I want to execute a run command as a domain user belonging to Active Directory - amazon-web-services

I use AWS-RunPowerShellScript in system manager.
At that time, we would like to add an AD user using the dsadd-user command. But this will result in an error because I don't have access permissions.
Because I believe that the command is executed as a local user named ssm-user.
I want to run the command as a user belonging to Active Directory - is it possible?

• Yes, it is possible to run the command as a user belonging to Active Directory for adding an AD user using the ‘dsadd-user’ command. For that purpose, you will have to ensure that this command is executed with elevated (domain administrator or local administrator) privileges. Also, ensure that the system from which the command is executed is a domain joint system. Most probably, I would suggest you to execute the below commands on a domain controller.
Command for adding a user to Active Directory: -
‘ dsadd user <UserDN> [-samid <SAMName>] [-upn <UPN>] [-fn <FirstName>] [-mi <Initial>] [-ln <LastName>] [-display <DisplayName>] [-empid <EmployeeID>] [-pwd {<Password> | *}] [-desc <Description>] [-memberof <Group> ...] [-office <Office>] [-tel <PhoneNumber>] [-email <Email>] [-hometel <HomePhoneNumber>] [-pager <PagerNumber>] [-mobile <CellPhoneNumber>] [-fax <FaxNumber>] [-iptel <IPPhoneNumber>] [-webpg <WebPage>] [-title <Title>] [-dept <Department>] [-company <Company>] [-mgr <Manager>] [-hmdir <HomeDirectory>] [-hmdrv <DriveLetter>:][-profile <ProfilePath>] [-loscr <ScriptPath>] [-mustchpwd {yes | no}] [-canchpwd {yes | no}] [-reversiblepwd {yes | no}] [-pwdneverexpires {yes | no}] [-acctexpires <NumberOfDays>] [-disabled {yes | no}] [{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}] [-u <UserName>] [-p {<Password> | *}] [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}] ’
Example command: -
‘ dsadd user “cn=John Smith,ou=SouthEmployees,dc=northwindtraders,dc=com” -disabled no –pwd C^h3Bdo9# -mustchpwd yes -memberof cn=janitors,ou=SouthEmployees,dc=northwindtraders,dc=com -acctexpires never ‘
• For executing the above command through AWS Systems manager console, please refer to the AWS documentation link below for more details: -


gcloud command - set variable for project to run gcloud command on multiple project ids

I am very new to gcloud command line and new to scripting altogether. I'm cleaning up a GCP org with multiple stray projects. I am trying to run a gcloud command to find the creator of all my projects so I can reach out to each project creator and ask them to clean up a few things.
I found a command to search logs for a project and find the original project creator, provided the project isn't older than 400 days.
gcloud logging read --project [PROJECT] \
--order=asc --limit=1 \
--format='table(protoPayload.methodName, protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail)'
My problem is this: I have over 300 projects in my org currently. I have a .csv of all project names and IDs via (gcloud projects list).
Using the above command. How can I make [project] a variable and call/import the project name field from my .csv as the variable.
What I hope to accomplish is this: The gcloud command line provided the output for each project name in the .csv file and outputs it all to a another .csv file. I hope this all made sense.
I haven't tried anything yet. I don't want to run the same command for each of the 300 projects manually.
I have put together this bash script, however I've been unable to properly test as I don't currently have access to any GCP project, but hopefully it will work.
This is how the CSV file should look like
| ids |
| 1234 |
| 4567 |
| 7890 |
| 0987 |
Output: what the script will generate
| project_id | owner |
| 1234 | john |
| 4567 | doe |
| 7890 | test |
| 0987 | user |
#! /bin/bash
touch output.csv
echo "project_id, owner;" >>> output.csv
while IFS="," read -r data
echo "Fetching project creator for: $data"
creator=$(gcloud logging read --project ${data} --order=asc --limit=1 --format='table(protoPayload.methodName, protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail)')
echo "${data},${creator};" >>> output.csv
done < <(cut -d ";" -f1 input.csv | tail -n +2)

How do I list all groups a GCP service account belongs to?

I have a GSA: my-gsa#myproject.iam.gserviceaccount.com
GCP has supported groups for a while now so I added that GSA to a bunch of groups.
How can I easily see what groups that GSA belongs to?
If this was a google user account I could go to the G Suite console and view the user's group membership. This is a GSA though and it does not appear in the G Suite console like that.
Ideally I could see this in some web console page or with gcloud. This gcloud command will show me the members of a group: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/identity/groups/memberships/list. How do I do the inverse of that, again for a GSA not a google user account?
Not a solution but a script to search all groups. Still think there has to be an API call to get this as a single step. The groups.memberships.searchTransitiveGroups() method I think is only for seeing nested group memberships.
PROJECT_ID=projectname # This can be any project in the org
ORG_ID="$(gcloud projects get-ancestors $PROJECT_ID | grep organization | cut -f1 -d' ')"
# I don't think this label includes GCP security groups just G Suite email groups
GROUPS="$(gcloud beta identity groups search --organization=$ORG_ID --labels='cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.discussion_forum' --format='json')"
GROUP_EMAILS="$(echo $GROUPS | jq '.groups[] | .groupKey.id')"
echo $GROUP_EMAILS | \
xargs -I {} sh -c "echo {} && \
gcloud beta identity groups memberships list --group-email="{}" --format=json | \
jq '.[] | select(.memberKey.id==\"$GSA_TO_SEARCH\").memberKey.id'"

