Regex for Wordle - regex

using the online word game Wordle ( to sharpen my Regex.
I could use a little help with something that I imagine Regex should solve easily.
given a 5 letter english word
given that I know the word begins with pr
given that I know that the letters outyase are not found in the word
given that I know that the letter i IS found in the word
what is the correct - most simplified regex?
my limited regex gives is this ^pr.[^outyase][^outyase]$ which is
a. redundant and
b. does not include the request to match i
any of you Regex Ninjas want to lend a hand, I would be much obliged.
by the way, the correct regex should return two nouns in the english language prick and primi, you can validate here

You may use this regex with a positive and negative lookahead conditions:
Regex Explanation:
^: Start
pr: Match pr
(?=[a-z]*i): Positive lookahead to make sure we have an i ahead after 0 or more letters
(?![a-z]*[outyase])): Negative lookahead to disallow any of the [outyase] characters
[a-z]{3}: Match 3 letters
Demo Screenshot:

Trivially, you can use:
Also, according to your site, there's actually four words matching, not just two:

(?!.*[outyase]) means don't match if any of outyase is found ahead in the string.
(?=.*i) means only match if there is an i ahead in the string.

Adding a note for general usage.
For any char position:
If you know mghtlc are bad and i, o, and s are good:
It's trivial to add a pinned char at the front/back:
but I'm not sure how the look-ahead would work with a pinned char in the middle given that the found chars (i, o) can be on either side of the pinned s:


Split complex string into mutliple parts using regex

I've tried a lot to split this string into something i can work with, however my experience isn't enough to reach the goal. Tried first 3 pages on google, which helped but still didn't give me an idea how to properly do this:
I have a string which looks like this:
My Dogs,213,220#Gallery,635,210#Screenshot,219,530#Good Morning,412,408#
The result should be:
Good Morning
Anyone have an idea how to use regex to split the string like shown above?
Given the shared patterns, it seems you're looking for a regex like the following:
[A-Za-z ]+|\d+,\d+
It matches two patterns:
[A-Za-z ]+: any combination of letters and spaces
\d+,\d+: any combination of digits + a comma + any combination of digits
Check the demo here.
If you want a more strict regex, you can include the previous pattern between a lookbehind and a lookahead, so that you're sure that every match is preceeded by either a comma, a # or a start/end of string character.
(?<=^|,|#)([A-Za-z ]+|\d+,\d+)(?=,|#|$)
Check the demo here.

Regex to MATCH number string (with optional text) in a sentence

I am trying to write a regex that matches only strings like this:
These strings are embedded in sentences and sometimes there are 2 potential matches in the sentence like this:
In section 10-123 which references section 122-311(a) there is a phone number 456-234-2222
I do not want to match the phone. Here is my current working regex
see DEMO
I've been looking on Stack and have not found anything yet. Any help would be appreciated. Will be using this in a google sheet and potentially postgres.
Based on regex, suggested by #Wiktor Stribiżew:
=REGEXEXTRACT(A1,REPT("\b(\d{2,3}-\d{2,3}\b(?:\([A-Za-z0-9]\))*)(?:[^-]|$)(?:.*)",LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,"\b(\d{2,3}-\d{2,3}\b(?:\([A-Za-z0-9]\))*)(?:[^-]|$)", char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]",""))))
The formula will return all matches.
In 22-311(a)(1)(d)(4) section 10-123 which ... 122-311(a) ... number 456-234-2222
22-311(a)(1)(d)(4) 10-123 122-311(a)
To extract all matches from a string, use this pattern:
REPT(basic_regex & "(?:.*)",
LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,basic_regex, char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]",""))))
The tail of a function:
LEN(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(A1,basic_regex, char (9)),"[^"&char(9)&"]","")))
is just for finding number 3 -- how many entries of a pattern in a string.
To not match the phone number you have to indicate that the match must neither be preceded nor followed by \d or -. Google spreadsheet uses RE2 which does not support look around assertion (see the list of supported feature) so as far as I can tell, the only solution is to add a character before and after the match, or the string boundary:
(?:^|[^-\d]) means either the start of a line (^) or a character that is not - or \d (you might want to change that, and forbid all letters as well). $ is the end of a line. ^ and $ only do what you want with the /m flag though
As you can see here this finds the correct strings, but with additional spaces around some of the matches.

