Why my WebStorm keep showing Vue TypeScript 4.5.4, though I'm using React TypeScript - webstorm

I'm not so sure why my WebStorm keep showing Vue-TypeScript although I'm using React TypeScript.
Is this the reason for the typescript-auto-import preferences not working ?

Please uncheck Vue.js plugin. I hope it would be helpful.


A fix using `browsersList` is not working in Expo

I could really use some help getting this to run on web...
I'm building a web app that uses leaflet. (MapView is non-web in Expo right now).
And using the react-leaflet library is giving an error with React 18.
The provided solution everyone mentions has to do with changing the browsersList in package.json. However this isn't working.
I'm wondering if it might be because of Expo somehow?
Please help 🙏 🙂
Here's a couple links to the issues:

I want to add “aws-iot-device-sdk” to my project

I want to add “aws-iot-device-sdk” to my project, but I couldn’t find such a plugin for vue js. Have you used it before.
You can install aws iot sdk for javascript.

How to integrate "flow" in webstorm?

I am using WebStorm IDE. I need to know how to integrate flow with WebStorm.
I tried the steps given in this blog post, but it is not showing hints or errors.
I've put together an experimental plugin integrating Flow error reports into IDEA/WebStorm as error annotations:
See also Flow in JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA

Unit testing for FirefoxOS packaged app

I want to write a unit testing code for a Firefox OS packaged app.
Is there a way to load app.js from unittest.html?
<script src="../src/app.js"></script>
This doesn't work when I launch unittest.html as a packaged app.
Made an example and it works for me. Take a look at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/134884/packagedtest.zip . I tried it in a Firefox 1.2 Simulator using the App Manager from Firefox Nightly, if it makes any difference.
Something else must be the issue. Use the developer tools to connect to the simulator to see if there are any relevant errors in the console. If you are using the App Manager, just click the "Debug" button bellow the app to do that. If you are using the Simulator 1.1 add-on, click the "Connect" button next to the app.

Define handlebars scripts in a separate directory

I would like to avoid to manage a big index.html file containing all my handlebars template.
I read multiple blogs with different solutions but I'm not sure of the best one.
Is there someone from the official ember.js team able to provide the best practice for this ?
Is grunt the best solution ?
Currently I do not use any special backend like node.js. Only a basic http apache server. The REST API is provided by a Tomcat server
IMO if you are not a rails developer then one of the best option would be indeed grunt or much better yeoman (http://yeoman.io/). Using the generator-ember (https://github.com/yeoman/generator-ember) and yeoman togheter will get you up and running in no time. For example after installing yeoman and the generator-ember you can create a full project structure with a simple yo ember, this will create all the necessary folder for views/controller/routes/templates where you can start coding right away. You should give it a try.
As stated in the comment of #Toran Billups, the ember core team is working on this project (https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-app-kit) which will be grunt based and it will work using modules and much more awesome stuff.
Hope it helps.