Google Admin API: Directory - Unable to to clear Recovery Email or Recovery Phone Number - google-admin-sdk

I'm working on a project to automate the steps in the Google Article Maintain data security after an employee leaves and have encountered trouble with automating the step Revoke Recovery Password Access. I'm following the documentation on the Google API Explorer for Updating Users and am performing an API request to the endpoint PUT{userKey} with the following JSON as the body:
"recoveryEmail": null,
"recoveryPhone": null
I receive a 200 response code with no error but email and phone number remains.
If I try some dummy data (such as below) then the information updates fine:
"recoveryEmail": "",
"recoveryPhone": "+1234567890"
I also tried:
"recoveryEmail": "",
"recoveryPhone": ""
Ideally I would like to clear the data rather than overwriting it with dummy values.

If you have a Google Workspace account, I think the problem may be related to propagation. I have tested it myself before, using the following, and it worked:
"recoveryEmail": "",
"recoveryPhone": ""
This Help Center article mentions that the changes on users can take some time to appear
I have just tested it again and it worked. I would suggest checking the user information in an incognito or private browser window, or wait up to 24-48 hours due to propagation time.


Amazon QuickSight embedded dashboard - how to cache user session in my webapp (billing and timing concern)

I have embedded Amazon QuickSight dashboard in my web application by using amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk (followed
The user session seems to last many hours as mentioned in
When I requested the embed URL directly from my web browser, I could see that it was valid for many hours.
But my web app will request a new embed URL when user restarts it (by closing/reopening tab/browser). Does that mean a new user session was created and billed.
Is it possible to store the embed URL and to reuse it (as long as the user session lasts) for the case the same user closes the tab/browser and open the web app and the dashboard again (of course in the same browser)?
I tried to store the embedURL as a cookies named "embed_url". But calling amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk.embedDashboard({url: embed_url}) resulted in
"Embedding failed because of invalid URL or authorization code. Both
of these must be valid and the authorization code must not be expired
for embedding to work."
I was sure the embed_url was still valid because requesting it by the browser directly worked.
Which "authorization code" is mentioned in the above error message? What did I miss or is it actually not possible?
Beside the billing concern, I've noticed that the call to get the embedURL took time (more than 5 seconds, eu-central-1) while the embedding took less (3 seconds). I thought I could improve the dashboard loading time by reusing the gotten embedURL. Any comments about the timing? Is it normal or did I do something wrong so that it was so slow? My test dashboard has only 1 diagram with unchanged dataset.
As per the Quicksight Pricing Page, if you're creating an embedded dashboard for a Quicksight "Reader", then you're paying $0.30/session per 30-minute logged-in-session for this Reader.
The validity of the session can be set in the SessionLifetimeInMinutes parameter of the GetDashboardEmbedUrl API, and has an upper bound of 600 minutes (10 hours).
As an example, suppose you set SessionLifetimeInMinutes to 600 mins for your Reader user. Also suppose that this user stayed logged in and uses the dashboard for 10 hours continuously, then that would equate to 20 sessions of usage (since the billing is in increments of 30-min chunks). At first glance it would seem that this would cause $0.30/session * 20 session-chunks = $6 to be billed.
However, as per the pricing page, there is an upper bound of $5.00 per month for every Reader. Which means that this Reader can never exceed $5 per month regardless of how many Quicksight sessions (of whatever duration) are created for them. So no matter how many times you call the GetDashboardEmbedUrl API for a given Reader, you're capped to $5/month for this user.
Also of use as to what constitutes a Reader session (from the pricing page):
When does a Reader Session start and end?
A Reader Session starts with user-initiated action (e.g., login, dashboard load, page refresh, drill-down or filtering) and runs for next 30-minutes.
Keeping Amazon QuickSight open in a background browser window/tab does not result in active sessions until the Reader initiates action on page.
But my web app will request a new embed URL when user restarts it (by closing/reopening tab/browser). Does that mean a new user session was created and billed.
I'm not 100% sure about this, but yes I believe a refresh (or open/close) of the tab results in a new session for the same user.
A Reader Session starts with user-initiated action (e.g., login, dashboard load, page refresh, drill-down or filtering) and runs for next 30-minutes.
The above excerpt is from the pricing page. So it does seem that page refresh (and thus another call to GetDashboardEmbedUrl) will trigger a new session for the user.
Which "authorization code" is mentioned in the above error message?
The GetEmbedDashboardUrl API response is a JSON object that looks like this:
"Status": 200,
"EmbedUrl": "",
"RequestId": "c15a7bad-629e-444a-b643-ff3142c9ae41"
If you look closer at the EmbedUrl, apart from the dashboard url itself, there are also these query-string parameters:
potentially: other params too
The code parameter (embedded within the embedUrl) is the "authorization code" that you asked about.
Is it possible to store the embed URL and to reuse it (as long as the user session lasts) for the case the same user closes the tab/browser and open the web app and the dashboard again (of course in the same browser)?
No, that can't be done. As it says in the link you shared:
The following rules apply to the combination of URL and authorization code:
- They must be used together.
- They can be used one time only.
- They are valid for 5 minutes after you run this command.
So the embedURL and its associated auth code can only be used once together. Makes sense since this will prevent MITM replay attacks among other scenarios. Also I actually tried to cache the response and then re-use the embedUrl in case of a cache-hit, since this would improve the end-user experience. But this didn't work - a "replay" of the embedUrl is blocked by QuickSight, as mentioned in their doc.
Any comments about the timing?
This has been our experience also. The GetDashboardEmbedUrl REST API takes around 5-7 seconds (us-east-1) for our app and then the actual embedding takes another 3-5 seconds. Not great, but I don't see a way around this poor user experience as of now.

