How to use Boost Web Socket client for sending multiple headers? - c++

I want to send 3-4 headers to the WebSocket server that I have and the headers are action = subscribe,userID = <some email address>,agentID =831C5DFC-1643-40C4-A5A3-9C918556D3A1 , I am unable to understand how to send these headers to the server, like what is the typical method? this is my client code👇🏼
#include <boost/beast/http.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/connect.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/connect.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket/stream.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace http = boost::beast::http;
namespace beast = boost::beast; // from <boost/beast.hpp>
namespace http = beast::http; // from <boost/beast/http.hpp>
namespace websocket = beast::websocket; // from <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
namespace net = boost::asio; // from <boost/asio.hpp>
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp; // from <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
// Sends a WebSocket message and prints the response
#define SERVER_URL ""
#define SERVER_PORT "80"
class set_subprotocols
std::string s_;
set_subprotocols(std::string s)
: s_(s) {}
template<bool isRequest, class Body, class Headers>
operator()(boost::beast::http::message<isRequest, Body, Headers>& m) const
m.set("X-Custome-Id", s_);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Check command line arguments.
auto const host = SERVER_URL;
auto const port = SERVER_PORT;
auto const text = "hello world";
// The io_context is required for all I/O
net::io_context ioc;
// These objects perform our I/O
tcp::resolver resolver{ioc};
websocket::stream<tcp::socket> ws{ioc};
// Look up the domain name
auto const results = resolver.resolve(host, port,boost::asio::ip::resolver_query_base::numeric_service);
// Make the connection on the IP address we get from a lookup
net::connect(ws.next_layer(), results.begin(), results.end());
// Set a decorator to change the User-Agent of the handshake
[](websocket::request_type& req)
ws.set_option(websocket::stream_base::decorator(set_subprotocols{"action = subscribe"}));
ws.set_option(websocket::stream_base::decorator(set_subprotocols{"userID ="}));
ws.set_option(websocket::stream_base::decorator(set_subprotocols{"agentID = 831C5DFC-1643-40C4-A5A3-9C918556D3A1"}));
// Perform the websocket handshake
ws.handshake(host, "/");
// Send the message
// This buffer will hold the incoming message
beast::multi_buffer buffer;
// Read a message into our buffer;
// The make_printable() function helps print a ConstBufferSequence
std::cout << beast::make_printable( << std::endl;
// If we get here then the connection is closed gracefully
// Close the WebSocket connection
catch(std::exception const& e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
I currently don't have the server code but will provide it If I get it in the future.

You should do all that in a single decorator. In fact, you can use lambdas:
ws.set_option(websocket::stream_base::decorator([](auto& m) {
m.set("action", "subscribe");
m.set("userID", "");
m.set("agentID", "831C5DFC-1643-40C4-A5A3-9C918556D3A1");
Now your request is:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: xCj08Lz6IzEzH4s422aT5w==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
action: subscribe
agentID: 831C5DFC-1643-40C4-A5A3-9C918556D3A1
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: pbg8RLbrPirBbYgmG0EptdCm2tQ=
"timestamp": "Wed Dec 29 2021 20:20:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
"url": "",
"reqData": "hello world"
}.. .H.


How to handle ping request on client (boost::beast::websocket)

