Share Meeting Invite with Service Account and get it from the API - google-cloud-platform

I'm trying to get access to a particular recurring Google Calendar Meeting from a Service Account. The owner of the Calendar Meeting is a real user and created in their personal calendar (which can't be changed at this point). Sharing the entire Google Calendar of that user with the Service Account is not a viable solution.
Instead I've tried to just invite the Service Account to the meeting - so far so good.
However, I'm unable to retrieve that event with the Google Calendar API.
Basically, I'm trying something like this:
scopes = [""]
google_credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(CREDENTIALS_FILE, scopes)
calendar_service = build("calendar", "v3", credentials=google_credentials)
events_result =
# calendarId="<some-service-account>#<some-project>",
events = events_result.get("items", [])
Neither getting the calendar with id primary nor with the <some-service-account>#<some-project> works.
Also getting the calendar list of the service account looks like that:
scopes = [""]
google_credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(CREDENTIALS_FILE, scopes)
calendar_service = build("calendar", "v3", credentials=google_credentials)
# {'kind': 'calendar#calendarList', 'etag': '"<removed>"', 'nextSyncToken': '<removed>', 'items': []}
Thus, an empty items list. I'm not sure what the problem is here - or if that's not even possible.
Am I missing some permissions for the Service Account?


Google API user creation with service account

I'm trying to create a user using Googles Directory API and a service account. However I'm getting the error
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting returned "Not Authorized to access this resource/api". Details: "Not Authorized to access this resource/api">
I've created a service account on the Google Console and allowed Domain wide delegation. It also says the Admin SDK API is enabled for my project. However I can't seem to create a user. The documentation is confusing me slightly. Here is my implementation
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + ""
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
userservice ='admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
print (emailaddress)
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()
I'm thinking that my implementation is wrong rather than the permissions as the serviceaccountcredentials.json should have the correct permissions. Any suggestions?
There are two possibilities for getting this error.
If the API method requires an impersonated user to be used.
If the impersonated user has not the relevant service enabled.
Solution for case 1:
Follow the documentation to impersonate a user account.
Solution for case 2:
In the Admin console, open user information and check that the user is not suspended.
Open the "Apps" panel and check that the relevant service is "On".
May be caused by a user not having a license which allows access to the service (Cloud Identity instead of Google Workspace), or a user being in an organizational unit which has the service disabled.
Also this link might be helpful.
Thanks for the input. You were both correct to a point. Basically there were two issues. The service account user needs to be delegated domain administrator privileges that require domain admin actions, domain wide delegation isn't enough. Also the domain scope needed to be broader in the Admin console and the scope definition within the code. There is github issue open which helped here:
My working code looks like this
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
username = get_username(content)
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + ""
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['', '']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject('')
userservice ='admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=delegated_credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()

Can't Get 1:m VTiger Relationship to Show on "1" Side

I am trying to implement a 1:m relationship between Contacts & Service Contracts in VTiger 6. We will use the relationship to track Users of our system. Each Contact should only be allowed to be link to 1 Service Contract at a time (1:m).
I was able to get the ServiceContract side of this working by using the following code:
require_once 'vtlib/Vtiger/Module.php';
$scmodule->setRelatedList(Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts'), 'Users',Array('SELECT'),'get_related_list');
This added a tab on the right side of Service Contracts titled "Users" with a SELECT button and allows us to ADD/REMOVE Contacts from the list.
However, what we would also like is to have a field on the Contacts page that shows which Service Contract they are linked to.
I used the following code to add a single Service Contract field to Contacts:
$module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Contacts');
$blockInstance = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION', $module);
$fieldInstance = new Vtiger_Field();
$fieldInstance->name = 'SelectYourAccount';
$fieldInstance->label = 'Account';
$fieldInstance->uitype = 10;
$fieldInstance->typeofdata = 'V~O';
The above code worked fine and I have an Account field in contact details that I can link to a single Service Contract; however, when I select a Service Contract for a Contact and then go to the Users list on the Service Contract, the Contact isn't listed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What i understand from your Question is that Contact is your "1" module and Service Contract is "M(Multi Record)" module. Which means 1 Contact will have multiple Service Contract. So in vtiger Service Contract Related List is already given under Contact Module.Please check this image below.
Next in Service Contract you will have Option to select Contact so that Contract will be liked with "1" Contact. See Screenshot here.
I Hope you will get clear picture after reading this of Relation in Vtiger.

