How can I annotate another annotate group by query in Django? - django

I have two queries:
How can I make this in only one query? I want that the first query contains an annotate data that represents all sums of techo_presupuestario, depending on your tipo_proyecto. Is this posible?

If I understand you correct, you'd like to add a conditionally aggregated sum over one field to each object, so you get each object with a sum fitting to its tipo_proyecto. Right?
I don't know, if this makes sense, but it could be done anyway using Subquery:
from django.db.models import Sum, Subquery, OuterRef
sq = Subquery(Proyecto.objects.filter(tipo_proyecto=OuterRef("tipo_proyecto")).values("tipo_proyecto").annotate(techoSum=Sum("techo_presupuestario")).values("techoSum"))
Proyecto.objects.all().annotate(tipoTechoSum = sq).order_by('tipo_proyecto')
Nonetheless, I wouldn't recommend this, as it puts some heavy load on your database. (In MySQL there will be an nested SELECT statement referring to the same table, which might be pretty unpleasant depending on the table's size.)
I'd say the better approach is to "collect" your aggregated sums separately and add the values to the model objects in your code.


sqlalchemy random seed per sql query

I am looking for a way to order the results of an sqlalchemy query randomly, however I want the random order to be consistent for each user based on lets say a token.
q = q.order_by(func.random())
Note: I'm using postgresql
I found that I can use select setseed(0) and union all with the result of the query and then offset by 1, however that assumes that I know the number of columns q will have (which I could probably find out), but it sounds like a very bad practice to hardcode the number of columns especially for maintainability.
Is this the right approach? If so, is there a way to dynamically get the number of columns of a query? If not, what would be the correct approach?
you can use inspect to get the number of columns
something like:
from sqlalchemy import inspect
engine = create_engine(url, convert_unicode=True, echo=False)
inspector = inspect(engine)
schemas = inspector.get_schema_names() #(If you need to find the names of the schemas)
number_of_cols= len(inspector.get_columns(YOUR_TABLE_NAME, schema=SCHEMA_NAME))

Ordering Django querysets using a JSONField's properties

I have a model that kinda looks like this:
class Person(models.Model):
data = JSONField()
The data field has 2 properties, name, and age. Now, lets say I want to get a paginated queryset (each page containing 20 people), with a filter where age is greater than 25, and the queryset is to be ordered in descending order. In a usual setup, that is, a normalized database, I can write this query like so:
person_list_page_1 = Person.objects.filter(age > 25).order_by('-age')[:20]
Now, what is the equivalence of the above when filtering and ordering using keys stored in the JSONField? I have researched into this, and it seems it was meant to be a feature for 2.1, but I can't seem to find anything relevant.
Link to the ticket about it being implemented in the future
I also have another question. Lets say we filter and order using the JSONField. Will the ORM have to get all the objects, filter, and order them before sending the first 20 in such a case? That is, will performance be legitimately slower?
Obviously, I know a normalized database is far better for these things, but my hands are kinda tied.
You can use the postgresql sql syntax to extract subfields. Then they can be used just as any other field on the model in queryset filters.
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL
age=RawSQL("(data->>'age')::int", [])
See the postgresql docs for other operators and functions.
In some cases, you might have to add explicit typecasts (::int, for example)
Performance will be slower than with a proper field, but it's not bad.

Django: how to filter() after distinct()