Imagine that you have some websocket client, that downloading some data in loop like this:
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/beast.hpp>
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
namespace beast = boost::beast;
namespace websocket = beast::websocket;
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
class Client {
Client(boost::asio::io_context &ctx) : ws_{ctx}, ctx_{ctx} {
#define HOST ""
#define PORT "8000"
boost::asio::connect(ws_.next_layer(), tcp::resolver{ctx_}.resolve(HOST, PORT));
ws_.handshake(HOST ":" PORT, "/api/v1/music");
#undef HOST
#undef PORT
~Client() {
if (ws_.is_open()) {
nlohmann::json NextPacket(std::size_t offset) {
nlohmann::json request;
request["offset"] = offset;
beast::flat_buffer buffer;;
return nlohmann::json::parse(std::string_view{reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, buffer.size()});
boost::beast::websocket::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> ws_;
boost::asio::io_context &ctx_;
// ... some function
int main() {
boost::asio::io_context context;
boost::asio::executor_work_guard<boost::asio::io_context::executor_type> guard{context.get_executor()};
std::thread{[&context]() {; }}.detach();
static constexpr std::size_t kSomeVeryBigConstant{1'000'000'000};
Client client{context};
std::size_t offset{};
while (offset < kSomeVeryBigConstant) {
offset += client.NextPacket(offset)["offset"].get<std::size_t>();
On the server side we have ping requests with some frequency. Were should I handle ping requests? As I understand it, control_callback controls calls to ping, pong and close functions, not requests. With the read or read_async functions, I also cannot catch the ping request.
Beast responds to pings with pongs automatically, as described here:
Whenever you call read(), it can process a ping and send a pong without you knowing about that.

Do websocat handle closing handshake properly with a websocketpp server?

I'm running a websocket server with websocketpp. For applicative reasons, the server may close the connection. When I connect to the server with websocat and the server closes the connection it seems that the closing handshake times out, and the on_close handler is called.
Do you know if websocat handles the closing handshake properly ? (it would be weird if it didn't)
Note : I didn't test with another websocket client.
Am I doing something wrong when closing the connection ?
Why is the on_close handler is called when the closing handshake times out ?
The server code:
#include <thread>
#include <websocketpp/config/asio.hpp>
#include <websocketpp/server.hpp>
#include <iostream>
typedef websocketpp::server<websocketpp::config::asio> server;
using websocketpp::lib::placeholders::_1;
void on_open_connection(server * srv, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl) {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using namespace websocketpp::close::status;
auto conn = srv->get_con_from_hdl(hdl);
conn->close(normal, get_string(normal));
void on_close(websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl) {
std::cout << "On close" << std::endl;
int main() {
server closing_server;
closing_server.set_open_handler(std::bind(&on_open_connection, &closing_server, ::_1));
closing_server.set_close_handler(std::bind(&on_close, ::_1));

Why Boost.Asio SSL request returns 405 Not Allowed?

I am trying to send HTTPS request to a server and receive the page contents by only using Boost.Asio(not Network.Ts or Beast or others) by these code :
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
boost::system::error_code ec;
using namespace boost::asio;
// what we need
io_service svc;
ssl::context ctx(ssl::context::method::tlsv1);
ssl::stream<ip::tcp::socket> ssock(svc, ctx);
ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::make_address("",ec),443);
// send request
std::string request("GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");
boost::asio::write(ssock, buffer(request));
// read response
std::string response;
do {
char buf[1024];
size_t bytes_transferred = ssock.read_some(buffer(buf), ec);
if (!ec) response.append(buf, buf + bytes_transferred);
} while (!ec);
// print and exit
std::cout << "Response received: '" << response << "'\n";
But I keep getting 405 Not Allowed on my local PC and 400 Bad Request on Coliru.
What did I do wrong?
... "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"
This is not a valid HTTP/1.1 request. It must at least also contain a Host field and the value of the field must match the servers expectation, i.e.
"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
In general, HTTP might look easy but is actually complex and has several pitfalls. If you really need to do HTTP by your own please study the standard.

