How To Invoke Cloud Functions With Workspace Users? - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to invoke GCP functions through my angular app hosted on App Engine. I cannot seem to find any straightforward answer given my users are not signed up through GCP but through Google Workspace. So in short the app I am building is only for internal users. As of right now I am able to log in fine using Google Authentication, the problem is that after I log in, the cloud function is rejecting my request. I have included all the steps that I've taken along with the error I am receiving from the cloud function.
So heres what I've done so far.
I implemented the login button inside of my Angular app using
I then obtained an OAuth 2.0 Client ID from
the GCP project in which the functions are hosted (as this is the
same project anyway).
After this I registered the OAuth consent screen and set it to internal as I don't
want anyone but my internal workspace users to be able to access this
I then went to users identity platform and registered the same OAuth
2.0 client ID that I spoke of in step 2.
I then set up the GCP function to allow allAuthenticatedUsers (I've tried many other
roles but I would accept if I could just get allAuthenticatedUsers to work for now)
Finally back in my angular app I passed into the function call
headers the idToken that I get each time a user logs in using the
Google Login Popup
My code looks like:
import {SocialAuthService} from 'angularx-social-login';
this.authService.authState.subscribe((user) => {
this.myService.callFunction(user.idToken).subscribe((userRes) => {
callFunction(authToken): Observable<any> {
const headers= new HttpHeaders()
.set('content-type', 'application/json')
.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${authToken}`);
return this.http.get('https://my-cloud-function-url/my-function', { headers: headers
And the response that I get when I call this function is:
error: ProgressEvent {isTrusted: true, lengthComputable: false,
loaded: 0, total: 0, type: 'error', …} headers: HttpHeaders
{normalizedNames: Map(0), lazyUpdate: null, headers: Map(0)} message:
"Http failure response for 0 Unknown Error"
name: "HttpErrorResponse" ok: false status: 0 statusText: "Unknown
Error" url: ""
[[Prototype]]: HttpResponseBase
Does anyone know why this might be happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am at my wits end. Thanks in advance :)

Status code 0 in the error message indicates a CORS failure. You can go through this GitHub issue comment, where the stackoverflow thread points to a number of reasons for this error.
Also you need to write this line of code in your initialisations :
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true}) and check out Google’s documentation on how to handle CORS requests. Also you have to provide proper permissions - one of the important ones being giving Cloud Functions invoker role to your cloud functions.
Joe, (author of our question) agreed that it was a CORS error but he solved it by giving allUsers permission (making the function public) and verifying the user in the function itself and the CORS disappeared.
Now the reason behind this :
I think there was some issue with Joe’s authentication mechanism and hence functions were not authenticated. HTTP functions require authentication by default. And as it did not have it, as per documentation the workaround was to make Joe’s function public by setting the --allow-unauthenticated flag, or use the Console to grant the Cloud Functions Invoker role to allUsers. Then handle CORS and authentication in the function code (which he was doing as he mentioned).
So when Joe made the function public by granting allUsers and CORS was handled in code, it started working and the CORS errors disappeared.


Getting Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch in cognito idp settings

I am following this cognito add social auth to add google auth into one of my app for testing. Completed all steps as listed, but when I am testing that using this
https://<your_user_pool_domain>/login?response_type=code&client_id=<your_client_id>&redirect_uri= , I am getting an error
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit:
initially the redirect uri and callback url in cognito app client settings were different but i changed those, also I tried changing my redirect url to simple, but still not working. I did some research regarding the same, found out that it might take some time to reflect the changes in google oauth setings, its been 2 hrs since I have changed the same, should I wait or is there some other work around this.
Also, I setup facebook login following same doc, it is working fine.
please help!
In my experience this mismatch refers to the difference between your constructed URL and the setting in Cognito Pool. In the pool config, the redirect_uri is called Callback URL. Make sure those two have the same URL.
You can set it in Cognito UI here: App Integration > App Client Settings > Sign in and sign out URLs > Callback URL(s)
or you can specify the URL(s) in your code if you are using CDK.
new cognito.UserPoolClient({
oAuth: {
callbackUrls: ['', '<url2>'],
Finally I got the solution, redirect url in google auth credentials needs to be your **domainName+/oauth2/idpresponse** .
its has something to do with your uri, whether in google cloud or cognito ,double check if the uri entered is a match

The authenticated client is not authorized to use this authorization grant type

I have been building a React based SPA to consume an API deployed in WSO2 API Manager.
I did everything mentioned in this excellent tutorial :
So i am using OAuth2 implicit grant type.
However i have this error message after i reach the /authorize request :
Object { error: "unauthorized_client", error_description: "The authenticated client is not authorized to use this authorization grant type", session_state: "485a86f974459bfb9cdd7a845341e88bcc4cfedc242cb15cfc2956e131a7c44c.SMRIHTA_L6wA3yqb59iSSA", sp: "admin_ReactApp_PRODUCTION", tenantDomain: "carbon.super" }
What could be wrong ?
In my dev portal interface (https://localhost:9443/devportal), i have noticed all but the implicit grant types are listed. It is not showing in the list.
Thanks for helping.
The above error only comes if the following method returns false.
Hence, The only possibilities are the following.
Implicit grant type is not enabled for the application.
Authorization request does not contain the response type as response_type=id_token
1.Enabling implicit grant in dev portal
In the application section. add the callback URL which you defined in the authorization request. Then the implicit tick will appear and you will be able to select the grant.
refer to this image
please re-check the authorization request which you are initiating from the client application.
If the above two are good. you should be able to resolve the error.

AWS Amplify React GET request error - missing authentication token

I am using AWS Amplify in my react app to call my API hosted in API Gateway with AWS_IAM authorization. When I set authorization to NONE, everything works fine in my react app.
However, when I set authorization to AWS_IAM and execute my API using API.get() from Amplify like the code below:
const notes = await API.get('notes', '/notes', init);
I get an error message like:
"message": "Missing Authentication Token",
"err": "missing auth"
So I tried to use aws-api-gateway-cli-test to test my API gateway. Through the script, I was able to get a valid credential, get authenticated and correct response. I have also tried the POSTMAN with my admin credentials and it worked as well.
After doing some research, I saw people referring this to CORS issue. I have double checked my API gateway settings and confirmed that I have enabled CORS. The same issue persists.
Through the debugging feature of aws-amplify, I was able to see the signing process in my Chrome inspector. The signing process was performed properly with some accessKey and secretKey. I pulled those keys out of the inspector into my POSTMAN and tried to get.
These credentials are not valid and I received the following error message:
"message": "The security token included in the request is invalid.",
"err:": "default"
Update: I forgot to copy session token into POSTMAN. Now with all credentials generated by my app I am able to get correct result from my API in POSTMAN. Just not in my app.
At this point, it is pretty obvious to me that it is an auth problem. However, I have been using aws-amplify for sign-in and get process. Pretty sure the signing process is done by amplifying behind the scenes.
I have spent 3 days on this problem and basically tried everything... Any ideas on why it doesn't work?
P.S. A lot of people have suggested that typos in the invoke URL could lead to this issue. I have double checked and there is no typo. Below is my amplify configure code:
Auth: {
mandatorySignIn: true,
region: config.cognito.REGION,
userPoolId: config.cognito.USER_POOL_ID,
identityPoolId: config.cognito.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,
userPoolWebClientId: config.cognito.APP_CLIENT_ID
Storage: {
region: config.s3.REGION,
bucket: config.s3.BUCKET,
identityPoolId: config.cognito.IDENTITY_POOL_ID
API: {
endpoints: [
name: "notes",
endpoint: config.apiGateway.URL,
region: config.apiGateway.REGION
Just resolved my problem - I have had Authorization settings for OPTIONS method to be AWS_IAM under Resources in API Gateway. However when my browser send a request it will send one to OPTIONS first to check for certain headers without the credentials in this request.
Since I set OPTIONS with IAM authorization, the OPTIONS method then checked against IAM with this request without my credentials. This is why I received "Missing Authentication Token".
The problem was this in my case:
import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
import { API } from 'aws-amplify';
I know, I now it's banal. This why I should't code when I am exausted.

AWS Cognito; unauthorized_client error when hitting /oauth2/token

Steps taken so far:
Set up new user pool in cognito
Generate an app client with no secret; let's call its id user_pool_client_id
Under the user pool client settings for user_pool_client_id check the "Cognito User Pool" box, add https://localhost as a callback and sign out url, check "Authorization Code Grant", "Implicit Grant" and everything under "Allowed OAuth Scopes"
Create a domain name; let's call it user_pool_domain
Create a new user with a username/password
Now, I can successfully go to:
This presents me with a login page and I am able to login as my user which returns me to https://localhost/?code={{code_uuid}}
I then try the following:
curl -X POST https://{{user_pool_domain}} -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost&code={{code_uuid}}&client_id={{user_pool_client_id}}'
However, this just returns back the following:
The token endpoint docs say that unauthorized_client is because "Client is not allowed for code grant flow or for refreshing tokens." which is confusing because I checked the boxes allowing the client to use the code grant flow.
So, it turns out that the user pool has to have a trailing slash (https://localhost/) and then that trailing slash has to be used in all of the callback URLs. Then it decides to work!
Everything looks OK to me. I think it may be complaining about the Authorization header missing but not sure. You could try a few things:
1) According to this page (, you shouldn't need to send the Authorization header in the token request, but maybe it is still needed. You could try either passing just the client ID in it (Authorization [client ID]) or configure a secret and try passing Authorization [client ID:client secret] like it says). It usually makes sense to use a client secret for authorization code flow anyway since in this flow, there is a server side component that can securely handle the token exchange.
2) Try using Implicit Flow instead to see if that works. Implicit Flow makes sense for single page apps with no server side component. For that, no client secret is needed.
If you are using amplify and have it configured outside of the CLI and the other answers aren't working for you, one last fix you can try is to ensure you have responseType: 'token' if you are using implicit flow. Fixed things for me.
Auth: {
oauth: {
domain : '',
redirectSignIn: environment.cognito.oauthCallbackLogin,
redirectSignOut: environment.cognito.oauthCallbackLogout,
responseType: 'token',
scope : ['email', 'openid', 'profile'],
I had this error for another reason: I had response_type=token in the request URL, but the implicit OAuth flow was not enabled in the user pool client, so I needed to change it to response_type=code.
I agree with #rioastamal and #kiran01bm
as well. I did not need a trailing slash and it has to be verbatim as configured for the callbacks.
In my case I had my Redirect URI encoded at definition like this const redirectUri = encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_URI).
Later, when it was used in the POST call to the /token endpoint as part of the params, it resulted as a double-encoded string.
A facepalm moment, but could happen to anyone.
Getting rid of one of the encoding fixed it for me.
Make sure to also include the scope in the request. Like the following{}&response_type=token&scope=aws.cognito.signin.user.admin+email+openid+phone+profile&redirect_uri=
I my case, the issue came from the ACS URL that was incorrect, but so close that I did not see it. It was redirecting my to a page with this error "An error was encountered with the requested page."
I configured the UserPoolClient via cloudformation and had the AllowOAuthFlows set to implicit, where to work with amplify/cognito I needed that value to be code.
Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient
DependsOn: GoogleUserPoolIdentityProvider
UserPoolId:!Ref MyUserPool
AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true
GenerateSecret: false
- http://localhost:8080
- http://localhost:8080
- code
- email
- openid
- Google
Authorization code grant means you get a code at the end of that redirect and you have to exchange that code for the respective tokens, and the response Type will be code.
And the Implicit grant type is the equivalent of response type token, where in you will get the tokens on the first step itself.
So check if you have the correct response type as per your auth flow set in the cognito console.
In my case, I updated the localhost:port in Allowed callback URLs of cognito app client setting but failed to add localhost:port to Allowed sign-out URLs

Missing Authentication Token while accessing API Gateway?

