AWS EKS Returns Error 'certificate has expired or is not yet valid' - amazon-web-services

When I deploy new deployments or edit any settings, It returns following Error
Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook
"": Post
x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time
2022-01-28T02:05:13Z is after 2022-01-20T10:00:30Z
How can i fix it??

I think the reason is because your time and date are not right. As I can see in the log, your time is 8 days behind the current day.
Please sync your time in this server and try again.

You need to have new certificate for aws-load-balancer-webhook-service. We have issuer set up in the cluster and when we get similar error in OPA we do a rollout restart for opa.


It's not you, it's us We couldn't complete your request right now. Please try again later- awsapps login

awsapps login page shows -It's not you, it's us We couldn't complete your request right now. Please try again later
access key and secret could not connect aws account with an error message as
"An error occurred (InvalidSignatureException) when calling the DescribeCluster operation: Signature expired: 20220801T134645Z is now earlier than 20220801T143813Z (20220801T144313Z - 5 min.)"
Both the errors are due to date and time mismatch, ie.. try syncing system time settings to your exact location and login,that worked for me.

Unable to create environments on Google Cloud Composer

I tried to create a Google Cloud Composer environment but in the page to set it up I get the following errors:
Service Error: Failed to load GKE machine types. Please leave the field
empty to apply default values or retry later.
Service Error: Failed to load regions. Please leave the field empty to
apply default values or retry later.
Service Error: Failed to load zones. Please leave the field empty to apply
default values or retry later.
Service Error: Failed to load service accounts. Please leave the field
empty to apply default values or retry later.
The only parameters GCP lets me change are the region and the number of nodes, but still lets me create the environment. After 30 minutes the environment crashes with the following error:
CREATE operation on this environment failed 1 day ago with the following error message:
Http error status code: 400
Http error message: BAD REQUEST
Errors in: [Web server]; Error messages:
Failed to deploy the Airflow web server. This might be a temporary issue. You can retry the operation later.
If the issue persists, it might be caused by problems with permissions or network configuration. For more information, see
An internal error occurred while processing task /app-engine-flex/flex_await_healthy/flex_await_healthy>2021-07-20T14:31:23.047Z7050.xd.0: Your deployment has failed to become healthy in the allotted time and therefore was rolled back. If you believe this was an error, try adjusting the 'app_start_timeout_sec' setting in the 'readiness_check' section.
Got error "Another operation failed." during CP_DEPLOYMENT_CREATING_STANDARD []
Is it a problem with permissions? If so, what permissions do I need? Thank you!
It looks like more of a temporary issue:
the first set of errors is stating you cannot load the metadata :
regions list, zones list ....
you dont have a clear
the second error: is suggesting also:
This might be a temporary issue.

Amazon SageMake throwing error Building your own algorithm container execution time?

I am trying to run my own algorithm container in amazon sagemaker,at the time of deployment time ,I am getting error like below.
predictor = tree.deploy(1, 'ml.m4.xlarge', serializer=csv_serializer)
ValueError: Error hosting endpoint decision-trees-sample-2018-03-01-09-59-06-832: Failed Reason: The primary container for production variant AllTraffic did not pass the ping health check.
then I run same line of code this time i am getting below error.
predictor = tree.deploy(1, 'ml.m4.xlarge', serializer=csv_serializer)
ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateEndpoint operation: Cannot create already existing endpoint "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:69759707XXxXX:endpoint/decision-trees-sample-2018-03-01-09-59-06-832".
Check out this issue:
#djarpin wrote:
The ping health check message is a general error that can be caused by several different issues. Typically the error message in the CloudWatch log group named /aws/sagemaker/Endpoints/ will provide a more detailed description of why the ping health check didn't pass.
Hope that helps!

Route53 Domain Transfer - Registry error - 2400 : Command failed (421 SESSION TIMEOUT)

I am trying to transfer a domain using Route53 and after a few minutes I receive an email with the following error.
Registry error - 2400 : Command failed (421 SESSION TIMEOUT)
Anyone have any ideas what this means or how to get around it?
I have never seen your error. There is a document on transferring domains with error messages. The reason that I am responding is that I have seen domain transfers fail going to Route 53 without every learning why they failed. Maybe this will help you.
NSI Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
421 Command failed due to server error. Client should try again A
transient server error has caused RRP command failure. A subsequent
retry may produce successful results.

AWS CloudWatch -- Signature Expired

I'm setting up CloudWatch for several of my EC2 instances, using AWS custom CloudWatch metrics.
Everything is going fine, except one of my instances gives me the below error:
ubuntu#my-host:~$ /etc/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --aws-credential-file=/etc/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.template
ERROR: Failed to call CloudWatch: HTTP 400. Message: Signature expired: 20150515T204709Z is now earlier than 20150515T204917Z (20150515T205417Z - 5 min.)
For more information, run ' --help'
I've tried searching around the Internet, including this link, but no luck. Any ideas?
One hint: I have a cron job invoking this same command every 5 minutes. It is also unsuccessful. That may be related to the x - 5 min. message bit in the above error message.
The system time of the problem EC2 instance is off by several minutes. See AWS SDK Error - Signature not yet current
This is likely the solution!