502 errors are due to healthcheck setup or resource exhaustion - google-cloud-platform

My setup is a bitnami wordpress hosted on GCP's N2-standard-2 VM. I'm using a HTTPS load balancer and CDN.
I encountered the 502 errors a few times ever since I configured a load balancer. I was doing quite a bit of seo and page scanning tests when this happened.
I've checked that the VM is only using 8-12% of the disk capacity. The log shows CPU Max usage is 9.62%. I've to restart the VM to resolve the error.
What are the cause of the 502 errors
Could it be due to the traffic spike from third party scanning sites?
Is it because of my health check configuration?
Do I have to change a machine type and increase the memory?
What should I look into to troubleshoot it?
This is my healthcheck setup
This is my healthcheck setup
The server was down again and this time round I managed to look for the information you have suggested.
The error is not from Load Balancer
The error is from VM and the error message is:
"Error watching metadata: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"
VM disk size is 100GB. Machine Type is N2-standard-2 VM
It is a Wordpress Instance
Everything is within Quota
Incidents happen on a few occasions:
when I use third party site to scan the website for deadlinks. After the scan is completed, the server will go down shortly after. I have to reboot the instance to make it functional again.
It happens randomly and recover by itself after a while
Thanks everyone for your help. I just managed to figure out how to retrieve the other required info.
I was wrong that the load balancer didn't report any errors.
Below is from Logging
From Loadbalancer : Client disconnected before any response
From Loadbalancer: 502 - failed_to_pick_backend
From Unmanaged Instance Group: Timeout waiting for data and HTTP Response Internal server error
I tried to increase the Load Balancer timeout duration, the VM stills shut down and rebooted on its own. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to recover and sometimes it takes about an hour plus.
I provided some screenshots which recorded the recent incident from 8.47 to 8.54.
Below is from Monitoring


Getting 5xx error with AWS Application Load Balancer - fluctuating healthy and unhealthy target group

My web application on AWS EC2 + load balancer sometimes shows 500 errors. How do I know if the error is on the server side or the application side?
I am using Route 53 domain and ssl on my url. I set the ALB redirect requests on port 80 to 443, and forward requests on port 443 to the target group (the EC2). However, the target group is returning 5xx error code sometimes when handling the request. Please see the screenshots for the metrics and configurations for the ALB.
Target Group Metrics
Target Group Configuration
Load Balancer Metrics
Load Balancer Listeners
EC2 Metrics
Right now the web application is running unsteady, sometimes it returns a 502 or 503 service unavailable (seems like it's a connnection timeout).
I have set up the ALB idle timeout 4000 secs.
ALB configuration
The application is using Nuxt.js + PHP7.0 + MySQL + Apache 2.4.54.
I have set the Apache prefork worker Maxclient number as 1000, which should be enough to handle the requests on the application.
The EC2 is a t2.Large resource, the CPU and Memory look enough to handle the processing.
It seems like if I directly request the IP address but not the domain, the amount of 5xx errors significantly reduced (but still exists).
I also have Wordpress application host on this EC2 in a subdomain (CNAME). I have never encountered any 5xx errors on this subdomain site, which makes me guess there might be some errors in my application code but not on the server side.
Is the 5xx error from my application or from the server?
I also tried to add another EC2 in the target group see if they can have at lease one healthy instance to handle the requests. However, the application is using a third-party API and has strict IP whitelist policy. I did some research that the Elastic IP I got from AWS cannot be attached to 2 different EC2s.
First of all, if your application is prone to stutters, increase healthcheck retries and timeouts, which will affect your initial question of flapping health.
To what I see from your screenshot, most of your 5xx are due to either server or application (you know obviously better what's the culprit since you have access to their logs).
To answer your question about 5xx errors coming from LB: this happens directly after LB kicks out unhealthy instance and if there's none to replace (which shouldn't be the case because you're supposed to have ASG if you enable evaluation of target health for LB), it can't produce meaningful output and thus crumbles with 5xx.
This should be enough information for you to make adjustments and logs investigation.

Google cloud load balancer causing error 502 - failed_to_pick_backend

I've got an error 502 when I use google cloud balancer with CDN, the thing is, I am pretty sure I must have done something wrong setting up the load balancer because when I remove the load balancer, my website runs just fine.
This is how I configure my load balancer
Should I use HTTP or HTTPS healthcheck, because when I set up HTTPS
healthcheck, my website was up for a bit and then it down again
I have checked this link, they seem to have the same problem but it is not working for me.
I have followed a tutorial from openlitespeed forum to set Keep-Alive Timeout (secs) = 60s in server admin panel and configure instance to accepts long-lived connections ,still not working for me.
I have added these 2 firewall rules following this google cloud link to allow google health check ip but still didn’t work:
When checking load balancer log message, it shows an error saying failed_to_pick_backend . I have tried to re-configure load balancer but it didn't help.
I just started to learn Google Cloud and my knowledge is really limited, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could show me step by step how to solve this issue. Thank you!
Posting an answer - based on OP's finding to improve user experience.
Solution to the error 502 - failed_to_pick_backend was changing Load Balancer from HTTP to TCP protocol and at the same type changing health check from HTTP to TCP also.
After that LB passes through all incoming connections as it should and the error dissapeared.
Here's some more info about various types of health checks and how to chose correct one.
The error message that you're facing it's "failed_to_pick_backend".
This error message means that HTTP responses code are generated when a GFE was not able to establish a connection to a backend instance or was not able to identify a viable backend instance to connect to
I noticed in the image that your health-check failed causing the aforementioned error messages, this Health Check failing behavior could be due to:
Web server software not running on backend instance
Web server software misconfigured on backend instance
Server resources exhausted and not accepting connections:
- CPU usage too high to respond
- Memory usage too high, process killed or can't malloc()
- Maximum amount of workers spawned and all are busy (think mpm_prefork in Apache)
- Maximum established TCP connections
Check if the running services were responding with a 200 (OK) to the Health Check probes and Verify your Backend Service timeout. The Backend Service timeout works together with the configured Health Check values to define the amount of time an instance has to respond before being considered unhealthy.
Additionally, You can see this troubleshooting guide to face some error messages (Including this).
Those experienced with Kubernetes from other platforms may be confused as to why their Ingresses are calling their backends "UNHEALTHY".
Health checks are not the same thing as Readiness Probes and Liveness Probes.
Health checks are an independent utility used by GCP's Load Balancers and perform the exact same function, but are defined elsewhere. Failures here will lead to 502 errors.

