C++ odd assembly output query - c++

Using Windows 10 Pro with Visual Studio 2022, Debug mode, X64 platform, I have the following code...
int main()
int var = 1;
int* varPtr = &var;
*varPtr = 10;
return 0;
In the disassembly window we see this...
int var = 1;
00007FF75F1D1A0D C7 45 04 01 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [var],1
int* varPtr = &var;
00007FF75F1D1A14 48 8D 45 04 lea rax,[var]
00007FF75F1D1A18 48 89 45 28 mov qword ptr [varPtr],rax
*varPtr = 10;
00007FF75F1D1A1C 48 8B 45 28 mov rax,qword ptr [varPtr]
00007FF75F1D1A20 C7 00 0A 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rax],0Ah
return 0;
Upon stepping through the above, the RAX register is loaded with the memory address for the stack variable, var, via...
00007FF75F1D1A14 48 8D 45 04 lea rax,[var]
Since RAX is not changed after this, why is that same var address being loaded into RAX again, 2 instructions later with...
00007FF75F1D1A1C 48 8B 45 28 mov rax,qword ptr [varPtr]
The memory view window shows that the &var address is constant throughout. Am I missing something daft?
[Updated] - switching to release mode and optimisation off returns the above in full. Turning on speed/size optimization returns only that "return 0" code. Would be interesting to see if there's a way to force the compiler to compile everything (using fast switch) and force it to not remove what it thought was redundant, for this example. This minimal appears to be too minimal, lol.
Still concerned about that unneeded double load of RAX - primarily, for such a small program, though yes, that's what 'optimisation' is all about. Sill.

When compiling in Debug mode (i.e. with all optimisations disabled), the compiler generates code like this for a reason.
Suppose you are stepping through the code and you stop on the line that reads *varPtr = 10;. At that point, you decide that you loaded the wrong address into varPtr and would like to change it and continue debugging without stopping, rebuilding and restarting your program.
Well, in Debug mode, you can. Just change the address stored in varPtr (in the Watch window, say) and carry on debugging. Without the 'redundant' second load, this wouldn't work. When the compiler emits said load, it does.
So, to summarise, Debug mode is designed to make debugging easier, while Release mode is designed to make your code run as fast (or be as small) as possible, hopefully with the same semantics.
And just be grateful that compiler writers understand the need for these two modes of operation. Without them, our lives as developers would be much, much harder.


