Bazel: Compile a single file without linking - c++

In ninja, I can compile a single C++ file by running ninja path/to/my/object.file.o.
Is there a way to achieve the same in bazel?
Use case / Background
During refactoring, in particular when changing interfaces in .hpp files, I usually want to focus on one single complex user of the interface first. I want to iterate on that one user until my refactoring works as expected on complex_user.cpp and I am happy with the new interfaces. Only afterwards, I want to adjust all other users. I hence want to get the compiler errors / warnings only from my complex_user.cpp file while ignoring all other places where .hpp might be included

Try --save_temps. bazel build --save_temps //my:library will give you the .o, .s, and similar files for only the targets listed on the command line.
--compile_one_dependency is designed for a similar use case, if you want to specify the target to build by the .cpp file instead of specifying a particular cc_library.

You need to implement a custom-made rule cc_object_file. Since the Bazel cc_rules are open source you can use this as a starting point.


How can I compile c++ to multiple files?

I have a program (cpp) with many classes. Every class is in separate source file (.h + .cpp).
How can I split the compiled program into multiple files (instead of one big executable file)?
Let's say, one file for every class (same as the code structure).
So that every time there is change in a specific class, I compile only that class, and replace the specific compiled file related to that class.
(Something similar to .DLL files in Windows.)
Example from real life:
I am making TUI interface for managing mysql.
I would like to create mysql text editor (TUI) with ncurses.
the code (class) for creating and managing single window object is in
'textWin.cpp' + 'textWin.h'
the code (class) for managing multiple windows, by creating windows objects from previous class is in winMan.cpp winMan.h
the code (class) for managing mysql database is in :
mysql.cpp mysql.h
and so on...
so, I have the following files:
- winMan.cpp + winMan.h
- textWin.cpp + textWin.h
- mysql.cpp + mysql.h
- ..
- ..
After g++ compilation, I get one executable file, './MyProgram' (size about 15Mb.) which I deliver to all my customers (1000's of them).
I Just found a typo in textWin.cpp, I fixed it, and I told to all customers that there is an update... all of them need to download one big 15Mb file, this consumes allot of bandwidth and server resources, for just a small update.
Is there a way to send to all my customers smaller file, that contains only the compiled code for textWin class ?
I use g++ on Centos7
The gcc compiler will happily take a list of cpp files to compile together to make one executable. You don't need to write a "containing" cpp file. However, you still have the issue that each time it rebuilds them all.
The alternative is to build each sourcefile separately to an object file, then link those all together. Hopefully each of those invocations of the compiler will add up to less time than the single command-line. But how to keep track of which cpp files actually need to be rebuilt?
The usual approach is to use a makefile and a make utility which will check the dates of all the mentioned files. There are a variety of flavours of makefile, and helper makefile engines. Download a simple package like gzip and you can quickly get an idea of how the Makefile is structured. Then there is lots of help online, or you may decide that this is just too much trouble for a project with 5 files in it.
As suggested in the comments by #RSahu
Shared Libraries (.so files) is the way to split your compiled code.
here is a small example:
Of course, you could put your texts into separate text-files and only deploy those in the an error is there. For your special use case, where binary differences must be deployed, this question might be helpful: How do I create binary patches?
Another option, do proper versioning. That way, your customers might be able to decide for themselves. That is, if they need this update.

NMake Optional Dependencies

We’re currently upgrading our archaic build system from a bunch of batch scripts to a makefile system using NMake. It’s challenging as we use a custom intermediate language that ends up getting translated to C++ where some of our translators can generate 10’s of files what have a common parts in the file names. The other challenging thing is we use a bunch of CSV files to configure our interfaces and these files get passed through to our configuration tools which generate more source code files. Right now I am focusing on creating the simple rules for our configuration files but can’t seem to figure out a way associate a dependency with a rule if the dependency exists. I tried to use $(wildcard xxx.csv) but found out that this command doesn’t exist for NMake like it does for GNU Make.
So how can I create my rule so that it executes and runs my commands if I have two dependency csv files that will always exists and a third csv file that will exist only when my project calls for it?
[..] will exist only when my project calls for it?
This is a bit unclear. Assuming that there is a command that - depending on some external circumstances - might generate that third csv file, you could use a "stamp file" (I think they call it "pseudo target" in NMAKE):
touch stamp # updates timestamp of "stamp" (or creates it)
target: csv1 csv2 stamp
command_using_all_of csv1 csv2 csv3

CMake - Automatically Parsing Dependencies of Precompiled Header?

As of yet, at least to my knowledge, there is no standard way in CMake to specify the addition of a precompiled header (PCH) to a project in a cross-platform manner because the way PCHs are handled by C++ compilers is very different among vendors. For G++, this is usually this is worked around by simply adding a custom command which takes care of invoking the compiler with the appropriate input and has it generate the PCH.
My current problem is that CMake will not parse the dependencies of the dependencies you specify for the custom command. For instance, assume the following structure:
|- dependA.h
|- dependB.h
Only providing pch.h as a dependency will lead to the generation of the appropriate target in the corresponding makefile, which tracks changes to pch.h. However, CMake does not parse the includes inside pch.h and will therefore not recognize changes to dependA.h and dependB.h. This extends furhter if there are dependencies for dependsA.h and so on.
Note: I'm aware that the fact that PCH dependencies can and do change regularly puts the whole process in question. However, this is just the way it is and I can't really do anything about it.
Since the task isn't too hard, there are a couple of obvious ideas that come to mind:
Solution A:
Enter all the dependencies by hand. Obviously this works, but is tedious as hell and doesn't scale at all.
Solution B:
If possible, write a CMake function that automates the process and parse the includes "manually".
Solution C:
Do something similar using a different language, for instance Python, and just provide CMake a list of dependencies to add to the custom command.
Solution D:
Use gcc/g++'s feature to parse and print out the dependency tree of the PCH and parse the output to extract the list of dependencies.
My question is: does anyone know a more convenient and faster way to get this done?
The IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option of the add_custom_command might do the trick:
OUTPUT outFile
The IMPLICIT_DEPENDS option makes the generated build system scan the implicit dependencies of the given input file at build time. It is only supported for Makefile generators, though.

Can I use SCons aliasing for choosing SConscripts to run?

I'm using SCons to build a very large project, with many buildable sub-projects. I can easily use keyword commands like scons group=ai to build the AI sub-projects with if statements (choosing the right SConscripts based on the keyword command), but I want to make it as easy as possible for others to use scons. Ideally, I'd like to use it like so: scons ai to build the AI components. However, the only single-word command functionality I've found in SCons so far is aliasing, and all the examples are about changing the target. This is not what I want. Since I have a very large project with multiple sub-SConscript files to build the subprojects, I want to call the SConscripts selectively. I've tried code like so:
env.Alias("ai", SConscript("ai/SConscript", 'env'))
but this calls the AI SConscript every time, regardless of whether I use the "ai" alias or a different one. Does anyone know if it is possible to use aliasing this way to selectively call SConscripts based on the alias?
As you mentioned, the Alias() function is only used for targets. I can think of 2 ways to solve this
Alias() can be called multiple times for the same alias with different targets, so you could call it for all targets in each SConscript, then you could build everything in a SConscript. Here's an example of what I mean:
# targets, etc
env.Alias("ai", target1)
env.Alias("ai", target2)
env.Alias("ai", targetn)
Another option would be to put some logic in your root SConstruct so it only calls sub-project SConscript's based on a command line argument. This option would require you to use a command line argument of this form: group=ai

Does "make" know how to search sub-dirs for include files?

This is a question for experienced C/C++ developpers.
I have zero knowledge of compiling C programs with "make", and need to modify an existing application, ie. change its "config" and "makefile" files.
The .h files that the application needs are not located in a single-level directory, but rather, they are spread in multiple sub-directories.
In order for cc to find all the required include files, can I just add a single "-I" switch to point cc to the top-level directory and expect it to search all sub-dirs recursively, or must I add several "-I" switches to list all the sub-dirs explicitely, eg. -I/usr/src/myapp/includes/1 -I/usr/src/myapp/includes/2, etc.?
Thank you.
This question appears to be about the C compiler driver, rather than make. Assuming you are using GCC, then you need to list each directory you want searched:
gcc -I/foo -I/foo/bar myprog.c
This is actually a compiler switch, unrelated to make itself.
The compiler will search for include files in the built-in system dirs, and then in the paths you provide with the -I switch. However, no automatic sub-directory traversal is made.
For example, if you have
#include "my/path/to/file.h"
and you give -I a/directory as a parameter, the compiler will look for a/directory/my/path/to/file.h.
If the makefiles are written in the usual way, the line that invokes the compiler will use a couple of variables that allow you to customize the details, e.g. not
gcc (...)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) (...)
and if this is the case, and you're lucky, you don't even need to edit any of the makefiles; instead you can invoke make like this
make CFLAGS='-I /absolute-path/to/wherever'
to incorporate your special options into the compiler invocation.
Also check whether the Makefiles aren't generated by something else (usually, a script in the top directory called
which will have options of its own to control what goes into them).
everyone answered your question correctly. but something to consider when you get to setup your own source tree.... a leaf node should only look 2 places for headers, in its own directory or up the tree. once people start going across to peers and down the tree, the build system will get gnarly, but what also happens is folks with start using private interfaces when they should be using public interfaces