How get a metric sample from monitoring APIs

I took a look very carefully to monitoring API. As far as I have read, it is possible to use gcloud for creating Monitoring Policies and edit the Policies ( Using Aleert API).
Nevertheless, from one hand it seems gcloud is able only to create and edit policies options not for reading the result from such policies. From this page I read this options:
Creating new policies
Deleting existing policies
Retrieving specific policies
Retrieving all policies
Modifying existing policies
On another hand I read from result of a failed request
Summary of the result of a failed request to write data to a time series.
So it rings a bell in my mind that I do can get a list of results like all failed request to write during some period. But how?
Please, my straigh question is: can I somehow either listen alert events or get a list of alert reults throw Monitoring API v3?.
I see tag_firestore_instance somehow related to firestore but how to use it and which information can I search for? I can't find anywhere how to use it. Maybe as common get (eg. Postman/curl) or from gcloud shell.
PS.: This question was originally posted in Google Group but I was encoraged to ask here.
*** Edited after Alex's suggestion
I have an Angular page listening a document from my Firestore database
export class AppComponent {
public transfers: Observable<any[]>;
transferCollectionRef: AngularFirestoreCollection<any>;
constructor(public auth: AngularFireAuth, public db: AngularFirestore) {
async listenSingleTransferWithToken() {
await this.auth.signInWithCustomToken("eyJ ... CVg");
this.transferCollectionRef = this.db.collection<any>('transfer', ref => ref.where("id", "==", "1"));
this.transfers = this.transferCollectionRef.snapshotChanges().map(actions => {
return => {
const data =;
const id =;
return { id, };
So, I understand there is at least one reader count to return from
name: projects/firetestjimis
filter: metric.type = ""
interval.endTime: 2020-05-07T15:09:17Z
It was a little difficult to follow what you were saying, but here's what I've figured out.
This is a list of available Firestore metrics:
You can then pass these metric types to this API
On that page, I used the "Try This API" tool on the right side and filled in the following
name = projects/MY-PROJECT-ID
filter = metric.type = ""
interval.endTime = 2020-05-05T15:01:23.045123456Z
In chrome's inspector, i can see that this is the GET request that the tool made:
The above returned 200, but with an empty json payload.
We also needed to add the following entry to get data to populate
interval.startTime = 2020-05-04T15:01:23.045123456Z
Also try going here and type firestore in the "Find resource type and metric" box and see if google's own dashboards has data populating. (This is to confirm that there is actually data there for you to fetch)

google cloud billing API: not able to update billing info

I am trying to learn how to use the cloud billing API and playing around with it's methods. I copied a code snippet in Java that shows how to use the updateBillingInfo method. I have a project in my cloud account, and it has a billing account associated with it, and I wanted to change it to a different billing account.
Here's what I tried:
String name = "projects/My project";
ProjectBillingInfo info = new ProjectBillingInfo();
Cloudbilling.Projects.UpdateBillingInfo request = cloudbillingService.projects().updateBillingInfo(name, info);
ProjectBillingInfo response = request.execute();
and my problem is that request.execute() (as well as the API browser explorer) throws an exception with code "500 - internal error encountered".
Am I not using it correctly? It was my understanding that after this, when I check my project in GCP, I should see my project listed to the new billing account. Help is much appreciated.
You are using an invalid Project ID, since GCP project IDs have no spaces in them. Note that Project IDs and Project names are different things. It needs to be the ID as seen here. The rest of your code snippet seems fine, just make sure you put the actual project ID like this: projects/your-project-id

How to change users while preserving the store?

I want to implement a "fast login".
I'm developing an enterprise software where a lot of users work in the same organization with the same data in the same computer and I want to be able to know who did what and when. Right now they have to log out and log in and load the data has to be loaded into the store all over again.
What I want is for them to be able to, without logging out, click on a user, from the organization, insert his password and the user is switched while preserving the store.
Any idea how I can accomplish this?
I'm using ember-simple-auth v1.1.0 and ember v2.10.2
The simpliest solution would be disabling page reload when user logs out. As far as I know, it's a reload causes data loss from store, not a logging out by itself. To do this, you need to overwrite sessionInvalidated method in your application route. For example,
sessionInvalidated() {
But remember - you lower security with this method: if someone will log out and leave webpage with app open, other person will have a possibility to extract data (if they have enough technical background to at least install ember inspector).
Other solution will require heavy research. I think it should be possible to implement custom authenticator which would allow to authenticate new user without logging out previous, by simply replacing tokens in store. But I don't know how hard it will be to implement and what obstacles you can meet. You will need to read ember-simple-auth's sources a lot, that's for sure.
I was actually able to solve it by simply using authenticate() with another user but never calling invalidateSession() which is the function that calls sessionInvalidated() that looks like this:
sessionInvalidated() {
if (!testing) {
if (this.get('_isFastBoot')) {
} else {
So by not calling sessionInvalidated() the user isn't redirected or the page refreshed and the new user is able to keep using the store without switching pages.

How to get all the Open Graph Beta actions generated by an app?

It is already possible to get all actions for custom app actions and objects:{appNameSpace}:{action}/{object}
This will list all the actions generated by an app, but only for a given user...
How do I get all the actions generated by an app (for all its users)?
I've tried this request with an app access token :{appId}/{appNameSpace}:{action}/{object}
But it does not work...
I was also looking for an activities or actions FQL table, since each action has an id, they should be accessible somewhere.
Any suggestions?
AFAIK there is no way to get all actions published by application via OpenGraph, but your application creates those actions, why just not record results of this operation?
Then you create action you should get response like this:
id: “{action-instance-id}”
Later you may read this action:
You for sure may benefit from doing request to get multiple actions like this:
And even batch those requests