Boost inflate algorithm decompress

I am developing a simple test code using Websocket client using c++ boost. A server I get response from says I need to decompress messages using inflate algorithm. I found out there is deflate option in boost Websocket library but it did not work. Please let me know how to convert data to decompressed string.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/connect.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <chrono>
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
namespace websocket = boost::beast::websocket;
int main()
std::ostringstream stream;
std::string host = "";
auto const port = "8443";
auto const path = "/ws/v3";
boost::beast::multi_buffer buffer;
boost::asio::io_context ioc;
boost::asio::ssl::context ctx{boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23};
tcp::resolver resolver{ioc};
websocket::stream<boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket>> wss{ioc, ctx};
tcp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(host, port);
boost::asio::connect(wss.next_layer().next_layer(), results.begin(), results.end());
// SSL handshake
// websocket handshake
wss.handshake(host, path);
std::cout << "connected" << std::endl;
// send request to the websocket
wss.write(boost::asio::buffer("{'op':'subscribe', 'args':['spot/ticker:ETH-USDT']}"));
// read message;
std::cout << buffer.size() << std::endl;
stream << boost::beast::buffers(;
std::string incoming = stream.str();
std::cout << incoming << std::endl;
Thanks !
I struggled for a long time, then I figured, what if I try with a different server?
That helped. I took echo_compressed/ from Autobahn:
wget ''
virtualenv venv && . venv/bin/activate && pip install autobahn twisted
That starts a WS server on port 9000. It's not using SSL though, so I disabled that in the code (see #ifdef SSL below).
Now the key is to set the permessage_deflate extension option before WS handshake:
websocket::permessage_deflate opt;
opt.client_enable = true; // for clients
opt.server_enable = true; // for servers
Also noted that some servers require the port name be present in the Host header when not running on standard ports:
s.handshake(host + ":" + port, path);
Now reading works just fine and deflates as you'd expect, e.g. write it to response.txt:
beast::multi_buffer buffer;;
std::ofstream ofs("response.txt", std::ios::binary);
Or, when replacing the multi_buffer with an Asio streambuf, it's easy to just stream it:
net::streambuf buffer;;
std::cout << &buffer;
Proof That It Was Deflating
Inspecting the traffic with tcpdump/Wireshark shows this. Also, the Autobahn logging confirms it:
2020-06-22 02:12:05+0200 [-] Log opened.
2020-06-22 02:12:05+0200 [-] WebSocketServerFactory starting on 9000
2020-06-22 02:12:05+0200 [-] Starting factory <autobahn.twisted.websocket.WebSocketServerFactory object at 0x7f7af3fa5710>
2020-06-22 02:12:05+0200 [-] Site starting on 8080
2020-06-22 02:12:05+0200 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x7f7af3850910>
2020-06-22 02:12:11+0200 [-] WebSocket connection request by tcp4:
2020-06-22 02:12:11+0200 [-] WebSocket extensions in use: [PerMessageDeflate(is_server = True, server_no_context_takeover = False, client_no_context_takeover = False, server_max_window_bits = 15, client_max_window_bits = 15, mem_level = 8)]
The Problem With That Server (
I don't know what about it, really, but it seems that server is not sending standard responses. Perhaps someone else can tell. Writing the responses to a file did NOT result in a file that looks like it is zlib compressed.
Other tools tried ALSO fail to decode the data:
zlib-flate -uncompress < response.txt
Same with a python oneliner:
python -c 'import zlib; import sys; sys.stdout.write(zlib.decompress(' < response.txt
Full Listing
As I tested it with:
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/beast.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
namespace net = boost::asio;
namespace ssl = net::ssl;
namespace beast = boost::beast;
namespace http = beast::http;
namespace websocket = beast::websocket;
using tcp = net::ip::tcp;
//#define SSL
#ifdef SSL
using stream_t = websocket::stream<ssl::stream<tcp::socket>>;
using stream_t = websocket::stream<tcp::socket/*, true*/>;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc<4) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " host port path\n";
return 1;
std::string host = argc>=2? argv[1] : "";
auto const port = argc>=3? argv[2] : "8443";
auto const path = argc>=3? argv[3] : "/ws/v3";
net::io_context ioc;
ssl::context ctx{ ssl::context::sslv23 };
tcp::resolver resolver{ ioc };
#ifdef SSL
stream_t s{ ioc, ctx };
stream_t s{ ioc };
tcp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(host, port);
#ifdef SSL
// SSL handshake
// websocket handshake
websocket::permessage_deflate opt;
opt.client_enable = true; // for clients
opt.server_enable = true; // for servers
s.handshake(host + ":" + port, path);
std::cout << "connected" << std::endl;
// send request to the websocket
s.write(net::buffer("{'op':'subscribe', 'args':['spot/ticker:ETH-USDT']}"));
net::streambuf buffer;;
std::cout << &buffer << std::endl;
Then I ran with
In the protocol upgrade response, The websocket server should have included a field "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" which tell the client to use Compression Extensions for WebSocket.
But lots of websocket servers of the crypto exchanges like okex/huobi don't do this. You have to deflate the message in your application code.
You can think of this as moving the deflate/inflate from the protocol layer up to the application layer.

Websocketpp simple HTTP client

I use the excellent websocketpp library to provide a Websockets (and HTTP) server in a C++ application. I also need a HTTP client in the same app to connect to REST APIs. I have been attempting this in websocketpp also, but so far I have had little success. The following preliminary attempt gives me this log output:
[2015-03-06 18:01:18] [connect] Successful connection
[2015-03-06 18:01:18] [error] Server handshake response error: websocketpp.processor:20 (Invalid HTTP status.)
[2015-03-06 18:01:18] [disconnect] Failed: Invalid HTTP status.
This suggests my http_ handler method may need something more. Any advice would be appreciated. The websocketpp docs and examples don't seem to include a simple HTTP client.
#include <websocketpp/config/asio_client.hpp>
#include <websocketpp/client.hpp>
#include <websocketpp/common/thread.hpp>
namespace {
using namespace websocketpp;
typedef client<websocketpp::config::asio_client> client;
class Client {
std::string get(const std::string& url) {
websocketpp::lib::error_code error;
client::connection_ptr con = client_.get_connection(url,error);
if(error) std::runtime_error("Unable to connnect.\n url: "+url+"\n message: "+error.message());
websocketpp::lib::thread asio_thread(&client::run, &client_);
return data_;
void http_(connection_hdl hdl){
data_ = "http payload";
client client_;
std::string data_;
int main(void){
Client client;
WebSocket++'s HTTP handling features are a convenience feature designed to allow WebSocket servers to serve HTTP responses in a limited capacity. WebSocket++ is not intended for use as a generic HTTP library and does not contain the ability to play the role of a (non-WebSocket) HTTP client.
Using a separate library (such as cpp-netlib) for HTTP client functionality is a good solution.
If you're trying to do both WebSocket and HTTP in C++ there's a great library called Beast that has BOTH of these things! Its open source and builds on Boost.Asio:
Here's some example code:
Use HTTP to request the root page from a website and print the response:
#include <beast/http.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// Normal boost::asio setup
std::string const host = "";
boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver r(ios);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock(ios);
r.resolve(boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query{host, "http"}));
// Send HTTP request using beast
beast::http::request_v1<beast::http::empty_body> req;
req.method = "GET";
req.url = "/";
req.version = 11;
req.headers.replace("Host", host + ":" + std::to_string(sock.remote_endpoint().port()));
req.headers.replace("User-Agent", "Beast");
beast::http::write(sock, req);
// Receive and print HTTP response using beast
beast::streambuf sb;
beast::http::response_v1<beast::http::streambuf_body> resp;
beast::http::read(sock, sb, resp);
std::cout << resp;
Establish a WebSocket connection, send a message and receive the reply:
#include <beast/to_string.hpp>
#include <beast/websocket.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
// Normal boost::asio setup
std::string const host = "";
boost::asio::io_service ios;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver r(ios);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock(ios);
r.resolve(boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query{host, "80"}));
// WebSocket connect and send message using beast
beast::websocket::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&> ws(sock);
ws.handshake(host, "/");
ws.write(boost::asio::buffer("Hello, world!"));
// Receive WebSocket message, print and close using beast
beast::streambuf sb;
beast::websocket::opcode op;, sb);
std::cout << to_string( << "\n";
I did not know how to prevent the websocketpp client from asking for a Upgrade: connection so I ended up using cpp-netlib for a HTTP client instead.