how to integrate a vue js project within a django project? - django

I have an existing vue js project and for backend I want to use django, what came to my mind was to use rest api to communicate with the backend without any integration. is that what everyone is doing or my approach is old school and I have to put the vue project in django directory and go through the whole collectstatic thing?
sorry if my question is too basic.

i don't know hows people doing, usually me and my team did like the python just access the index.html from the Vue build folder when production mode.
but in development mode, we just separate two of them. the python running as the endpoint API (need to enable cors mode in dev), and the Vue run in development mode.


How would I go about creating a Django + SvelteKit webapp?

I've already gotten my fair share of Bootstrap and Django but never tried out other frontend frameworks like Angular, React, etc. and finally wanted to try SvelteKit. So I'm really inexperienced and new with this sort of stuff.
Currently I've already set-up my Django project as well as a SvelteKit project by following the tutorial on their website.
My problem is that I'm confused about how to combine Django and SvelteKit now. Do I just run both servers simultaneously on different ports and get the data from Django JSON APIs into my Svelte frontend or is there some kind of approach to this? I thought that maybe there's a way to get my Django app to render the Svelte files from the Svelte server for me. I just feel really lost at the moment so if anyone could help me or has some resources I could read to get more familiar with the topic, since I didn't find a lot online, that'd be great!
Many thanks in advance!
First, understand the difference between Svelte and SvelteKit. SvelteKit is a front-end + server solution that is a layer above vanilla Svelte. SvelteKit adds things like routing and support for sever(less) functions.
If you want to use Django for all your server-side processing, you should just use (vanilla) Svelte to write independent web components that you call from html served by Django. No need to use SvelteKit if you aren't using any of the extra framework features.
How to write a web component with vanilla Svelte
How to write a web component with SvelteKit.
If you want to just write your API's in Django and do everything else from SvelteKit, I would run both Django and SvelteKit servers from different subdomains and/or ports. Like and or and
SvelteKit also provides a low-level handle() hook that can bypass SvelteKit, but usually JS/node.js is still used. I think it would be tricky to pass a request from SvelteKit to Django.
I find myself having the same question, it's not perfect but I got it to work with the following:
Create a directory that will contain everything, e.g. my-project
Inside the directory create your Django project, e.g. django-svelte, with django-admin startproject django-svelte
From my-project/django-svelte create an app to contain the svelte app, e.g. frontend, with python startapp frontend
Inside frontend create two subdirectories templates and static; inside each of them create a frontend directory. (You should have frontend/templates/frontend and frontend/static/frontend in the end)
Inside my-project initialize a svelte-kit project, e.g. client, with npm init svelte client
Inside client install all packages and add #sveltejs/adapter-static with npm install and npm i -D #sveltejs/adapter-static
Replace the content of svelte.config.js with:
import adapter from '#sveltejs/adapter-static';
export default {
kit: {
paths: { base: "/static/frontend" }, // Adjust according to where you collect static files and the name of the Django app
adapter: adapter({
pages: '../django-svelte/frontend/templates/frontend', // Adjust according to the name of the Django app
assets: '../django-svelte/frontend/static/frontend', // Adjust according to the name of the Django app
fallback: null,
precompress: false
prerender: {
// This can be false if you're using a fallback (i.e. SPA mode)
default: true
This will write your HTML, JS and CSS files inside the frontend app.
Create a build with npm run build
Collect static files in Django with python collectstatic
Run Django with python runserver or other servers
I'm sure there are simpler ways though :-)
I made a simple template for svelte and django. please check this link: What you need to add routing to support svelte instead of using sveltekit.

How to use django as backend for cordova?

Not a web developer, but currently playing with cordova and would like to use django to use python to implement backend functionality. As I (vaguely) understand it, cordova manages frontend stuff and django is mostly for backend stuff. So is it possible to use django as a backend for a cordova project (eg. directly use preexisting django templates in a cordova app)? If so, how? Is there some kind of special communicationn that I'd need to code myself?
(My uneducated guess would be to initialize the django project inside the cordova www folder, but this seems wrong). And if this is a totally wrong way to think about this problem, let me know.
You could use Django as your backend and implement a REST like API (urls that accept and return JSON data) in it. There are useful tools/libraries for that, for example django-rest-framework.
Then you would call those endpoints (URLs) from your frontend, which can be written in cordova or any other JS frontend frameworks.
As you already pointed out, I suggest keeping frontend and backend code in separate folders.

What are the options to configure a reactjs and django application?

I am using reactjs for frontend and Django REST API for the backened. What is the best possible way to integrate both?
which of these two is a good option?
Running two servers for frontend and backend?
replacing django templates with reactjs?
Your help is highly appreciated.
Few options here
Django templates with react.
Not my preferred method. Essentially, you are blending django templating and jsx. The benefit here is low over head. It requires little configuration and allows you to write react and leverage the django templating language in the same file. If you need to get something up and running quickly, its a great solution. Have a look at this library
Using django webpack loader
This will allow you to separate your react code from django code but still keep all your code to one repository. You need to configure django settings to find your react code. Then on your prod/dev server, have your web server point to the directory where your static react code lives or write a django url and view that will serve the react apps index file. It will be located in /static/ after you configure correctly and run python collectstatics. Benefits here are that it keeps the code to one repository but still isolates the python and javascript code. This is a middleground solution of the three. Quick note. You won't have react hot reload with this method for development. Here is the library that helps you configure this setup
Having 2 separate applications
Similar to what you are doing right now, have a separate react repository, either served by a nodejs backend or deploy the code to a cdn service like amazon s3 and serve the one page app from there. And then as its counterpart, have your django app on a separate server with its consumable rest api (will need to configure allowed cors) . This method requires a lot of operational work: deploying, configuring, and management of 2 separate code bases. If you have the time and resources I do recommend this setup. The decoupling of the 2 apps allows this solution to scale the best
What do you mean two servers? You mean two projects/repositories?
Yes, you can keep frontend in the separate project. It make sence if you have multiple clients for your backend (like mobile apps and web). Different developers can have permission to edit only their repositories. Also it make sence if you are going to use some microservices structure for your project. But more simpliest way is to keep frontend and backed in the same project. Try to check some tutorial about Django+reactjs apps.

How can I make "vue build" spit out non-optimized JS files?

I want to write a single-page web UI using Flask (and Flask-RESTful) for a REST back-end, and Vue.js for the front-end. The problem is, I'm having a hard time using the two together during development.
I can build Vue components using vue build --prod ... to obtain a JS file that I can serve as a static file using Flask's web server. This file, however, is optimized for production. Without --prod, vue build starts a web server directly, which means that if I start flask run, JS code is served from a different port than my REST backend, which makes it impossible to use (same origin policy).
So my question is: How can I use Flask and Vue.js together during development?
How can I make vue build spit out non-optimized JS files that Flask can serve?
Build in development mode:
vue-cli-service build --mode development

Incorporating react redux into django

I've built out a basic django application, and I'm looking to incorporate react+redux into the app. I've come across several react+redux templates like the react-redux-starter-kit and redux-webpack-es6-boilerplate:
These are awesome, except they both run node servers. I'm wondering:
Does there exist some sort of a tutorial or template that has the same features (webpack, Hot Module Replacement, linting, testing, abides by Fractal Project Structure guidelines, etc...) but does not run a node server, so I can just copy it into my django application (I realize I'd have to do a fair bit of configuration to get everything working smoothly).
Is it ok to run the webpack server within my django application? (Basically node would be running within django) Are there any downsides in doing this?
I've tried altering the above two templates, but they are pretty dense and complicated. Any advice would be very much appreciated!
I don't see any reason to mixing up django and react app.
I would prever leave them as two independent parts of your application: SPA (react + redux) + API (django)
If you already have django app and just need to add some react pages into, then build react app as static files and place it outside your django project, and configure your reverse proxy server (nginx) to load those new pages as static pages (react).