How do I migrate static aws website to dynamic [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed last year.
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I have a personal website hosted on aws using s3, cloudfront and route53, but as time goes by I would like to have some dynamic functionalities such as allowing visitors to leave a private message. May I know what is the best option for me? Should I use an EC2 instance? Or Lambda + API gateway... etc?
Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks!

I would recommend that you start at Choose Your Web Application Infrastructure because there is no single answer.
There are different factors to take into account when deciding which service to use to deploy your first web application on the AWS Cloud. You should consider if you want a managed infrastructure with low stress, if you need containers (and why) or if you want full control and customization.

As I think you currently don't have server-side rendering type of setup that is great news for you to host a personal website, For any dynamic backend related stuff you can use AWS Lambda functions for contact forms submissions and other things and the price would also no very low to host these rather than switching to ec2


Is there anything against using Cloud Run for a server side GTM [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I have been setting up several server side GTMs for my company in the last months. I have deployed both App Engine Flexible versions, as well as Cloud Run hosted ssGTMs.
I found using Cloud Run easier to setup and also cheaper as long as you stay under 300 million requests per month. Custom domain setup is also only slightly different.
The official documentation Basically only covers App Engine and Manual deployment.
I was wondering if there is any downside towards using Cloud Run for hosting your ssGTM besides potential cold starts (which I do not really care about).
I'm not very familiar with GTM but here are few things for using Cloud Run you have to figure out first.
Is GTM completley stateless ? Or does it needs State, Cloud Run doesn't offer a filesystem kind capabilities for storing files on disk
Is GTM already available as a container ?
You can avoid cold starts by setting the min replicas to 1 or higher so that there is at least always 1 instance available to serve traffic.

Should I Dockerize Angular App or Host Static in S3 [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a Docker app and currently have no backend (planning to make one in Spring Boot so it will be separated as microservices). Now, after my research, i have 2 options, I could push the app directly into S3 and set it as static web hosting without dockerizing it, or I could dockerize it and deploy it in ECS and still as a static web page. In my opinion, hosting it in S3 would be way easier, but what benefits or under what circumstances, it is best to dockerize my angular app and deploy it in ECS?
In my opinion, it is totally fine to host your static site on S3, but think about day 2 operations... How would you deploy new changes to the site? back up the site? revert to a specific version? of course, you can do all of it with scripting around S3 but it will require some effort... in my opinion building a container to serve static files is very simple and does not require more effort than creating the bucket, configuring it to serve static files, and add/create the required scripting/tooling to maintain and support the site. containers will win for me because of the ability to store and tag containers with specific versions(based on a specific commit) and better control over logs and debugging will win me. if it's a very low maintenance site go with a bucket otherwise I think it's worth containerizing it.

What is the best way to protect a Google cloud function against a DDOS attack [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm new in network and I want to protect the layer 7 of a Google cloud function. I've found cloud armour that allow to create an allow/deny ip list for an https load balancer. Also Cloudflare that propose an illimited ddos mitigation.
My questions are:
1 - Is it possible to use cloud armour when my users ip list is dynamic/(unknown in advance) ? If so, can somebody point me to an informative link please?
2 - When my cloud function is behind a load balancer, can I access it again with it's normal url?
3 - Do somebody know better ways to achieve my goal with a priority to Google cloud plateforme solutions.
Thank for your help and sorry if my English is bad.
I'm not an expert, but I believe that you can't define a policy to a dynamic list. Although you can create a custom logging metric + Stackdriver alert to invoke a script to update your cloud armor policy [ 1 ] (using webhooks[ 2 ]).
About your second question, you can't put google cloud function behind a load balance.
To conclude you can create protection about DDOS attack but Google already provides a tremendous and transparency protection against it [ 3 ].

Unable to Decide which Amazon Web service goes well for our business? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Our Business Needs:
Want to launch a java based Web service
Need a mySQL database for the web application
We will need to run same web service securely for 10 different cuatomers
Our Plan:
Will go for EC2 service
We will use some application stacks having java / database and web server
For the above services do we need all the three services EC2 / RDS and S3?
Can we prepare our Linux image with all the needs and upload it and tun it on S3?
Please help us with your valuable answers.
You're question is a little vague. You could do this all on 1 EC2 instance, depending on the load. You can install Java, and MySQL on a single linux instance. Weather this will work for you or not, depends on the app. load, the size of ec2 instance you use. Many things.
As for creating your own linux image, yes you can do this, there are many articles on the web detailing this, a quick google search turned up this one
Good luck!
For the above 3 requirements, you can do this with just EC2 for the linux instances with Java web servers (Tomcat etc) and RDS for the MySQL (both of which are part of the free trial now).
You would only need S2 if you needed file storage.
You cannot premake the instances offline, you need to make them live.

Dont understan what exactly I can do with cloud computing such as AWS [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have read a couple articles and I know the basic concept of cloud computing..But I still don't know what exactly I can do with this service.
As a mobile application developer, I have developed a couple of iPhone applications. I have a Bluehost account and I have MySQL database in there. I have a couple PHP scripts on my server and on device side, it sends http request to the server to get the data from database in XML format. That is basically how I designed and implemented my applications..
Now what can I do with a cloud computing? If I use a cloud computing service such as AWS then how it is going to change the structure of my application?
Thanks in advance...
Cloud computing doesn't necessarily have to change the structure of your app. The main benefit of cloud computing in a lot of cases is scaling.
Right now if your iPhone apps become really popular and overload your current host, what do you do?
Using the cloud, you could spin up new instances (servers) on demand almost instantly. Another benefit is you only pay for what you need. Of course, depending on the situation, it might require changes to your structure to take advantage of scaling features.
edit: Specific to AWS, they have a service called Elastic Load Balancing. Take a look: