How to hide one cell in the ASCIIDOC table? - cell

I have a table with human parameters. I want to hide one column, for example age, if attribute :showall: is not set. How to do that? I can hide only the whole table, but not the one column.
.Human parameters
|John Daw

That's not a built in feature.
You have two options:
For cell content that should be hidden, simply remove it from the table.
If you need show/hide functionality, you'll need to add some custom JavaScript and CSS to make that happen.
For option 2, the technique for including JS/CSS is called Docinfo files.
You'll have to experiment with column show/hide, as there may be browser compatibility or presentation issues that would need to be addressed. That said, this answer might show a technique that would work for you:


Oracle APEX - Reusable Pages?

We have some tables in our database that all have the same attributes but the table is named differently for each. I'm not sure of the Architect's original intent in creating them in this way, but this is what I have to work with.
My question for all the expert Oracle APEX developers: is there away to create a reusable page that I can pass the table name to and that table name would be used in the reporting region and DML processing of that page?
I've read up on templates and plugins and don't see a path forward with those options. Of course, I'm new to webdevelopment, so forgive my ignorance.
We are using version 18.2.
For reporting purposes, you could use a source which is a function that returns a query (i.e. a SELECT statement). Doing so, you'd dynamically decide which table to select from.
However, DML isn't that simple. Instead of default row processing, you should write your own process(es) so that you'd insert/update/delete rows in the right table. I've never done that, but I'd say that it is possible. Basically, you'd keep all logic in the database (for example, a package) and call those procedures from your Apex application.
You could have multiple regions on one page; one region per table. Then use dynamic actions to show/hide the regions and run the select query based on a table name selected by the user.
Select table name from a dropdown or list
Show the region that matches the table name (dynamic action)
Hide the any other regions that are visible (dynamic action)
Refresh the selected region so the data loads (dynamic action)
If that idea works let me know and I can provide a bit more guidance.
I never tried it with reports, but would it work to put all three reports in a single page, and set them via an Item to have Server-Side Conditions that decide what gets shown in the page? You'd likely need separate items with a determined value for the page to recognize and display.
I know I did that to set buttons such as Delete, Save and Create dynamically, rather than creating two or more separate pages for handling editing of certain information. In this case it regarded which buttons to shown based on a reports' primary key being sent to said "Edit" page. If the value was empty, it meant you wanted to create a new record (also because the create button/link sent no PK). If said PK was sent (via a edit button/link), then you'd have the page recognize it and hide the create button and rather show the edit button.

Merge cells with similar but different data, different spelling

I am trying Tableau with data extracted from Salesforce. The input includes a "Country" record were the row have different spellings for the same thing.
Example: Cananda, CANADA, CAnada etc.
Is there a way to fix this in Tableau?
The easiest solution is create a group field based on your Country field.
Select Country in the data pane on the left side bar, right click and choose Create Group. Select elements that you want to group together put them into a single group, say Canada, that contains all variations of spelling.
This new group field initially has a name of Country (group). You may want to rename it Country_Corrected. (Or even better, rename the first field, Country_Original, and call the group field simply Country. Then you can hide Country_Original)
Groups are implemented using SQL case statements. They have many uses, but one application is to easily tolerate some inconsistent spellings in your data source without having to change your data. In general, you can specify several transformations like this that take effect at query and visualization time. For very large data sets, or for very complicated transformations, you may eventually want to push some of them upstream in your data pipeline to get better performance. But make those optimizations later when you've proven the necessity.
If the differences are just in case (upper vs lower), you can right-click the Country dimension, and create a calculated field called something like "New Country", and use the following formula to make the case consistent:
Use this new "New Country" calc dimension instead of your "Country" dimension, and it will group them all without case sensitivity, and display as uppercase. Or you can use "lower" instead of "upper" if preferred.

Infragistics UltraGrid - How to use displayed values in group by headers when using an IEditorDataFilter?

I have a situation where I'm using the IEditorDataFilter interface within a custom UltraGrid editor control to automatically map values from a bound data source when they're displayed in the grid cells. In this case it's converting guid-based key values into user-friendly values, and it works well by displaying what I need in the cell, but retaining the GUID values as the 'value' behind the scenes.
My issue is what happens when I enable the built-in group by functionality and the user groups by a column using my editor. In that case the group by headers default to using the cell's value, which is the guid in my case, so I end up with headers like this:
Column A: 7F720CE8-123A-4A5D-95A7-6DC6EFFE5009 (10 items)
What I really want is the cell's display value to be used instead so it's something like this:
Column A: Item 1 (10 items)
What I've tried so far
Infragistics provides a couple mechanisms for modifying what's shown in group by rows:
GroupByRowDescriptionMask property of the grid (
Manually set the row description via the InitializeGroupByRow event (
Option 1 doesn't appear to give me what I need because the cell's display value is not exposed in the set of tokens they provide. Option 2 looks promising but it's not clear to me how to get at the cell's display value. The event argument only appears to contain the cell's backing value, which in my case is the GUID.
Is there a proper approach for using the group by functionality when you're also using an IEditorDataFilter implementation to convert values?
This may be frowned upon, but I asked my question on the Infragistic forums as well, and a complete answer is available there (along with an example solution demonstrating the problem):
In short, I was applying my custom editors at the cell level, which made them unavailable when the rows were grouped together. A better approach would be to apply the editor at the column level, which would make the editor available at the time of grouping, and would provide the expected behavior.

