How to revoke all permission on facebook api using rest api - facebook-graph-api

I trying to revoke all permission on withdrawl user
facebook document said will be conducted by calling Url with 'user access token or app access token{user_id}/permissions
but i cant attaching user access token in this request, but i can attach app access token in query params.
so i requested this url with app access token, but response message is
"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."
Can I really request it with an app access token?

/me/{user_id}/ makes no sense as request path here.
You either use /me, in combination with a user or page token - then that alias will resolve to the actual ID of the entity the token belongs to.
Or you use an app-scoped user ID directly.
If you want to perform any actions on a user account using the app access token, then you must use the second version.{user_id}/permissions?access_token={app_access_token}


How to implement refresh token in django-oauth-toolkit? I'm able to get access_token but the refresh token isn't coming with it

I'm using django-oauth-toolkit with djangorestframework where our partner user will register their application and get application credentials (client id and client secret) which then used to get access token that can be used further to get our server resources. Upto now I'm able to convert those form based application registration process and other apis through rest. But while I hit for access_token only access token with expire are coming as response. Refresh token also supposed to come along the access token but it's not. What I'm missing here...
Below is the sample api response for access_token
And the oauth2 settings
FYI: I'm using Client type as "Confidential" and Authorization grant type as "Client Credentials"
Findings: This may be helpful for others
There is no need for refresh token for grant type client credentials.
Further descriptions RFC doc ; grant type client credentials

OAuth exception error from Facebook access token

I am trying to build a REST API that will login to Facebook using socialite with lumen, a micro-service of Laravel. I have set up my Facebook app and configured the client_id, secret and access url accordingly.
The work flow is:
Here is the work flow
1.get user details from socialite
2.check the user existence with email ,if its exists execute auth::login, otherwise create a new record in users table and redirect to profile.
The program now redirects me to Facebook, however once the user presses the login button, it returns the following error:
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
{"error":{"message":"This authorization code has been used.","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"error_subcode":*****,"f (truncated...)
I am confused as it has not been long since I generated the token and no user login/ permissions have changed, so the token should not be expired. Do I need to store the access token in a database in order to grant the user permission or is there some way to store it in a user's browser session?(I already have a database configured on forge for user name and email)

How to get a Facebook access token that grants permission for an event endpoint?

How can I get a Facebook access token that will grant permission to request information on events that the user has RSVP'd to (interested or attending)? My current method works for my user, but not other users.
My current method:
I'm using the Facebook Javascript SDK to log in as a user, get an access token, and then query the graph API to get data about events that the user has logged into.
The route I'm hitting to get event data is (pseudo):
Or in my code (pseudo){event-id}?{access-token}&fields={fields}
When the app logs in as my own user (also admin of app), I get an access token that can be used to query the event route successfully, but when it logs in with another user, I get a failure when hitting the event route with the API token I receive:
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID '466582570713258' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation."
According to Facebook's API documentation, it states that my app needs the user_events permission to hit the event api endpoint that I'm looking for:
I went through the verify process and requested that permission for my app, which now has these approved:
Provides access to the person's primary email address. This permission is approved by default.
Provides access to a person's name and profile picture. This permission is approved by default.
Provides access to a person's events.
If I grab the API token I get back when logging in as a user (other than myself), it does say that user_events scope was granted, which would seem to be sufficient to get a response from the event endpoint. But it is failing as above.

Get username from oAuth2 access token API Manager

The use case occurs once user is authenticated and obtain an oAuth2 access token from Wso2 API Manager and we want to obtain username again from this access token.
To obtain access token I've followed normal steps published on: [API Manager] (
Does WSO2 AM provide any REST method to solve it?
Yes.. There would be two ways that you can obtain user name
APIM would return the user name with the Access token. Here user name would be embedded with the access token. You can find more details from here
You can obtain the user name and user's attribute during access token verification process. Once access token is verified successfully, It would return back with JWT token which contains user's attributes. Then you can extract use name from JWT. You find more details on here. Basically inside the APIM, you can extract JWT token in transport header. But, if you want to retrieve the JWT token for the use of your application, you can send the access token to "OAuth2TokenValidationService" service and validate it and then it return back with JWT. (But "OAuth2TokenValidationService" is a web service.). You can use web service client to invoke this service (such as SOAPUI)

Facebook: Get User Access Token using Facebook.Json

I have some C# code that retrieves an access token using Facebook.JsonObject and can post to my profile wall on facebook with no problems.
However, if I try to use that same access token to retrieve details of my facebook business pages so I can post to them, then I get the message "user access token is required to request this resource".
I thought the access token I had retrieved that allowed me to post to my profile was a user access token. What is the difference, and how do I get a user access token?
This is the code I am using to get the access token:
facebook.JsonObject AuthResult = (Facebook.JsonObject)Oauth.GetApplicationAccessToken(parameters);
object Access_Token = "";
AuthResult.TryGetValue("access_token", out Access_Token);
FacebookClient FBClient = new FacebookClient(Access_Token.ToString());
More information:
I need my customer's c# application to post directly to my customer's facebook business page via code without the application "allow access" box popping up and any redirects to applicatoins taking place. Therefore I need to get the User Access Token programatically without facebook being logged in or open etc.
Any (non-sarcastic) help very gratefully received.
I thought the access token I had retrieved that allowed me to post to my profile was a user access token.
Does that method name,
really sound to you as if it was supposed to give back a user access token? Sorry, but to me it doesn’t …
If you are not familiar with the different types of authentication and access tokens, please read this first: