Testing for n lowercase characters in a string using a regex? - regex

Trying to create a regular expression that tests for n lowercase characters in a string.
So for a minimum of 2 characters for example, I thought something like ([a-z]){2,} might work.
For the below test the first two are expected to pass:
const min = 2;
const tests = ['a2a#$2', 'a2a#$2a2', 'a2'];
const regex2: RegExp = new RegExp(`([a-z]){${min},}`);
tests.forEach((t) => {
const valid = regex2.test(t);
console.log(`t: ${t} is valid: ${valid}`);

Looks for lowercase, then anything or nothing in between, then lowercase again.
Try it out for yourself:

I might go the route of first stripping off all characters other than lowercase letters, then using a length assertion:
var min = 2;
var tests = ['a2a#$2', 'a2a#$2a2', 'a2'];
tests.forEach(e => {
if (e.replace(/[^a-z]+/g, "").length >= min) {
console.log("MATCH: " + e);
else {
console.log("NO MATCH: " + e);

This isn't the most scalable solution, but for 2 lowercase letters, you could do this: .*[a-z].*[a-z].*. Of course, this breaks down if you want to match 1000 lower case letters, you'd have to type [a-z] 1000 times.

To test if the string has exactly n lower-case letters, attempt to match the following regular expression:
where n is replaced with the desired value.
See Demo for n = 9.
To match at least n lower-case letters use

From the below, the match function will return the matches array. If there are no matches then it will return null. you can use matches.length to filter the array.
const min = 2;
const tests = ['a2a#$2', 'a2a#$2a2', 'a2'];
tests.forEach((t) => {
const matches = t.match(/([a-z])/g)||[];
console.log(`t: ${t} is valid: ${matches.length}`);


The first digit matches the last digit in a four-digits number

I'm trying to find numbers that start and end with the same digit and have similar numbers in between the two digits. Here are some examples:
7007 1551 3993 5115 9889
I tried the following regular expression to identify the first and the last digit. However, no number was selected.
I appreciate your help.
Use this:
Capture the first and second digits separately, then match them in the reverse order.
might be an option to look into.
RegEx Demo
If you wish to simplify/update/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of regex101.com. You can watch the matching steps or modify them in this debugger link, if you'd be interested. The debugger demonstrates that how a RegEx engine might step by step consume some sample input strings and would perform the matching process.
Your regex will match two digit numbers where both digits are the same. You just need to expand it: (\d)(\d)\2\1
As well, since the numbers are on the same line, use word boundaries (\b) instead of line boundaries (^ and $).
BTW {1} is redundant
Demo on regex101
Simple JS way.
let a = "7007 1551 3393 5115 9883";
a = a.split(" ");
let ans = [];
a.forEach((val) => {
let temp = val.split("");
if (temp && temp[0] === temp[temp.length - 1]) {
temp = temp.slice(1,temp.length-1);
ans.push(temp.slice(0,temp.length).every( (val, i, arr) => val === arr[0] )) ;
} else {
Regular Expression:
let a = "7007 1551 3393 5115 9883";
a = a.split(" ");
let ans = [];
a.forEach((val) => {
let reg = /(\d)(\d*)(\d)/gi;
let match = reg.exec(val);
if (match && match.length > 3 && match[1] === match[3]) {
let temp = match[2];
temp = temp.split("");
temp = temp.slice(0,temp.length);
ans.push(temp.every( (val, i, arr) => val === arr[0] )) ;
} else {

Regex replace phone numbers with asterisks pattern

I want to apply a mask to my phone numbers replacing some characters with "*".
The specification is the next:
Phone entry: (123) 123-1234
Output: (1**) ***-**34
I was trying with this pattern: "\B\d(?=(?:\D*\d){2})" and the replacing the matches with a "*"
But the final input is something like (123)465-7891 -> (1**)4**-7*91
Pretty similar than I want but with two extra matches. I was thinking to find a way to use the match zero or once option (??) but not sure how.
Try this Regex:
Replace each match with *
Click for Demo
(?<!\() - negative lookbehind to find the position which is not immediately preceded by (
\d - matches a digit
(?!$) - negative lookahead to find the position not immediately followed by an optional digit followed by end of the line
Alternative without lookarounds :
match \((\d)\d{2}\)\s+\d{3}-\d{2}(\d{2})
replace by (\1**) ***-**\2
In my opinion you should avoid lookarounds when possible. I find them less readable, they are less portable and often less performant.
Testing Gurman's regex and mine on regex101's php engine, mine completes in 14 steps while Gurman's completes in 80 steps
Some "quickie":
function maskNumber(number){
var getNumLength = number.length;
// The number of asterisk, when added to 4 should correspond to length of the number
var asteriskLength = getNumLength - 4;
var maskNumber = number.substr(-4);
for (var i = 0; i < asteriskLength; i++) maskNumber+= '*';
var mask = maskNumber.split(''), maskLength = mask.length;
for(var i = maskLength - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tmp = mask[i];
mask[i] = mask[j];
mask[j] = tmp;
return mask.join('');

Regular expression to match all digits of unknown length except the last 4 digits

There is a number with unknown length and the idea is to build a regular expression which matches all digits except last 4 digits.
I have tried a lot to achieve this but no luck yet.
Currently I have this regex: "^(\d*)\d{0}\d{0}\d{0}\d{0}.*$"
Input: 123456789089775
Expected output: XXXXXXXXXXX9775
which I am using as follows(and this doesn't work):
String accountNumber ="123456789089775";
String pattern = "^(\\d*)\\d{1}\\d{1}\\d{1}\\d{1}.*$";
String result = accountNumber.replaceAll(pattern, "X");
Please suggest how I should approach this problem or give me the solution.
In this case my whole point is to negate the regex : "\d{4}$"
You may use
See the regex demo.
\G - start of string or end of the previous match
\d - a digit
(?=\d{4,}$) - a positive lookahead that requires 4 or more digits up to the end of the string immediately to the right of the current location.
Java demo:
String accountNumber ="123456789089775";
String pattern = "\\G\\d(?=\\d{4,}$)"; // Or \\G.(?=.{4,}$)
String result = accountNumber.replaceAll(pattern, "X");
System.out.println(result); // => XXXXXXXXXXX9775
still not allowed to comment as I don't have that "50 rep" yet but DDeMartini's answer would swallow prefixed non-number-accounts as "^(.*)" would match stuff like abcdef1234 as well - stick to your \d-syntax
seems to work fine and demands numbers (minimum length 6 chars). Tested it like
public class AccountNumberPadder {
private static final Pattern LAST_FOUR_DIGITS = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)(\\d{4})");
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] accountNumbers = new String[] { "123456789089775", "999775", "1234567890897" };
for (String accountNumber : accountNumbers) {
Matcher m = LAST_FOUR_DIGITS.matcher(accountNumber);
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println(paddIt(accountNumber, m));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Whooaaa - don't work for %s", accountNumber));
public static String paddIt(String input, Matcher m) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < m.group(1).length(); i++) {
return input.replace(m.group(1), b.toString());
String pattern = "^(.*)[0-9]{4}$";
Addendum after comment: A refactor to only match full numerics could look like this:
String pattern = "^([0-9]+)[0-9]{4}$";

Matching token sequences

I have a set of n tokens (e.g., a, b, c) distributed among a bunch of other tokens. I would like to know if all members of my set occur within a given number of positions (window size). It occurred to me that it may be possible to write a RegEx to capture this state, but the exact syntax eludes me.
ab ab bc a cba
In this example, given window size=5, I would like to match cba at positions 12-14, and abc in positions 3-7.
Is there a way to do this with RegEx, or is there some other kind of grammar that I can use to capture this logic?
I am hoping to implement this in Java.
Here's a regex that matches 5-letter sequences that include all of 'a', 'b' and 'c':
So, while basically matching any 5 characters (with .{5}), there are three preconditions the matches have to observe. Each of them requires one of the tokens/letters to be present (up to 4 characters followed by 'a', etc.). (?=X) matches "X, with a zero-width positive look-ahead", where zero-width means that the character position is not moved while matching.
Doing this with regexes is slow, though.. Here's a more direct version (seems about 15x faster than using regular expressions):
public static void find(String haystack, String tokens, int windowLen) {
char[] tokenChars = tokens.toCharArray();
int hayLen = haystack.length();
int pos = 0;
while (pos + windowLen <= hayLen) {
for (char c : tokenChars) {
int i = haystack.indexOf(c, pos);
if (i < 0) return;
if (i - pos >= windowLen) {
pos = i - windowLen + 1;
continue nextPos;
// match found at pos
System.out.println(pos + ".." + (pos + windowLen - 1) + ": " + haystack.substring(pos, pos + windowLen));
This tested Java program has a commented regex which does the trick:
import java.util.regex.*;
public class TEST {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "ab ab bc a cba";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(
"# Match 5 char sequences containing: a and b and c\n" +
"(?=[abc]) # Assert first char is a, b or c.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}a) # Assert an 'a' within 5 chars.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}b) # Assert an 'b' within 5 chars.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}c) # Assert an 'c' within 5 chars.\n" +
".{5} # If so, match the 5 chers.",
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
System.out.print("Match = \""+ m.group() +"\"\n");
Note that there is another valid sequence S9:13" a cb" in your test data (before the S12:14"cba". Assuming you did not want to match this one, I added an additional constraint to filter it out, which requires that the 5 char window must begin with an a, b or c.
Here is the output from the script:
Match = "ab bc"
Match = "a cba"
Well, one possibility (albeit a completely impractical one) is simply to match against all permutations:
abc..|ab.c.|ab..c| .... etc.
This can be factorised somewhat:
ab(c..|.c.|..c)|a.(bc.|b.c .... etc.
I'm not sure if you can do better with regex.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:a()|b()|c()|.){5}\\1\\2\\3");
String s = "ab ab bc a cba";
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find())
ab bc
a cb
This is inspired by Recipe #5.7 in Regular Expressions Cookbook. Each back-reference (\1, \2, \3) acts like a zero-width assertion, indicating that the corresponding capturing group participated in the match, even though the group itself didn't consume any characters.
The authors warn that this trick relies on behavior that's undocumented in most flavors. It works in Java, .NET, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby (original and Oniguruma), but not in JavaScript or ActionScript.

