How to enable https in Ray serve Framework - ray

Currently, I could connect to Ray serve backend via HTTP, but I could not found any suggestion about how to enable https.
ray.init(address="auto", namespace="serve")
"host": "",
"port": 443,
"middlewares": [ Middleware(CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"])]

I would recommend putting it in front of reverse proxy like nginx, apache, traefik, etc. You can technically give uvicorn the https certs file but in generally it's not a recommended pattern.


two (2) django applications on same vps server

I have two django applications deployed on the same server. I wanted to know if the two applications can coexist together without causing problems when the server handles requests with nginx and gunicorn .
You can serve the two Djangos on two separate ports if that's what you're wondering. Serve Nginx on an open port (like port 80) and upstream each request that hits port 80 based on the domain / rules. Upstream them to the proper port.

Accessing HTTP content from an HTTPS server || HTTP request blocked

My Django application currently runs on HTTPS in the server. Recently i added a new functionality for which it has access another link to get JSON object which is HTTP link.
Its working fine in the localhost but when I deploy it in the server, it is showing the following error.
Site was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource http link. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Can someone please suggest a workaround to bypass this so that the new functionality runs smooth.
This error comes from the browser, so there is not match you can do on the server side.
Easiest thing would be to enable https to those external resources if you have control over that.
Next workaround would be to add a proxy for your http resources and make this proxy https. In example, you could add a simple nginx server with proxy_pass to your http server and add https on that proxy'ing nginx.
Note, that if this JSON you are talking about contains anything sensitive, security-wise you really should serve it via https and not via proxy-workaround I described above. If nothing sensitive is served, workaround might be ok.
Since you have control over your http server, just allow ssl proxy on the nginx, with configuration that may look something like that:
server {
listen 443;
ssl_certificate /path/to/cert;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/key;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:80;
Note, if you're using something like AWS / GCP / Azure - you can do it on the load balancer side instead of nginx.
Otherwise, you can use letsencrypt to get the actual certificate and do some auto-configuration of nginx for you.

Nginx rewrite to https from http on same server_name block when ssl is handled downstream

We have had this issue for ages now, and its starting to bite us in the ass. We run a site for a client written in python on the django framework. We then use nginx as a webserver/proxy for django. This is usually the most standard setup and works well.
The issue is that our client has another apache server higher up. That server handles the ssl termination and just passes requests to us via normal http. The apache server accepts both http and https on 2 domain names.
We can easily rewrite http to https on nginx level, but the issue comes in that a user can remove https and just use http.
Is there a way on nginx level to force users back to if they are on
The usual technique is for the proxy handling ssl termination to add an X-Forwarded-Proto header. The upstream application can then conditionally redirect when entering a secure area.
With nginx this could be accomplished using a map:
map $http_x_forwarded_proto $insecure {
default 1;
https 0;
server {
if ($insecure) {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

How to use TLS and SHA-2 certificates in Domino Web Service Consumer

As many others, we have got bitten by the lack of TLS and SHA-2 support in IBM Domino.
Our application relies heavily on consuming web services that require authentication using certificates. And everything worked fine until last week. Then, one of the providers started requesting SHA-2 certificates for authentication and the other started requesting TLS instead of SSS v3.
Our current solution uses Java web consumers, similar to this:
ServiceBinding stub = new ServiceLocator().getWebService(portAddress);
Certificates are kept in the server's keyring.
How can we use SHA-2 certificates and TLS with Domino web consumers?
I tried importing the certificates in Java truststore / keystore and using code like this:
System.setProperty("", "/path/to/keystore");
System.setProperty("", "pwd);
System.setProperty("", "/path/to/truststore");
System.setProperty("", "pwd");
but it didn't seem to work. I am still debugging the code in order to find the exact cause.
But what to do with TLS? Is is possible to use Apache / Nginx as some kind of proxy for web service authentication?
Or is our only option to write web service consumers as standalone Java applications and call them from Notes?
We were able to solve both SHA-2 and TLS issues by using an Apache reverse proxy. We first tried with forward proxy, but it didn't work.
In the working solution, our Domino web service consumer first contacts the Apache reverse proxy using SSL, but without any authentication. Then Apache contacts the web service provider using the certificate that Domino used previously.
After Apache and web service provider finished handshake and authentication, it is free for the web service consumer in Domino to do its stuff.
As it turns out, it was rather easy to set up. You'll need an Apache server (obviously), we installed our in a CentOS virtual machine.
The configuration you need to do is quite simple and looks like this:
<VirtualHost *:8443>
# Turn off forward proxy
ProxyRequests Off
# Communication with Domino is using SSL, so we need SSL support
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
# This is necessary for authentication to work.
SSLProxyEngine On
# This is Domino certificate including private key saved as unecrypted pem file.
SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /etc/httpd/certs/domino-cert.pem
# This is list of CA certificates necessary to authenticate the provider.
SSLProxyCACertificateFile /etc/httpd/certs/provider-cert.pem
# Redirection rules are in this case very simple - redirect everything that comes
# to the proxy to the web service provider address.
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
# Allow only connections from Intranet.
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Just a few things to mention here:
You should be able to use certificate and key installed by default with Apache, as they are only used to secure communication between the Domino and the proxy.
Domino key and certificate must be in unencrypted pem format. Use openssl to convert if necessary. If you should get error message about missing or encrypted private key, open your pem certificate and confirm that it includes RSA in lines -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----. openssl sometimes generates certificate without the RSA and then Apache won't be able to use it.
That concludes the Apache configuration. The only thing that remains is to modify the web service consumer - find in your code the line where you set endpoint address, something like
and change it to
And that's it. We now have working solution for using Domino web services together with TLS and SHA-2 certificates. And we can calmly wait for IBM to implement support for this in Domino.
SHA2 works but TLS for Windows and Unix use tips
I guess in the context of Poodle TLS not SHA-2 is critical, but anyway here is how to get SHA-2 working with Domino 9 without IBM HTTP.
TLS is NOT SOLVED by this only SHA-2.
For Windows use IHS integration
For unix look at this link
You can avoid having to change your addresses to use a different port.
The way I solved this was to use IBM HTTP Server (IHS) installed with Domino 9 Server (you have to choose IBM HTTP Server from the Custom installation screen). IHS is a version of Apache with a Domino HTTP handler. You can install your TLS certificates on the IHS/Apache server, and will proxy to the Domino server on-the-fly. So you don't even have to change your URLs.
Here are some instructions from IBM:
It shows you how to Create Signing Requests (CSRs) using IKEYMAN and store the certificate in Domino.
In the domino\ihs\conf\ domino.conf file, edit by uncommenting the lines as per below and add the VirtualHost nodes:
# IPv4 support:
# Uncomment the following line for IPv6 support on Windows XP or Windows
# 2003 or later. Windows IPv6 networking must be configured first.
# Listen [::]:80
## IPv6 support:
#Listen [::]:443
#default vhost for Domino HTTP:
<VirtualHost *:80>
<VirtualHost *:443>
#SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
#SSLProtocolDisable SSLv3
KeyFile d:/keys/myserver.kdb
Remember to add HTTPIHSEnabled=1 to notes.ini when all the domino.conf modifications are done. Then watch the Domino console for any errors during HTTP Start due to domino.conf. You can also add HTTPIHSDebugStartup=1 to notes.ini to get a bit of debug info during HTTP IHS startup.

Determining server-type from http request

I have a web-server written in CPP. I want to determine the server-type of the request. i.e whether the request came from http or https URL ?
If you have your own web-server written in c++ you already know whether it came over http or https as they come through different ports and require different handling.
Which port you're listening to?
By default HTTPS URLs begin with "https://" and use port 443 by default, where HTTP URLs begin with "http://" and use port 80 by default.
There are other questions like how you're managing certificates to serve secure connections?
This article might be helpful -