Is it possible to write asm in C++ with opcode instead of shellcode

I'm curious if there's a way to use __asm in c++ then write that into memory instead of doing something like:
BYTE shell_code[] = { 0x48, 0x03 ,0x1c ,0x25, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
write_to_memory(function, &shell_code, sizeof(shell_code));
So I would like to do:
asm_code = __asm("add rbx, &variable\n\t""jmp rbx") ;
write_to_memory(function, &asm_code , sizeof(asm_code ));
Worst case I can use GCC and objdump externally or something but hoping there's an internal way
You can put an asm(""); statement at global scope, with start/end labels inside it, and declare those labels as extern char start_code[], end_code[0]; so you can access them from C. C char arrays work most like asm labels, in terms of being able to use the C name and have it work as an address.
// compile with gcc -masm=intel
// AFAIK, no way to do that with clang
".pushsection .rodata \n" // we don't want to run this from here, it's just data
"start_code: \n"
" add rax, OFFSET variable \n" // *absolute* address as 32-bit sign-extended immediate
"end_code: \n"
__attribute__((used)) static int variable = 1;
extern char start_code[], end_code[0]; // C declarations for those asm labels
#include <string.h>
void copy_code(void *dst)
memcpy(dst, start_code, end_code - start_code);
It would be fine to have the payload code in the default .text section, but we can put it in .rodata since we don't want to run it.
Is that the kind of thing you're looking for? asm output on Godbolt (without assembling + disassembling:
add rax, OFFSET variable
mov edx, OFFSET FLAT:end_code
mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:start_code
sub rdx, OFFSET FLAT:start_code
jmp [QWORD PTR memcpy#GOTPCREL[rip]]
To see if it actually assembles to what we want, I compiled with
gcc -O2 -fno-plt -masm=intel -fno-pie -no-pie -c foo.c to get a .o. objdump -drwC -Mintel shows:
0000000000000000 <copy_code>:
0: ba 00 00 00 00 mov edx,0x0 1: R_X86_64_32 .rodata+0x6
5: be 00 00 00 00 mov esi,0x0 6: R_X86_64_32 .rodata
a: 48 81 ea 00 00 00 00 sub rdx,0x0 d: R_X86_64_32S .rodata
11: ff 25 00 00 00 00 jmp QWORD PTR [rip+0x0] # 17 <end_code+0x11> 13: R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX memcpy-0x4
And with -D to see all sections, the actual payload is there in .rodata, still not linked yet:
Disassembly of section .rodata:
0000000000000000 <start_code>:
0: 48 05 00 00 00 00 add rax,0x0 2: R_X86_64_32S .data
-fno-pie -no-pie is only necessary for the 32-bit absolute address of variable to work. (Without it, we get two RIP-relative LEAs and a sub rdx, rsi. Unfortunately neither way of compiling gets GCC to subtract the symbols at build time with mov edx, OFFSET end_code - start_code, but that's just in the code doing the memcpy, not in the machine code being copied.)
In a linked executable
We can see how the linker filled in those relocations.
(I tested by using -nostartfiles instead of -c - I didn't want to run it, just look at the disassembly, so there was not point to actually writing a main.)
$ gcc -O2 -fno-plt -masm=intel -fno-pie -no-pie -nostartfiles foo.c
/usr/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000401000
$ objdump -D -rwC -Mintel a.out
(manually edited to remove uninteresting sections)
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000401000 <copy_code>:
401000: ba 06 20 40 00 mov edx,0x402006
401005: be 00 20 40 00 mov esi,0x402000
40100a: 48 81 ea 00 20 40 00 sub rdx,0x402000
401011: ff 25 e1 2f 00 00 jmp QWORD PTR [rip+0x2fe1] # 403ff8 <memcpy#GLIBC_2.14>
The linked payload:
0000000000402000 <start_code>:
402000: 48 05 18 40 40 00 add rax,0x404018 # from add rax, OFFSET variable
0000000000402006 <end_code>:
402006: 48 c7 c2 06 00 00 00 mov rdx,0x6
# this was from mov rdx, OFFSET end_code - start_code to see if that would assemble + link
Our non-zero-init dword variable that we're taking the address of:
Disassembly of section .data:
0000000000404018 <variable>:
404018: 01 00 add DWORD PTR [rax],eax
Your specific asm instruction is weird
&variable isn't valid asm syntax, but I'm guessing you wanted to add the address?
Since you're going to be copying the machine code somewhere, you must avoid RIP-relative addressing modes and any other relative references to things outside the block you're copying. Only mov can use 64-bit absolute addresses, like movabs rdi, OFFSET variable instead of the usual lea rdi, [rip + variable]. Also, you can even load / store into/from RAX/EAX/AX/AL with 64-bit absolute addresses movabs eax, [variable]. (mov-immediate can use any register, load/store are only the accumulator. https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/mov)
(movabs is an AT&T mnemonic, but GAS allows it in .intel_syntax noprefix to force using 64-bit immediates, instead of the default 32-bit-sign-extended.)
This is kind of opposite of normal position-independent code, which works when the whole image is loaded at an arbitrary base. This will make code that works when the image is loaded to a fixed base (or even variable since runtime fixups should work for symbolic references), and then copied around relative to the rest of your code. So all your memory refs have to be absolute, except for within the asm.
So we couldn't have made PIE-compatible machine code by using lea rdx, [RIP+variable] / add rax, rdx - that would only get the right address for variable when run from the linked location in .rodata, not from any copy. (Unless you manually fixup the code when copying it, but it's still only a rel32 displacement.)
An opcode is part of a machine instruction, e.g. add ecx, 123 assembles to 3 bytes: 83 c1 7b. Those are the opcode, modrm, and imm8 respectively. (https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/add).
"opcode" also gets misused (especially in shellcode usage) to describe the whole instruction represented as bytes.
Text names for instructions like add are mnemonics.
this is just a guess, i don't know if it will work. i'm sorry in advance for an ugly answer since i don't have much time due to work.
i think you can enclose your asm code inside labels.
get the address of that label and the size. treat it as a blob of data and you can write it anywhere.
void funcA(){
//some code here.
;asm code here.
//some code here.
//---make code as movable data.
char* pDynamicProgram = labelStart;
size_t sizeDP = labelEnd - labelStart;
//---writing to some memory.
char* someBuffer = malloc(sizeDP);
memcpy(someBuffer, pDynamicProgram, sizeDP);
//---execute: cast as a function pointer then execute call.
((func*)someBuffer)(/* parameters if any*/);
the sample code above of course is not compilable. but the logic is kind of like that. i see viruses do it that way though i haven't saw the actual c++ code. but we saw it from disassemblers. for the "return" logic after the call, there are many adhoc ways to do that. just be creative.
also, i think you have to enable first some settings for your program to write to some forbidden memory in case you want to override an existing function.