Regular Expression to find numbers with same digits in different order

I have been looking for a regular expression with Google for an hour or so now and can't seem to work this one out :(
If I have a number, say:
and I want to find any other number with the same digits but in a different order, like this:
For example, I match
3245 or 5432 (same digits but different order)
How would I write a regular expression for this?
There is an "elegant" way to do it with a single regex:
will match the digits 2, 3, 4 and 5 in any order. All four are required.
(?:2()|3()|4()|5()) matches one of the numbers 2, 3, 4, or 5. The trick is now that the capturing parentheses match an empty string after matching a number (which always succeeds).
{4} requires that this happens four times.
\1\2\3\4 then requires that all four backreferences have participated in the match - which they do if and only if each number has occurred once. Since \1\2\3\4 matches an empty string, it will always match as long as the previous condition is true.
For five digits, you'd need
This will work in nearly any regex flavor except JavaScript.
I don't think a regex is appropriate. So here is an idea that is faster than a regex for this situation:
check string lengths, if they are different, return false
make a hash from the character (digits in your case) to integers for counting
loop through the characters of your first string:
increment the counter for that character: hash[character]++
loop through the characters of the second string:
decrement the counter for that character: hash[character]--
break if any count is negative (or nonexistent)
loop through the entries, making sure each is 0:
if all are 0, return true
else return false
EDIT: Java Code (I'm using Character for this example, not exactly Unicode friendly, but it's the idea that matters now):
import java.util.*;
public class Test
public boolean isSimilar(String first, String second)
if(first.length() != second.length())
return false;
HashMap<Character, Integer> hash = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
for(char c : first.toCharArray())
if(hash.get(c) != null)
int count = hash.get(c);
hash.put(c, count);
hash.put(c, 1);
for(char c : second.toCharArray())
if(hash.get(c) != null)
int count = hash.get(c);
if(count < 0)
return false;
hash.put(c, count);
return false;
for(Integer i : hash.values())
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String ... args)
//tested to print false
System.out.println(new Test().isSimilar("23445", "5432"));
//tested to print true
System.out.println(new Test().isSimilar("2345", "5432"));
This will also work for comparing letters or other character sequences, like "god" and "dog".
Put the digits of each number in two arrays, sort the arrays, find out if they hold the same digits at the same indices.
RegExes are not the right tool for this task.
You could do something like this to ensure the right characters and length
Ensuring they only exist once is trickier and why this is not suited to regexes
The simplest regular expression is just all 24 permutations added up via the or operator:
That said, you don't want to solve this with a regex if you can get away with it. A single pass through the two numbers as strings is probably better:
1. Check the string length of both strings - if they're different you're done.
2. Build a hash of all the digits from the number you're matching against.
3. Run through the digits in the number you're checking. If you hit a match in the hash, mark it as used. Keep going until you don't get an unused match in the hash or run out of items.
I think it's very simple to achieve if you're OK with matching a number that doesn't use all of the digits. E.g. if you have a number 1234 and you accept a match with the number of 1111 to return TRUE;
Let me use PHP for an example as you haven't specified what language you use.
$my_num = 1245;
$my_pattern = '/[' . $my_num . ']{4}/'; // this resolves to pattern: /[1245]{4}/
$my_pattern2 = '/[' . $my_num . ']+/'; // as above but numbers can by of any length
$number1 = 4521;
$match = preg_match($my_pattern, $number1); // will return TRUE
$number2 = 2222444111;
$match2 = preg_match($my_pattern2, $number2); // will return TRUE
$number3 = 888;
$match3 = preg_match($my_pattern, $number3); // will return FALSE
$match4 = preg_match($my_pattern2, $number3); // will return FALSE
Something similar will work in Perl as well.
Regular expressions are not appropriate for this purpose. Here is a Perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $src = '2345';
my #test = qw( 3245 5432 5542 1234 12345 );
my $canonical = canonicalize( $src );
for my $candidate ( #test ) {
next unless $canonical eq canonicalize( $candidate );
print "$src and $candidate consist of the same digits\n";
sub canonicalize { join '', sort split //, $_[0] }
C:\Temp> ks
2345 and 3245 consist of the same digits
2345 and 5432 consist of the same digits