Numba Creating a tuple from a list - list

I have a very simple problem I can't solve.
I'm using Numba and Cuda.
I have a list T=[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0] and I want a tuple with the elements of the list, like this:
In Python I would code C=tuple(T), but I can't with Numba.
I tried these solutions but none of them work because you can't modify the type of a variable inside a loop with Numba.
Important My list has a length which is a multiple of 3 and I use this knowledge for my algorithms.
First algorithm, recursively, it works by giving the algorithm L=[(1.0,),(2.0,),(3.0,),(4.0,),(5.0,),...,(9.0,)]
def list2tuple(L):
if n == 1:
return L[0]
for i in range(0,n-2,3):
return list2tuple(C)
Problem: It enters an infinite loop and I must stop the kernel. It works in basic Python.
algorithm 2: it works by giving T=[1.0,2.0,3.0,...,9.0]
def list2tuple2(T):
for i in range(len(T)):
for k in range(len(T)//3-1):
for j in range(0,n-2,3):
return L[0]
Problem When C=[(1.0,2.0,3.0),(4.0,5.0,6.0),(7.0,8.0,9.0)], you can't say L=C because L = [(1.0,),(2.0,),(3.0,),....(9.0,)] is List(Unituple(float64x1)) and can't be unified with List(Unituple(float64x3)).
I can't find a solution for this problem.

Tuples and list are very different in Numba: a list is an unbounded sequence of items of the same type while a tuple is a fixed-length sequence of items of possibly different type. As a result, the type of a list of 2 element can be defined as List[ItemType] while a tuple of 2 items can be Tuple[ItemType1, ItemType2] (where ItemType1 and ItemType2 may be the same). A list of 3 items still have the same type (List[ItemType]). However, a tuple of 3 element is a completely different type: Tuple[ItemType1, ItemType2, ItemType3]. Numba defines a UniTuple type to easily create a N-ary tuple where each item is of the same type, but this is only for convenience. Internally, Numba (and more specifically the JIT compiler: LLVM-Lite) needs to iterates over all the types and generate specific functions for each tuple type.
As a result, creating a recursive function that works on growing tuples is not possible because Numba cannot generate all the possible tuple type so to be able to just compile all the functions (one by tuple type). Indeed, the maximum length of the tuple is only known at runtime.
More generally, you cannot generate a N-ary tuple where N is variable in a Numba function. However, you can instead to generate and compile a function for a specific N. If N is very small (e.g. <15), this is fine. Otherwise, it is really a bad idea to write/generate such a function. Indeed, for the JIT, this is equivalent to generate a function with N independent parameters and when N is big, the compilation time can quickly become huge and actually be much slower than the actual computation (many compiler algorithms have theoretically a pretty big complexity, for example the register allocation which is known to be NP-complete although heuristics are relatively fast in most practical cases). Not to mention the required memory to generate such a function can also be huge.


