Automatic scheduled git pulls on a GCP server running a flask website - flask

I had a few questions about automatic git pulls on a remote server. I am aware there are several questions like this, but I wasn't sure what steps to take exactly, and I don't want to mess up my current setup with a mistake :/
To wit, the environment is on a Google Cloud VM. I am running a flask-based website that renders each page with the render_template() function.
The website resides inside its git folder, i.e. I never set up a bare repo and copied stuff. When I set it up a couple years ago, I just did git clone repo-url, then inside the repo directory, did flask run. Then I set up nginx to connect to the site's socket created with uwsgi inside the repo directory.
It has been working fine. I make changes locally to the content, push to github, then log in to the VM, and perform a git pull.
I want to do this automatically. I tried adding a cron job to do this, where the job basically ran a script, and the script did the git pull. Script content was:
cd /repo
git pull
Running the script in the server worked, but cron never managed to do the pull.
I have been reading about web hooks, and there is a bunch of stuff about post-receive hooks, post-update hooks, and making bare repos. At this point, I am embarrassed to say I have no idea what I should be doing.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Another option would be to consider a GitHub Action, which, from GitHub, could interract with your Google cloud VM.
For example, actions-hub/gcloud.
- uses: actions-hub/gcloud#master
args: cp your-file.txt gs://your-bucket/
cli: gsutil


Django un Azure Webapp: Run command on deployment

I am deploying a Django app to Azure Webapp, which does everything automatically. I have set it up so when I push to a specific Github branch, it is deployed and everything works. If I have to run a migration, I must login via SSH and run it manually (which is not perfect but I can accept it).
However, I need to use django-background-tasks, which needs to have a command running constantly listen for new tasks. I can't find a way to run this on every deployment. I found some documentation but most of it is for Node apps, it seems. For example, following some (oudated) tutoriales, I logged into {myapp} but I didnt find any "Download deployment scripts", which it seemed to be the proper way to do it.
Is there a way to set up some commands to run on deployment (without changing my current setup of deploy directly from Github using Github actions)? Or I have to do it manually?
Well, if someone is looking how to do it, I found the solution.
Create a startup file (sh), add the first line the gunicorn instruction and after that your own custom commands.
Here is explained:

Updating files when deployed (Django/Python)

I am trying to update files on a project that already has been deployed. The changes are not taking place when seeing it deployed, though when I sudo vim these files via GitBash, it shows the changes. Here's how I did when I'm logged into the server Ubuntu via AWS.
cd into the project
git add .
git commit -a -m "message"
git pull origin master
(it comes out a Nano screen--so I input a message then Ctrl X and then respond "no") and it shows the changes through vim.
There's no changes when I refresh the deployed project, and not even when I reboot it via AWS. Can someone please share the steps to make changes and show changes on a deployed project? Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback!
You need to restart the service running your app to update the app:
sudo systemctl restart service_name

How to run a docker project through github code?

I have a django web application code in github. From time to time, I make necessary updates and arrangements on the repository. I have to pull the project every time and make adjustments on the docker and run on my machine.
Is there a way to run docker synchronously with the code in my github repoitory? When I make a change in github I want the docker to pull it automatically and try to run the project without interrupting.
Using hooks inside Jenkins we configure Git & Docker.
When ever we push changes to git, then jenkins job will trigger, jenkins will pull the changes and build new docker image and push the image inside docker.

Deploy Django App on Azure: only displays default app, even after deployment

I am trying to deploy a webapp to Azure. I am following these directions
First step, I created a webapp (Django) on the portal.
Then it says to follow the directions to configure Continuous deployment using GIT in Azure App Service. This should apparently lead to my having a local directory of Django files.
So I follow those directions, installing Git, creating a local repository, adding a webpage, enabling web app repository, deploying.
The webportal now shows that I have deployed ('active' deployment). However, when I go to the web app url, what's showing is NOT what I deployed, but rather what I guess is the default Django app with its urls (login, logout, contacts).
So then I create an actual Django app in my local directory (instead of the static index.html from the directions). I commit and push it to Azure. It shows as being deployed.
The result is the same as before: the default web app is showing.
So what I'm missing is the connection between my local repository and what's actually showing. Is there some way to pull the Azure default app into my local repository? (Once it's there, I'll be able to change it as I see fit.)
Things are working as expected, but you ended up overwriting the Django app in your first the Git commit. The Continuous Deployment instructions as written are generic to any deployment, even a blank Web App.
So what I'm missing is the connection between my local repository and what's actually showing. Is there some way to pull the Azure default app into my local repository? (Once it's there, I'll be able to change it as I see fit.)
All you need to do is git clone your repo after you've initialized your local Git repo on the Azure Web App. You've already gone through most of these steps, but I'll include them here for others who may be looking for this answer.
After you create the Django Web App from the Azure Marketplace/Gallery, scroll down to set up continuous deployment.
Choose Local Git repo.
Notice that you now have a Git Clone URL in both your Quickstart Essentials info and under All Settings >> Properties. Go ahead and copy this URL.
If you haven't already done so, you may need to set or reset your Deployment Credentials. You'll find this under All Settings. This will be your Git & FTP credentials. Note that this is actually the credentials for your Microsoft Account, not just this one Web App.
You already have Git installed from your first attempt. You should now be able to navigate to the folder you want to clone the repo into and run:
git clone <your_git_clone_url>
After you type in your password, you'll have a cloned repo of the Django Web App on your local system. cd into the directory and start working from there. Once you have changes, git add ., git commit, and git push them back to the repo in Azure to see your changes there.

How to deploy ember-cli app to S3

I have an ember-cli app that is deployed in S3. It works well, and I have Travis set up to deploy changes when there is a merge into the master branch in GitHub.
But sometimes I want to test a change in the deployment environment without a commit -- perhaps because it can only be tested in that environment, like a fix to a mobile-only defect.
So I tried:
ember build --environment=production
followed by:
aws s3 cp dist/ s3://my_bucket/ --recursive
which uploaded things to my bucket. But the page didn't work, my browser told me there was a redirect loop. It wasn't a code issue, because when I pushed the changes to master, Travis successfully deployed them to S3.
Is there something clearly wrong with what I did, copying the dist folder to my bucket?
I'm using Ember-cli 1.3.1, if that matters.
I suggest you use ember-cli-deploy works pretty and support several plugin in order deliver your code much more easier.
I haven been using it for a while a work pretty well.