Convert from std::wstring to std::string - c++

I'm converting wstring to string with std::codecvt_utf8 as described in this question, but when I tried Greek or Chinese alphabet symbols are corrupted, I can see it in the debug Locals window, for example 日本 became "日本"
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> myconv; //also tried codecvt_utf8_utf16
std::string str = myconv.to_bytes(wstr);
What am I doing wrong?

std::string simply holds an array of bytes. It does not hold information about the encoding in which these bytes are supposed to be interpreted, nor do the standard library functions or std::string member functions generally assume anything about the encoding. They handle the contents as just an array of bytes.
Therefore when the contents of a std::string need to be presented, the presenter needs to make some guess about the intended encoding of the string, if that information is not provided in some other way.
I am assuming that the encoding you intend to convert to is UTF8, given that you are using std::codecvt_utf8.
But if you are using Virtual Studio, the debugger simply assumes one specific encoding, at least by default. That encoding is not UTF8, but I suppose probably code page 1252.
As verification, python gives the following:
>>> '日本'.encode('utf8').decode('cp1252')
Your string does seem to be the UTF8 encoding of 日本 interpreted as if it was cp1252 encoded.
Therefore the conversion seems to have worked as intended.
As mentioned by #MarkTolonen in the comments, the encoding to assume for a string variable can be specified to UTF8 in the Visual Studio debugger with the s8 specifier, as explained in the documentation.


How can I convert a std::string to UTF-8?

I need to put a stringstream as a value of a JSON (using rapidjson library), but std::stringstream::str is not working because it is not returning UTF-8 characters. How can I do that?
rapidjson::Value::SetString accepts a pointer and a length. So you have to call it this way:
std::string stream_data = tmp_stream.str();
d["key"].SetString(, tmp_string.size());
As others have mentioned in the comments, std::string is a container of char values with no encoding specified. It can contain UTF-8 encoded bytes or any other encoding.
I tested putting invalid UTF-8 data in an std::string and calling SetString. RapidJSON accepted the data and simply replaced the invalid characters with "?". If that's what you're seeing, then you need to:
Determine what encoding your string has
Re-encode the string as UTF-8
If your string is ASCII, then SetString will work fine as ASCII and UTF-8 are compatible.
If your string is UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded, there are several lightweight portable libraries to do this like utfcpp. C++11 had an API for this, but it was poorly supported and now deprecated as of C++17.
If your string encoded with a more archaic encoding like Windows-1252, then you might need to use either an OS API like MultiByteToWideChar on Windows, or use a heavyweight Unicode library like LibICU to convert the data to a more standard encoding.

how to convert utf8 to std::string?

