Using the CfnOutput created inside a LambdaRestApi in AWS CDK - amazon-web-services

I'm creating a LambdaRestApi as follows
this.gateway = new apigw.LambdaRestApi(this, "Endpoint", {
handler: hello,
endpointExportName: "MainURL"
and I'd like to get to the CfnOutput it generates, is it possible? I want to pass it to other functions and I want to avoid creating a new one.
Specifically the situation I'm tackling is this: I have have a post stage that verifies things are working at it uses the CfnOutput:
new CodeBuildStep("VerifyAPIGatewayEndpoint", {
envFromCfnOutputs: {
ENDPOINT_URL: deploy.hcEndpoint
commands: [
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/hello",
"curl -Ssf $ENDPOINT_URL/test"
That deploy.hcEndpoint is a CfnOutput that I'm manually creating after the LambdaRestApi is created:
const gateway = new LambdaRestApi(this, "Endpoint", {handler: hello})
this.hcEndpoint = new CfnOutput(this, "GatewayUrl", {value: gateway.url})
and then making sure that every construct makes it available to its parent.
Using CfnOutputs in the post-deployment step makes sense. I am trying to learn the proper way of doing things, and also have clean stacks. With only one Lambda function it's no big deal, but with tens or hundreds it might. And since LambdaRestApi already creates the output, it does feel like I'm repeating myself by creating an identical one.

Assuming you are using the following code for your LambdaRestApi:
this.gateway = new apigw.LambdaRestApi(this, "Endpoint", {
handler: hello,
endpointExportName: "MainURL"
Referencing in same stack as LambdaRestApi
const outputValue = this.gateway.urlForPath("/");
Looking at the source code, the output value is just a call to urlForPath. The method is public, so you can use it directly.
Referencing from another stack
You can use cross stack references to get a reference to the output value of the stack.
import { Fn } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
const outputValue = Fn.importValue("MainURL");
If you try to use the first method in another stack, CDK will just generate a cross stack reference dynamically by adding extra outputs, so it is better to import the value directly.

I'd like to get to the CfnOutput it generates, is it possible?
Yes. Use the escape hatch syntax to get a reference to the CfnOutput that RestApi creates for the endpointExportName:
const urlCfnOutput = this.gateway.node.findChild('Endpoint') as cdk.CfnOutput;
// MainURL
// https://${Token[TOKEN.258]}${Token[AWS.URLSuffix.3]}/${Token[TOKEN.277]}/
Prefer standard CDK
As their name suggests, "escape hatches" are for "emergencies" when the CDK's standard solutions fail. Your use case may be one such instance, I don't know. But as #Kaustubh Khavnekar points out, you don't need the CfnOutput to get the url token value.
// https://${Token[TOKEN.258]}${Token[AWS.URLSuffix.3]}/${Token[TOKEN.277]}/


Multiple actions - AwsCustomResource.on.. Is it possible?

I've created a custom resource for creating a ThingType which is not yet implemented by AWS as simple CfnObjects. My code looks like this:
String physicalResIdThingType = "ThisISMyThing";
AwsCustomResource.Builder.create(this, "myThingType")
.parameters(new HashMap() {{
put("thingTypeName", "myThingType");
.parameters(new HashMap() {{
put("thingTypeName", "myThingType");
}}).build()) .policy(AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls(SdkCallsPolicyOptions.builder()
It is creating well. but not allowing me to delete the thing type because I need first to deprecate it and then delete it.. In the console we need to wait even 5 minutes after deprecation for complete deletion.
My questions are:
Is it possible to override this deprecation ?
If not, Is it possible to do multiple AwsSdkCalls without writing my own lambda functions ?
If none from above, then maybe someone has an idea how can I use this simple solution of AwsCustomResource to delete my thing type?
I can only see one way to do it if you want the thing type to be deleted via cloudformation.
You can configure the timeout-in-minutes when call cloudformation crate-stack . This value should be above than 5 minutes + extra buffer for the other resources to be deleted.
When you receive a DELETE event in your custom resource, you can deprecate the thing type, wait 5min and call delete thing type.