If we chain a call to filter() after a call to distinct(), the filter is applied to the query before the distinct. How do I filter the results of a query after applying distinct?
The where clause in the SQL resulting from filter() means the filter is applied to the query before the distinct. I want to filter the queryset resulting from the distinct.
This is probably pretty easy, but I just can't quite figure it out and I can't find anything on it.
Edit 1:
I need to do this in the ORM...
SELECT z.column1, z.column2, z.column3
SELECT DISTINCT ON (b.column1, b.column2) b.column1, b.column2, c.column3
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN table2 b ON ( = )
INNER JOIN table3 c ON ( =
ORDER BY b.column1 ASC, b.column2 ASC, c.column4 DESC
) z
WHERE z.column3 = 'Something';
(I am using Postgres by the way.)
So I guess what I am asking is "How do you nest subqueries in the ORM? Is it possible?" I will check the documentation.
Sorry if I was not specific earlier. It wasn't clear in my head.
This is an old question, but when using Postgres you can do the following to force nested queries on your 'Distinct' rows:
foo = Example.objects.order_by('a','foreign_key__timefield').distinct('a')
bar = Example.objects.filter(pk__in=foo).filter(some_field=condition)
bar is the nested query as requested in OP without resorting to raw/extra etc. Tested working in 1.10 but docs suggest it should work back to at least 1.7.
My use case was to filter up a reverse relationship. If Example has some ForeignKey to model Toast then you can do:
This gives you all instances of Toast where the most recent associated example meets your filter criteria.
Big health warning about performance though, using this if bar is likely to be a huge queryset you're probably going to have a bad time.
Thanks a ton for the help guys. I tried both suggestions and could not bend either of those suggestions to work, but I think it started me in the right direction.
I ended up using
from django.db.models import Max, F
Example.objects.annotate(latest=Max('foreignkey__timefield')).filter(foreignkey__timefield=F('latest'), foreign__a='Something')
This checks what the latest foreignkey__timefield is for each Example, and if it is the latest one and a=something then keep it. If it is not the latest or a!=something for each Example then it is filtered out.
This does not nest subqueries but it gives me the output I am looking for - and it is fairly simple. If there is simpler way I would really like to know.
No you can't do this in one simple SELECT.
As you said in comments, in Django ORM filter is mapped to SQL clause WHERE, and distinct mapped to DISTINCT. And in a SQL, DISTINCT always happens after WHERE by operating on the result set, see SQLite doc for example.
But you could write sub-query to nest SELECTs, this depends on the actual target (I don't know exactly what's yours now..could you elaborate it more?)
Also, for your query, distinct('a') only keeps the first occurrence of Example having the same a, is that what you want?

is distinct an expensive query in django?

I have three models: Product, Category and Place.
Product has ManyToMany relation with Category and Place.
I need to get a list of categories with at least on product matching a specific place.
For example I might need to get all the categories that has at least one product from Boston.
I have 100 categories, 500 places and 100,000 products.
In sqlite with 10K products the query takes ~ a second.
In production I'll use postgresql.
I'm using:
categories = Category.objects.distinct().filter(product__place__name="Boston")
Is this query going to be expensive?
Is there a better way to do this?
This is the result of connection.queries
{'time': '0.929', 'sql': u'SELECT DISTINCT "catalog_category"."id", "catalog_category"."name" FROM "catalog_category" INNER JOIN "catalog_product_categories" ON ("catalog_category"."id" = "catalog_product_categories"."category_id") INNER JOIN "catalog_product" ON ("catalog_product_categories"."product_id" = "catalog_product"."id") INNER JOIN "catalog_product_places" ON ("catalog_product"."id" = "catalog_product_places"."product_id") INNER JOIN "catalog_place" ON ("catalog_product_places"."car_id" = "catalog_car"."id") WHERE "catalog_place"."name" = Boston ORDER BY "catalog_category"."name" ASC'}]
This is not just a Django issue; DISTINCT is slow on most SQL implementations because it's a relatively hard operation. Here is a good discussion of why it's slow in Postgres specifically.
One way to handle this would be to use Django's excellent caching mechanism on this query, assuming that the results don't change often and minor staleness isn't a problem. Another approach would be to keep a separate list of just the distinct categories, perhaps in another table.
Although Chase is right that DISTINCT is generally a slow operation, in this case it is also completely pointless. As you can see from the generated SQL, the DISTINCT is being done on the combination of ID and name - which will never be duplicated anyway. So there is no need for the distinct() call in this query.
Generally, Django does not return duplicate results from a simple filter. The main time when distinct() is useful is when you are accessing a related queryset via a ManyToMany or ForeignKey relationship, where multiple items might be related to the same instance, and distinct will remove the duplicates.

How to limit columns returned by Django query?

That seems simple enough, but all Django Queries seems to be 'SELECT *'
How do I build a query returning only a subset of fields ?
In Django 1.1 onwards, you can use defer('col1', 'col2') to exclude columns from the query, or only('col1', 'col2') to only get a specific set of columns. See the documentation.
values does something slightly different - it only gets the columns you specify, but it returns a list of dictionaries rather than a set of model instances.
Append a .values("column1", "column2", ...) to your query
The accepted answer advising defer and only which the docs discourage in most cases.
only use defer() when you cannot, at queryset load time, determine if you will need the extra fields or not. If you are frequently loading and using a particular subset of your data, the best choice you can make is to normalize your models and put the non-loaded data into a separate model (and database table). If the columns must stay in the one table for some reason, create a model with Meta.managed = False (see the managed attribute documentation) containing just the fields you normally need to load and use that where you might otherwise call defer(). This makes your code more explicit to the reader, is slightly faster and consumes a little less memory in the Python process.