Identifier "TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32" is undefined - c++

I'm trying to create of snapshot of all modules for a specific process using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function from TlHelp32.h. The first argument dwflags specifies which portions of the system to include in the snapshot. The TH32CS_SNAPMODULE only includes 64 bit modules while the TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 also includes 32 bit modules which I need.
Running my code on my main pc gives no problems at all and works perfectly. On my laptop it gives the error in the title of the post and TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 is nowhere to be found inside the TlHelp32.h header file.
I reinstalled windows for a reason that has nothing to do with this question and now everything works fine.

You have a typo, it is TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, and the header file to include is tlhelp32.h, refer this. If you are unable to find that identifier in tlhelp32.h, check if you have installed the correct version of Windows SDK.


MSVC: Unresolved external symbol "__imp_JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs"

Edit2: Forgot to mention that I am trying to build a 64-bit application.
I need some help here.
For some reason I can't seem to find a way to make this external work and well, before you ask.
I've tried calling LoadLibrary:
// (temp)
// Load JVM library since it's being a dork
HINSTANCE hVM = LoadLibraryA("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_172\\jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
if (hVM == NULL) { ... }
I have every lib folder included in VC++ Directory, I have also tried putting jvm.lib in same dir and just linking it through pragma comment: #pragma comment(lib, "jvm.lib")
But nothing seems to do the job. :/
Am I maybe looking at the wrong file to begin with? I've tried others like jawt.lib as well.
Edit: I get the function from #include <jvmti.h> but there is no corresponding .lib or .dll file. And every similar function comes from jvm so if it's not that one, which one is it? I'm lost.
My bad, I thought it worked for both 32-bit and 64-bit applications but seems like it only works on 32-bit applications. (Was using a 32-bit JDK install and in my haste I did not realize that.)

Assimp won't build correctly in Code::Blocks - "TVITEMEXW not declared in current scope"

I'm currently working through the LearnOpenGL tutorials, which has been going fine thus far, until I've hit the model loading portion of the tutorial.
LearnOpenGL uses the Assimp library to handle model loading, but I don't seem to be able to get it to build properly (precompiled libraries don't work either for me) - it produces errors within "Display.cpp":
In function 'unzOpenCurrentFile3':
Line 1177: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
In member function 'int AssimpView::CDisplay::AddNodeToDisplayList(....'
Line 179 error: 'TVITEMEXW' was not declared in this scope
With the line 179 error appearing to be the main cause of failure. Having looked in the 'Display.cpp' file, the issue is with the following declaration:
And TVITEMEXW doesn't seem to be declared/included within the file explicitly, but the included headers are stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, and "./unzip.h". After some searching, I've found that TVITEMEX is a windows structure with TVITEMEXW as a unicode name (according to this) but I'm fairly new to C++/compilers etc., and don't really know what to do with this information.
I created the Code::Blocks project file with CMake and MinGW from the Assimp 3.2.
Any help would be hugely appreciated, I've been stuck with this for a few days now and can't figure out how to resolve it myself. Apologies if I haven't provided enough/the correct information, I'm not entirely sure exactly what is relevant to the problem.
try replacing TVITEMEXW with TVITEMW and maybe sNew.itemex with sNew.item.

