How do I import a live template .jar file for React snippets into JetBrains WebStorm? - webstorm

I downloaded a live template .jar file from jinsihou19 ReactSnippets on GitHub, referred by the JetBrains Marketplace.
I could not find any documentation on how to install the .jar file on either sites.
Does anyone know how to install this .jar file into WebStorm?

To install a plugin from a jar, follow the documentation:
Download the plugin archive (ZIP or JAR).
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Plugins.
On the Plugins page, click The Settings button and then click Install Plugin from Disk.
Select the plugin archive file and click OK.
Click OK to apply the changes and restart the IDE if prompted.
However, it's probably easier to search the marketplace in Webstorm for React snippets and click install there, as you'll find the same plugin.


Run Selenium On Qt Desktop Application

I have a qt desktop application and i am required to use selenium for developing automated tests on it.
I found this web driver option:
I cloned, build and installed the driver according to this wiki:
and also checked the web driver running on port 9517 according to this wiki.
Now i want to bind the web driver to my project.
I followed this wiki:
in the second section, Option 1: WebDriver attaches to the running application.
when i am adding the "Headers.h" file, i get the error:
"base/at_exit.h": No such file or directory
i guess its because i didnt do the parent step as needed ("Add the QtWebDriver headers and libraries in the application build environment")
im not sure i added the webdriver project as needed.
to add the librarys i choosed "Add Library" -> "External Library" in the wizard, and choosed all the so files from the webdriver project.
then i also added all the existing h files by choosing "add existing files" in the Headers folder of my project.
is it the right way to add the library to my project?
what am i missing?
i solved the problem
added include_directories of the folder containns "base" folder to the cmakelists file

Files Not Appearing In Solution Explorer

I am using Visual Studio 2017. I created an empty ASP.NET Core Web Application, and then installed the nuget package for Bootstrap through the Nuget Package Manager Console and the bootstrap .css and .js files aren't showing up in the solution explorer. Is this a bug or is there more to using nuget?
the bootstrap .css and .js files aren't showing up in the solution explorer. Is this a bug or is there more to using nuget?
That because the usage of NuGet for css/javascript libraries is discouraged. You should use the npm (Node Package Manager) to add the JavaScript libraries instead of using NuGet. The newer project file formats, PackageReferences, only supports files that are in a contentFiles directory inside the NuGet package.
To use the package Bootstrap to the .net core project, you need to select your ASP.NET Core Web Application and add a new file to the project root. While in the template manager (Add->New Item...), search for "npm Configuration file":
Then edit the file and add your dependency, i.e.
package.json (npm) or bower.json:
"dependencies": {
"Bootstrap": "4.1.3"
Note: Once you save, the file will be downloaded in a directory named "node_modules`. This alone won't be enough, as the required files need to be copied over to wwwroot folder, where they can be accessed when the application runs.
For the detailed info, see NPM, BOWER, NUGET, GULP – The Four Horsemen of ASP.NET CORE Apps and ASP.NET Core 2.0 and the End of Bower.
Hope this helps.
Content in the NuGet file that gets put into your project is only supported with packages.config, which is not supported in .NET Core. PackageReferences do not support getting content from the package.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the ASP.NET team's recommendation is to use the preferred distribution method of the content you want to use. I haven't kept up with web development trends, but a few years ago web content like bootstrap were distributed with npm, so that's my recommendation for you. Creating a new Angular JS app with Microsoft's new web app template includes a npm package.json, so I think using npm is a safe bet.

How do I create a MeteorJS project in IntelliJ?

I would like to create a MeteorJS project in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 14.1, but it is not showing up in the "New Projects" template:
I have MeteorJS installed and running elsewhere, but I'm unable to find a way to create a MeteorJS project through IDEA.
It's definitely supported, so what am I doing wrong?
The Meteor plugin is not part of IDEA by default.
Here it says:
Note: The plugin is a part of WebStorm IDE and you don't need install it manually for WebStorm
If you are not using WebStorm you should install the plugin.
You can do this by doing the following:
Go to the Preferences menu (CMD , in OSX)
Click the "Plugins" section in the left pane
Click "Install Jetbrains plugin..." in the right panel in the lower
Search for "Meteor" in the search box
Click "Install plugin" in the right box

check if specific plugin install in eclipse

I wrote a new plugin to Eclipse, and also installed it.
Now- I want to check programmatically (C++ via QT) if the plugin was installed correctly.
so I want to find a way to retrieve all the plugins that installed on my eclipse.
any idea?
in Eclipse go to Help menu, click About Eclipse, Installation Details and click the plugins tab. That should get you an overview.

Disable "Install from directory" option at Joomla's 2.5 extension manager

How can i disable the option "Install from Directory" at Extension Manager in Joomla 2.5 ?
The reason is that if for someone click by mistake Install button at that option, the website is "destroyed"....
What exactly do you mean by destroyed? The install from directory option is there in case you want to FTP your extension to be installed to a folder on your server, then point the install to directory at that folder location along with the file name you wish to install.