Unable to login ECR web page and show error message

Could you check why user kcizek is not able to login to either hub.tess.io nor ecr? This is first time login but it should work with corp and PIN + Yubi. Login works for me just fine.
I am unable to access https://ecr.vip.ebayc3.com/repository/
When I log in, I am faced with this. The ‘contact us’ link doesn’t have any contact information, so I’m trying here. Any ideas? Thanks.
Potentially relevant background: this is my first time attempting to get access.
enter image description here
It's found the email info is absent in user account.
| Field | Value |
| domain_id | default |
| email | |
| enabled | True |
| id | e69fe5b9d9384b338b3c397c7c84e33f |
| name | kcizek |
Solution is to contact Tess oncall to add email info.
Related Command
openstack user set kcizek --email kcizek#ebay.com

PCF: How to find the list of all the spaces where you have Developer privileges

If you are not an admin in Pivotal Cloud Foundry, how will you find or list all the orgs/spaces where you have developer privileges? Is there a command or menu to get that, instead of going into each space and verifying it?
Here's a script that will dump the org & space names of which the currently logged in user is a part.
A quick explanation. It will call the /v2/spaces api, which already filters to only show spaces of which the currently logged in user can see (if you run with a user that has admin access, it will list all orgs and spaces). We then iterate over the results & take the space's organization_url field and cf curl that to get the organization name (there's a hashmap to cache results).
This script requires Bash 4+ for the hashmap support. If you don't have that, you can remove that part and it will just be a little slower. It also requires jq, and of course the cf cli.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# List all spaces available to the current user
set -e
function load_all_pages {
until [ "$URL" == "null" ]; do
RESP=$(cf curl "$URL")
DATA+=$(echo "$RESP" | jq .resources)
URL=$(echo "$RESP" | jq -r .next_url)
# dump the data
echo "$DATA" | jq .[] | jq -s
function load_all_spaces {
load_all_pages "/v2/spaces"
function main {
declare -A ORGS # cache org name lookups
# load all the spaces & properly paginate
# filter out the name & org_url
SPACES_DATA=$(echo "$SPACES" | jq -rc '.[].entity | {"name": .name, "org_url": .organization_url}')
printf "Org\tSpace\n"
SPACE_NAME=$(echo "$SPACE_JSON" | jq -r '.name')
# take the org_url and look up the org name, cache responses for speed
ORG_URL=$(echo "$SPACE_JSON" | jq -r '.org_url')
if [ "$ORG_NAME" == "" ]; then
ORG_NAME=$(cf curl "$ORG_URL" | jq -r '.entity.name')
printf "$ORG_NAME\t$SPACE_NAME\n"
main "$#"

Environment Variables in newest AWS EC2 instance

I am trying to get ENVIRONMENT Variables into the EC2 instance (trying to run a django app on Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type ami-0ff8a91507f77f867 ). How do you get them in the newest version of amazon's linux, or get the logging so it can be traced.
user-data text (modified from here):
#trying to get a file made
touch /tmp/testfile.txt
cat 'This and that' > /tmp/testfile.txt
#trying to log
echo 'Woot!' > /home/ec2-user/user-script-output.txt
#Trying to get the output logged to see what is going wrong
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data ) 2>&1
#trying to log
#trying to store the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
# Functions
get_parameter_store_tags() {
echo $($AWS ssm get-parameters-by-path --with-decryption --path ${PARAMETER_PATH} --region ${REGION})
params_to_env () {
# If .Ta1gs does not exist we assume ssm Parameteres object.
for key in $(echo $params | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][].${SELECTOR}"); do
value=$(echo $params | /usr/bin/jq -r ".[][] | select(.${SELECTOR}==\"$key\") | .Value")
key=$(echo "${key##*/}" | /usr/bin/tr ':' '_' | /usr/bin/tr '-' '_' | /usr/bin/tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
export $key="$value"
echo "$key=$value"
# Get TAGS
if [ -z "$PARAMETER_PATH" ]
echo "Please provide a parameter store path. -p option"
exit 1
TAGS=$(get_parameter_store_tags ${PARAMETER_PATH} ${REGION})
echo "Tags fetched via ssm from ${PARAMETER_PATH} ${REGION}"
echo "Adding new variables..."
params_to_env "$TAGS"
Notes -
What i think i know but am unsure
the user-data script is only loaded when it is created, not when I stop and then start mentioned here (although it also says [i think outdated] that the output is logged to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log )
I may not be starting the instance correctly
I don't know where to store the bash script so that it can be executed
What I have verified
the user-data text is on the instance by ssh-ing in and curl shows the current text (#!/bin/bash …)
What Ive tried
editing rc.local directly to export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='JEFEJEFEJEFEJEFE' … and the like
putting them in the AWS Parameter Store (and can see them via the correct call, I just can't trace getting them into the EC2 instance without logs or confirming if the user-data is getting run)
putting ENV variables in Tags and importing them as mentioned here:
tried outputting the logs to other files as suggested here (Not seeing any log files in the ssh instance or on the system log)
viewing the System Log on the aws webpage to see any errors/logs via selecting the instance -> 'Actions' -> 'Instance Settings' -> 'Get System Log' (not seeing any commands run or log statements [only 1 unrelated word of user])