Relative vs Physical addresses in C++

I recently started learning about memory management and I read about relative addresses and physical addresses, and a question appeared in my mind:
When I print a variable's address, is it showing the relative (virtual) address or the physical address in where the variable located in the memory?
And another question regarding memory management:
Why does this code produce the same stack pointer value for each run (from Shellcoder's Handbook, page 28)?
Does any program that I run produce this address?
// find_start.c
unsigned long find_start(void)
__asm__("movl %esp, %eax");
int main()
If we compile this and run this a few times, we get:
shellcoders#debian:~/chapter_2$ ./find_start
shellcoders#debian:~/chapter_2$ ./find_start
shellcoders#debian:~/chapter_2$ ./find_start
shellcoders#debian:~/chapter_2$ ./find_start
I would appreciate if someone could clarify this topic to me.
When I print a variable's address, is it showing the relative ( virtual ) address or the physical address in where the variable located in the memory ?
The counterpart to a relative address is an absolute address. That has nothing to do with the distinction between virtual and physical addresses.
On most common modern operating systems, such as Windows, Linux and MacOS, unless you are writing a driver, you will never encounter physical addresses. These are handled internally by the operating system. You will only be working with virtual addresses.
Why does this code produces the same stack pointer value for each run ( from shellcoder's handbook , page 28) ?
On most modern operating systems, every process has its own virtual memory address space. The executable is loaded to its preferred base address in that virtual address space, if possible, otherwise it is loaded at another address (relocated). The preferred base address of an executable file is normally stored in its header. Depending on the operating system and CPU, the heap is probably created at a higher address, since the heap normally grows upward (towards higher addresses). Because the stack normally grows downward (towards lower addresses), it will likely be created below the load address of the executable and grow towards the address 0.
Since the preferred load address is the same every time you run the executable, it is likely that the virtual memory addresses are the same. However, this may change if address layout space randomization is used. Also, just because the virtual memory addresses are the same does not mean that the physical memory address are the same, too.
Does any program that I will run produce this address ?
Depending on your operating system, you can set the preferred base address in which your program is loaded into virtual memory in the linker settings. Many programs may still have the same base address as your program, probably because both programs were built using the same linker with default settings.
The virtual addresses are only per program? Let's say I have 2 programs: program1 and program2. Can program2 access program1's memory?
It is not possible for program2 to access program1's memory directly, because they have separate virtual memory address spaces. However, it is possible for one program to ask the operating system for permission to access another process's address space. The operating system will normally grant this permission, provided that the program has sufficient priviledges. On Windows, this is can be accomplished for example with the function WriteProcessMemory. Linux offers similar functionality by using ptrace and writing to /proc/[pid]/mem. See this link for further information.
You get virtual addresses. Your program never gets to see physical addresses. Ever.
can program2 access program1's memory ?
No, because you can don't have addresses that point to program1's memory. If you have virtual address 0xabcd1234 in the program1 process, and you try to read it from the program2 process, you get program2's 0xabcd1234 (or a crash if there is no such address in program2). It's not a permission check - it's not like the CPU goes to the memory and sees "oh, this is program1's memory, I shouldn't access it". It's program2's own memory space.
But yes, if you use "shared memory" to ask the OS to put the same physical memory in both processes.
And yes, if you use ptrace or /proc/<pid>/mem to ask the OS nicely to read from the other process's memory, and you have permission to do that, then it will do that.
why does this code produces the same stack pointer value for each run ( from shellcoder's handbook , page 28) ? does any program that I will run will produce this address ?
Apparently, that program always has that stack pointer value. Different programs might have different stack pointers. And if you put more local variables in main, or call find_start from a different function, you will get a different stack pointer value because there will be more data pushed on the stack.
Note: even if you run the program twice at the same time, the address will be the same, because they are virtual addresses, and every process has its own virtual address space. They will be different physical addresses but you don't see the physical addresses.
In stack overflow example in the book I mentioned, they overwrite the return address in the stack to an address of an exploit in the enviroment variables. how does it work ?
It all works within one process.
Only focusing on a small part of your question.
#include <stdio.h>
// find_start.c
unsigned long find_start(void)
__asm__("movl %esp, %eax");
unsigned long nest ( void )
int main()
gcc so.c -o so
There is no magic here. The virtual space allows for programs to be built the same. I don't need to know where my program is going to live, each program can be compiled for the same address space, when loaded and run the can see the same virtual address space because they are all mapped to separate/different physical address spaces.
readelf -a so
(don't but I prefer objdump)
objdump -D so
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000540 <_start>:
540: 31 ed xor %ebp,%ebp
542: 49 89 d1 mov %rdx,%r9
545: 5e pop %rsi
000000000000064a <find_start>:
64a: 55 push %rbp
64b: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
64e: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax
650: 90 nop
651: 5d pop %rbp
652: c3 retq
0000000000000653 <nest>:
653: 55 push %rbp
654: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
657: e8 ee ff ff ff callq 64a <find_start>
65c: 5d pop %rbp
65d: c3 retq
000000000000065e <main>:
65e: 55 push %rbp
65f: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
662: e8 e3 ff ff ff callq 64a <find_start>
667: 48 89 c6 mov %rax,%rsi
66a: 48 8d 3d b3 00 00 00 lea 0xb3(%rip),%rdi # 724 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
671: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
676: e8 a5 fe ff ff callq 520 <printf#plt>
67b: e8 d3 ff ff ff callq 653 <nest>
So, two things or maybe more than two things. Our entry point _start is in ram at a low address. low virtual address. On this system with this compiler I would expect all/most programs to start in a similar place or the same or in some cases it may depend on what is in my program, but it should be somewhere low.
The stack pointer though, if you check above and now as I type stuff:
it has changed.
a few times within a few seconds. The stack is a relative thing not absolute so there is no real need to create a fixed address that is the same every time. Needs to be in a space that is related to this user/thread and virtual since it is going through the mmu for protection reasons. There is no reason for a virtual address to not equal the physical address. The kernel code/driver that manages the mmu for a platform is programmed to do it a certain way. You can have the address space for code start at 0x0000 for every program, and you might wish the address space for data to be the same, zero based. but for stack it doesn't matter. And on my machine, my os, this particular version this particular day it isn't consistent.
I originally thought your question was different depending on factors that are specific to your build, and settings. For a specific build a single call to find_start is going to be at a fixed relative address for the stack pointer each function that uses the stack will put it back the way it was found, assuming you can't change the compilation of the program while running the stack pointer for a single instance of the call the nesting will be the same the stack consumption by each function along the way will be the same.
I added another layer and by looking at the disassembly, main, nest and find_start all mess with the stack pointer (unoptimized) so that is why for these runs they are 0x10 apart. if I added/removed more code per function to change the stack usage in one or more of the functions then that delta could change.
gcc -O2 so.c -o so
objdump -D so > so.txt
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000560 <main>:
560: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp
564: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax
566: 48 8d 35 e7 01 00 00 lea 0x1e7(%rip),%rsi # 754 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
56d: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
56f: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
574: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
576: e8 c5 ff ff ff callq 540 <__printf_chk#plt>
57b: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax
57d: 48 8d 35 d0 01 00 00 lea 0x1d0(%rip),%rsi # 754 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
584: 31 d2 xor %edx,%edx
586: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
58b: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
58d: e8 ae ff ff ff callq 540 <__printf_chk#plt>
592: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
594: 48 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%rsp
598: c3 retq
The optimizer didn't recognize the return value for some reason.
unsigned long fun ( void )
00000000000006b0 <fun>:
6b0: b8 78 56 34 12 mov $0x12345678,%eax
6b5: c3 retq
calling convention looks fine.
Put find_start in a separate file so the optimizer can't remove it
gcc -O2 so.c sp.c -o so
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000560 <main>:
560: 48 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%rsp
564: e8 67 01 00 00 callq 6d0 <find_start>
569: 48 8d 35 f4 01 00 00 lea 0x1f4(%rip),%rsi # 764 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
570: 48 89 c2 mov %rax,%rdx
573: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
578: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
57a: e8 c1 ff ff ff callq 540 <__printf_chk#plt>
57f: e8 4c 01 00 00 callq 6d0 <find_start>
584: 48 8d 35 d9 01 00 00 lea 0x1d9(%rip),%rsi # 764 <_IO_stdin_used+0x4>
58b: 48 89 c2 mov %rax,%rdx
58e: bf 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%edi
593: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
595: e8 a6 ff ff ff callq 540 <__printf_chk#plt>
I didn't let it inline those functions it can see nest so it inlined it removing the stack change that came with it. So now the value nested or not is the same.

macOS - Reading part of other app library code and disassembling it to get offset

My applications read other application memory in order to get pointer. I need firstly to read offset from static library to start working with application itself.
Some function in dylib contains offset to pointer "0x41b1110" - i know that this offset works when used manually, but i need to to read that with my application automatically without checking value manually, if i do simple read from memory from address SomeAddressX as uint64_t it get's ridiculous address which is not equal 0x41b1110. im pretty sure what i got is simply this instruction. Then i have tried read this as byte array, and this byte array was equal to byte array from plain binary at this address. Im wondering how to read simply "0x41b1110" not entire instruction? Do i need to disassembly byte code to x64 instruction and then parse it to get address, or is there smarter way ? Im not much experienced with asm.
SomeAddressX - rax, qword [ds:0x41b1110]
Adding Example byte code and instruction
lea rax, qword [ds:0x1043740]
which gives
48 8D 05 6F D9 99 00
first three 48 8D 05 appears to be lea rax, qword but the other part 6F D9 99 00 is not looking like 01 04 37 40 (0x1043740) ?
It's x64 and enforced PIC (position-independent code) code on OSX (doesn't allow non-PIC executables, as it is using ASLR).
So that disassembly is hiding an important bit of information from you. The true nature of that instruction is revealed here (ba dum ts):
lea rax,[rip+0x99d96f]
It's using current instruction pointer rip to relatively address it's data.
The 0x1043740 is result of addressOfInstruction + 7 + 0x99d96f.
The 0x99d96f part is clearly visible in the bytecode itself.
The +7 is instruction opcode size. Now I'm not 100% sure it's added too at that stage, so do your own math, as you know "addressOfInstruction".
And check out your debugger options, to see if you can switch between the friendly absolute memory display vs. true rip+offset disassembly.

How to inline in C++ self modifying assembly code?

How would I inline this in C++ function.
0041F84E . 7B 02 JPO SHORT Unmodifi.0041F852
0041F850 B8 DB B8
0041F851 00 DB 00
0041F852 . 8B46 38 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+38]
0041F855 . 8B56 24 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+24]
0041F858 . 8B4E 10 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+10]
0041F85B . 81EA 8B4B8636 SUB EDX,36864B8B
How would I put
DB 00
void test() {
__asm {
JPO label_0041F852
__emit 0xB8
__emit 00
SUB EDX,0x36864B8B
error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'constant'
Error executing cl.exe.
I don't think I can put this in the .data section, I've read thats all I can do to include bytes like this.
This is an answer-length comment to reply to SSpoke's request for an example. A long time ago, when emulating Turing machines was a cool thing to do, I wrote a Turing machine emulator program to search for busy beavers on a DEC Vax minicomputer. When the program decided which Turing machine to try next, it compiled the machine code for the Turing machine into an array, and called the array as if it was a function. (All this was written in C.)
That's self-modifying code. To run it, you need an area of memory that is simultaneously writable and executable.
Your code is not self-modifying -- you don't write to it at all. So you can run it in a read-only program segment.

Address of function is not actual code address

Debugging some code in Visual Studio 2008 (C++), I noticed that the address in my function pointer variable is not the actual address of the function itself. This is an extern "C" function.
int main() {
void (*printaddr)(const char *) = &print; // debug shows printaddr == 0x013C1429
Address: 0x013C4F10
void print() {
The disassembly of taking the function address is:
void (*printaddr)(const char *) = &print;
013C7465 C7 45 BC 29 14 3C 01 mov dword ptr [printaddr],offset print (13C1429h)
EDIT: I viewed the code at address 013C4F10 and the compiler is apparently inserting a "jmp" instruction at that address.
013C4F10 E9 C7 3F 00 00 jmp print (013C1429h)
There is actually a whole jump table of every method in the .exe.
Can someone expound on why it does this? Is it a debugging "feature" ?
That is caused by 'Incremental Linking'. If you disable that in your compiler/linker settings the jumps will go away.
I'm going to hazard a guess here, but it's possibly to enable Edit-and-Continue.
Say you need to recompile that function, you only need to change the indirection table, not all callers. That would dramatically reduce the amount of work to do when the Edit-and-Continue feature is being exercised.
The compiler is inserting a "jmp" instruction at that address to the real method.
013C4F10 E9 C7 3F 00 00 jmp print (013C1429h)
There is actually a whole jump table of every method in the .exe.
It is a Debugging feature. When I switch to release mode the jump table goes away and the address is indeed the actual function address.