I am working on this code which receives a cpprest sdk response containing a base64_encoded payload which is a json. here is my code snippet:
typedef std::wstring string_t; //defined in basic_types.h in cpprest lib
void demo() {
http_response response;
//code to handle respose ...
json::value output= response.extract_json();
string_t payload ="payload").as_string();
vector<unsigned char> base64_encoded_payload = conversions::from_base64(payload);
std::string utf8_payload(base64_encoded_payload.begin(), base64_encoded_payload.end()); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are garbled.
string_t utf16_payload = utf8_to_utf16(utf8_payload); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are good here
//then I need to process the utf8_payload which is an xml.
//I have an API available to process the xml which takes an string
processXML(utf16_payload); //need to convert utf16_payload to a string here;
I also tried this and I see str contains garbled chars!
#include <codecvt> // for codecvt_utf8_utf16
#include <locale> // for wstring_convert
#include <string> // for string, wstring
void wstr2str(void) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conversion;
std::wstring japanese = L"北島 美奈";
std::string str = conversion.to_bytes(japanese); //str is garbled:(
my questions is: can utf8 containing Japanese char be converted to std::string without being garbled?
Update: I gained access to the processXML() code and changed the input argument type to std::wstring and it worked.
I figured when the xml was getting created, it was converting the std::string to wstring; however, it was not turning out good!
void processXML(std::wstring xmlStrBuf) { //chaned xmlStrBuf to wstring and worked
// more code
CComBSTR xmlBuff = xmlStrBuf.c_str();
VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess = false;
xmlDoc->loadXML(xmlBuff, &bSuccess);
//more code
Thanks for the answers and they were helpful when mentioned the string is only a storage.
You are confusing different concepts here.
This is how we save/store/hold our data. A std::string is a collection of chars, which are bytes. A std::wstring is a collection of wchar_ts, which are sometimes 2-byte wide value (but this is not guaranteed!).
This is what the data means, and how it should be interpreted. A std::string, a collection of bytes, could hold UTF-8, or UTF-16, or UTF-32, or ASCII, or ShiftJIS, or morse code, or a JPEG, or a movie, or my DNA (lucky string!).
There are some strong conventions in play in the world. For example, on Windows, a std::wstring is generally accepted to hold UTF-16 (because the two-byte storage is convenient for this, and also because that's how the Windows API does it).
Newer versions of C++ give us things like std::u16_string and std::u32_string as well, which still do not directly have any notion of encoding, but are intended to be used for UTF-16 and UTF-32 respectively because their names make that intention more obvious to readers of code. C++20 will introduce std::u8_string which is intended to signify a UTF-8 encoded string (and is otherwise more or less like a std::string).
But these are just conventions. Nothing about the type std::string says "UTF-8" or any other thing. It doesn't know about or care about or enforce any encoding. It just stores bytes.
So, your question about "converting UTF-8 to std::string" does not really make any sense; it's like asking how to convert a road into a car.
"What should I do, then?"
Well, Base64 is also not an encoding. Well, actually, it totally is, but it's an encoding on top of the string encoding. It's a way of transmitting/escaping/sanitising the raw bytes, not a way of describing how to interpret them later. By asking cpprest to convert from Base64, that's just transforming the way the raw bytes are provided. That's why it gives you a std::vector<char> rather than a std::string because, although (as discussed above) std::string doesn't care about encoding, we sometimes use a std::vector<char> to really, properly, completely say that "this collection does not have any particular encoding, so please don't try to guess from convention or whatever what the encoding is in this use case; all it knows is that it is a bunch of bytes". This is down to opinion. Some people will still use a std::string for that; the authors of cpprest decided not to.
The point is that the use of the function from_base64 cannot tell us anything about the encoding of the text that you've retrieved. For that, we have to go back to the documentation for the text. We have no access to that, and you did not tell us anything about it. If it were just a JSON string, the encoding would be down to the cpprest JSON library and so you'd already be done. However, it's not: it's something packed into a Base64 representation by whoever created the JSON object. Again, that information is not something that you shared with us.
But, based on the variable names you've chosen, the data you're looking at is already UTF-8. You've then attempted to convert it to UTF-16, which is rather the opposite of what you've described you wanted to do.
(Similarly, in your second example, you've taken a std::wstring that [probably] already stores UTF-16 thanks to the L"wide string literal", then told the computer that it's UTF-8 and to convert it "again" to UTF-16, then extracted the raw bytes into a std::string. None of that makes sense.)
Instead, why not literally just processXML(utf8_payload);?
General advice
Encoding can be quite complex, although it's significantly easier to deal with once you've wrapped your mind around the basic concepts of all these layers of abstraction. For the future, and for this question if you wish to clarify it, you will need to ensure that you are absolutely clear, at each stage of the "pipeline" of your data as it gets transmitted from place A to place B, and gets converted from type C to type D, and whatever else, about what encoding it should be at each of those steps. If you want to change the encoding at one of those steps, then do so (though this should be rare!). But before you write any code make sure that you know for sure what it is that you need, otherwise you'll get yourself in a massive tangle.
Eventually you'll start to detect patterns that can help, though. For example, if you were expecting some delicious non-ASCII output and instead see strange text with lots of "Å" characters in it, that's probably UTF-8 that's being interpreted as ASCII by mistake. That's because of the way that the special sequence denoting Unicode codepoints larger than one byte in UTF-8 often starts with a byte whose numerical value is the same as that of the letter "Å" in ASCII (well, ISO/IEC 8859, but close enough).
Similarly, if you get Japanese and didn't expect it, in my experience that's usually because you've given the computer some bytes and told it that they are a string in UTF-16 encoding, when actually they were UTF-8. You just get more experienced at recognising these patterns as you work more, and it can help you to fix your bugs faster.
Just last week the last example there saved me quite a bit of time: I knew immediately that my source data must have been UTF-8, and was therefore able to quickly decide to remove the byte-copy into a std::wstring that I'd been attempting. Examining the bytes in an encoding-agnostic way revealed the "Å" pattern as well and then that was that. This was important because I had no documentation for the data source and thus no way to just look up what the encoding was supposed to be. I had to guess/deduce it. Hopefully that won't be the case for you here.
std::string is just a container for 8-bit wide char, and does not know/care about the encoding. Always think in symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.) The first 128 characters (0-127) were defined per the ASCII standard, thus requiring a single char to store each symbol. With all the languages and symbols there is, we couldn't represent each of them with just 256 possibilities. The UTF-8 encoding introduces a way to deal with this problem by allowing a single symbol to take 1, 2, 3 or 4 char wide. But, for the std::string object, this is entirely transparent and it's still dealing with a series of chars.
The reason why you're thinking the string is garbled is probably because your debugger assumes the contents of the std::string is always 1 symbol per char (extended ASCII for example), and as such, it's displaying the wrong characters.
Edit: you might want to read this post also.