I am trying to call a Lambda Function through AWS API Gateway.
When I mention Authentication type NONE it works fine but API become public and anyone with url can access my API.
To make API call secure, I am using Authentication type AWS_IAM and
also attached AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess policy to my user but getting this error:
{ message: "Missing Authentication Token"}
I don't know what I am missing here.
I've lost some time for a silly reason:
When you create a stage, the link displayed does not contain the resource part of the URL:
The /get-list was missing
And of course, you need to check that the method configuration looks like this:
I think you are directly trying to access API link, this won't work because API is secured using IAM role and you must provide AWS authentication i.e Access key and Secret key.
Use the Postman Chrome extension to test your API:
I just had the same issue and it seems it also shows this message if the resource cannot be found.
In my case I had updated the API, but forgotten to redeploy. The issue was resolved after deploying the updated API to my stage.
Make sure you are clicking on the specific Resource first in the Stages tree, as that will populate a URL with the full path to the resource (rather than just the root path):
For other causes, see
Looks like (as of April 2019) AWS API Gateway throws this exception for a variety of reasons - mostly when you are hitting an endpoint that API Gateway is not able to reach, either because it is not deployed, or also in cases where that particular HTTP method is not supported.
I wish the gateway sends more appropriate error codes like HTTP 405 Method not supported or HTTP 404 not found, instead of a generic HTTP 403 Forbidden.
Found this in the docs:
If the AWS_IAM authorization were used, you would sign the request using the Signature Version 4 protocols.
Signing request with Signature Version 4
You can also generate an SDK for your API.
How to generate an SDK for an API in API Gateway
Once you've generated the SDK for the platform of your choice, step 6 mentions that if you're using AWS credentials, the request to the API will be signed:
To initialize the API Gateway-generated SDK with AWS credentials, use code similar to the following. If you use AWS credentials, all requests to the API will be signed. This means you must set the appropriate CORS Accept headers for each request:
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient({
accessKey: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secretKey: 'SECRET_KEY',
I try all the above, if you did all steps in the above answers, and you not solve the problem, then:
on the left menu, hit the "Resources"
in the right to "Resources", hit the api method that you want to test, like "POST/GET etc)
hit the "ACTION" list (it's above to the API method in step 2
select "DEPLOY API" (please do it, even you already deploy yours api)
in "deployment stage" select "prod" or what ever you write in yours previous deploy (it will override yours previous deploy
hit deploy
I thing that because of, when I create the "METHOD REQUEST" (see step 2 how to go to this menu) , in "Authorization" I select "AWS_IAM"
after testing api, in aws test option, I try it in "postman"
then I understand the in "METHOD REQUEST" , in "Authorization", I should select "none"
I change it to none, but I thing the AWS, need to deploy it again, as I explain
Make sure you create Resource and then create method inside it. That was the issue for me. Thanks
In my case I missed adding '/' forward slash at the end of api.
Such a silly mistake.
If you enable AWS_IAM authentication you must sign your request with AWS credentials using AWS Signature Version 4.
Note: signing into the AWS console does not automatically sign your browser's requests to your API.
sometimes this message shown when you are calling a wrong api
check your api endpoint
In my case it was quite a stupid thing.
I've get used that new entities are created using POST and it was failing with "Missing Authentication Token". I've missed that for some reason it was defined as PUT which is working fine.
This error mostly come when you call wrong api end point.
Check your api end point that you are calling and verify this on api gateway.
If you are using an API with endpoint of type PRIVATE, be sure of:
You are invoking the API from within your AWS account (example: from an EC2 instance created in your account)
Put necessary credential (access and secret keys) in the EC2 instance in route ~/.aws/credentials (this route is for linux instances) If IAM user use MFA aws_session_token value will be required too.
Use vpce (vpc endpoint) based URL. Example: curl
Your EC2 instance have a security group than allow outbound traffic to another security group owned by the vpce like:
Your vpce security group allow inbound traffic from another security group (previous sg from ec2 instance) owned by the EC2 instance like:
I had the same problem which I solved the following way:
GET Method test
Authorization tab ->
• select type(AWS signature)
• Add AccessKey and SecretKey
You must be using Invoke Url to trigger Lambda Function from your browser or POSTMAN... Instead, use the API end point which will be listed in:
select yourLambdaFuntion >> Configuration >> Triggers.
There you can see API end point.
For the record, if you wouldn't be using credentials, this error also shows when you are setting the request validator in your POST/PUT method to "validate body, query string parameters and HEADERS", or the other option "validate query string parameters and HEADERS" that case it will look for the credentials on the header and reject the request. To sum it up, if you don't intend to send credentials and want to keep it open you should not set that option in request validator(set it to either NONE or to validate body)
I had the same issue, and fixed it by removing the /dev/ and just put:
I had same issue today because I was using GET instead of POST. Fixed the issues by changing method to POST in postman.
First of all, check whether the API you created in the lamda function is registered with your AWS project or not. For that, go to the API gateway in your AWS console. If it is not registered, register it. This is the main cause of this issue.
You can even see in your aws.export.js file, that there are paths corresponding to your API ['/items'].
Your API must be present there, otherwise it will not append the security token to requests. Just register it in your project cloud-logic in your console for this.
If it's there, then use the above mentioned solution
To contribute:
I had a similar error because my return response did not contain the 'body' like this:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': "must contain the body tag if you replace it won't work"
If you set up an IAM role for your server that has the AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess permission, you still need to pass headers on each request. You can do this in python with the aws-requests-auth library like so:
import requests
from aws_requests_auth.boto_utils import BotoAWSRequestsAuth
auth = BotoAWSRequestsAuth(
response = requests.get("", auth=auth)
Well for anyone still having the problem and I really feel very dumb after realizing this, but I passed in the url of /items the default one while adding API. But I kept calling the endpoint with /api. Special thanks to Carlos Alberto Schneider, as I realized my problem after reading your post.
According to my experience, please check the following steps:
On API gateway side, make sure you add the correct path and publish the resource at the stage you want. For some url pattern like path parameter(/user/{user_id}) need more attention to have a check.
Make sure you configure the correct options method for this resource, because sometimes it is the CORS that cause this problem.
On Lambda side, make sure you specify the correct handler name as the entrypoint.
Please always check cloudwatch logs of your lambda that can help u identify the problems on your lambda side.
In my case I was trying to do an UPDATE type request but in my AWS SAM template I had a PATCH type request:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource:
CodeUri: src/
Handler: app.lambda_handler
Runtime: python3.8
MemorySize: 128
Type: Api
Path: /my-endpoint
Method: patch
Things to check:
1. In resources, check for Authorization and API Key if these are required.
2. Redeploy the API, new changes might not reflected.
3. Get the url from stages, directly by clicking on the actions like GET, POST, These will contain the full path urls.
I had the same issue even if my access was regional and not private, no authorization on my method neither API. It's turned out that I was calling the root endpoint "", which in local return me a json but raised an error. Be sure to call a proper endpoint, such as ""