how to send a mail when workflow not triggered at given time in informatica - informatica

I have a workflow which gets triggered everyday in the Morning at 07:15 AM.I want to get an email to my Id from Informatica when the workflow doesn't get trigerred within 3 min from the start time.

You have two options -
easiest would be - create another workflow(scheduled at 7:18 AM) with a command task which will check a file.
After command task, put a condition to the task link status=1 and then add a email task.
Add a touch command as pre session to the main workflow.
New workflow will be like -
start -->cmd task -->|--link status<>0--> email task
command task will be like -
if [ -r /somedir/ind.txt ]; then
exit 0
rm /somedir/ind.txt
exit 1
Now, in real time, at 7:15 the wkflow will start and crete the file, second workflow will detect and do nothing. Now , if file doenst exist, it will mail.
second option will be, you can create a cron script that starts around 7:18AM, check if file exist or not - if file is absent, it will mail and delete the file. Your command file should be like this -
if [ -r /somedir/ind.txt ]; then
exit 0
rm /somedir/ind.txt
mail -s <...some command...>
exit 1


How to Trigger a Workflow B start right after Workflow A completed?

I am new to Informatica Power Center.
My task is to trigger/start Workflow B right after when Workflow A just completed using infacmd command.
Suggestion is after all session in workflow a add a command task with " startworkflow" to start the workflow b with all the options.
I've tried some guides but the version was too old. I'm using Informatica 10.1.1.
Thank you.
Fro the command task you can use the following command.
Replace the variable according to your domain/folder/workflow name etc.
Otherwise, you can create a shell script from where you have to call the workflow using the above command and call the shell script from your last session 'Post Session success command'
Consider creating a Command task that will touch a file and having Workflow B started together with Workflow A, with a Wait task that will wait for a file, and delete the file as a last step.
This way you don't need to invoke the pmcmd with hardcoded username and password.

Waiting for K8S Job to finish [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Tell when Job is Complete
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to wait for Job to finish execution Successfully once deployed.
Job is being deployed from Azure DevOps though CD on K8S on AWS. It is running one time incremental database migrations using Fluent migrations each time it's deployed. I need to read pod.status.phase field.
If field is "Succeeded", then CD will continue. If it's "Failed", CD stops.
Anyone have an idea how to achieve this?
I think the best approach is to use the kubectl wait command:
Wait for a specific condition on one or many resources.
The command takes multiple resources and waits until the specified
condition is seen in the Status field of every given resource.
It will only return when the Job is completed (or the timeout is reached):
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/myjob --timeout=60s
If you don't set a --timeout, the default wait is 30 seconds.
Note: kubectl wait was introduced on Kubernetes v1.11.0. If you are using older versions, you can create some logic using kubectl get with --field-selector:
kubectl get pod --field-selector=status.phase=Succeeded
We can check Pod status using K8S Rest API.
In order to connect to API, we need to get a token:
# Check all possible clusters, as you .KUBECONFIG may have multiple contexts:
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{"Cluster name\tServer\n"}{range .clusters[*]}{.name}{"\t"}{.cluster.server}{"\n"}{end}'
# Select name of cluster you want to interact with from above output:
export CLUSTER_NAME="some_server_name"
# Point to the API server refering the cluster name
APISERVER=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath="{.clusters[?(\"$CLUSTER_NAME\")].cluster.server}")
# Gets the token value
TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets -o jsonpath="{.items[?(#.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='default')].data.token}"|base64 -d)
From above code we have acquired TOKEN and APISERVER address.
On Azure DevOps, on your target Release, on Agent Job, we can add Bash task:
#name of K8S Job object we are waiting to finish
#log APISERVER and JOB_NAME for troubleshooting
echo API Server: $APISERVER
#keep calling API until you get status Succeeded or Failed.
while true; do
#read all pods and query for pod containing JOB_NAME using jq.
#note that you should not have similar pod names with job name otherwise you will get mutiple results. This script is not expecting multiple results.
res=$(curl -X GET $APISERVER/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/ --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --insecure | jq --arg JOB_NAME "$JOB_NAME" '.items[] | select( | contains($JOB_NAME))' | jq '.status.phase')
if (res=="Succeeded"); then
echo Succeeded
exit 0
elif (res=="Failed"); then
echo Failed
exit 1
echo $res
sleep 2
If Failed, script will exit with code 1 and CD will stop (if configured that way).
If Succeeded, exist with code 0 and CD will continue.
In final setup:
- Script is part of artifact and I'm using it inside Bash task in Agent Job.
- I have placed JOB_NAME into Task Env. Vars so it can be used for multiple DB migrations.
- Token and API Server address are in Variable group on global level.
curl is not existing with code 0 if URL is invalid. It needs --fail flag, but still above line exists 0.
"Unknown" Pod status should be handled as well

Cannot assign instance name to concurrent workflow in Informatica

In Informatica, I can start a workflow but cannot get it to recognize my instance name in the session log and Workflow Monitor.
The workflow starts but in the session log it displays this:
Workflow wf_Tenter image description hereemp started with run id [22350], run instance name [], run type [Concurrent Run with Un[enter image description here][1]ique Instance Name]
Instance name is blank.
My command is:
pmcmd startworkflow -sv <service> -d <domain> -u <user> -p <password> -f <folder> -rin INST1 -paramfile <full param file path name> wf_Temp
I have edited the workflow and selected the checkbox Configure Current Execution. Inside Configure Concurrent Execution button, I have created three instances: INST1, INST2, INST3, but without any associated parameter files. All parameter files are blank.
I understand, I think, that in order to start a workflow with PMCMD I must pass in one of the configured instance names (i.e. INST1, INST2, INST3, etc.)
If I execute the PMCMD command from Putty a second time to see the second instance run, I receive a message that workflow is still running and I have to wait? Why? I have checked the Concurrent Workflow box in the workflow.
ERROR: Workflow [wf_Temp]: Could not start execution of this workflow because the current run on this Integration Service has not completed yet.
Disconnecting from Integration Service
So, I think I'm close, but am missing something. The workflow runs with the parameter file I pass in PMCMD but the instance name seems to be ignored.
Further. Do, I have to pre-configure instance names in the Workflow manager? Is the PMCMD instance and parameter file parameters enough? It doesn't seem quite so dynamic if Instances have to be pre-defined in the workflows.
Here's the screenshots from Putty when I run the command. You can see the instance name DALLAS is being passed through the PMCMD OK. No combination ever gets the Instance name. I did not include the pics of your suggested Test 1, but results were same.. still no instance.
Here's my complete test as requested in a comment above. I tried my best to put everything you may need here, but if I missed anything, just let me know. So here goes...
I've created a very simple workflow to run with instance name. It uses a timer to wait and a command tast to write the instance name to a file:
The concurrent execution has been set up in the most simple way:
Now, I've prepared the followig batch to run the workflow (just user & password removed):
SET "PMCMD=C:\Informatica\9.5.1\clients\PowerCenterClient\CommandLineUtilities\PC\server\bin\pmcmd"
%PMCMD% startworkflow -sv Dev_IS -d Domain_vic-vpc -u ####### -p ####### -f Dev01 -rin GLASGOW wf_Instance_Test
%PMCMD% startworkflow -sv Dev_IS -d Domain_vic-vpc -u ####### -p ####### -f Dev01 -rin FRANKFURT wf_Instance_Test
%PMCMD% startworkflow -sv Dev_IS -d Domain_vic-vpc -u ####### -p ####### -f Dev01 -rin GLASGOW wf_Instance_Test
It runs three instances, two of them with same name, just to test it. I run the batch the following way to capture the output:
pmStartTestWF.bat > c:\MG\pmStartTestWF.log
Once I execute it, here what I see in workflow monitor:
Just as expected, three instances executed and properly displayed. File output looks fine as well:
The output of pmcmd can be found here. Full definition of my test workflow is available here.
I really hope this will help you somehow. Feel free to let me know if you'd find anything missing here. Good luck!
You don't need to pre-configure instance names in workflow. Passing the instance name in pmcmd along with parameter filename is enough.
try this: pmcmd startworkflow -sv (service) -d (domain) -u (user) -p (password) -f (folder) -paramfile (full param file path name) -rin INST1 wf_Temp
To be precise: when you configure Concurrent Execution, you can specify if you:
allow concurrent run with same instance name
allow concurrent run only with unique instance name
In addition to that you may, but don't have to, indicate which instance should use which parameter file, so it won't be need to mention it while executing. But that's a separate feature.
Now, if you've chosen the first one, you will be able to invoke the WF multiple times with the very same command. If you've chosen the second one and try this, you will get the 'WF is already running' error.
The trouble is that your example seems correct at first glance. As per the log message:
Workflow wf_Temp started with run id [22350], run instance name [], run type [Concurrent Run with Unique Instance Name]
So you're allowing unique instances only. It seems that the instance name has not been used. First execution does not set the instance name, so similar second execution won't use it either and will get rejected as this is the same instance name (i.e. None).
You may try to change the setting to Allow concurrent run with same instance name, this shall allow the secon execution, but does not solve the main issue. For some reason the instance name does not get passed.
Please verify your command against the docs referenced below. Try to match the order perhaps. Please share some more info if it still fails.
Looking at the docs:
pmcmd StartWorkflow
<<-service|-sv> service [<-domain|-d> domain] [<-timeout|-t> timeout]>
<<-user|-u> username|<-uservar|-uv> userEnvVar>
<<-password|-p> password|<-passwordvar|-pv> passwordEnvVar>
[<<-usersecuritydomain|-usd> usersecuritydomain|<-usersecuritydomainvar|-usdv>
[<-folder|-f> folder]
[<-startfrom> taskInstancePath]
[<-paramfile> paramfile]
[<-localparamfile|-lpf> localparamfile]
[<-osprofile|-o> OSUser]
[<-runinsname|-rin> runInsName]

How to abort all workflows in Informatica

I did not know where else to post this as there are Informatica questions on this site. But at present, in order to abort workflows in Informatica, I must right click each workflow and manually select abort:
Given I have several hundred workflows active at any one time, to then abort them all manually takes a very long time.
Is there a programmatic or pre-defied GUI to allow for aborting all workflows at once?
You could dump the Integration Service. That would abort all workflows.
Otherwise you'd need to create a script to abort the workflows with pmcmd.
You can list all workflow names in a file (or get the workflow list from repository using repository query) and pass each workflow to the below pmcmd command which will automatically abort it using shell script.
pmcmd abortworkflow -service informatica-integration-Service -d domain-name -u user-name -p password -f folder-name -w workflow-name
pmcmd aborttask -service informatica-integration-Service -d domain-name -u user-name -p password -f folder-name -w workflow-name task-name
Let me know if you need any additional help.

Text file location and its data check at FTP server in informatica

How to check in informatica whether a flat file exists at a location at FTP server and to check if it has some data in it?
One solution is to create Windows or Unix shell script on the Informatica server that checks for the existence of the file.
Something like this:
if [ ! -f /Filelocation/INPUT_FILENAME.txt]
echo "Source not found"
exit 1
echo "Source present"
exit 0
exit 1
Create a command session in Workflow that runs this script.