Oracle ApexCreate Time field HH:MM

I am having difficulty with a duration field on my form/table.
The users need to indicate in HH:MM how long a meeting took.
What datatype should the column have in the Table. Currently it is TIMESTAMP
How can I make the field have an input mask of 'HH:MM'. What I would like is for the user to be able to type '0130' and the field format it to '01:30' immediately.
Reporting on these times is required so I assume that entering the data as VARCHAR will not help.
Honestly, this is not such an easy subject as people might think it is, and probably more from a user interface point of view than technically.
The easiest way out? The apex datetimepicker. And honestly, if you're new to the technology I'd advise you to use this, especially if you want to steer clear from javascript/jquery initially.
Let's put it this way: the datepicker is fine and works good, but time is really not that fantastic.
Not all that hot right. The value in the input item does not change until you hit 'Close'. The time component seems like a last second sloppy addition honestly. It works, however. (But I'd still set the field to readonly so that a user can not enter text directly.)
Allowing text to be entered means it needs to be validated according to the correct format mask. And format masks differ between those in jQuery (the datepicker) and those in Oracle, and it might be possible that your oracle format mask is not possible in the datepicker, adding even more complexity. There is also no 'live' date validation (nor datetime), there is only the builtin item validation which will check the format mask and which fires on submit.
Anyway, I'd say take a look at it. Set your item to be displayed as a Date Picker, and use the format mask under settings to get the datetime picker:
Now you can push it further of course, though it'll cost some effort. There are several options though.
Personally, when I've implemented date+time I've always split the date from the time in 2 fields. 1 with the date component, and one with the time component, while keeping the item with the original value hidden (so 3 items total). I then use the datepicker on the date item, and use jquery timepicker plugins on the time item. On submit I then add the 2 values together and parse them in a date, and put this value in the original item again (to allow the standard processing to work on items with source set to database column).
One example of a timepicker is here, another one here. They're both not that hard to implement. They have good documentation too. I don't want to dive in the implementation of it here though, I advise you take a look at it first and see how much it scares you. (I'd set up an apex demo but am a bit pressed for time at the moment).
For example, using Trent's (second link) plugin:
put the js file in the apex images directory. I made a folder "/custom" in my case
add the required js files to the page (assuming apex 4.2, put this in javascript file urls)
use onload code such as this to initialize a field
$("#P95_DEPARTURE_TIME").timepicker({hourGrid: 4,minuteGrid: 10});
It'll end up looking as this:
Any further interaction between pickers will need to be handled in javascript code if you want it live. Don't forget server validations.
As for items, my hidden date item has format mask DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI. Format masks are important, because items are bind variables, and bind variables are varchar2. The value in the html form is also just that, text.
For example, this is on my displayed date item, with a similar setup for the time item:
Then in an after-submit computation I glue the values together again and put them in the m that'll save the value to the database:
This is just a short guide on the setup though, but might be interesting once you're a bit more familiar with the product.
There are also 2 timepicker plugins on apex-plugin, but honestly I don't find them interesting at all when compared to these already existing fine jquery plugins.
Give it some thought and look at it.
If quarters are enough..
item: text field with autocomplete
SELECT ss|| ':' || dd ss_dd
(SELECT to_char(trunc(sysdate)+(level - 1)/ 24,'HH24')ss
FROM dual CONNECT BY level <= 24),
(SELECT lpad(mod(15 * level, 60), 2, '0') dd
FROM dual CONNECT BY level <= 4)
APEX 4.2: Just to shed some light for any future viewings; now there are loads of Apex plugins for the purpose of picking Date/Time or both returning variations of date time formats as you would required. For e.g. as in your case HH:MM or HH24:MI.
I have personally used TimePicker plugin from which I have no problem in recommending.

Long check list ui pattern for web

I have a data entry page where the user is required so make some selections from a list. Currently it is just a check list with about 10 items they can tick, but is will expand soon to about 230. What is a good UI paradigm for dealing with a large number of selectable items? I am considering dual list type control.
Dual list, BUT, for a large # of non-groupable elements:
MUST have ability to select multiple elements (Duh!)
SHOULD have ability to select ALL elements with a click
SHOULD have ability to search (in either list), and select all matching elements
Also, if the lists are REALLY big (1k+), you may run into trouble with slow rendering.
If so, you can also "paginate" the list - e.g. display only first N elements, allow selection from those, and then ability to shift the "frame" to next N elements.
(all the above, BTW, are real attributes of a solution we implemented in an enterprise web app needing a selection list with 30k possible values which could not be grouped).
Are the items grouped in any way? If so, a collapsible tree-type navigation might be useful.
It really depends on the situation and how much space you have but in most cases I prefer the dual list control, aka list builder, you where thinking about.
Here's a nice link for inspiration (requires silverlight):
Here's an accessible way using only HTML and Javascript:
Use the HTML fieldset tag to chunk them into logical groups;
use (say) JQuery to show/hide each group;
add navigation at the top to jump to each group.
If you hide all the groups initially, users can click the link for the groups they want to complete. Further, if you add a rollover (could just be a tooltip title attribute on the links for accessibility) with a description of each group, users will have a 'preview' before visiting it.
Finally, if the labels are short enough, give the fieldsets a width and make them into columns using CSS float or absolute positioning.
Try to stick to valid (X)HTML, CSS and Javascript - there are plenty of precedents for this.