regex to match a string or an abbreviation thereof - regex

For writing a parser I need to be able to identify keywords which can be abbreviated,
for example
should at least be MY-KEY but can also be any abbreviation longer than this, here specifically MY-KEYW, MY-KEYWO, MY-KEYWOR or the full MY-KEYWORD.
For the life of me, no regex I tried so far (and that were many ...) matches exact substrings of something with a minimum length :-(

Match the prefix and then optional characters after it to finish the full keyword.
All the groups are needed to ensure that no optional letters are skipped. If you wrote MY-KEYW?O?R?D it would match MY-KEYD.


Regex to validate Unique Transaction Identifier

I'm trying to write a regex pattern to validate Unique Transaction Identifiers (UTI). See description: here
The UTI consists of two concatenated parts, the prefix and the transaction identifier. Here is a summary of the rules I'm trying to take into account:
The prefix is exactly 10 alphanumeric characters.
The transaction identifier is 1-32 characters long.
The transaction identifier is alphanumeric, however the following special characters are also allowed: . : _ -
The special characters can not appear at the beginning or end of the transaction identifier.
It is not allowed to have two special characters in a row.
I have so far constructed a pattern to validate the UTI for the first 4 of these points (matched with ignored casing):
However I'm struggling with the last point (no two special characters in a row). I readily admit to being a bit of a novice when it comes to regex and I was thinking there might be some more advanced technique that I'm not familiar with to accomplish this. Any regex gurus out there care to enlighten me?
Solved: Thanks to user Bohemian for helping me find the pattern I was looking for. My final solution looks like this:
I will leave the question open for follow-up answers in case anyone has any further suggestions for improvements.
Try this:
The secret sauce is the negative look ahead (?!.*[.:_-]{2}), which asserts (without consuming input) that the following text does not contain 2 consecutive "special" chars .:_-.
Note that your attempt, which uses \w, allows lowercase letters and underscores too, because
\w is the same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]

RegEx Expression for Eclipse that searches for all items that have not been dealt with

To help stop SQL Injection attacks, I am going through about 2000 parameter requests in my code to validate them. I validate them by determining what type of value (e.g. integer, double) they should return and then applying a function to them to sanitize the value.
Any requests I have dealt with look like this
where * signifies any number of characters on the same line.
What RegExp expression can I use in the Eclipse search (CTRL+H) which will help me search for all the ones I have not yet dealt with, i.e. all the times that the text request.getParameter appears when it is not preceded by the word SecurityIssues?
Examples for matches
The regular expression should match each of the following e.g.
int companyNo = StringFunctions.StringToInt(request.getParameter("COMPANY_NO‌​"))
double percentage = StringFunctions.StringToDouble(request.getParameter("MARKETSHARE"))
int c = request.getParameter("DUMMY")
But should not match:
int companyNo = SecurityIssues.StringToIntCompany(request.getParameter("COMP‌​ANY_NO"))
With inspiration and the links provided by #michaeak (thank you), as well as testing in I appear to have found the answer:
The advantage of this answer is that I can blacklist the word SecurityIssues, as opposed to having to whitelist the formats that I do want.
Note, that it is relatively slow, and also slowed down my computer a lot when performing the search.
Try e.g.
Paranthesis ( or ) are special characters for group matching. They need to be escaped with \.
If .* will match anything, also characters that you don't want it to match. So .*? will prevent it from matching anything (reluctant). This can be helpful if after the wildcard other items need to match.
There is a tutorial at , I think all of these should be available in eclipse. You can then deal with generic replacement also.
From reading Regular expression that doesn't contain certain string and Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word? it seems quite difficult to create a regex matching anything but not to contain a certain word.

Multiple spaces, multiple commas and multiple hypens in alphanumeric regex

I am very new to regex and regular expressions, and I am stuck in a situation where I want to apply a regex on an JSF input field.
multiple spaces
multiple dot(.)
multiple hyphen (‐)
are allowed, and Minimum limit is 1 and Maximum limit is 5.
And for multiple values - they must be separated by comma (,)
So a Single value can be:
And multiple values (must be comma separated):
By the help of stackoverflow, so far I am able to achieve only this:
(^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{5}(,[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{5})*$)
Something like
^[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ]{1,5}(,[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ]{1,5})*$
Changes made
[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ] Added - and . to the character class so that those are matched as well.
{1,5} Quantifier, ensures that it is matched minimum 1 and maximum 5 characters
Regex demo
You've done pretty good. You need to add hyphen and dot to that first character class. Note: With the hyphen, since it delegates ranges within a character class, you need to position it where contextually it cannot be specifying a range--not to say put it where it seems like it would be an invalid range, e.g., 7-., but positionally cannot be a range, i.e., first or last. So your first character class would look something like this:
[a-zA-Z 0-9.-]{1,5} or [-a-zA-Z0-9 .]{1,5}
So, we've just defined what one segment looks like. That pattern can reoccur zero or more times. Of course, there are many ways to do that, but I would favor a regex subroutine because this allows code reuse. Now if the specs change or you're testing and realize you have to tweak that segment pattern, you only need to change it in one place.
Subroutines are not supported in BRE or ERE, but most widely-used modern regex engines support them (Perl, PCRE, Ruby, Delphi, R, PHP). They are very simple to use and understand. Basically, you just need to be able to refer to it (sound familiar? refer-back? back-reference?), so this means we need to capture the regex we wish to repeat. Then it's as simple as referring back to it, but instead of \1 which refers to the captured value (data), we want to refer to it as (?1), the capturing expression. In doing so, we've logically defined a subroutine:
([a-zA-Z 0-9.-]{1,5})(,(?1))*
So, the first group basically defines our subroutine and the second group consists of a comma followed by the same segment-definition expression we used for the first group, and that is optional ('*' is the zero-or-more quantifier).
If you operate on large quantities of data where efficiency is a consideration, don't capture when you don't have to. If your sole purpose for using parenthesis is to alternate (e.g., \b[bB](asset|eagle)\b hound) or to quantify, as in our second group, use the (?: ... ) notation, which signifies to the regex engine that this is a non-capturing group. Without going into great detail, there is a lot of overhead in maintaining the match locations--not that it's complex, per se, just potentially highly repetitive. Regex engines will match, store the information, then when the match fails, they "give up" the match and try again starting with the next matching substring. Each time they match your capture group, they're storing that information again. Okay, I'm off the soapbox now. :-)
So, we're almost there. I say "almost" because I don't have all the information. But if this should be the sole occupant of the "subject" (line, field, etc.--the data sample you're evaluating), you should anchor it to "assert" that requirement. The caret '^' is beginning of subject, and the dollar '$' is end of subject, so by encapsulating our expression in ^ ... $ we are asserting that the subject matches in it's entirety, front-to-back. These assertions have zero-length; they consume no data, only assert a relative position. You can operate on them, e.g., s/^/ / would indent your entire document two spaces. You haven't really substituted the beginning of line with two spaces, but you're able to operate on that imaginary, zero-length location. (Do some research on zero-length assertions [aka zero-width assertions, or look-arounds] to uncover a powerful feature of modern regex. For example, in the previous regex if I wanted to make sure I did not insert two spaces on blank lines: s/^(?!$)/ /)
Also, you didn't say if you need to capture the results to do something with it. My impression was it's validation only, so that's not necessary. However, if it is needed, you can wrap the entire expression in capturing parenthesis: ^( ... )$.
I'm going to provide a final solution that does not assume you need to capture but does assume the entire subject should consist of this value:
^([a-zA-Z 0-9. -]{1,5})(?:,(?1))*$
I know I went on a bit, but you said you were new to regex, so wanted to provide some detail. I hope it wasn't too much detail.
By the way, an excellent resource with tutorials is regular-expressions dot info, and a wonderful regex development and testing tool is regex101 dot com. And I can never say enough about stack overflow!

Regular Expression to match most explicit string

I have some experience with regular expressions but I am far from expert level and need a way to match the record with the most explicit string in a file where each record begins with a unique 1-5 digit integer and is padded with various other characters when it is shorter than 5 digits. For example, my file has records that begin with:
In this example, the non-numeric characters represent wildcards. I thought the following regex examples would work but rather than match the record with the MOST explicit number, they always match the record with the LEAST explicit number. Remember, I do not know what is in the file so I need to test all possibilities to locate the MOST explicit match.
If I need to search for 32000, the regex looks something like:
It should match 32000 but it matches 320xy
If I need to search for 32014, the regex looks something like:
It should match 32014 but it matches 320xy
If I need to search for 32015, the regex looks something like:
It should match 3201x but it matches 320xy
In each case, the matched result is the LEAST specific numeric value. I also tried reversing the regex as follows by still get the same results:
Any help is much appreciated.
Okay, if you want to match a string literally then use anchors. Then specify the string you want matched. For instance match '123456xyz' where the xyz can be anything excep numeric use:
If you prefer specific letters to match at the end, if they will always be x y or z then use:
Note the ^ and $ anchor the string to start with 12345 and end with three letters that are x y or z.
Good luck!
Ok, I did quite some tinkering here. I am 99% percent sure that this is pretty much impossible (if we don't cheat and interpolate code into the regex). The reason is you will need a negative lookbehind with variable length at some point.
However, I came up with two alternatives. One is if you want just to find the "most exact match", the second one is if you want to replace it with something. Here we go:
So what is my "most exact match" here?
The concatenation of the 5 matched groups - \1\2\3\4\5. In fact always only one of them will match, the other 4 will be empty.
How can I use this to replace my "most exact match"?
In this case your "most exact match" will be the concatenation of \1\3\5\7\9, but we will have also matched some other things before that, namely \2\4\6\8 (again, only one of these can be non empty). Therefore if you want to replace your "most exact match" with fubar you can match with the above regex and replace with \2\4\6\8fubar
Another way you can think about it (and might be helpful) is that your "most exact match" will be the last matched line of either of the two regexes.
Two things to note here:
I used Ruby style RE, \A means the beginning of the string (not the beginning of a line - ^). \m means multi line mode. You should be able to find syntax for the same things in your language/technology as long as it uses some flavor of PCRE.
This can be slow. If we don't find exact match we might possibly have to match and replace the entire string (if the non exact match can be found at the end of the string).

What is wrong with my simple regex that accepts empty strings and apartment numbers?

So I wanted to limit a textbox which contains an apartment number which is optional.
Here is the regex in question:
Simple enough eh?
I'm using these tools to test my regex:
Regex Analyzer
Regex Validator
Here are the expected results:
"(Empty string)"
Obviously if I'm here, the invalid ones are accepted by the regex. The goal of this regex is accept either 1 to 4 numbers with an optional letter, or a single letter or an empty string.
I just can't seem to figure out what's not working, I mean it is a simple enough regex we have here. I'm probably missing something as I'm not very good with regexes, but this syntax seems ok to my eyes. Hopefully someone here can point to my error.
Thanks for all help, it is greatly appreciated.
You need to use the ^ and $ anchors for your first two options as well. Also you can include the second option into the first one (which immediately matches the third variant as well):
Without the anchors your regular expression matches because it will just pick a single letter from anywhere within your string.
Depending on the language, you can also use a negative look ahead.
^[0-9]{0,4} = This look for any number 0 through 4 times at the beginning of the string
[A-Za-z] = This look for any characters (Both cases)
(?!.*[0-9]) = This will only allow the letters if there are no numbers anywhere after the letter.
I haven't quite figured out how to validate against a null character, but that might be easier done using tools from whatever language you are using. Something along this logic:
if String Doesn't equal $null Then check the Rexex
Something along those lines, just adjusted for however you would do it in your language.
I used RegEx Skinner to validate the answers.
Edit: Fixed error from comments