Creating Duplicate Elements in an Array using Higher-Order Functions

New to D Language here. I'm trying to use higher-order functions (i.e. fold!, reduce!, filter!, map!) to create duplicates of array elements. I'm declaring my generic function as pure and trying to accomplish this task as a one line function. The closest I've come so far is
auto dupList(T)(T[] list) pure { (return map!(a => a.repeat(2)); }
but this gives me the following output
instead of what I'm actually wanting
[1, 1, 2, 2]
I'm calling the function like so
Instead of using map, I've been trying to use reduce in its place but when I switch out map for reduce I get the following errors:
Error instantiated from here: `staticMap!(ReduceSeedType, __lambda2)` C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\algorithm\iteration.d 3287
Error: template `D_Programs.duplist!int.duplist.__lambda2` cannot deduce function from argument types `!()(int, int)`, candidates are: C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\algorithm\iteration.d 3696
Error: template instance `D_Programs.duplist!int.duplist.F!(__lambda2)` error instantiating C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\meta.d 803
Error instantiated from here: `reduce!(int[])` D_Programs.d (refers to dupList)
Error `D_Programs.duplist!int.duplist.__lambda2` D_Programs.d (refers to dupList)
Error instantiated from here: `duplist!int` D_Programs.d (refers to where I'm calling from)
Any help/advice on understanding at least the top three errors and where I'm going wrong with my function would be appreciated.
map essentially replaces each element with the result of calling the passed function on that element. Since your function returns an array of two ints, the result will be an array of arrays, each element holding two ints.
Armed with this knowledge, we can use std.algorith.iteration.joiner:
auto dupList(T)(T[] list) pure { return!(a => a.repeat(2)).joiner; }
As you note, it should also be possible to use reduce, but it's a bit more complicated:
auto dupList(T)(T[] list) pure { return reduce!((a,b) => a~b~b)((T[]).init, list); }
The reasons it's more complicated are:
1) reduce's function takes two arguments - the result of reducing thus far, and the next element.
2) reduce assumes the first element of the passed array is the starting point for reduction, unless a seed value is passed. Since the first element is a T, not a T[], we will need to pass a seed value. [] won't do, since it's typed as void[], so we will need to create an empty T[]. This can be done either with new T[0], or as above, (T[]).init.
Hope this helps - if there are any more questions, please ask! :)
I am assuming you meant to call map!(a => a.repeat(2))(list) or!(a=>a.repeat(2)) (both are the same) since if you don't pass the actual list to the function, it isn't ever actually being called!
Anyway, neither map nor reduce will do what you want on their own. Map transforms individual elements, but can neither add nor remove elements. Reduce (and btw fold, they are basically the same) runs through the array and... well, reduces it down to just one element, like a sum function turning the array 1,2,3 into the single element, 6. Since you want to add elements, you are going to need something else outside.
But first, a sidestep: your call to reduce is failing to compile because it is being passed incorrect arguments (or something, tbh the error messages are really bad and hard to read without having the code they directly refer to open too, but it definitely refers to a lambda). Passing it your dupList won't work because dupList takes an array, but reduce works with just two elements at a time, for example, sum(a, b).
Anyway, back to the main point, the closest you can get is perhaps running another function outside map to flatten the resulting array, or in other words, join them together. There's a function for that:
Suggesting a possible answer:
return list .map!(a => a.repeat(2)) .joiner;
BTW: one line functions are grossly overrated. You are often better off writing it on multiple lines, even if as a single statement, if nothing else but so you can get unique line numbers on the error messages. I would prefer to write this out probably something like this:
.map!(a => a.repeat(2))
so each line represents a single step of the process. The exact formatting, of course, is up to you, but I like this more stretched out approach for (slightly) nicer error messages and an easier view when editing to add comments or more stuff before, after, in the middle, whatever.

Why does the shuffle' function require an Int parameter?

In System.Random.Shuffle,
shuffle' :: RandomGen gen => [a] -> Int -> gen -> [a]
The hackage page mentions this Int argument as
..., its length,...
However, it seems that a simple wrapper function like
shuffle'' x = shuffle' x (length x)
should've sufficed.
shuffle operates by building a tree form of its input list, including the tree size. The buildTree function performs this task using Data.Function.fix in a manner I haven't quite wrapped my head around. Somehow (I think due to the recursion of inner, not the fix magic), it produces a balanced tree, which then has logarithmic lookup. Then it consumes this tree, rebuilding it for every extracted item. The advantage of the data structure would be that it only holds remaining items in an immutable form; lazy updates work for it. But the size of the tree is required data during the indexing, so there's no need to pass it separately to generate the indices used to build the permutation. System.Random.Shuffle.shuffle indeed has no random element - it is only a permutation function. shuffle' exists to feed it a random sequence, using its internal helper rseq. So the reason shuffle' takes a length argument appears to be because they didn't want it to touch the list argument at all; it's only passed into shuffle.
The task doesn't seem terribly suitable for singly linked lists in the first place. I'd probably consider using VectorShuffling instead. And I'm baffled as to why rseq isn't among the exported functions, being the one that uses a random number generator to build a permutation... which in turn might have been better handled using Data.Permute. Probably the reasons have to with history, such as Data.Permute being written later and System.Random.Shuffle being based on a paper on immutable random access queues.
Data.Random.Extras seems to have a more straight forward Seq-based shuffle function.
It might be a case when length of the given list is already known, and doesn't need to be calculated again. Thus, it might be considered as an optimisation.
Besides, in general, the resulting list doesn't need to have the same size as the original one. Thus, this argument could be used for setting this length.
This is true for the original idea of Oleg (source -
-- examples
t1 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [0,0,0,0]
-- "abcde"
-- Note, that rseq of all zeros leaves the sequence unperturbed.
t2 = shuffle1 ['a','b','c','d','e'] [4,3,2,1]
-- "edcba"
-- The rseq of (n-i | i<-[1..n-1]) reverses the original sequence of elements
However, it's not the same for the 'random-shuffle' package implementation:
> shuffle [0..10] [0,0,0,0]
[0,1,2,3random-shuffle.hs: [shuffle] called with lists of different lengths
I think it worth to follow-up with the packages maintainers in order to understand the contract of this function.