Pass CDK context values per deployment environment

I am using context to pass values to CDK. Is there currently a way to define project context file per deployment environment (dev, test) so that when the number of values that I have to pass grow, they will be easier to manage compared to passing the values in the command-line:
cdk synth --context bucketName1=my-dev-bucket1 --context bucketName2=my-dev-bucket2 MyStack
It would be possible to use one cdk.json context file and only pass the environment as the context value in the command-line, and depending on it's value select the correct values:
"context": {
"devBucketName1": "my-dev-bucket1",
"devBucketName2": "my-dev-bucket2",
"testBucketName1": "my-test-bucket1",
"testBucketName2": "my-test-bucket2",
But preferably, I would like to split it into separate files, f.e. and cdk.test.json which would contain their corresponding values, and use the correct one depending on the environment.
According to the documentation, CDK will look for context in one of several places. However, there's no mention of defining multiple/additional files.
The best solution I've been able to come up with is to make use of JSON to separate context out per environment:
"context": {
"dev": {
"bucketName": "my-dev-bucket"
"prod": {
"bucketName": "my-prod-bucket"
This allows you to access the different values programmatically depending on which environment CDK is deploying to.
let myEnv = dev // This could be passed in as a property of the class instead and accessed via props.myEnv
const myBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, "MyBucket", {
bucketName: app.node.tryGetContext(myEnv).bucketName
You can also do so programmatically in your code:
For instance, I have a context variable of deploy_tag cdk deploy Stack\* -c deploy_tag=PROD
then in my code, i have retrieved that deploy_tag variable and I make the decisions there, such as: (using python, but the idea is the same)
bucket_name = BUCKET_NAME_PROD if deploy_tag == 'PROD' else BUCKET_NAME_DEV
this can give you a lot more control, and if you set up a constants file in your code you can keep that up to date with far less in your cdk.json that may become very cluttered with larger stacks and multiple environments. If you go this route then you can have your Prod and Dev constants file, and your context variable can inform your cdk which file to load for a given deployment.
i also tend to create a new class object with all my deployment properties either assigned or derived, and pass that object into each stack, retrieving what i need out of there.

AWS-CDK Resources

Using the CDK to create KMS Keys (and other resources for that matter) for my project and want to ensure I'm handling the resource properly.
During my development stage I might do a deploy, do some development work then issue a cdk destroy to cleanup the project as I know I'll not be back to it for some days.
If I don't wrap the code in an import I find duplicate keys are being created or for some resources like DynamoDB it will fail with the resource already existing:
try {
const keyRef = kms.Alias.fromAliasName(this, 'SomeKey', 'SomeKey');
} catch {
const keyRef = new kms.Key(this, 'SomeKey', {
description: 'Some descriptive text',
enableKeyRotation: true,
trustAccountIdentities: true
keyRef .grantEncryptDecrypt(lambdaFunc);
Can anyone suggest a better way of handling this or is this expected?
While developing my projects I don't like to leave resources in play until the solution is at least at Alpha stage.
When creating a KMS, you can define a RemovalPolicy:
The default value for it is RETAIN, meaning that the KMS key will stay in your account even after you delete your stack. This is useful for production environment, where you would normally want to keep keys that might be used by resources outside your stack.
In your dev environment you can set it to DESTROY and it will be deleted with your stack.
You should capture this logic in your code. Something like
const keyRef = new kms.Key(this, 'SomeKey', {
description: 'Some descriptive text',
enableKeyRotation: true,
trustAccountIdentities: true,
// define a method to check if it's a dev environment
// and set removalPolicy accordingly
removalPolicy: isDevEnv() ? cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY : cdk.RemovalPolicy.RETAIN,

How to run Lambda created in CDK on a regular basis?

As the title says - I've created a Lambda in the Python CDK and I'd like to know how to trigger it on a regular basis (e.g. once per day).
I'm sure it's possible, but I'm new to the CDK and I'm struggling to find my way around the documentation. From what I can tell it will use some sort of event trigger - but I'm not sure how to use it.
Can anyone help?
Sure - it's fairly simple once you get the hang of it.
First, make sure you're importing the right libraries:
from aws_cdk import core, aws_events, aws_events_targets
Then you'll need to make an instance of the schedule class and use the core.Duration (docs for that here) to set the length. Let's say 1 day for example:
lambda_schedule = aws_events.Schedule.rate(core.Duration.days(1))
Then you want to create the event target - this is the actual reference to the Lambda you created in your CDK earlier:
event_lambda_target = aws_events_targets.LambdaFunction(handler=lambda_defined_in_cdk_here)
Lastly you bind it all together in an aws_events.Rule like so:
lambda_cw_event = aws_events.Rule(
"The once per day CloudWatch event trigger for the Lambda",
Hope that helps!
The question is for Python but thought it might be useful to post a Javascript equivalent:
const aws_events = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-events");
const aws_events_targets = require("aws-cdk-lib/aws-events-targets");
const MyLambdaFunction = <...SDK code for Lambda function here...>
new aws_events.Rule(this, "my-rule-identifier", {
schedule: aws_events.Schedule.rate(aws_cdk_lib.Duration.days(1)),
targets: [new aws_events_targets.LambdaFunction(MyLambdaFunction)],
Note: The above is for version 2 of the SDK - might need a few tweaks for v3.

Is it possible to rename an AWS Lambda function?

I have created some AWS Lambda functions for testing purposes (named as test_function something), then after testing I found those functions can be used in prod environment.
Is it possible to rename the AWS Lambda function? and how?
Or should I create a new one and copy paste source code?
The closest you can get to renaming the AWS Lambda function is using an alias, which is a way to name a specific version of an AWS Lambda function. The actual name of the function though, is set once you create it. If you want to rename it, just create a new function and copy the exact same code into it. It won't cost you any extra to do this (since you are only charged for execution time) so you lose nothing.
For a reference on how to name versions of the AWS Lambda function, check out the documentation here: Lambda function versions
You cannot rename the function, your only option is to follow the suggestions already provided here or create a new one and copypaste the code.
It's a good thing actually that you cannot rename it: if you were able to, it would cease to work because the policies attached to the function still point to the old name, unless you were to edit every single one of them manually, or made them generic (which is ill-advised).
However, as a best practice in terms of software development, I suggest you to always keep production and testing (staging) separate, effectively duplicating your environment.
This allows you to test stuff on a safe environment, where if you make a mistake you don't lose anything important, and when you confirm that your new features work, replicate them in production.
So in your case, you would have two lambdas, one called 'my-lambda-staging' and the other 'my-lambda-prod'. Use the ENV variables of lambdas to adapt to the current environment, so you don't need to refactor!
My solution is to export the function, create a new Lambda, then upload the .zip file to the new Lambda.
My solution for lambda rename, basically use boto3 describe previous lambda info for configuration setting and download the previous lambda function code to create a new lambda, but the trigger won't be set so you need to add trigger back manually
from boto3.session import Session
from botocore.client import Config
from botocore.handlers import set_list_objects_encoding_type_url
import boto3
import pprint
import urllib3
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
session = Session(aws_access_key_id= {YOUR_ACCESS_KEY},
aws_secret_access_key= {YOUR_SECRET_KEY},
region_name= 'your_region')
PREV_FUNC_NAME = 'your_prev_function_name'
NEW_FUNC_NAME = 'your_new_function_name'
def prev_lambda_code(code_temp_path):
download prev function code
code_url = code_temp_path
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
response = http.request("GET", code_url)
if not 200 <= response.status < 300:
raise Exception(f'Failed to download function code: {response}')
def rename_lambda_function(PREV_FUNC_NAME , NEW_FUNC_NAME):
Copy previous lambda function and rename it
lambda_client = session.client('lambda')
prev_func_info = lambda_client.get_function(FunctionName = PREV_FUNC_NAME)
if 'VpcConfig' in prev_func_info['Configuration']:
VpcConfig = {
'SubnetIds' : prev_func_info['Configuration']['VpcConfig']['SubnetIds'],
'SecurityGroupIds' : prev_func_info['Configuration']['VpcConfig']['SecurityGroupIds']
VpcConfig = {}
if 'Environment' in prev_func_info['Configuration']:
Environment = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Environment']
Environment = {}
response = client.create_function(
FunctionName = NEW_FUNC_NAME,
Runtime = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Runtime'],
Role = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Role'],
Handler = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Handler'],
Code = {
'ZipFile' : prev_lambda_code(prev_func_info['Code']['Location'])
Description = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Description'],
Timeout = prev_func_info['Configuration']['Timeout'],
MemorySize = prev_func_info['Configuration']['MemorySize'],
VpcConfig = VpcConfig,
Environment = Environment,
PackageType = prev_func_info['Configuration']['PackageType'],
TracingConfig = prev_func_info['Configuration']['TracingConfig'],
Layers = [Layer['Arn'] for Layer in prev_func_info['Configuration']['Layers']],
rename_lambda_function(PREV_FUNC_NAME , NEW_FUNC_NAME)