streams with default utf8 handling

I have read that in some environments std::string internally uses UTF-8. Whereas, on my platform, Windows, std::string is ASCII only. This behavior can be changed by using std::locale. My version of STL doesn't have, or at least I can't find, a UTF-8 facet for use with strings. I do however have a facet for use with the fstream set of classes.
When I say "use UTF-8 internally", I'm referring to methods like std::basic_filebuf::open(), which in some environments accept UTF-8 encoded strings. I know this isn't really an std::string issue but rather some OS's use UTF-8 natively. My question should be read as "how does your implementation handle code conversion of invalid sequences?".
How do these streams handle invalid code sequences on other platforms/implementations?
In my UTF8 facet for files, it simply returns an error, which in turn prevents any more of the stream from being read. I would have thought changing the error to the Unicode "Invalid char" 0xfffd value to be a better option.
My question isn't limited to UTF-8, how about invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs?
Let's have an example. Say you open a UTF-8 encoded file with a UTF-8 to wchar_t locale. How are invalid UTF-8 sequences handled by your implementation?
Or, a std::wstring and print it to std::cout, this time with a lone surrogate.
I have read that in some environments std::string internally uses uses UTF-8.
A C++ program can chose to use std::string to hold a UTF-8 string on any standard-compliant platform.
Whereas, on my platform, Windows, std::string is ASCII only.
That is not correct. On Windows you can use a std::string to hold a UTF-8 string if you want, std::string is not limited to hold ASCII on any standard-compliant platform.
This behavior can be changed by using std::locale.
No, the behaviour of std::string is not affected by the locale library.
A std::string is a sequence of chars. On most platforms, including Windows, a char is 8-bits. So you can use std::string to hold ASCII, Latin1, UTF-8 or any character encoding that uses an 8-bit or less code unit. std::string::length returns the number of code units so held, and the std::string::operator[] will return the ith code unit.
For holding UTF-16 you can use char16_t and std::u16string.
For holding UTF-32 you can use char32_t and std::u32string.
Say you open a UTF-8 encoded file with a UTF-8 to wchar_t locale. How are invalid UTF-8 sequences handled by your implementation?
Typically no one bothers with converting to wchar_t or other wide char types on other platforms, but the standard facets that can be used for this all signal a read error that causes the stream to stop working until the error is cleared.
std::string should be encoding agnostic: - so it should not validate codepoints/data - you should be able to store any binary data in it.
The only places where encoding really makes a difference is in calculating string length and iterating over string character by character - and locale should have no effect in either of these cases.
And also - use of std::locale is probably not a good idea if it can be avoided at all - its not thread safe on all platforms or all implementations of standard library so care must be taken when using it. The effect of this is also very limited, and probably not at all what you expect it to be.

