How to set custom schema from helm chart for superset postgresql - apache-superset

We are using custom postgresql for superset and we are able to connect successful below connection string. But, superset by default using "public" schema. How do we set custom schema name from helm chart in superset postgresql.
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = f"postgresql+psycopg2://{env('DB_USER')}:{env('DB_PASS')}#{env('DB_HOST')}:{env('DB_PORT')}/{env('DB_NAME')}"


Migrate from internal database to MSSQL

I am testing WSO2 API Manager locally and using the in-built database. I want to change the database form the internal database to MSSQL. Is there a way I can do this easily? Any tools/ scripts?
Trying to migrate from internal database to MSSQL
WSO2 doesn't provide any tools to do Cross Database data migrations. But there are third-party tools that can do Data migration between H2 and MSSQL, but attempting a direct Data migration may be tricky, you may have to perform the migration and test the deployment thoroughly.
The most straightforward option is to create a new deployment with MSSQL and use API Controller to Migrate the APIs and Applications from the old environment to the new one.

Heroku Django Postgres CREATE postgres schema on database. Multitenancy

the docs are not clear. Is it possible to create a schema system on postgres database in order to use postgres schemas as isolated data collection for a multi-tenant app directed by a sub-domain request.

Can I use Cassandra as Apache Airflow backend DB

I was going through the Airflow documentation and as per the documentation
As Airflow was built to interact with its metadata using the great SqlAlchemy library, you should be able to use any database backend supported as a SqlAlchemy backend.
Although Cassandra doesn't support SqlAlchemy, I see the project Flask-CQLAlchemy provides and SQLAlchemy like API.
Flask-CQLAlchemy handles connections to Cassandra clusters and provides a Flask-SQLAlchemy like interface to declare models and their columns in a Flask app Links
I am just getting started with Airflow and trying to setup its backend Db, will Cassandra with Flas-CQLAlchemy works for Airlow metadata repo?

Newly created local claim isn't shown in claim configuration WSO2 Identity Server when using remote Postgres DB

I am trying to map a newly created local claim to the claims of a service providers.
Some notes about my WSO2 implementation:
I am using Postgres databases in AWS's Relational Database Service. I followed the steps here to set up my master, metrics, and bps databases:
My steps to map the claim look like this:
Create a local claim
Attempt to add the newly created claim to a service provider
My issue is that the claim I created in step 1 doesn't appear in the dropdown in step 2. I have confirmed that the claim is being written to my master Postgres database under the idn_claim table. If it's in the idn_claim table, shouldn't it show in the dropdown when adding a claim?
The same steps have worked for me with the following setups:
Using the built-in H2 database (no config changes)
Using a LOCAL Postgres database that is setup using the same configuration files and seeding scripts as the scenario above.
I'm stumped about why everything works as expected using the H2 database or a Local Postgres database (with identical setup) but it doesn't work with a Postgres database in AWS.

WSO2 Governance Registry upgrade - DB Scripts Issue

We are doing a DB Upgradation for WSo2 Governance Registry upgradation from 4.5.3 to 4.6.0. The sql scripts available in the documentation for creating some db schema in staging database is having discrepancy like scripts for creating few tables are missing. Can anyone provide valid scripts for staging database as we are trying out with mySql/Oracle database?
The reference link I am following is shown as below: