SSI timefmt suppress leading zero in the hour - ssi

This Server Side Include fragment:
<!--#config timefmt="%a, %d%b'%y %I:%M%P %Z" -->
Content updated: <!--#flastmod virtual='../pages/$JLC_CONTENT_FILE' -->
How can one suppress the leading zero in the hour?

The timefmt uses the standard C function strftime(), so "%k" drops the leading zero:
<!--#config timefmt="%a, %e%b'%y %k:%M%P %Z" -->


Telegraf: How to extract from field using regex processor?

I would like to extract the values for connections, upstream and downstream using telegraf regex processor plugin from this input:
2022/11/16 22:38:48 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 10 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 60 MB, ↓ 4 MB.
Using this configuration the result key "upstream" is a copy of the initial message but without a part of the 'regexed' stuff.
tagpass = ["snowflake-proxy"]
## Field to change
key = "message"
## All the power of the Go regular expressions available here
## For example, named subgroups
pattern = 'Relayed.{3}(?P<UPSTREAM>\d{1,4}\W.B),'
replacement = "${UPSTREAM}"
## If result_key is present, a new field will be created
## instead of changing existing field
result_key = "upstream"
Current output:
2022/11/17 10:38:48 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 1 connections. Traffic 3 MB ↓ 5 MB.
How do I get the decimals?
I'm quite a bit confused how to use the regex here, because on several examples in the web it should work like this. See for example:
The replacement config option specifies what you want to replace in for any matches.
I think you want something closer to this:
key = "message"
pattern = '.*Relayed.{3}(?P<UPSTREAM>\d{1,4}\W.B),.*$'
replacement = "${1}"
result_key = "upstream"
to get:
upstream="60 MB"

How to find the difference in hours between two dates dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

I have two dates in cells
A1=05.11.2021 18:16
B1=05.11.2021 20:16
I need to find difference in hours between two dates. Result should be (B1-A1)=2 I can't find an answer on the Internet, I ask for help.
REGEXEXTRACT(B1, "\d{4}"),
REGEXEXTRACT(B1, "\.(\d+)\."),
REGEXEXTRACT(B1, "^\d+"))+INDEX(SPLIT(B1, " "),,2))-(DATE(
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "\d{4}"),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "\.(\d+)\."),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "^\d+"))+INDEX(SPLIT(A1, " "),,2)), "[h]")
REGEXEXTRACT(B1:B, "\d{4}"),
REGEXEXTRACT(B1:B, "\.(\d+)\."),
REGEXEXTRACT(B1:B, "^\d+"))+INDEX(SPLIT(B1:B, " "),,2))-(DATE(
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A, "\d{4}"),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A, "\.(\d+)\."),
REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A, "^\d+"))+INDEX(SPLIT(A1:A, " "),,2)), "[h]")))
REGEXREPLACE(B1:B, "(\d+).(\d+).(\d{4})", "$2/$1/$3")-
REGEXREPLACE(A1:A, "(\d+).(\d+).(\d{4})", "$2/$1/$3"), "[h]")))))
As what #basic mentioned in the above comment, you can format the cell where your output goes or use text with h for hour difference and [h] for the whole duration in hours (got from Cooper's answer). See usage and difference below:
=text(B1-A1, "h")
=text(B1-A1, "[h]")
Make sure your Date Times uses proper delimiters. / and - are acceptable (e.g. 5/11/2021 18:16:00 or 5-11-2021 18:16:00). (This depends entirely on your locale.)
If you want to show it having . as delimiter, just use a custom Date Time format and use . as its delimiter.
Using custom format:
Actual value vs Display value:
If you don't want to do any changes to the date time and want to have it as text, then replace them using regexreplace before using them in text.
=text(REGEXREPLACE(B1, "\.", "/") - REGEXREPLACE(A1, "\.", "/"), "h")
=text(REGEXREPLACE(B1, "\.", "/") - REGEXREPLACE(A1, "\.", "/"), "[h]")

Regex to extract shoe size from string column

I have a database with string column product_name which has data like:
Vans Classic Slip-On Black & White Checkerboard/ White - veľkosť (US) : 6 (EUR: 38)
Vans Old Skool - čierna - veľkosť (US) : 9.5 (EUR: 42.5)
I am trying to extract the US size...
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR("product_name", ...) AS "size"
...with desired output like this.
I have tried this, but to no avail
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR("product_name", '(US)(\d+)') AS "size"
I need to agree with B001, this might not be the best way of saving your information. However, if you are sure your strings are going to have this format, you could use this regex
\(US\) ?: ?(\d+\.?\d*) \(EUR: ?(\d+\.?\d*)\)
This will match the US shoe size first and then the EUR one.
Here is a visual explaination of the regex
Please note that this regex will match BOTH sizes, I'm not sure which one you prefer
You can test more cases in this regex101
When working in the web UI I had to double slash my slashes. Thus the following worked as you want.
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '\\(US\\)\\s\\:\\s(\\d+\\.?\\d*)',1,1,'i',1)
from values ('Vans Classic Slip-On Black & White Checkerboard/ White - veľkosť (US) : 6 (EUR: 38)'),
('Vans Old Skool - čierna - veľkosť (US) : 9.5 (EUR: 42.5)') v(str);
REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, '\\(US\\)\\S\\:\\S(\\D+\\.?\\D*)',1,1,'I',1)

