read .dat file in c++ and create to multiple data types - c++

I'm using C++ to build my optimization model on Gurobi, and I have a question on how to assign values to coefficients. Currently, I did them in the .cpp file as
const int A = 4;
double B[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
double C[][A] = {
{ 5, 1, 0, 3 },
{ 7, 0, 2, 4 },
{ 4, 6, 8, 9 }
which means B[1]=1, B[2]=2, B[3]=3, and C[1][1]=5, C[1][2]=1, etc.
However, I would like to run the same model for different sets of coefficients, so instead of changing values in the .ccp file, it would be easier if I can read from multiple .dat files.
May I know how to do it?
And is that OK if I save the .dat file in the following format?
[1, 2, 3]
[[5, 1, 0, 3],
[7, 0, 2, 4],
[4, 6, 8, 9]]

I would not recommend that. Some people would recommend using JSON or YAML but if your coefficients will always be so simple, here is a recommendation:
Original file
1 2 3
5 1 0 3
7 0 2 4
4 6 8 9
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
struct Coefficients {
unsigned A;
std::vector<double> B;
std::vector< std::vector<double> > C;
std::vector<double> parseFloats( const std::string& s ) {
std::istringstream isf( s );
std::vector<double> res;
while ( isf.good() ) {
double value;
isf >> value;
res.push_back( value );
return res;
void readCoefficients( std::istream& fs, Coefficients& c ) {
fs >> c.A;
std::ws( fs );
std::string line;
std::getline( fs, line );
c.B = parseFloats( line );
while ( std::getline( fs, line ) ) {
c.C.push_back( parseFloats( line ) );
One example of usage:
std::string data = R"(
1 2 3
5 1 0 3
7 0 2 4
4 6 8 9
int main() {
Coefficients coef;
std::istringstream isf( data );
readCoefficients( isf, coef );
std::cout << "A:" << coef.A << std::endl;
std::cout << "B:" << std::endl << " ";
for ( double val : coef.B ) {
std::cout << val << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "C:" << std::endl;
for ( const std::vector<double>& row : coef.C ) {
std::cout << " ";
for ( double val : row ) {
std::cout << val << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Program stdout
1 2 3
5 1 0 3
7 0 2 4
4 6 8 9

Gurobi. Very interesting! And you have chosen C++ to interface it. Good.
I try to give you a very simple answer, with very simple statements.
All the code has lowest complexity and will work with really only a few statements.
There is no need for many C-like statements, because C++ is a very expressive language. You can do really an understandable or "easily readable" abstraction for your problem. If you look in main, an do see only a few lines of code, and then you will understand what I mean.
Additionally, I will give you a detailed explanation for everything. So, I will not just dump code, but explain line by line. Additionally I add many comments and use reasonable long and "speaking" variable names.
This code will be in C++, and not C-Style, as you can often see.
Then let us a little bit concentrate on how we would do things in C++.
If we look at your first definition:
const int A = 4;
double B[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
double C[][A] = {
{ 5, 1, 0, 3 },
{ 7, 0, 2, 4 },
{ 4, 6, 8, 9 }
We can see here C-Style arrays. Those with the [] brackets. The number of elements of the B array is defined by the number of initializer elements. So, 3 elements in the initializer list will give use 3 elemnts in the array --> The array size is 3. OK, Understood
The C-elements are a 2-dimensional Matrix. The number of columns is defined by `const int A = 4’. So, I am not sure, if A is just a size or really a coefficient. But in the end, it does not matter. The number of rows is given by the number of lines in the source text file. Sor, we have a matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns.
First important information: In C++ we are not using C-Style arrays []. We have basically 2 versatile working-horses for that:
The std::array, if the size of the array is known at compile time
The C++ main container, the std::vector. An array that can dynamically grow as needed. That is extremely powerful and used a lot in C++. It knows also, how many elements it contains, so now explicit definition like A=4 needed.
And the std::vector is the container to use for this purpose. Please read here about the std::vector. So, even if we do not know the number aof rows and columns in advance, we can use a std::vectorand itwill grow as needed.
For that reason, I am not sure, if The "const with value 4", is needed in your Coefficients-Information at all. Anyway, I will add it.