Does Google Cloud HTTPS load balancer log back end errors?

Looking for way to debug why backend for NIFI is failing. I created a NIFI cluster (verison 1.9.0, HDF, AMBARI 2.7.3) on Google cloud. Created HTTPS load balancer terminating https front end, and back end is the instance group for SSL enabled NIFI cluster. Getting a 502 back end error in the browser when I hit the url for the load balancer. Is there a way for Google Cloud to log the error ? There must be an error returned somewhere to troubleshoot the root cause. I don't see messages in the nifi log or the vm instance /var/log/messages. Stackdriver hasn't shown me errors. I created the keystore and truststore and followed the NIFI SSL enable instructions. It might be related to the SSL configs, or possibly firewall rules are not correct. But I am looking for some more helpful information to find the error.
If I am understanding the question properly, you are looking for a way to get HTTPS load balancer logs due to back end errors and your intention is to find out the root cause.Load balancer basically return 502 error due to unhealthy backend services or for unhealthy backend VM 's.If your stackdriver logging is enabled, you might get this log using advanced filter or can search by selecting the load balancer name and look for/search 502:
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to failures to connect to backends:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to backend timeouts:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
Advanced filter for 502 responses due to prematurely closed connections:
resource.labels.url_map_name="[URL Map]"
The URL Map is same as the name of the load balancer for HTTP(S) for cloud console.If we create the various components of the load balancer manually, need to use the URL Map for advanced filter.
Most common root causes for "failed_to_connect_to_backend" are: 1. Firewall blocking traffic, 2. Web server software not running on backend instance, 3. Web server software misconfigured on backend instance, 4. Server resources exhausted and not accepting connections (CPU usage too high to respond, Memory usage too high, process killed ,the maximum amount of workers spawned and all are busy, Maximum established TCP connections), 5. Poorly written server implementation struggling under load or non-standard behavior.
Most common root causes for “backend_timeout” are 1. the backend instance took longer than the Backend Service timeout to respond, meaning either the application is overloaded or the Backend Service Timeout is set too low, 2. The backend instance didn't respond at all (Crashing during a request).
Most Common Root causes for” backend_connection_closed_before_data_sent_to_client” is usually caused because the keepalive configuration parameter for the web server software running on the backend instance is less than the fixed (10 minute) keepalive (HTTP idle) timeout of the GFE. There are some situations where the backend may close a connection too soon while the GFE is still sending the HTTP request.
The previous response was spot on. The nifi ssl configuration is misconfigured, causing the backend health check to fail with a bad certificate. I will open a new question to address the nifi ssl configuration.

How to change AWS ELB status to InService?

A WordPress application is deployed in AWS Elastic Beanstalk that has a load balancer. I see sometimes there is ELB 5XX error. To make the instance OutOfService for the higher number of unhealthy threshold count, I set Unhealthy Threshold to 10. But sometimes health check fails and health is Severe. I get sometimes the error "% of the requests to the ELB are failing with HTTP 5xx". I checked the ELB access logs and sometimes request get the timeout (504) error and after a consecutive number of 504, ELB makes the instance OutOfService. I am trying to fix which request is failing.
What I don't know, is it possible to make the instance "InService" as quickly as possible. Because sometimes instance is OutOfService for 2-3 hours, which is really bad. Is there any good way to handle this situation. I am really in trouble with this situation. Looks like after the service is out, I have nothing to do. I am relatively new to AWS. Please help.
To solve this issue:
1) HTTP 504 means timeout. The resource that the load balancer is accessing on your backend is failing to respond. Determine what the path for the healthcheck from the AWS console.
2) In your browser verify that you can access the healthcheck path going around the load balancer. This may mean temporarily assigning an EIP to the EC2 instance. If the load balancer healthcheck is "/test/myhealthpage.php" then use "http://REPLACE_WITH_EIP/test/myhealthpage.php". For HTTPS listeners use https in your path.
3) Debug why the path that you specified is timing out and fix it.
Note: Healthcheck paths should not be to pages that do complicated tests or operations. A healthcheck should be a quick and simple GO / NO GO type of page.

amazon aws ec2 instance status is unhealthy. Website loading time very high

I am using aws ec2 m1.medium as my webserver. From last two days website loading very slow. Health check status in amazon route53 shows Unhealthy. The following status shows in health checkers
Failure: Resolved IP: [my ip]. The endpoint did not respond to the health checker request within the timeout limit.
When i check in mxToolBox
Failure - response over threshold (12.21s/10s)
Can anybody help please.
The AWS network in itself never takes this much time to reach to the servers and it must be your application responding slow. to make sure ping the node first and then telnet/nc on the specific port that your application is using.
telnet <ip> <port>
netcat -u <ip> <port>
if you find there is a significant difference, then you need to troubleshoot your application which might be having any kind of issue.
If not, then you may have faulty ELB sitting in between that is causing such high latency and you might wanna restart/replace that.