Store UserTokens generated by ASP.Net Core identity for external login provider

I am using Facebook as external login of ASP.Net Core identity.
I would like, even if the user logged in with Facebook, the user to fill his profile on the website.
For that I use the ExternalLoginCallback method, from which I would like to get data from Facebook such as date of birth, location (country), ...
One issue is if the user unchecked some of the permissions, the default call to Facebook fails:
var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
if (info == null)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Login));
// Sign in the user with this external login provider if the user already has a login.
var result = await _signInManager.ExternalLoginSignInAsync(info.LoginProvider, info.ProviderKey, isPersistent: false);
I would also need to do some additional checks on user data, which would require calling directly the Graph API.
My blocking points:
- In the ExternalLoginCallback method, I would need to separate the 'country' and 'birthday' to avoid the Facebook API to return an error in case of the user didn't grant the permission
- For that I would need the the user access_token (and for additional calls in the method), I don't see how to get it even if it is used by the Facebook Identity framework
- Once the profile created, I would like to get access to this access_token, which should be stored in the UserTokens table (I guess?), but I can't find it there, the table is empty. (my DbContext is a class extending IdentityDbContext<AppUser, AppRole, long>, don't know if it has an impact)
I have found this answer which may help, but not sufficient.
Any help? :)
In order to store the user Facebook token, it requires to specify it in the options (not stored by default).
var fo = new FacebookOptions();
fo.SaveTokens = true;
From there we can call the graph method permissions to get the available permissions:{token}
Then it can be read with something like this:
foreach (var perm in data)
perms.Add((string)perm["permission"], (string)perm["status"]);

How to use google contacts api to allow my users to invite their gmail contacts to my django website

I have a website built in django 1.7, python 3.4. I want to enable my users to invite their gmail contacts to my website (like linkedin & many other websites do). I am using Oauth2.0 and am able to get permission to access their contacts. But i am not getting an idea how to proceed and what steps to take.
Can somebody help me to get an overview of all the steps that i need to take and a little explanation as to how to do that.
Even a link to suitable post would be helpful.
See, When you need to implement these features in your website, you will have to understand the APIs etc to utilize it to the fullest.
Go through this
Let's talk only about google only. The rest providers can also be managed with similar steps. Here you are using django-allauth for this task.
The basic steps involved are:
Get your app created and configured with the provider. for that you will need a developer profile in google(or facebook etc.). You will have to create an app in google developer console and you will find a plenty of tutorial for this on internet. That has been done by you as you have signup with google activated on your site. That is server side of Oauth2.0
Now you need to define the scope of authorization you need. You might only need the access to view the public profile thing. that may include first name, last name, email, id, gender, etc. For your app, you need contacts of users and for that you will have to include it in the scope too.
That is done in only.
'google': {'SCOPE': ['profile', 'email', ''],
'AUTH_PARAMS': {'access_type': 'online'}}
Now here, you have got the access to the contacts. Now, you only need to extract the contacts with the consent of data owner(user).
For this purpose,you may follow the first link in the answer. What you have to do is you have to send a get request to some url('' + '?access_token=' + access_token). The request goes to provider only(google) with the authorization token it has provided you for that particular user. That you will find in the db table socialtoken. Once you send proper request, the response you will get is the contacts of the user in xml format.
Once you get it, you can easily parse it to extract the required information.
Things are simple if you understand the flow. django-allauth only helpy you upto signup & signin where you can get different permissions through defining the scope.
For extracting the contacts, you can write your own code.
A simple example is:
def get_email_google(request):
# social = request.user.social_auth.get(provider='google-oauth2')
user =request.user
# Code dependent upon django-allauth. Will change if we shift to another module
# if request.user.userprofile.get_provider() != "google":
a = SocialAccount.objects.get(user=user)
b = SocialToken.objects.get(account=a)
# access = b.token
access_token = b.token
url = '' + '?access_token=' + access_token + '&max-results=100'
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent' : "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.04 Chromium/12.0.742.112 Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30"})
contacts = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
contacts_xml = etree.fromstring(contacts)
# print
# return render(request, 'search/random_text_print.html', locals())
result = []
for entry in contacts_xml.findall('{}entry'):
for address in entry.findall('{}email'):
email = address.attrib.get('address')
return render(request, 'search/random_text_print.html', locals())
user =request.user
a = SocialAccount.objects.get(user=user)
b = SocialToken.objects.get(account=a)
# access = b.token
access_token = b.token
creds = client.AccessTokenCredentials(access_token, 'USER_AGENT')
service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=creds)

Sitecore ECM op-tin and opt-out roles dates

I want to know is there any way to get user subscrition / unsubscrition to email campaign ?
Is it saved in one of databases/tables in MSSQL ?
If you use the approach with opting in and out being determined on the fact if user is in role, then it is stored in the aspnet_UsersInRoles table in your core database. This table does not keep the information when role was assigned to the user. That's why you cannot get information when user subscribed or unsubscribed to email campaign.
The only thing you can check is if user is in the role:
The user's subscription is driven by the users role, but It is possible to get the users subscriptions in ECM, You just have to use the api.
You can get the contact from the email address:
string fullName = commonDomain + "\\" + Util.AddressToUserName(username);
var contact = Contact.FromName(fullName);
var subscriptions = contact.GetSubscriptions();
Once you have a contact you can call the GetSubscriptions() method which will return the recipient lists the user is signed up to. There are a host of other methods you can call on a contact and if there is a a way to get the date unsubscribed/subscribed it will be here.
If not reflect Sitecore.EmailCampaign.dll and keep looking! There might be some extra information in the automation states table in the Analytics database. More info on automation state here:
Also noticed there is a method GetUnsubscribersStatistics on the Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Analytics.AnalyticsHelper class. This will have the date of unsubscription.