How to use utf8 character arrays in c++?

Is it possible to have char *s to work with utf8 encoding in C++ (VC2010)?
For example if my source file is saved in utf8 and I write something like this:
const char* c = "aäáéöő";
Is this possible to make it utf-8 encoded? And if yes, how is it possible to use
char* c2 = new char[strlen("aäáéöő")];
for dynamic allocation if characters can be variable length?
The encoding for narrow character string literals is implementation defined, so you'd really have to read the documentation (if you can find it). A quick experiment shows that both VC++ (VC8, anyway) and g++ (4.4.2, anyway) actually just copy the bytes from the source file; the string literal will be in whatever encoding your editor saved it in. (This is clearly in violation of the standard, but it seems to be common practice.)
C++11 has UTF-8 string literals, which would allow you to write u8"text", and be ensured that "text" was encoded in UTF-8. But I don't really expect it to work reliably: the problem is that in order to do this, the compiler has to know what encoding your source file has. In all probability, compiler writers will continue to ignore the issue, just copying the bytes from the source file, and achieve conformance simply be documenting that the source file must be in UTF-8 for these features to work.
If the text you want to put in the string is in your source code, make sure your source code file is in UTF-8.
If that don't work, try maybe using \u1234 with 1234 being a code point value.
You can also try to use UTF8-CPP maybe.
Take a look at this answer : Using Unicode in C++ source code
See this MSDN article which talks about converting between string types (that should give you examples on how to use them). The strings types that are covered include char *, wchar_t*, _bstr_t, CComBSTR, CString, basic_string, and System.String:
How to: Convert Between Various String Types
There is a hotfix for VisualStudio 2010 SP1 which can help:
The hotfix adds a pragma to override visual studio's control the character encoding for the char type:
#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")
Without the pragma, char* based literals are typically interpreted as the default code page (typically 1252)
This should all be superseded eventually by new string literal prefix modifiers specified by C++0x (u8, u, and U for utf-8, utf-16, and utf-32 respectively), which ideally will be supprted in the next major version of Visual Studio after 2010.
It is possible, save the file in UTF-8 without BOM signature encoding.
//Save As UTF8 without BOM signature
int main(){
char *c1 = "aäáéöő";
char *c2 = new char[strlen("aäáéöő")];
The result of redirection program is really UTF8 encoded file.
This is compiler - independent answer (compile on Windows).
(A similar question.)

How can I convert a wchar_t* to char* without losing data?

I'm using a Japanese string as a wchar_t, and I need to convert it to a char*. Is there any method or function to convert wchar_t* to char* without losing data?
It is not enough to say "I have a string as wchar_t". You must also know what encoding the characters of the string are in. This is probably UTF-16, but you need to know definitely.
It is also not enough to say "I want to convert to char". Again, you must make a decision on what encoding the characters will be represented in. JIS? Shift-JIS? EUC? UTF-8? Another encoding?
If you know the answers to the two questions above, you can do the conversion without any problem using WideCharToMultiByte.
What you have to do first is to choose the string encoding such as UTF-8 or UTF-16. And then, encode your wchar_t[] strings in the encoding you choose via libiconv or other similar string encoding library.
You need to call WideCharToMultiByte and pass in the code page encoding identifier for the Japanese multibyte encoding you want. See the MDSN for that function. On Windows, the local multibyte set is CP932, the MS variation on ShiftJIS. However, you might conceivably want UTF-8 to send to someone who wants it.