Get all matches for a certain pattern using RegEx

I am not really a RegEx expert and hence asking a simple question.
I have a few parameters that I need to use which are in a particular pattern
For example
And these will be replaced at runtime in a string with their values (a SQL statement).
For example I have a simple query
select * from asdf where asdf.starttime = $$DATA_START_TIME and asdf.endtime = $$DATA_END_TIME
Now when I try to use the RegEx pattern
I do not get all the matches(I get only a the last match).
I am trying to test my usage here
If someone could correct my mistake, I would really appreciate it.
This will do the job:
See Demo
Just Some clarifications why your regex is doing what is doing:
Unescaped $ char means end of string, so, your pattern is matching something that must be on the end of the string, that's why its getting only the last match.
This group [^\W+] doesn't really makes sense, groups starting with [^..] means negate the chars inside here, and \W is the negation of words, and + inside the group means literally the char +, so you are saying match everything that is Not a Not word and that is not a + sign, i guess that was not what you wanted.
To match the next word just \w+ will do it. And the global modifier /g ensures that you will not stop on the first match.
This should work - Based on what you said you wanted to match this should work . Also it won't match $$lower_case_strings if that's what you wanted. If not, add the "i" flag also.

Interesting easy looking Regex

I am re-phrasing my question to clear confusions!
I want to match if a string has certain letters for this I use the character class:
and it works perfectly!
but I want to match if the string has those letter(s) 2 or more times either repeated or 2 separate letters
For example:
[AKL] should match:
But the above should not match the following:
because those are there but only once!
that's why I was trying to use:
But it's not working, probably it's not the right Regex.. can somebody a Regex guru can help me solve this puzzle?
PS: I will use it on MYSQL - a differnt approach can also welcome! but I like to use regex for smarter and shorter query!
To ensure that a string contains at least two occurencies in a set of letters (lets say A K L as in your example), you can write something like this:
Since the MySQL regex engine is a DFA, there is no need to use a negated character class like [^AKL] in place of the dot to avoid backtracking, or a lazy quantifier that is not supported at all.
will return 1
You can follow this link that speaks on the particular subject of the LIKE and the REGEXP features in MySQL.
If I understood you correctly, this is quite simple:
This looks for your something in your set, [A-Z], and then lazily matches characters until it (potentially) comes across the set, [A-Z], again.
As #Enigmadan pointed out, a lazy match is not necessary here: [A-Z].*[A-Z]
The expression you are using searches for characters between 2 and unlimited times with these characters ACDFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXZ.
However, your RegEx expression is excluding Y (UVWXZ])) therefore Z cannot be found since it is not surrounded by another character in your expression and the same principle applies to B ([ACD) also excluded in you RegEx expression. For example Z and A would match in an expression like ZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZA
If those were not excluded on purpose probably better can be to use ranges like [A-Z]
If you want 2 or more of a match on [AKL], then you may use just [AKL] and may have match >= 2.
I am not good at SQL regex, but may be something like this?
check (dbo.RegexMatch( ['ABCVL'], '[AKL]' ) >= 2)
To put it in simple English, use [AKL] as your regex, and check the match on the string to be greater than 2. Here's how I would do in Java:
private boolean search2orMore(String string) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[ACD]").matcher(string);
int counter = 0;
while (matcher.find())
return (counter >= 2);
You can't use [ACD]{2,} because it always wants to match 2 or more of each characters and will fail if you have 2 or more matching single characters.
your question is not very clear, but here is my trial pattern
pretty sure this should work in any case
replace AKL for letters you need can be done very easily dynamicly tell me if you need it
Is this what you are looking for?
".*(.*[AKL].*){2,}.*" (without quotes)
It matches if there are at least two occurences of your charactes sorrounded by anything.
It is .NET regex, but should be same for anything else
Overall, MySQL regular expression support is pretty weak.
If you only need to match your capture group a minimum of two times, then you can simply use:
select * from ... where ... regexp('([ACD].*){2,}') #could be `2,` or just `2`
If you need to match your capture group more than two times, then just change the number:
select * from ... where ... regexp('([ACD].*){3}')
#This number should match the number of matches you need
If you needed a minimum of 7 matches and you were using your previous capture group [ACDF-KM-XZ]
select * from ... where ... regexp('([ACDF-KM-XZ].*){7,}')
Response before edit:
Your regex is trying to find at least two characters from the set[ACDFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXZ].
The reason A and Z are not being matched in your example string (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) is because you are looking for two or more characters that are together that match your set. A is a single character followed by a character that does not match your set. Thus, A is not matched.
Similarly, Z is a single character preceded by a character that does not match your set. Thus, Z is not matched.
The bolded characters below do not match your set
If you were to do a global search in the string, only the italicized characters would be matched:

TextMate: Regex replacing $1 with following 0

I'm trying to fix a file full of 1- and 2-digit numbers to make them all 2 digits long.
The file is of the form:
I've managed to match the problem numbers with:
All I want to do now is replace the offending string with:
but TextMate gives me:
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
According to this, TextMate supports word boundary anchors, so you could also search for \b\d\b and replace all with 0$0. (Thanks to Peter Boughton for the suggestion!)
This has the advantage of catching all the numbers in one go - your solution will have to be applied at least twice because the regex engine has already consumed the comma before the next number after a successful replace.
Note: Tim's solution is simpler and solves this problem, but I'll leave this here for reference, in case someone has a similar but more complex problem, which using lookarounds can support.
A simpler way than your expression is to replace:
Which is "replace all single digits with 0 then itself".
The regex is:
Negative lookbehind to not find a digit (?<!\d)
A single digit: \d
Negative lookahead to not find a digit (?!\d)
Single this is a positional match (not a character match), it caters for both comma and start/end positions.
The $0 part says "entire match" - since the lookbehind/ahead match positions, this will contain the single digit that was matched.
To anyone coming here, as #Amarghosh suggested, it's a bug, or intentional behavior that leads to problems if nothing else.
I just had this problem and had to use the following workaround: If you set up another capture group, and then use a conditional insertion, it will work. For example, I had a string like <WebObject name=Frage01 and wanted to replace the 01 with 02, so I captured the main string in $1 and the end number in $2, which gave me a regex that looked like (<WebObject name=(Frage|Antwort))(01).
Then the replace was $1(?2:02).
The (?2:02) is the conditional insertion, and in this instance will always find something, but it was necessary in order to work around the odd conundrum of appending a number to the end of $n. Hope that helps someone. There is documentation on the conditional insertion here
In TextMate 1.5.11 (1635) ${1} does not work (like the OP described).
I appreciate the many suggestions re altering the query string, however there is a much simpler solution, if you want to break between a capture group and a number: \u.
It is a TextMate specific replacement syntax, that converts the following character to uppercase. As there is no uppercase for numbers, it does nothing and moves on. It is described in the link from Tim Pietzcker's answer.
In my case I had to clean up a csv file, where box measurements were given in cm x cm x mm. Thus I had to add a zero to the first two numbers.
Text: "80 x 40 x 5 mm"
Desired text: "800 x 400 x 5 mm"
Find: (\d+) x (\d+) x (\d+)
Replace: $1\u0 x $2\u0 x $3 mm
Regarding the support of more than 10 capture groups, I do not know if this is a bug. But as OP and #rossmcf wrote, $10 is replaced with null.
You need not ${1} - replace strings support only up to nine groups maximum - so it won't mistake it for $10.
Replace with $10$2$3