Sum rows if header and first column meet criteria in Google Sheets - if-statement

I have a table with first row as header and first column as week number, I need to sum all the data on every week that meets the criteria depending on the header name.
This formula only filter by header and week, but I can't summarize the data, I would like that the formula is "dynamic" because the header name section can change:
This is an example spreadsheet, at the end is the desired result:

=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(D2:24="",,D1:1&"×"&A2:A24&"×"&D2:24)), "×"),
"select Col1,sum(Col3)
where Col1 matches 'INDIRECTO|M.O.'
group by Col1
pivot Col2"))


DAX & Power Query - Removing transaction line if sale is returned

First time posting, thanks in advance !
I have a simple sales table acting as a data source.
In this table I have all my dimensions and facts, the data model is not organized as a star schema.
I believe this question does not require the data model to be optimally built.
One column tracks the Sales Quantity and shows -1 if the item is returned.
In Power Query.
I wish, for all returns, to eliminate the line with the -1, but also the associated line with the +1 sale.
I do not wish to simply filter by the Invoice Number and remove it, as in the same invoice I may have other items who were not returned.
I wish to have in my final table only final records.
Thank you
Did not manage to identify a way to tackle the issue in Power Query as of yet.
Edit, addition of further context
Dataset abstract:
I would like to keep the green row and remove the yellow ones.
One invoice features three lines, two for one item being sold and returned, and one for an item being purchased for good. That latter one is to stay in the records.
[IMAGE : Excel version of relevant column in data base ]
Because I do not know the exact nature of your data, I will give you a general solution for your problem, which will help you immensely.
First, I will transform your data into facts and questions. Then I will answer the questions depending on my experience analyzing many different datasets; last but not least, I will provide you with the solution.
[Sales Amount Include Tax] column values for Return Sales are negative numbers because excel format negative numbers by including them with parentheses, as your data shows.
The Original Sale record and the Return Sale record must have the same values for these columns, which we will use to know the Original Sales record:
The absolute value for the [Sales Amount Include Tax] column.
[Invoice No], [Department], [Sub Dept], [Sub Dept GROUP], [Item Code] columns.
This point is critical because we will use these columns to know the Original Sales record.
Is the Item code column value similar to the original sale row and the returned sales row?
My answer: It should be because you are returning the same item that the Item code column describes, but I am concerned that your data shows that the first two rows don't have the same Item code. Is it by mistake?
Is the Sales Quantity column always filled with -1, even if the original sales quantity was, for example, three pairs of shoes?
My answer: The Sales Quantity column should describe the number of items someone bought, so if I originally bought 2 things but didn't like them for a reason, I will return two items so that the column value will be -2.
If my above assumptions are correct, you need to do the following in the Power BI query:
1. Import your Sales table to Power BI. See this image that shows the test data I used.
2. When you import your data and see it in the Power Query Editor, you will see that the Sales Amount Include Tax column value shows minus rather than parentheses for Return Sales Rows, as you can see in this image.
3. Create a copy of your Sales table and Rename it to Returned Sales, then filter this table to include only [Sales Amount Include Tax] that are less than 0, as you can see in this image.
4. Filter the Sales table to include only [Sales Amount Include Tax] greater than or equal to 0, as you can see in this image.
P.S. Now comes the fun part :)
1. In Returned Sales table, add a custom column name it ReturnedSaleFlag, then give it a value of 1, as you can see in this image.
2. Change ReturnedSaleFlag column type to Whole number.
3. In Returned Sales table, transform [Sales Amount Include Tax] to an Absolute Value, as you can see in this image.
4. Now you need to return to the Sales table and merge it with Returned Sales table using multiple columns which are the column listed in the second point of the fact section, as the image shows. Also, see this link that describes how to Merge query based on multi columns.
5. Expanded the new Returned Sales column in Sales table and only select ReturnedSaleFlag column and make sure to remove the check from use original column name as a prefix, as the image shows.
6. Finally, all your previous hard work created a flag in your Sales table that will let you know the Sales record that had been returned. :)
7. Now you filter the Sales table to keep the records that only have null values for the new ReturnedSaleFlag column then remove this column, as the image shows.
8. In the end save and apply and analyze your Sales and your extra info in the Returned sales.
I hope I helped in a way; if so, please mark this as an answer and vote for it :)

PowerBi Join column value strings together in each row

I have a table like shown below titled Employees:
I created a measure to combine the LOC fields into 1 result separated by a space. I keep getting errors because PBi wants to aggregate the data fields. All fields are type Text. I've tried all the usual combine methods, below are a couple of examples...
CombineLOCs= 'Employees'[LOC1] & " " & 'Employees"[LOC2]
This is what I get back:
"A single value for column 'LOC1' in table 'Employees' cannot be determined. This can happen when a measure formula refers to a column that contains many values without specifying an aggregation....etc."
I ultimately have a table visual on my canvas and instead of listing out all of the columns on that table, I just want 1 column with all of the combined LOC values for each employee in it.
If you just want a single column where the LOC columns are joined together, then you need to create a new column within the table, rather than a new measure. A measure expects you to aggregate the values. A column will concatenate the text strings on a row by row basis.
If you select the new column option, either on the table tools or the fields sidebar, then use the concatenate formula in your question, that should work.
With the new column, you can then include the employee name and the associated LOC values.

How to collapse sheet by pivoting rows into csv data

I have a set of data where an account id can have multiple rows of country. I'm looking for an array function that will give me a unique list of accounts with the countries in the second column as csv values e.g. country1,country1,country3.
If I unique the accounts, this query will do it per row but I'm really looking for an array so I don't have to maintain it as the number of rows grows.
=TEXTJOIN(",",1,UNIQUE(QUERY(A:B,"select B where A = '"&D2&"'",0)))
I have a sample sheet here.
IF(A2:A="",,{A2:A&"×", B2:B&","}),
"select max(Col2)
where not Col2 matches '^×|^$'
group by Col2
pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "×")), ",$", ))

Sum regex extraction in Google Sheets

In my Google spreadsheet document, I have a table of bills with a column J for dates and a column P for amounts. I would like to build another table that sums these bills by year (one row = one year). The P column has contents like "3245,20 EUR".
Here is the formula I tried (in this example, S5 should be the sum and R5 a numeric value of a specific year) :
S5=SUMIF(YEAR($J$5:$J), R5, VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT($P$5:$P, "^([0-9]+,[0-9]{2}) EUR$")))
This doesn't work. Any solution ? Thank you.
You can use the following formula
=SUM(QUERY({A2:A,ArrayFormula(VALUE(REGEXEXTRACT(SUBSTITUTE(B2:B,",","."), "^([0-9]+\.[0-9]{2}) EUR$")))},
"select Col2 where year(Col1)="&A1&""))
The reason we have to use SUBSTITUTE is because it looks like the price values come from a different locale.
(Please adjust ranges to your needs)
Functions used:

Split single row of data in Power BI data source into multiple rows

I have a table in a Power BI data source with a column for term start and term end date (term length can be longer than a month), along with meta data on the term. I need to report on status of purchased terms as at the end of each month. As far as I can see, the best way of accomplishing this would be to create a calculated table with an entry for each month on which a term is active at its end.
For example, an entry in the original table with the following data:
TermStartDate TermEndDate PurchaseAmount
2018-01-03 2018-04-12 100
Would end up in the calculated table as follows:
MonthPurchased PurchaseAmount
2018-01 100
2018-02 100
2018-03 100
How to accomplish this? Is there a better way than creating a separate calculated table to get this data? Any help or advise is appreciated
I managed to solve this myself, I detail the required steps below for reference:
Change start and end date column data types from Datetime to Date. <- This is needed to ensure we only generate dates on day boundaries in the next step
Add custom column with the following formula:
Month = List.Select( List.Dates([TermStartDate], Number.From([TermEndDate] - [TermStartDate]) +1, #duration(1, 0, 0, 0)), each _ = Date.EndOfMonth(_) )
This generates a list of dates between start and end, then filters to only leave the dates that are at the end of a month
Expand to new rows on the new Month column (menu at the top of the column)
Use Detect Data Type option on the Month column to change the datatype from Any to Date (for some reason I cannot manually select Date, the DataType menu option is greyed out on the Month column)