tensorflow group or collect fetches ops or tensors into single fetch

I would like to do for the general case what tf.merge_all_summaries does for tf.get_collection('summaries').
As an example, I find that the tf.contrib.metrics.streaming* suite introduces a set of "update_op" operations that must be run once each. I find the following syntax too cumbersome,
_,_,_,_,_,summary, tf.get_collection('updates')+[merged_summaries]+[train_op])
and I am looking for a workaround that does not require knowing the number of updates in the collection. I am using tensorflow-0.10 as of this writing.
TensorFlow now supports (since version 0.10) passing nested structures to For example, you can now pass a list of lists of tf.Tensor objects to and the result will be a similarly-nested list of lists of NumPy arrays. You can also pass a mixed list (or tuple) containing lists, tensors, and operations. In your case, you could write the following:
updates = tf.get_collection('updates')
_, summary, _ =[updates, merged_summaries, train_op])
In this case, the return value from is a list with three elements, where the first (ignored) element is a list with the same length as updates.

Why are arbitrary sized tuples useful? (Template Haskell)

In the introductory text for Template Haskell one of the examples for why Template Haskell is useful is working with arbitrary sized tuples.
What is the purpose of arbitrary sized tuples? If the data type is the same why not use a list? And if the data types in the tuple are different, how can it be expanded to arbitrary sizes?
With arbitrary one means arbitrary at compile time. So if you want tuples with fifteen elements, template Haskell will generate a function for a tuple with fifteen elements. After compilation however, the number of elements is fixed. The advantage of using a tuple is that you can access each element in constant time O(1). So you can use the type system to enforce the tuple still contains a fixed amount of elements.
Furthermore the sel in the example can work with tuples where the elements have arbitrary types. For instance sel 2 3 will generate a function:
$(sel 2 3) :: (a,b,c) -> b
$(sel 5 5) :: (a,b,c,d,e) -> e
whereas if you use a list [a], this means that the list can only contain data for a certain type:
(!!3) :: [a] -> a
so all items have type a. Furthermore in this case you are not sure that the list will have three elements. The more you can check at compile time, the more safe your code is (and in many cases more efficient as well).
A list on the other hand has an arbitrary size at runtime. The same type - for instance [Int] - can specify a list with two, five, hundred or thousands of integers. Furthermore in the case of a list, accessing the k-th element requires O(k) time. There are datastructures like arrays that of course can access elements in constant time.

What container really mimics std::vector in Haskell?

The problem
I'm looking for a container that is used to save partial results of n - 1 problems in order to calculate the nth one. This means that the size of the container, at the end, will always be n.
Each element, i, of the container depends on at least 2 and up to 4 previous results.
The container have to provide:
constant time insertions at either beginning or end (one of the two, not necessarily both)
constant time indexing in the middle
or alternatively (given a O(n) initialization):
constant time single element edits
constant time indexing in the middle
What is std::vector and why is it relevant
For those of you who don't know C++, std::vector is a dynamically sized array. It is a perfect fit for this problem because it is able to:
reserve space at construction
offer constant time indexing in the middle
offer constant time insertion at the end (with a reserved space)
Therefore this problem is solvable in O(n) complexity, in C++.
Why Data.Vector is not std::vector
Data.Vector, together with Data.Array, provide similar functionality to std::vector, but not quite the same. Both, of course, offer constant time indexing in the middle, but they offer neither constant time modification ((//) for example is at least O(n)) nor constant time insertion at either beginning of end.
What container really mimics std::vector in Haskell? Alternatively, what is my best shot?
From reddit comes the suggestion to use Data.Vector.constructN:
O(n) Construct a vector with n elements by repeatedly applying the generator function to the already constructed part of the vector.
constructN 3 f = let a = f <> ; b = f <a> ; c = f <a,b> in f <a,b,c>
For example:
λ import qualified Data.Vector as V
λ V.constructN 10 V.length
fromList [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
λ V.constructN 10 $ (1+) . V.sum
fromList [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512]
λ V.constructN 10 $ \v -> let n = V.length v in if n <= 1 then 1 else (v V.! (n - 1)) + (v V.! (n - 2))
fromList [1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
This certainly seems to qualify to solve the problem as you've described it above.
The first data structures that come to my mind are either Maps from Data.Map or Sequences from Data.Sequence.
Sequences are persistent data structures that allow most operations efficient, while allowing only finite sequences. Their implementation is based on finger-trees, if you are interested. But which qualities does it have?
O(1) calculation of the length
O(1) insert at front/back with the operators <| and |> respectively.
O(n) creation from a list with fromlist
O(log(min(n1,n2))) concatenation for sequences of length n1 and n2.
O(log(min(i,n-i))) indexing for an element at position i in a sequence of length n.
Furthermore this structure supports a lot of the known and handy functions you'd expect from a list-like structure: replicate, zip, null, scans, sort, take, drop, splitAt and many more. Due to these similarities you have to do either qualified import or hide the functions in Prelude, that have the same name.
Maps are the standard workhorse for realizing a correspondence between "things", what you might call a Hashmap or associave array in other programming languages are called Maps in Haskell; other than in say Python Maps are pure - so an update gives you back a new Map and does not modify the original instance.
Maps come in two flavors - strict and lazy.
Quoting from the Documentation
API of this module is strict in both the keys and the values.
API of this module is strict in the keys, but lazy in the values.
So you need to choose what fits best for your application. You can try both versions and benchmark with criterion.
Instead of listing the features of Data.Map I want to pass on to
Which can leverage the fact that the keys are integers to squeeze out a better performance
Quoting from the documentation we first note:
Many operations have a worst-case complexity of O(min(n,W)). This means that the operation can become linear in the number of elements with a maximum of W -- the number of bits in an Int (32 or 64).
So what are the characteristics for IntMaps
O(min(n,W)) for (unsafe) indexing (!), unsafe in the sense that you will get an error if the key/index does not exist. This is the same behavior as Data.Sequence.
O(n) calculation of size
O(min(n,W)) for safe indexing lookup, which returns a Nothing if the key is not found and Just a otherwise.
O(min(n,W)) for insert, delete, adjust and update
So you see that this structure is less efficient than Sequences, but provide a bit more safety and a big benefit if you actually don't need all entries, such the representation of a sparse graph, where the nodes are integers.
For completeness I'd like to mention a package called persistent-vector, which implements clojure-style vectors, but seems to be abandoned as the last upload is from (2012).
So for your use case I'd strongly recommend Data.Sequence or Data.Vector, unfortunately I don't have any experience with the latter, so you need to try it for yourself. From the stuff I know it provides a powerful thing called stream fusion, that optimizes to execute multiple functions in one tight "loop" instead of running a loop for each function. A tutorial for Vector can be found here.
When looking for functional containers with particular asymptotic run times, I always pull out Edison.
Note that there's a result that in a strict language with immutable data structures, there's always a logarithmic slowdown to implementing mutable data structure on top of them. It's an open problem whether the limited mutation hidden behind laziness can avoid that slowdown. There also the issue of persistent vs. transient...
Okasaki is still a good read for background, but finger trees or something more complex like an RRB-tree should be available "off-the-shelf" and solve your problem.
I'm looking for a container that is used to save partial results of n - 1 problems in order to calculate the nth one.
Each element, i, of the container depends on at least 2 and up to 4 previous results.
Lets consider a very small program. that calculates fibonacci numbers.
fib 1 = 1
fib 2 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
This is great for small N, but horrible for n > 10. At this point, you stumble across this gem:
fib n = fibs !! n where fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
You may be tempted to exclaim that this is dark magic (infinite, self referential list building and zipping? wth!) but it is really a great example of tying the knot, and using lazyness to ensure that values are calcuated as-needed.
Similarly, we can use an array to tie the knot too.
import Data.Array
fib n = arr ! 10
where arr :: Arr Int Int
arr = listArray (1,n) (map fib' [1..n])
fib' 1 = 1
fib' 2 = 1
fib' n = arr!(n-1) + arr!(n-2)
Each element of the array is a thunk that uses other elements of the array to calculate it's value. In this way, we can build a single array, never having to perform concatenation, and call out values from the array at will, only paying for the calculation up to that point.
The beauty of this method is that you don't only have to look behind you, you can look in front of you as well.