C++ Error RC2104 trying to compile PuTTY-PSCP (for Windows) on Visual Studio 6.0

I was about to use PuTTY Development source code for Windows to create my own client application (found here: but as I tried to compile the PSCP project (SCP Client), I got the following error :
C:\work\2015\Putty\windows\version.rc2 (18): error RC2104 : undefined
keyword or key name: BINARY_VERSION
I've been going through the various posts involving this error but didn't find anything working :
error RC2104: undefined keyword or key name: DS_SETFONT :
On this post I noticed that the version of MSVC was brought up so I figured maybe something has to be done to get PuTTY to work on VC 6.0 ?
Also I tried to add #include <windows.h> in both version.rc2 (version.rc2 is used for inclusion in all .rc files) and pscp.rc, none worked.
I'll be quick to answer if you need any information (project properties, source code...)
USING Visual Studio 6.0 with SP6 on Windows 8.1
Probably, wrong version.h is seen.
Correctly, the file version.h in the project folder should be seen.
Please try to modify version.rc2:
#include "version.h"
#include "..\\..\\..\\version.h"
At least, resource compiler will end successfully.
If you search through the PuTTY source files, you'll notice that BINARY_VERSION is defined in version.h and used in windows/version.rc2, which #includes version.h.
Since your version.rc2 isn't seeing version.h, try to figure out why: Is version.h still present and does it still contain BINARY_VERSION? Are your include paths correct? Is there another version.h somewhere else in your include path that's getting picked up by mistake?
Which source code are you using ?
I tested latest(0.64) "Release source code for Windows".
direct link is
I had tried to compile using VC++ 6.0 Professional with SP6, on my PC,
running Windows XP SP3.
After extracting to somewhere with keeping folder
structures, did you correctly opened 'putty.dsw' in "putty-src\windows\MSVC" folder?
You should be find in 7 projects in 'FileView' tab of the workspace
in Visual Studio 6.0.
You can switch active project to 'pscp' with context menu via
right button click on 'pscp' project.
With modified version.rc2, resource compiler finished successful.
But two (sshshare.c, winsftp.c) C source files failed compiling
with 20 errors. in 'pscp' project.
Errors while compiling 'winsftp.c' is caused 'TIME_POSIX_TO_WIN'
and 'TIME_WIN_TO_POSIX' macros.
'ull(unsigned long long)' is a 64-bit integer-suffix, newly defined in C99. Since C99 standard is not support on VC6, then caused errors.
I had temporally modified
11644473600ull ------> ((ULONGLONG)11644473600)
10000000ull ---------> ((ULONGLONG)10000000)
and confirmed errors are cleared. (Sorry, no validation the code is correctly generated)
3 errors while compiling 'sshshare.c' is also caused another macro.
I cannot understand why you got 116 errors.

Compiler doesn't find reference to zip_get_num_entries on Windows

I want to use libzip in my program in C++ to extract files from a zip archive. So firstly, I get the number of files in it, get their names and read them. To get the number of files, I use 'zip_get_num_entries'. Its prototype is:
zip_uint64_t zip_get_num_entries(struct zip *, int)
And the way I use this function:
int nbrEntries(0);
zip *archive = zip_open("", 0, 0);
nbrEntries = zip_get_num_entries(archive, 0);
When I wrote this code, Code::Blocks suggested me zip_get_num_entries, so there's no problem of header. But when I compiled, the compiler (MinGW) told me that:
undefined reference to `_imp__zip_get_num_entries'
So I tried its deprecated equivalent, zip_get_num_files and it worked. I included to the project libzip.dll.a that I made with CMake. I had two files: libzip.dll and libzip.dll.a.
I'm sure it's a library problem (notice that I didn't have this problem on MacOS) but I don't know how to solve this. Thank you!
EDIT: I searched their website and read that the implementation of zip_get_num_files was new when they released the library available on the website. So I searched in their Mercurial repo and found versions that were released 2 days ago (a little bit newer than the release on the website, which has almost 1 year). I built it with CMake and it worked!
"Undefined reference" means that there is no definition/implementation (as opposed to declaration/prototype) of the function available. You forgot to link the library. Since you use MinGW with g++, it will take something like -lzip on the command line or as parts of LDFLAGS.
There is a chance that you misconfigured something, too - in which case the symbol name may be different depending on a define. But the most likely case is that you forgot to link the dependency.
I finally succeed to use zip_get_num_entries! I searched their website and read that the implementation of zip_get_num_files was new when they released the library available on the website. So I searched in their Mercurial repo and found versions that were released 2 days ago (a little bit newer than the release on the website, which has almost 1 year). I built it with CMake and it worked!

OpenCV 2.4 : undefined reference to cvRand

I can't find the file I have to include to my code to get cvRand (and all other related functions, such as cvRandInit ... ) to be recognized by the compiler. It's weird, because in the past this code used to work as is. Must be an issue with OpenCV2.4.
Also, when I right-clic on cvRand (I work with Qt Creator) and ask to follow the symbol under the cursor, the IDE open a file called compat.hpp. I have several files named compat.hpp, so I don't know which one I have to include. My OS is Ubuntu 11.04.
So far, I included core.hpp, highgui.hpp, and cv.h.
I googled on this, but couldn't find any related issue... so I guess this is not an issue, and I just miss something stupid.
The includes were obviously right, I figured that it has to be a lib problem, by guessing I found that I had to add Everything works fine now, thx stackoverflow.