I need to know what libraries are included in Python 2.7.12. The host provider we use, will not install pip so I can't use pip list to see what is available. What command can I use from linux command line to see what is included in Python 2.7.12?
Thank you in advance.
You can use the following :
start python from the console
2. help("modules")
A draw back is that it will take a little bit more time, but it should do the work.
I used brew to install python 2.7 and 3.5 on Mac. SOMEHOW I have this site-packages directory /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages.
But every python interpreter on the system points to every other site-packages directory EXCEPT this one. How do I use THIS site-packages directory?
(This is all because I need Vips. I'd installed this before, but now I'm using a different machine and I can't figure out how on Earth I got it to work before.)
The vips docs have a checklist and an explanation of what happens when Python tried to import vips:
But briefly you need to:
You have several Pythons installed, make sure you are invoking the brew one.
Make sure that that Python has a gi repository containing the Vips.py overrides.
Make sure you have a Vips-8.0.typelib file in /usr/local/lib/lib/girepository-1.0/.
I didn't want to have to resort to resetting my dev box to factory settings, but I did. I hope this helps somebody...
If Python already exists on your system, and you're planning on installing Python yourself or with Homebrew (because you only get python2.7 out of the box), make sure you install the new Python first. Then put the install location first in your PATH. Then install your modules. In that order. I knew something was wrong, so I uninstalled Python/3 and Vips. But when I reinstalled them, for whatever reason Vips still didn't know to bind itself to the Python in /usr/local/Cellar. Even though I had /usr/local/Cellar first in PATH.
So to recap -- first install Homebrew, then set the PATH, then install python/python3, and finally install Vips. And you're good to go.
i recently started using python with xubuntu on virtualbox but i'm having problems. I want to be able to use numpy so i thought that apt-get install python-numpy would solve everything, but using the shell i kept getting No module named numpy. I used IDLE and it could find it. I also have IDLE (using Python-2.7), and again it could import numpy. Then i noticed that the shell had python 2.7.9, while the IDLEs had python 2.7.6.
import sys
print sys.path
this if what i get from 2.7.9 (shell)
and from 2.7.6 (IDLE)
I understand that i have two versions of python installed and somehow i ended up installing packageg into only one of them (the 2.7.6).
I'd like to be able to use 2.7.9 both in the shell and in IDLE and also i'd like to install so that python 2.7.9 can see them.
I read that i can add paths to the python sys.path, but isn't there a more efficient/persistent way to do what i want?
PS: tell me if you need more informations
For my projects I usually create a virtualenv for each python version I need for the project at hand. I manage them using pip to install specific versions that I need. Moreover you should be able to choose the python path in your IDE. While I'm not using IDLE, I read here that apparently idle comes along with the python versions during install. So maybe your idle versions collide with each other. If you want to have only one python version at the time on your machine you might consider a simple remove and fresh install of your desired version. Again I would recommend pip over apt-get etc. Hope this is of help for you.
Worth to check PyDev, a plugin for Eclipse to work on python.
http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/pydev-python-ide-eclipse , or http://pydev.org/.
This allows you to configure the python version for different project's.
I have some project's with python 2.7 and others with 3.4.
it's checks the whole system in search for the PYTHONPATH to use!
I am trying to install some additional packages that do not come with Anaconda. All of these packages can be installed using pip install PackageName. However, when I type this command at the Anaconda Command Prompt, I get the following error:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Python27\python.exe
" "C:\python27\scripts\pip.exe" install MechanicalSoup'
I also tried to run the command from the python interpreter after import pip but that also did not work (I got a SyntaxError: invalid syntax).
I am a noob and understand that this might be a very basic question so thanks for your help in advance!
PS: I am using Windows 7, 64 bit, conda version: 3.7.1 and python version: 2.7.6.
When installing anaconda, you are asked if you want to include the installed python to your system PATH variable. Make sure you have it in your PATH. If everything is set up correct, you can run pip from your regular command prompt aswell.
Using #heinzchr's and #mmann's suggestions I was able to piece together the problem. I already had a version of Python 2.7 saved at C:\Python27 and I had to remove this from the Path (My Computer's properties> Advanced system settings> System variables> Path). I can now use pip install from the command line.
There is a way around the use of pip
From the anaconda terminal window you can run:
conda install PackageName
Because MechanicalSoup isn't in one of anaconda's package channels you will have to do a bit of editing
See instructions near the bottom on their blog
For those looking for Python packages not added to current channels in anaconda, try https://conda-forge.org/ For example, if you want to install MechanicalSoup you'll find it at https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/mechanicalsoup and use the -c option to tell conda the channel to use:
conda install -c conda-forge mechanicalsoup
I have just installed Ubuntu 12.04 which comes with Python 2.7. I have installed Python 3.3, so now I have both versions. For example, if I type python in the terminal I get version 2.7 and if I type python3.3 I get that version.
I don't see why I would need 2 versions (?) so how do I uninstall Python 2.7? And if I do so, will the "python" command then point to Python 3.3?
Removing an older version of python may be very dangerous and can cause trouble in your whole system! For your case instead of removing the older python you can simply use an alias in your terminal, so that when you type python it opens python3.3;
Here is the procedure, add this line:
alias python=python3
Into~/.bash_aliases or: ~/.bashrc
Btw I guess If you ask this question in AskUbuntu you may have a quicker/better response!
You should never remove the builtin Python in your Ubuntu distribution. Bad things will happen if you do.
It is highly recommended to use virtualenv to install other Python environments.
Here's a good Stackoverflow question that demonstrates how:
Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?
I'm trying to install pycurl. I have downloaded the tar.gz file from here:
I get this error when using easy_install:
AssertionError: please check CURL_DIR in setup.py
I then tried to manually install the pycurl.exe's from this site:
Every single one of these returned this error:
"Python versions 2.X required, which was not found in the registry."
I'm at a loss. Can't easy_install, can't manually install. How should I install this module? Thanks!
I think you should first download libcurl (I think from here) http://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=devel&os=Win64
then extract it to some directory (using 7zip)
Then in setup.py set the CURL_DIR parameter (there is comment there on windows users) or use the --curl_dir paramter (see also code there).
hope it will help
2 possibilities:
haven't tried that one, but you can install python either for all users, or just me, with just me being the default. if you changed that to all users, then a few python libs i have seen (comtypes comes to mind) won't see your python install. you can reinstall as just me, or there are a few hacks here on SO.
did you try both 32 and 64 bit python versions? the library version you install has to match the python install, not necessarily the windows install. you can have a 32 bit python installation on a 64 bit OS installation, but if you try to install the 64 bit library on that combination, it won't see python.