());
template<typename Iter, typename type>
class InsertionSort : public Sort<Iter, type>
void sort(Iter beg, Iter end) {
for (Iter i = beg; i != end; ++i)
std::rotate(std::upper_bound(beg, i, *i), i, i+1);
int main ()
std::vector<double> data(100);
std::generate(data.begin(), data.end(), [](){return rand() % 500;} );
auto ts = TestSort<std::vector<double>::iterator >(data.begin(), data.end());
auto is = new InsertionSort<std::vector<double>::iterator, double >();
//................."InsertionSort", is);
return 0;
Though I understand the error
error C3867: 'Observer::notify': function call missing argument list; use '&Observer::notify' to create a pointer to member
Yet in this context I cannot figure out, how to resolve it.
In this context, if notify would had been a simply addreesable member function, instead of
void (Observer::*notify)(Subject *) = iter->second->notify;
I could have simply write
void (Observer::*notify)(Subject *) = &Observer::notify;
But notify is a polymorphic function and I cannot address the right function during compile time.
Please suggest how should I process
You don't need to figure out the right function during compile time, just as you don't have to figure it out for regular virtual function call. Just use &Observer::notify. The right function is selected at the time of call, not at the time of taking its address.
void (Observer::*notify)(Subject *) = iter->second->notify;
std::async(std::launch::async, notify, this);
void (Observer::*notify)(Subject *) = &Observer::notify;
std::async(std::launch::async, std::mem_fun(notify), iter->second, this);
When you call a method, you need both the pointer-to-instance and arguments. The standard syntax is rettype retval = instance->method(arg);, but std::mem_fun will return a functor you can use like rettype retval = std::mem_fun(&InstanceType::method)(instance, arg); -- it makes the implicit this pointer passed to a member function explicit.
From a pointer to a virtual method, plus an object pointer, std::mem_fun can figure out which instance of the virtual method you should call.
A similar thing can be done with a bind or a lambda. Here is a roughly equivalent call using lambda syntax:
Observer* observer = iter->second;
std::async(std::launch::async, [observer,this]() { observer->notify(this); } );
See the comment below: you don't have to use std::mem_fun, async will do it for you. You do have to pass the instance pointer of the member function as the next argument still.