Updating parameter file in informatica - informatica

I am updating the parameter file with the workflow variable as part of the post session success command in informatica. This session runs twice in the workflow once in the beginning and again at the end. When it runs for the first time the command is executing successfully but I can’t see the value being replaced in the parameter file but when it runs at the end the value is being replaced correctly. Any idea what causing this issue. I need the parameter file to updated in the beginning so there are other sessions in between that uses this parameter file. Any suggestions or alternatives please.

If you specify a parameterfile for a workflow, here's what happens:
Workflow starts, parameter file is read as part of workflow initialization and parameter values are set
Session runs
Post session command is triggered, but parameters are not updated anymore. This happens as p. 1 only!
Further processing with values set at point 1.
If you need to change the parameters during workflow run, please specify Session parameter files. This way Session 1 can generate values for another session to use. Set the value at Session -> Properties -> Parameter File.


Cannot specify path variable on a Flow / Send Request

I was playing with Postman Flows, and I was trying to learn by using the Trello API. All requests work on their own if executed manually. I've also debugged values using the terminal to understand where the problem lies. Before that, here's a summary of what I'm doing.
Get all boards for a given trello workspace
For each board, delete that board.
The complete flow looks like this:
I've checked that on the last block Send Request, the looped value of /variable/id outputs the proper board id. I've done this by checking with a terminal block and a string block. I started suspecting that this is caused by a failure of Postman to understand that the variable I'm trying to use is a path variable and not a query parameter. As such I tried to pass a static value to the Send Request and it 404'ed as well (tech aside: in theory for n ids it should give me one 200 and n-1 404s since the variable is static and the board would not be able to be deleted multiple times).
My suspicion comes from the fact that when configuring the block for this request:
You do not get prompted to add the board variable. I've tried to type it in anyway, and even use combinations like :board, with no avail. In fact like I said above, if I use these variables with static values, it still 404s.
ignore the parsing message on the right hand side...
As you can see, board doesn't show up. Did I end up hitting a bug, or is this user error? One thing I do not know how to do, but would help clarify that the issue is that a null value is being passed on to the DELETE would be to output the request itself. On a terminal block I can only see the response.
Thanks in advance.
After checking the Postman console on the app, I've noticed that in fact the path variable being used is whatever is set on the collection request. It's like it takes the URL as a static field and disregards the path variables. Any thoughts?
Path variables won't be available in your Send Request. Instead, define your path variable with an environment/collection/global variable (i.e. {{board}}) in the value of the path variable. Then it will show up the relevant block of your flow.

SQL72007: The syntax check failed 'Unexpected end of file occurred.' in batch near :

In SSDT project (using VS2017/VS2015, SSDT version 15.1.61702.140), I cannot get my project to build. The compiler keeps complaining about the sql statement in my PostDeploymentScript (yes, I have set the BuildAction property to PostDeploy). The sql statement is:
if ('$(env)' = 'dvp')
PRINT 'creating users for dvp'
:r .\SecurityAdditions\usersdvp.sql
ELSE IF ('$(env)' = 'qat')
PRINT 'creating users for qat'
:r .\SecurityAdditions\usersqat.sql
The actual error message is:
D:\My\File\Path\PostDeploymentScript.sql (lineNum, col): Error: SQL72007:
The syntax check failed 'Unexpected end of file occurred.' in the batch near:
The line num referred in the error message in the last line (end). Any idea what's causing this?
Apparently the problem was due to the GO statements I had in the files I was referencing. Having GO statements inside if else block is invalid. Here is an article explaining that. I was able to get it work by removing all GO statements from the referenced files and by splitting if else to two if.
IF ('$(env)' = 'dvp')
:R .\SecurityAdditions\UsersDVP.sql
IF ('$(env)' = 'qat')
:R .\SecurityAdditions\UsersQAT.sql
I had this same error because I forgot to end one of the scripts being included in the post deployment script with a GO statement. What makes it hard fix is that the error will point to the first line in the next script instead of the script where the GO statement is missing.
I ran into this issue while I was trying to create database users in a SQL Database project. Setting the build action to None is no use because then your script doesn't run during the deployment.
I was using a script like this to create the users:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name='$(DbUserName)')
CREATE USER [$(DbUserName)] WITH PASSWORD = '$(DbPassword)';
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER [$(DbUserName)];
I had two SQLCMD variables in the project file and setting a default value for one of them actually resolved the issue. It's really weird but I hope this helps some poor soul one day :)
I would like to share my experience here.
I got same error building my sql project but scenario was different and tricky.
I introduced new column in one of my database table and I needed to populate that column for already existing rows in that table. So basically it should be one time process and hence I decided to create post deployment script to do that. This post deployment script
began with IF condition to make sure it run only once for a given database. Please note this does not allow GO statement.
then Create Function to create temporary function. This needs GO statement before Create Function mainly because it makes changes in database schema. This was tricky because IF does not allow GO statement.
then Update query using temp function to achieve my requirement. This is fine without GO statement
then DROP FUNCTION to remove temporary function. This is also database schema change and ideally needs GO statement.
To handle this situation without any GO statement
I created a variable let's say '#CreateFuntion NAVARCHAR(MAX)' and set it with whole Create Function statement.
Executed Create Function using "EXEC sp_executesql #CreateFunction". This runs Create Function in separate batch. I was expecting Drop Function will need same treatment but in my case it worked without GO and "EXEC sp_executesql" may be because it was last statement in the script and would anyway run in next batch.
Everything else as it is
Another reason this could happen is if a post deployment script has a BEGIN statement without a corresponding END line. In such a case, any subsequent GO in anther future script will cause this error. I stumbled across this due to my own absent-mindedness when editing one of the post-deployment scripts.

Profile attribute being magically set in Siebel

We have a very weird issue in our Siebel 7.8 application.
In the Application_Start event we define a bunch of profile attributes, which determine if the logged user will be allowed to perform certain operations or not. The code is something like this:
if (userHasSuperpowers) {
TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("CanFly", "Y");
} else {
// CanFly is not set, and GetProfileAttr("CanFly") returns ''
Everything works fine, except for one of these profile attributes. The conditions are not met, so we don't set its value. But when we check it using GetProfileAttr... it returns 'Y' instead of ''.
I've checked the code. A lot. I've put traces everywhere, and I'm 100% sure that when the last line of the Application_Start event executes, the attribute is still empty. However, in the first Applet_Load event after the login (in the HLS Salutation Applet (HLS Home) applet), its value has already changed to 'Y'. Why!!? I've looked everywhere, but I can't find anywhere else where we'd be doing a SetProfileAttr. So far, I've ruled out:
Every browser and server script for all our applets, application, BCs and business services.
All the runtime business services (the ones defined directly in the application instead of the SRF).
The Personalization Profile business component fields.
SmartScripts (not that they would matter in this particular scenario, I just mention them to acknowledge that you can set profile attributes there too).
Workflows: every step invoking the SIS OM PMT Service method Set Profile Attribute.
Siebel magically setting its value. The profile attribute name is custom made, in Spanish, and it contains our project name and a row_id. I really don't think Siebel is using the same name for its own profile attributes :).
But wait, there is more, I left the best part for last: the problem only happens in our development environment!
It's not an SRF issue: if we promote the same SRF to our testing or production environments, it works and returns the expected value.
It's not a data problem: still with the same SRF, I can use my local thick client, connecting to our development database with the same login and password, and it works fine too.
It's not a concurrency problem: we are testing with only one user logged in. And even if we had more, they wouldn't share sessions. And even if they did, the value wouldn't be always 'Y'.
It's not a temporary glitch, or something due to a wrong incremental compilation or a corrupted SRF: we have been experiencing this for at least 6 months (obviously, in that time frame, we've had dozens of different SRF files... all of them having the same problem, but only in development, and only if you use the server and not the dedicated client... seriously...).
Where else could I search the profile attribute being set? I've read that they can be persisted to the DB, but in order to do so, you have to define them as a field in a BC based on an S_PARTY extension table, right?
Is there any way to trace profile attribute changes somehow? Maybe rising some loglevel?
How can I find out at least what's being executed after the Application_Start, before loading the first applet?
Any other ideas? I tried checking the SQL spool file too, but didn't find anything suspicious there either (i.e., any of the queries we use to check the conditions, being run twice with different parameters).
Update: following Ranjith R's suggestions, I've also checked:
Other vanilla business services which could be also invoked from a workflow to set a profile attr: User Registration > SetProfileAttr, SessionAccessService > SetProfileAttr and ISS Promotion Agreement Manager > SetProfileAttributes.
Runtime events setting profile attributes directly or using a business service (we don't have any runtime events apart from the vanilla ones).
Business services being called from DVMs (we only have vanilla data validation rules, and none of them apply to our buscomps).
Still no luck...
Ok... finally we found what's happening:
We access the URL to our server and get to the login page. This triggers a first Application_Start event, for the SADMIN user.
We set the profile attributes in that session. SADMIN is the Siebel administrator user, so yes, he hasSuperpowers and therefore we do TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("CanFly", "Y");.
The Application_Start event finishes.
We enter our username and password in the login screen to access into Siebel. This triggers a second Application_Start event, this time for our user. This is the one I was monitoring with the trace files.
We set the profile attributes again in the new session. Our user doesn't hasSuperpowers, so we don't set any value for the CanFly attribute.
The Application_Start event finishes, and CanFly is still empty.
Siebel merges both sessions into one before loading the first screen!! Or at least, it transfers over the profile attributes we had set for SADMIN.
I'm sure it happens that way, for two reasons. First, we changed the profile attribute name to include the username too. And second, instead of storing just an "Y", we are storing now the current date:
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("CanFly_" + TheApplication().LoginName(), time);
We end up having CanFly_SADMIN, but no CanFly_USER, and the time value stored is the same we see in the log file for step 2... which is smaller than any of the values for the *_USER attributes.
So that's what happening. I still don't know why Siebel behaves this way, but that would be matter for another question. According to the Siebel bookshelf:
The Start event is called when the client starts and again when the user interface is first displayed.
...but it doesn't say anythign about it being called from two different sessions, different users too, and then merging them together. It must be something misconfigured in our dev environment, considering it doesn't happen in the other ones.
Does Siebel 7.8 have runtime Events? I can't recall. Runtime events have an action set for setevent, which can set/clear profile attributes.
There are still other vanilla business services which can set profile attributes, try searching in tools flat under business service methods for *rofile*tt*.
The SIS OM service can also be invoked from DVMs for from RunTime events directly, so thats also a possibility.
There is no logging system to see values of Profile Attributes changing, testing is the only way out.

initiate a variable dynamically to work in all session on workflow

I am developing an Informaticajob with multiple sessions in one workflow. I need to assign a variable ##AAR with following code
IIF(get_date_part(sysdate,'mm') <= 7, get_date_part(add_to_date(sysdate,'YY',-2),'YY'), get_date_part(add_to_date(sysdate,'YY',-1),'YY')
I am not sure how to get about it, I was thinking on creating a session that assigns the variable, then passes it to the workflow.
This session should be the first session to run in the workflow. but I don't know how to create a session that is not a mapping.
What could I do to get this done?
First, you define the variables in your workflow (Workflows -> Edit -> Variables) so the workflow knows about the variables.
Then, as first Task in your workflow, you take an "Assignment" instead of a session. That's the icon that looks like a calculator.
In the assignment, you can assign values to your variables.
Please note that the variables need to be names "$$..." not "##..."

Create complex-type variables for a Web Service Task

In SSIS, I already have a Web Service Task using a WSDL for sending SMS. I am indeed able to send SMS using this task.
I want supply values to this task from the database, such as Mobile Number, Message body, User ID, etc.
How can I create a complex type user variable that can be passed as input to a Web Service task?
It looks like the only answer is to change the web service to accept only simple types as parameters. I have scoured the web and there seems to be no way to dynamically create complex types for consumption by the input values in the web service task.
The more 'easy' way is to use the script component for bypassing variables to a web service. Check http://amolpandey.com/2016/09/26/ssis-script-task-to-obtain-geo-cordinates-from-address-text-via-google-api/ & http://www.sqlmusings.com/2011/03/25/geocode-locations-using-google-maps-v3-api-and-ssis/.
Tested and working. Using this task you can bypass the SSIS variables/parameters.
Example: Getting ID, addreess, zipcode, city, country from a table with an execute SQL Task. Change Resultset:Full result set on General tab. Then on resultset tab add Result_Name:0 & Variable_Name: User::YourObject. Then the next task will be a Forlooptask editor (Foreach ADO Enumerator ,Collection tab - Ado object source variable: User::YourObject, enumeration mode: rows in the first table, variable Mapping tab - Variable User::Id, 0 | address,1 etc.). Inside the Forlooptask editor you add a data flow task, which the source of this task will be a script component. If you be more specific about your logic,we may assist you more.
Okay so I came across the same problem. I needed to pass one parameter as complex type.
Create a Web Service task in your package.
Fill all the needed properties at General tab: HttpConnection and WSDFile
Fill properties in Input tab: Service, Method
Below click on Value, manually enter the value you need (mine is 2021-11-15)
Deploy and execute package to be sure everything is OK
After this easy steps go into folder where package is localated. Right click on package file (Package.dtsx) and select Open with > Notepad. With find function in notepad search the value you manually inserted.
The part which we are looking for looks in my case like this
Finally I found what I was looking for. Now for the second part I needed to be that parameter changing by current date when I execute that package. In powershell I managed to write a code that change date part in string: <WSTask:PrimitiveValue>2021-11-15</WSTask:PrimitiveValue> to current date, everytime when the package is executed. The code looks like this:
$Now = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$Yesterday = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$file = ((Get-Content -path "C:\Package.dtsx" -Raw) -replace "<WSTask:PrimitiveValue>$Yesterday</WSTask:PrimitiveValue>", "<WSTask:PrimitiveValue>$Now</WSTask:PrimitiveValue>")
# This part will execute the package #
dtexec.exe /f "C:\Package.dtsx"
After all this, I planned this script in Task Scheduler and it works.
In my case changing the type of request from complex to simple wasn't an option and all I needed was just one parameter to pass.
Hopes it gonna help somebody.