is there any way to name each entity in dxf file? - drawing

I want to highlight each line or arc at specific time. Example If mobile design is displayed, I want to highlight only screen dimension to be highlighted one side after the other.
If any identifier/unique code field is present in dxf file which I can refer/address each entity?
or should I consider different file format to achieve same.

The entity handle (DXF group 5) is unique and persistent throughout the life of the entity, as such, this may be used to uniquely identify/address an entity within a drawing database.

In addition to the first answer (entity handle), you can make use of Extended Entity Data. You decide what information you want to attach to each entity. This is saved with the DXF file and you can access it later.
To quote:
If an entity contains extended data, it follows the entity's normal definition data. The group codes 1000 through 1071 describe extended data.


Gremlin load data format

I am having difficulty understanding the Gremlin data load format (for use with Amazon Neptune).
Say I have a CSV with the following columns:
The requirements for the Gremlin load format are that the data is in an edge file and a vertex file.
The edge file must have the following columns: id, label, from and to.
The vertex file must have: id and label columns.
I have been referring to this page for guidance:
It states that in the edge file, the from column must equate to "the vertex ID of the from vertex."
And that (in the edge file) the to column must equate to "the vertex ID of the to vertex."
My questions:
Which columns need to be renamed to id, label, from and to? Or, should I add new columns?
Do I only need one vertex file or multiple?
You can have one or more of each CSV file (nodes, edges) but it is recommended to use fewer large files rather than many smaller ones. This allows the bulk loader to split the file up and load it in a parallel fashion.
As to the column headers, let's say you had a node (vertex) file of the form:
The edge file (for dogs that are friends), might look like this
In Amazon Neptune, so long as they are unique, any user provided string can be used as a node or edge ID. So in your example, if customer_no is guaranteed to be unique, rather than store it as a property called customer_no you could instead make it the ~id. This can help later with efficient lookups. You can think of the ID as being a bit like a Primary Key in a relational database.
So in summary, you need to always provide the required fields like ~id and ~label. They are accessed differently using Gremlin steps such as hasLabel and hasId once the data is loaded. Columns with names from your domain like order_no will become properties on the node or edge they are defined with, and will be accessed using Gremlin steps such as has('order_no', 'ABC-123')
To follow on from Kelvin's response and provide some further detail around data modeling...
Before getting to the point of loading the data into a graph database, you need to determine what the graph data model will look like. This is done by first deriving a "naive" approach of how you think the entities in the data are connected and then validating this approach by asking the relevant questions (which will turn into queries) that you want to ask of the data.
By way of example, I notice that your dataset has information related to customers, orders, and items. It also has some relevant attributes related to each. Knowing nothing about your use case, I may derive a "naive" model that looks like:
What you have with your original dataset appears similar to what you might see in a relational database as a Join Table. This is a table that contains multiple foreign keys (the ids/no's fields) and maybe some related properties for those relationships. In a graph, relationships are materialized through the use of edges. So in this case, you are expanding this join table into the original set of entities and the relationships between each.
To validate that we have the correct model, we then want to look at the model and see if we can answer relevant questions that we would want to ask of this data. By example, if we wanted to know all items purchased by a customer, we could trace our finger from a customer vertex to the item vertex. Being able to see how to get from point A to point B ensures that we will be able to easily write graph queries for these questions later on.
After you derive this model, you can then determine how best to transform the original source data into the CSV bulk load format. So in this case, you would take each row in your original dataset and convert that to:
For your vertices:
~id, ~label, zip_code, date_order_created, item_short_description
customer001, Customer, 90210, ,
order001, Order, , 2023-01-10,
item001, Item, , , "A small, non-descript black box"
Note that I'm reusing the no's/ids for the customer, item, and order as the ID for their related vertices. This is always good practice as you can then easily lookup a customer, order, or item by that ID. Also note that the CSV becomes a sparse 2-dimensional array of related entities and their properties. I'm only providing the properties related to each type of vertex. By leaving the others blank, they will not be created.
For your edges, you then need to materialize the relationships between each entity based on the fact that they are related by being in the same row of your source "join table". These relationships did not previously have a unique identifier, so we can create one (it can be arbitrary or based on other parts of the data; it just needs to be unique). I like using the vertex IDs of the two related vertices and the label of the relationship when possible. For the ~from and ~to fields, we are including the vertices from which the relationship is deriving and what it is applying to, respectively:
~id, ~label, ~from, ~to
customer001-has_ordered-order001, has_ordered, customer001, order001
order001-contains-item001, contains, order001, item001
I hope that adds some further color and reasoning around how to get from your source data and into the format that Kelvin shows above.

I have large file contents that I want to make searchable on AWS CloudSearch but the maximum document size is 1MB - how do I deal with this?

I could split the file contents up into separate search documents but then I would have to manually identify this in the results and only show one result to the user - otherwise it will look like there are 2 files that match their search when in fact there is only one.
Also the relevancy score would be incorrect. Any ideas?
So the response from AWS support was to split the files up into separate documents. In response to my concerns regarding relevancy scoring and multiple hits they said the following:
You do raise two very valid concerns here for your more challenging use case here. With regard to relevance, you face a very significant problem already in that is harder to establish a strong 'signal' and degrees of differentiation with large bodies of text. If the documents you have are much like reports or whitepapers, a potential workaround to this may be in indexing the first X number of characters (or the first identified paragraph) into a "thesis" field. This field could be weighted to better indicate what the document subject matter may be without manual review.
With regard to result duplication, this will require post-processing on your end if you wish to filter it. You can create a new field that can generate a unique "Parent" id that will be shared for each chunk of the whole document. The post-processing can check to see if this "Parent" id has already been return(the first result should be seen as most relevant), and if it has, filter the subsequent results. What is doubly useful in such a scenario, is that you include a refinement link into your results that could filter on all matches within that particular Parent id.

How to group objects in PostScript?

I'm trying to print a series of shapes and text is ps. I would like to group each single letter with one shape into one object. It is possible to do this in ps?
What do you mean by 'group' ? There is no concept of grouping in PostScript, but its possible you mean something different to my understanding.
You could define a procedure to draw a series of graphical primitives and refer to that as a 'group'. Or you could define a form, and the form can be considered a 'group'. Or you could define a pattern and paint with that, in a sense that's a group too.
When it comes to text, 'each single letter with one shape' is a reasonable description of a glyph in a specific font. That's already a single object.

Changing a nominal variable to remove one particular label with zero instances in weka

I have a very simple questions, but I am all confused with the user interface, and I could not find it in the documentation.
I have a feature in my dataset that is nominal. It used to have 4 classes but I deleted the instances of one class. Now I want to classify based on this feature.
BUT, in the preprocess window, the attribute is still listed as having 4 classes, of which one has 0 instances. It performs the classification as it should, but in the result, there is a column/row in the confusion matrix and accuracy table for the zero class.
Is there a way to remove the label with zero instances, zo weka thinks that the feature only has three values?
Ok got it. I opened the weka file in an editor. There I could change the feature definition.

What is a good design pattern to implement a dynamic data importer tool?

We are planning to build a dynamic data import tool. Basically taking information on one end in a specified format (access, excel, csv) and upload it into an web service.
The situation is that we do not know the export field names, so the application will need to be able to see the wsdl definition and map to the valid entries in the other end.
In the import section we can define most of the fields, but usually they have a few that are custom. Which I see no problem with that.
I just wonder if there is a design pattern that will fit this type of application or help with the development of it.
I am not sure where the complexity is in your application, so I will just give an example of how I have used patterns for importing data of different formats. I created a factory which takes file format as argument and returns a parser for particular file format. Then I use the builder pattern. The parser is provided with a builder which the parser calls as it is parsing the file to construct desired data objects in application.
// In this example file format describes a house (complex data object)
AbstractReader reader = factory.createReader("name of file format");
AbstractBuilder builder = new HouseBuilder(list_of_houses);
reader.import(text_stream, builder);
// now the list_of_houses should contain an extra house
// as defined in the text_stream
I would say the Adaptor Pattern, as you are "adapting" the data from a file to an object, like the SqlDataDataAdapter does it from a Sql table to a DataTable
have a different Adaptor for each file type/format? example SqlDataAdptor, MySqlDataAdapter, they handle the same commands but different datasources, to achive the same output DataTable
Adaptor pattern
Probably Bridge could fit, since you have to deal with different file formats.
And Façade to simplify the usage. Handle my reply with care, I'm just learning design patterns :)
You will probably also need Abstract Factory and Command patterns.
If the data doesn't match the input format you will probably need to transform it somehow.
That's where the command pattern come in. Because the formats are dynamic, you will need to base the commands you generate off of the input. That's where Abstract factory is useful.
Our situation is that we need to import parametric shapes from competitors files. The layout of their screen and data fields are similar but different enough so that there is a conversion process. In addition we have over a half dozen competitor and maintenance would be a nightmare if done through code only. Since most of them use tables to store their parameters for their shapes we wrote a general purpose collection of objects to convert X into Y.
In my CAD/CAM application the file import is a Command. However the conversion magic is done by a Ruleset via the following steps.
Import the data into a table. The field names are pulled in as well depending on the format.
We pass the table to a RuleSet. I will explain the structure the ruleset in a minute.
The Ruleset transform the data into a new set of objects (or tables) which we retrieve
We pass the result to the rest of the software.
A RuleSet is comprise of set of Rules. A Rule can contain another Rule. A rule has a CONDITION that it tests, and a MAP TABLE.
The MAP TABLE maps the incoming field with a field (or property) in the result. There are can be one mapping or a multitude. The mapping doesn't have to involve just poking the input value into a output field. We have a syntax for calculation and string concatenation as well.
This syntax is also used in the Condition and can incorporate multiple files like ([INFIELD1] & "-" & [INFIELD2])="A-B" or [DIM1] + [DIM2] > 10. Anything between the brackets is substituted with a incoming field.
Rules can contain other Rules. The way this works is that in order for a sub Rule mapping to apply both it's condition and those of it's parent (or parents) have to be true. If a subRule has a mapping that conflicts with a parent's mapping then the subRule Mapping applies.
If two Rules on the same level have condition that are true and have conflicting mapping then the rule with the higher index (or lower on the list if you are looking at tree view) will have it's mapping apply.
Nested Rules is equivalent to ANDs while rules on the same level are equivalent of ORs.
The result is a mapping table that is applied to the incoming data to transform it to the needed output.
It is amicable to be being displayed in a UI. Namely a Treeview showing the rules hierarchy and a side panel showing the mapping table and conditions of the rule. Just as importantly you can create wizards that automate common rule structures.