Next, C++ is an object-oriented language. In the very beginning of the language it was even called ‘C with objects’. The objects in C++ are modeled with classes or structs.
And one major idea of an object-oriented approach is, to put data, and methods, operating on this data, in one class (or struct) together.
So, we can define a Coefficient class and store here all coefficient data like your A, B, C. And then, and most important, we will add functions to this class that will operate on this data. In our special case we will add read and write functionality.
As you know, C++ uses a very versatile IO-stream library. And has so called “extraction” operators >> and “inserter” operators <<. The “streams” are implemented as hierarchical classes. That means, it does not matter on which stream (e.g. std::cout, a filestream or a stringstream) you use the << or >> operators, it will work basically everywhere in the same way.
And the extractor >> and inserter <<operators are already overloaded for many many existing and build-in data types. And because of that, you can output many different data types to for example std::cout.
But, this will of course not work for custom types, like our class “Coefficient”. But here, we can simply add the functionality, by defining the appropriate inserter and extractor operators. And after that, we can use our new type in the same way as other, built in data types.
Then let us look now on the first code example:
struct Coefficient {
// The data
int A{};
std::vector<double> B{};
std::vector<std::vector<double>> C{};
friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, Coefficient& coefficient);
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Coefficient& coefficient);
That is all. Simple, isn't it? Now the class has the needed functionality.
We will show later the implementation for the operators.
Note, this mechanism is also called (de)serialization, because the data of cour class will be written/read in a serial and human readable way. We need to take care the output and the input structure of the data is the same, so that we always can take our 2 operators.
You should understand already now, that we later can have an extremely simple and low complexity handling of IO operations in main or other functions. Let us look at main already now:
// Some example data in a stream
std::istringstream exampleFile{ R"(4
1 2 3
5 1 0 3
7 0 2 4
4 6 8 9 )" };
// Test/Driver code
int main() {
// Here we have our coefficients
Coefficient coefficient{};
// Simply extract all data from the file and store it in our coefficients variable
// This is just a one-liner, intuitive and simple to understand.
exampleFile >> coefficient;
// One-liner debug output. Even mor simple
std::cout << coefficient;
This looks very intuitive and similar to the input and output of other, build-in data types.
Let us now come to the actual input and output functions. And, because we want to keep it simple, we will structure your data in your “.dat” file in an easy to read way.
And that is: White space separated data. So: 81 999 42 and so on. Why is that simple? Because in C++ the formatted input functions (those with the extractor >>) will read such data easily. Example:
int x,y,z;
std::cin >> x >> y >> z
If you give a white space separated input as shown above, it will read the characters, convert it to numbers and store it in the variables.
There is one problem in C++. And that is, the end of line character ‘\n’ will in most cases also be treated as a white space. So, reading values in a loop, would not stop at the end of a line.
The standard solution for this problem is to use a non-formatted input function like std::getline and first read a complete line into a std::stringvariable. Then, we will put this string into a std::istringstream which is again a stream and extract the values from there.
In your “.dat” file you have many lines with data. So, we need to do the above operation repeatedly. And for things that need to be done repeatedly, we use functions in C++. We need to have a function, that receives a stream (any stream) reads the values, store them in a std::vector and returns the vector.
Before I show you this function, I will save some typing work and abbreviate the vector and the 2d-vector with a using statement.
Please see:
// Some abbreviations for easier typing and reading
using DVec = std::vector<double>;
using DDVec = std::vector<DVec>;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A function to retrieve a number of double values from a stream for one line
DVec getDVec(std::istream& is) {
// Read one complete line
std::string line{}; std::getline(is, line);
// Put it in an istringstream for better extracting
std::istringstream iss(line);
// And use the istream_iterator to iterate over all doubles and put the data in the resulting vector
return { std::istream_iterator<double>(iss), {} };
You see, a simple 3-line function. The last line is maybe difficult to understand for beginners. I will explain it later. So, our function expects a reference to a stream as input parameter and then returns a std::vector<double> containing all doubles from a line.
So, first, we read a complete line into a variable of type std::string. Ultra simple, with the existing std::getlinefunction.