How to format first 7 rows in this txt file using Regex

I have a text file with data formatted as below. Figured out how to format the second part of the file to format it for upload into a db table. Hitting a wall trying to get the just the first 7 lines to format in the same way.
If it wasn't obvious, I'm trying to get it pipe delimited with the exact same number of columns, so I can easily upload it to the db.
Year: 2019 Period: 03
Office: NY
Dept: Sales
Acct: 111222333
SubAcct: 11122234-8
Status: Pending
some kind folks answered my question about the bottom part, using the following code I can format that to look like so -
substitute with |||||||$1|$2|$3\n
just need help formatting the top part - to look like this, so the entire file matches with the exact same number of columns.
Year: 2019|Period: 03|Office: NY|Dept: Sales|Acct: 111222333|SubAcct: 11122234-8|blahblahblahblahblahblahblah|Status: Pending|||
I'm ok with having multiple passes on the file to get the desired end result.
I've helped you on your previous question, so I will focus now on the first part of your file.
You can use this regex:
Working demo
And use | as the replacement string
If you don't want the previous space before Period, then you can use:

How to match this regular expression using TCL

Kindly give me some input on this. I have the below input for a TCL regular expression.
set a { Descriptor Blocks: (Tunnel42), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2032896/128256), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 1
Originating router is (GigabitEthernet0/1), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2033152/2032896), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55010 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 2
Originating router is
Internal tag is 200 }
From the above i want to separate like two list element, the regular expression should separate by following word.
Here there are two interface output is there, one is for (Tunnel42)
interface and another one is for (GigabitEthernet0/1)
If there is no line starting with "Internal tag is " after the "Originating router
is " line it should divide upto "Originating router is " line as a one
list element.
If there is a line "Internal tag is " is available after the
"Originating router is " line it should divide upto "Internal tag is "
as a one list
I am expecting the output like
{Tunnel42), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2032896/128256), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 1
Originating router is (GigabitEthernet0/1), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2033152/2032896), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55010 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 2
Originating router is
Internal tag is 200
A more generalized approach can be splitting them input into line and parsing them as needed
set a { Descriptor Blocks: (Tunnel42), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2032896/128256), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 1
Originating router is (GigabitEthernet0/1), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (2033152/2032896), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 4096 Kbit
Total delay is 55010 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1380
Hop count is 2
Originating router is
Internal tag is 200 }
set tunnelStart 0
set interfaceStart 0
set tunnelInfo {}
set interfaceInfo {}
set result {}
foreach line [split $a \n] {
if {[regexp {\(Tunnel\d+\)} $line]} {
# If suppose, we already identified 'tunnelInfo' and extracted it, then that variable won't be empty
if {$tunnelInfo ne {}} {
regsub {\n$} $tunnelInfo {} tunnelInfo
# So, appending it to 'result'
lappend result $tunnelInfo
# Then, resetting the 'tunnelInfo'
set tunnelInfo {}
set tunnelStart 1
set interfaceStart 0
} elseif {[regexp {\(GigabitEthernet\d+/\d+\)} $line]} {
# Same reason as explained above
if {$interfaceInfo ne {}} {
regsub {\n$} $interfaceInfo {} interfaceInfo
lappend result $interfaceInfo
set interfaceInfo {}
set interfaceStart 1
set tunnelStart 0
if {$tunnelStart} {
#Appending each line along with '\n'
append tunnelInfo $line\n
} elseif {$interfaceStart} {
append interfaceInfo $line\n
#Removing the last '\n' alone
regsub {\n$} $tunnelInfo {} tunnelInfo
regsub {\n$} $interfaceInfo {} interfaceInfo
# At last checking if the variable is not empty, append it to 'result'
if {$tunnelInfo ne {}} {
lappend result $tunnelInfo
if {$interfaceInfo ne {}} {
lappend result $interfaceInfo
puts $result
You can put them in a procedure & call wherever you want to separate the input. If suppose your input has more than one tunnel and interface lines information, you could re-write the code to parse it accordingly.
You can use the textutil module to do this easily:
package require textutil
textutil::split::splitx $a {\n(?=\s*\d)}
This splits the original text into a list of three items: the " Descriptor Blocks:" substring and one item each for the two blocks. It works by finding junctures where a line break and optional whitespace is followed by a digit. The line break is removed, but the leading whitespace and the digit is preserved.
Core-Tcl solution:
The substitution
regsub -all -line {^(?=\s*\d)} $a \n
will split the text into three parts (the first part being the " Descriptor Blocks:" substring) by inserting an extra line break before each block. This solution obviously depends on only the first line in each block starting with a digit optionally preceded by whitespace. The -line option makes ^ anchor after a line break.
Note that this results in a text with three parts, not a list of three elements: if you want that you will need to break the text up at every double line break. Another way to deal with this is to have regsub instead insert a character that won't occur in the text, and then split on that character, e.g.
split [regsub -all -line {^(?=\s*\d)} $a #] #
Documentation: package, regsub, split, textutil package