Then, we put the string into a std::istringstream variable. This will basically convert the string to a stream and allow us, to use all stream functions on that. An remember, why we did that: Because we want to read a complete line and then extract the data from there. Now the last line:
return { std::istream_iterator<double>(iss), {} };
Uh, what’s that? We expect to return a std::vector<double>. The compiler knows that we want to return such a type. And therefore he will kindly create a temporary variable of that type for us and use its range constructor no 5 () (see here) to initialize our vector. And with what?
You can read in the CPP reference that it expects 2 iterators. A begin-iterator and an end-iterator. Everything between the iterators will be inclusively copied to the vector.
And the std::istream_iterator (Please read here) will simply call the extractor operator >> repeatedly and with that reads all doubles, until all values are read.
Next we can use this functionality in our class’ extractor operator >>. This will then look like this;
// Simple extraction operator
friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, Coefficient& coefficient) {
// Get A and all the B coefficients
coefficient.B = std::move(getDVec(is >> coefficient.A >> std::ws));
// And in a simple for loop, readall C-coeeficients
for (DVec dVec{ getDVec(is) }; is and not dVec.empty(); dVec = getDVec(is))
return is;
It will first read
the value for A (>> coefficient.A)
then all white spaces that may exist in the stream, and then (>> std::ws)
the line with the B-coefficients (getDVec(is)
LAst but not least, we use s imple for loop, to read all lines of the C-coefficients and add them to the 2d output vector. We will skip empty lines.
std::move will avoid copying of large data and give us a little better efficiency.
Output is even more simple. Using "loops" to show the data. Not much to explain here.
Now, we have all functions. We made our live simpler, by splitting up a big problem inti smaller problems.
The final complete code would then look like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
// Some abbreviations for easier typing and reading
using DVec = std::vector<double>;
using DDVec = std::vector<DVec>;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A function to retrieve a number of double values from a stream for one line
DVec getDVec(std::istream& is) {
// Read one complete line
std::string line{}; std::getline(is, line);
// Put it in an istringstream for better extracting
std::istringstream iss(line);
// And use the sitream_iterator to iterate over all doubles and put the data in the resulting vector
return { std::istream_iterator<double>(iss), {} };
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Cooeficient class. Holds data and methods to operate on this data
struct Coefficient {
// The data
int A{};
DVec B{};
DDVec C{};
// Simple extraction operator
friend std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& is, Coefficient& coefficient) {
// Get A and all the B coefficients
coefficient.B = std::move(getDVec(is >> coefficient.A >> std::ws));
// And in a simple for loop, readall C-coeeficients
for (DVec dVec{ getDVec(is) }; is and not dVec.empty(); dVec = getDVec(is))
return is;
// Even more simple inserter operator. Output values in loops
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Coefficient& coefficient) {
os << coefficient.A << '\n';
for (const double d : coefficient.B) os << d << ' '; os << '\n';
for (const DVec& dv : coefficient.C) {
for (const double d : dv) os << d << ' '; os << '\n'; }
return os;
// Some example data in a stream
std::istringstream exampleFile{ R"(4
1 2 3
5 1 0 3
7 0 2 4
4 6 8 9 )" };
// Test/Driver code
int main() {
// Here we have our coefficients
Coefficient coefficient{};
// Simply extract all data from the file and store it in our coefficients variable
exampleFile >> coefficient;
// One-liner debug output
std::cout << coefficient;
Please again see the simple statements in main.
I hope I could help you a little.
Some additional notes.
In professional software development, code without comments is considered to have 0 quality.
Also, the guidelines on SO recommend, to not just dump code, but also give a comprehensive explanation.
Please do not use: while ( isf.good() ) { It is considered as very bad practice and error prone. Please read this
If you made the decision to go to C++, you should try to go away from typycal serial C programming and use a more object oriented approach.
If you should have further questions then ask, I am happy to answer. Thank you for your question.


Parsing a CSV file - C++

Generally, the staff in university has recommended us to use Boost to parse the file, but I've installed it and not succeeded to implement anything with it.
So I have to parse a CSV file line-by-line, where each line is of 2 columns, separated of course by a comma. Each of these two columns is a digit. I have to take the integral value of these two digits and use them to construct my Fractal objects at the end.
The first problem is: The file can look like for example so:
This format of file is okay. But my solution outputs "Invalid input" for that one, where the correct solution is supposed to print only once the respective fractal - 1,1.
The second problem is: The file can look like:
This is supposed to be an invalid input but my solution treats it like a correct one - and just skips over the middle NEWLINE.
Maybe you can guide me how to fix these issues, it would really help me as I'm struggling with this exercise for 3 days from morning to evening.
This is my current parser:
#include <iostream>
#include "Fractal.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <stack>
#include <sstream>
const char *usgErr = "Usage: FractalDrawer <file path>\n";
const char *invalidErr = "Invalid input\n";
const char *VALIDEXT = "csv";
const char EXTDOT = '.';
const char COMMA = ',';
const char MINTYPE = 1;
const char MAXTYPE = 3;
const int MINDIM = 1;
const int MAXDIM = 6;
const int NUBEROFARGS = 2;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != NUBEROFARGS)
std::cerr << usgErr;
std::stack<Fractal *> resToPrint;
std::string filepath = argv[1]; // Can be a relative/absolute path
if (filepath.substr(filepath.find_last_of(EXTDOT) + 1) != VALIDEXT)
std::cerr << invalidErr;
std::stringstream ss; // Treat it as a buffer to parse each line
std::string s; // Use it with 'ss' to convert char digit to int
std::ifstream myFile; // Declare on a pointer to file; // Open CSV file
if (!myFile) // If failed to open the file
std::cerr << invalidErr;
int type = 0;
int dim = 0;
while (myFile.peek() != EOF)
getline(myFile, s, COMMA); // Read to comma - the kind of fractal, store it in s
ss << s << WHITESPACE; // Save the number in ss delimited by ' ' to be able to perform the double assignment
s.clear(); // We don't want to save this number in s anymore as we won't it to be assigned somewhere else
getline(myFile, s, NEWLINE); // Read to NEWLINE - the dim of the fractal
ss << s;
ss >> type >> dim; // Double assignment
s.clear(); // We don't want to save this number in s anymore as we won't it to be assigned somewhere else
if (ss.peek() != EOF || type < MINTYPE || type > MAXTYPE || dim < MINDIM || dim > MAXDIM)
std::cerr << invalidErr;
resToPrint.push(FractalFactory::factoryMethod(type, dim));
ss.clear(); // Clear the buffer to update new values of the next line at the next iteration
while (!resToPrint.empty())
std::cout << *( << std::endl;
return 0;
You do not need anything special to parse .csv files, the STL containers from C++11 on provide all the tools necessary to parse virtually any .csv file. You do not need to know the number of values per-row you are parsing before hand, though you will need to know the type of value you are reading from the .csv in order to apply the proper conversion of values. You do not need any third-party library like Boost either.
There are many ways to store the values parsed from a .csv file. The basic "handle any type" approach is to store the values in a std::vector<std::vector<type>> (which essentially provides a vector of vectors holding the values parsed from each line). You can specialize the storage as needed depending on the type you are reading and how you need to convert and store the values. Your base storage can be struct/class, std::pair, std::set, or just a basic type like int. Whatever fits your data.
In your case you have basic int values in your file. The only caveat to a basic .csv parse is the fact you may have blank lines in between the lines of values. That's easily handled by any number of tests. For instance you can check if the .length() of the line read is zero, or for a bit more flexibility (in handling lines with containing multiple whitespace or other non-value characters), you can use .find_first_of() to find the first wanted value in the line to determine if it is a line to parse.
For example, in your case, your read loop for your lines of value can simply read each line and check whether the line contains a digit. It can be as simple as:
std::string line; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<std::vector<int>> values {}; /* vector vector of int */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream to read */
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
Above, each line is read into line and then line is checked on whether or not it contains digits. If so, parse it. If not, go get the next line and try again.
If it is a line containing values, then you can create a std::stringstream from the line and read integer values from the stringstream into a temporary int value and add the value to a temporary vector of int, consume the comma with getline and the delimiter ',', and when you run out of values to read from the line, add the temporary vector of int to your final storage. (Repeat until all lines are read).
Your complete read loop could be:
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
int itmp; /* temporary int */
std::vector<int> tmp; /* temporary vector<int> */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* stringstream from line */
while (ss >> itmp) { /* read int from stringstream */
std::string tmpstr; /* temporary string to ',' */
tmp.push_back(itmp); /* add int to tmp */
if (!getline (ss, tmpstr, ',')) /* read to ',' w/tmpstr */
break; /* done if no more ',' */
values.push_back (tmp); /* add tmp vector to values */
There is no limit on the number of values read per-line, or the number of lines of values read per-file (up to the limits of your virtual memory for storage)
Putting the above together in a short example, you could do something similar to the following which just reads your input file and then outputs the collected integers when done:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) { /* validate at least 1 argument given for filename */
std::cerr << "error: insufficient input.\nusage: ./prog <filename>\n";
return 1;
std::string line; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<std::vector<int>> values {}; /* vector vector of int */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream to read */
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
/* if no digits in line - get next */
if (line.find_first_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos)
int itmp; /* temporary int */
std::vector<int> tmp; /* temporary vector<int> */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* stringstream from line */
while (ss >> itmp) { /* read int from stringstream */
std::string tmpstr; /* temporary string to ',' */
tmp.push_back(itmp); /* add int to tmp */
if (!getline (ss, tmpstr, ',')) /* read to ',' w/tmpstr */
break; /* done if no more ',' */
values.push_back (tmp); /* add tmp vector to values */
for (auto row : values) { /* output collected values */
for (auto col : row)
std::cout << " " << col;
std::cout << '\n';
Example Input File
Using an input file with miscellaneous blank lines and two-integers per-line on the lines containing values as you describe in your question:
$ cat dat/csvspaces.csv
Example Use/Output
The resulting parse:
$ ./bin/parsecsv dat/csvspaces.csv
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Example Input Unknown/Uneven No. of Columns
You don't need to know the number of values per-line in the .csv or the number of lines of values in the file. The STL containers handle the memory allocation needs automatically allowing you to parse whatever you need. Now you may want to enforce some fixed number of values per-row, or rows per-file, but that is simply up to you to add simple counters and checks to your read/parse routine to limit the values stored as needed.
Without any changes to the code above, it will handle any number of comma-separated-values per-line. For example, changing your data file to:
$ cat dat/csvspaces2.csv
Example Use/Output
Results in the expected parse of each value from each line, e.g.:
$ ./bin/parsecsv dat/csvspaces2.csv
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Let me know if you have questions that I didn't cover or if you have additional questions about something I did and I'm happy to help further.
I will not update your code. I look at your title Parsing a CSV file - C++ and would like to show you, how to read csv files in a more modern way. Unfortunately you are still on C++14. With C++20 or the ranges library it would be ultra simple using getlines and split.
And in C++17 we could use CTAD and if with initializer and so on.
But what we do not need is boost. C++`s standard lib is sufficient. And we do never use scanf and old stuff like that.
And in my very humble opinion the link to the 10 years old question How can I read and parse CSV files in C++? should not be given any longer. It is the year 2020 now. And more modern and now available language elements should be used. But as said. Everybody is free to do what he wants.
In C++ we can use the std::sregex_token_iterator. and its usage is ultra simple. It will also not slow down your program dramatically. A double std::getline would also be ok. Although it is not that flexible. The number of columns must be known for that. The std::sregex_token_iterator does not care about the number of columns.
Please see the following example code. In that, we create a tine proxy class and overwrite its extractor operator. Then we us the std::istream_iterator and read and parse the whole csv-file in a small one-liner.
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Define Alias for easier Reading
// using Columns = std::vector<std::string>;
using Columns = std::vector<int>;
// The delimiter
const std::regex re(",");
// Proxy for the input Iterator
struct ColumnProxy {
// Overload extractor. Read a complete line
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, ColumnProxy& cp) {
// Read a line
std::string line;
if(std::getline(is, line) && !line.empty()) {
// Split values and copy into resulting vector
std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), re, -1), {},
[](const std::string& s) { return std::stoi(s); });
return is;
// Type cast operator overload. Cast the type 'Columns' to
// std::vector<std::string>
operator Columns() const { return columns; }
// Temporary to hold the read vector
Columns columns{};
int main() {
std::ifstream myFile("r:\\log.txt");
if(myFile) {
// Read the complete file and parse verything and store result into vector
std::vector<Columns> values(std::istream_iterator<ColumnProxy>(myFile), {});
// Show complete csv data
std::for_each(values.begin(), values.end(), [](const Columns& c) {
std::copy(c.begin(), c.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
Please note: There are tons of other possible solutions. Please feel free to use whatever you want.
Because I see a lot of complicated code here, I would like to show a 2nd example of how to
Parsing a CSV file - C++
Basically, you do not need more than 2 statements in the code. You first define a regex for digits. And then you use a C++ language element that has been exactly designed for the purpose of tokenizing strings into substrings. The std::sregex_token_iterator. And because such a most-fitting language element is available in C++ since years, it would may be worth a consideration to use it. And maybe you could do basically the task in 2 lines, instead of 10 or more lines. And it is easy to understand.
But of course, there are thousands of possible solutions and some like to continue in C-Style and others like more moderen C++ features. That's up to everybodies personal decision.
The below code reads the csv file as specified, regardless of how many rows(lines) it contains and how many columns are there for each row. Even foreing characters can be in it. An empty row will be an empty entry in the csv vector. This can also be easly prevented, with an "if !empty" before the emplace back.
But some like so and the other like so. Whatever people want.
Please see a general example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Test data. Can of course also be taken from a file stream.
std::stringstream testFile{ R"(1,2
3, a, 4
5 , 6 b , 7
abc def
8 , 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17)" };
std::regex digits{R"((\d+))"};
using Row = std::vector<std::string>;
int main() {
// Here we will store all the data from the CSV as std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>
std::vector<Row> csv{};
// This extremely simple 2 lines will read the complete CSV and parse the data
for (std::string line{}; std::getline(testFile, line); )
csv.emplace_back(Row(std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), digits, 1), {}));
// Now, you can do with the data, whatever you want. For example: Print double the value
std::for_each(csv.begin(), csv.end(), [](const Row& r) {
if (!r.empty()) {
std::transform(r.begin(), r.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "), [](const std::string& s) {
return std::stoi(s) * 2; }
); std::cout << "\n";}});
return 0;
So, now, you may get the idea, you may like it, or you do not like it. Whatever. Feel free to do whatever you want.

Input two matrices which didn't specialize size

I need to input two matrices with their sizes unfixed, using a blank row to declare the end of inputting each matrix.
For example, input:
1 2
3 4
(blank row here, end of input matrix 1)
5 6 7
8 9 10
(blank row here, end of input matrix 2)
will get a 2*2 matrix and a 2*3 matrix.
My current idea is to build a matrix large enough (like 1000*1000), then set loops and use cin to input each element (the code only shows how I input matrix 1):
int matx1[1000][1000];
for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++)
for (j = 0;j < 1000;j++)
temp = getchar();
if (temp == '\n')
mat1.col = j;
temp = getchar();
if (temp == '\n')
mat1.row = i;
When I running this on Xcode, error happens, the putchar() function will interrupt my input in terminal by printing a number each time I press Enter, and the input result is in chaos.
I also tried the following code to avoid use of putchar():
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
temp = getchar();
if (temp == '\n')
matx1[i][0] = temp;
for (j = 1; j < 1000; j++)
cin >> matx1[i][j];
if (getchar() == '\n')
Still, there are serious problems. The temp variable stores char and even if I convert it to int using ASCII, it works only if the first element of each line is smaller than 10, or the data of the first element of each line will be incorrectly stored.
So, the main question is:
How to switch to a new line to input the same matrix after press Enter once and switch to inputting the next matrix after press Enter again?
Or to say: how to get the event of '\n' without interfering with the original input stream?
To solve the problem at hand there is a more or less standard approach. You want to read csv data.
In your case, it is a little bit more difficult, because you do have a special format in your csv data. So first a " " separated list and then a empty line between 2 entries.
Now, how could this to be done? C++ is an object oriented language with many existing algorithms. You can create define a Proxy class and overwrite the extractor operator. The proxy class, and espcially the extractor, will do all the work.
The extractor, and that is the core of the question is, as said, a little bit more tricky. How can this be done?
In the extractor we will first read a complete line from an std::istream using the function std::getline. After having the line, we see a std::string containing "data-fields", delimited by a space. The std::string needs to be split up and the "data-fields"-contents shall be stored.
The process of splitting up strings is also called tokenizing. The "data-fields"-content is also called "token". C++ has a standard function for this purpose: std::sregex_token_iterator.
And because we have something that has been designed for such purpose, we should use it.
This thing is an iterator. For iterating over a string, hence sregex. The begin part defines, on what range of input we shall operate, then there is a std::regex for what should be matched / or what should not be matched in the input string. The type of matching strategy is given with last parameter.
1 --> give me the stuff that I defined in the regex and
-1 --> give me that what is NOT matched based on the regex.
We can use this iterator for storing the tokens in a std::vector. The std::vector has a range constructor, which takes 2 iterators a parameter, and copies the data between the first iterator and 2nd iterator to the std::vector.
The statement
std::vector token(std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), separator, -1), {});
defines a variable "token" of type std::vector<std::string>, splits up the std::string and puts the tokens into the std::vector. For your case we will use std::transform to change your strings into integers.
Very simple.
Next step. We want to read from a file. The file conatins also some kind of same data. The same data are rows.
And as for above, we can iterate over similar data. If it is the file input or whatever. For this purpose C++ has the std::istream_iterator. This is a template and as a template parameter it gets the type of data that it should read and, as a constructor parameter, it gets a reference to an input stream. It doesnt't matter, if the input stream is a std::cin, or a std::ifstream or a std::istringstream. The behaviour is identical for all kinds of streams.
And since we do not have files an SO, I use (in the below example) a std::istringstream to store the input csv file. But of course you can open a file, by defining a std::ifstream csvFile(filename). No problem.
We can now read the complete csv-file and split it into tokens and get all data, by simply defining a new variable and use again the range constructor.
Matrix matrix1( std::istream_iterator<ColumnProxy>(testCsv), {} );
This very simple one-liner will read the complete csv-file and do all the expected work.
Please note: I am using C++17 and can define the std::vector without template argument. The compiler can deduce the argument from the given function parameters. This feature is called CTAD ("class template argument deduction").
Additionally, you can see that I do not use the "end()"-iterator explicitely.
This iterator will be constructed from the empty brace-enclosed initializer list with the correct type, because it will be deduced to be the same as the type of the first argument due to the std::vector constructor requiring that.
Ì hope I could answer your basic question. Please see the full blown C++ example below:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
std::istringstream testCsv{ R"(1 2
3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10
)" };
// Define Alias for easier Reading
//using Columns = std::vector<std::string>;
using Columns = std::vector<int>;
using Matrix = std::vector<Columns>;
// The delimiter
const std::regex re(" ");
// Proxy for the input Iterator
struct ColumnProxy {
// Overload extractor. Read a complete line
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, ColumnProxy& cp) {
// Read a line
if (std::string line; std::getline(is, line)) {
if (!line.empty()) {
// Split values and copy into resulting vector
std::transform(std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), re, -1),
[](const std::string & s) {return std::stoi(s); });
else {
// Notify the caller. End of matrix
is.setstate(std::ios::eofbit | std::ios::failbit);
return is;
// Type cast operator overload. Cast the type 'Columns' to std::vector<std::string>
operator Columns() const { return columns; }
// Temporary to hold the read vector
Columns columns{};
int main()
// Define variable matrix with its range constructor. Read complete CSV in this statement, So, one liner
Matrix matrix1( std::istream_iterator<ColumnProxy>(testCsv), {} );
// Reset failbit and eofbit
// Read 2nd matrix
Matrix matrix2(std::istream_iterator<ColumnProxy>(testCsv), {});
return 0;
What a pity that nobody will read this . . .

C++: How to read a lot of data from formatted text files into program?

I'm writing a CFD solver for specific fluid problems. So far the mesh is generated every time running the simulation, and when changing geometry and fluid properties,the program needs to be recompiled.
For small-sized problem with low number of cells, it works just fine. But for cases with over 1 million cells, and fluid properties needs to be changed very often, It is quite inefficient.
Obviously, we need to store simulation setup data in a config file, and geometry information in a formatted mesh file.
Simulation.config file
% Dimension: 2D or 3D
N_Dimension= 2
% Number of fluid phases
N_Phases= 1
% Fluid density (kg/m3)
Density_Phase1= 1000.0
Density_Phase2= 1.0
% Kinematic viscosity (m^2/s)
Viscosity_Phase1= 1e-6
Viscosity_Phase2= 1.48e-05
Geometry.mesh file
% Dimension: 2D or 3D
N_Dimension= 2
% Points (index: x, y, z)
N_Points= 100
x0 y0
x1 y1
x99 y99
% Faces (Lines in 2D: P1->p2)
N_Faces= 55
0 2
3 4
% Cells (polygons in 2D: Cell-Type and Points clock-wise). 6: triangle; 9: quad
N_Cells= 20
9 0 1 6 20
9 1 3 4 7
% Boundary Faces (index)
Left_Faces= 4
Bottom_Faces= 6
It's easy to write config and mesh information to formatted text files. The problem is, how do we read these data efficiently into program? I wonder if there is any easy-to-use c++ library to do this job.
Well, well
You can implement your own API based on a finite elements collection, a dictionary, some Regex and, after all, apply bet practice according to some international standard.
Or you can take a look on that:
I just used OpenMesh in my last implementation for C++ OpenGL project.
As a first-iteration solution to just get something tolerable - take #JosmarBarbosa's suggestion and use an established format for your kind of data - which also probably has free, open-source libraries for you to use. One example is OpenMesh developed at RWTH Aachen. It supports:
Representation of arbitrary polygonal (the general case) and pure triangle meshes (providing more efficient, specialized algorithms)
Explicit representation of vertices, halfedges, edges and faces.
Fast neighborhood access, especially the one-ring neighborhood (see below).
But if you really need to speed up your mesh data reading, consider doing the following:
Separate the limited-size meta-data from the larger, unlimited-size mesh data;
Place the limited-size meta-data in a separate file and read it whichever way you like, it doesn't matter.
Arrange the mesh data as several arrays of fixed-size elements or fixed-size structures (e.g. cells, faces, points, etc.).
Store each of the fixed-width arrays of mesh data in its own file - without using streaming individual values anywhere: Just read or write the array as-is, directly. Here's an example of how a read would look. Youll know the appropriate size of the read either by looking at the file size or the metadata.
Finally, you could avoid explicitly-reading altogether and use memory-mapping for each of the data files. See
fastest technique to read a file into memory?
If you write and read binary data on systems with different memory layout of certain values (e.g. little-endian vs big-endian) - you'll need to shuffle the bytes around in memory. See also this SO question about endianness.
It might not be worth it to optimize the reading speed as much as possible. You should consider Amdahl's law, and only optimize it to a point where it's no longer a significant fraction of your overall execution time. It's better to lose a few percentage points of execution time, but get human-readable data files which can be used with other tools supporting an established format.
In the following answear I asume:
That if the first character of a line is % then it shall be ignored as a comment.
Any other line is structured exactly as follows: identifier= value.
The code I present will parse a config file following the mentioned assumptions correctly. This is the code (I hope that all needed explanation is in comments):
#include <fstream> //required for file IO
#include <iostream> //required for console IO
#include <unordered_map> //required for creating a hashtable to store the identifiers
int main()
std::unordered_map<std::string, double> identifiers;
std::string configPath;
std::cout << "Enter config path: ";
std::cin >> configPath;
std::ifstream config(configPath); //open the specified file
if (!config.is_open()) //error if failed to open file
std::cerr << "Cannot open config file!";
return -1;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(config, line)) //read each line of the file
if (line[0] == '%') //line is a comment
std::size_t identifierLenght = 0;
while (line[identifierLenght] != '=')
line.substr(0, identifierLenght),
std::stod(line.substr(identifierLenght + 2))
); //add entry to identifiers
for (const auto& entry : identifiers)
std::cout << entry.first << " = " << entry.second << '\n';
After reading the identifiers you can, of course, do whatever you need to do with them. I just print them as an example to show how to fetch them. For more information about std::unordered_map look here. For a lot of very good information about making parsers have a look here instead.
If you want to make your program process input faster insert the following line at the beginning of main: std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false). This will desynchronize C++ IO with C IO and, in result, make it faster.
you don't want to use an existing format for meshes
you don't want to use a generic text format (json, yml, ...)
you don't want a binary format (even though you want something efficient)
In a nutshell, you really need your own text format.
You can use any parser generator to get started. While you could probably parse your config file as it is using only regexps, they can be really limited on the long run. So I'll suggest a context-free grammar parser, generated with Boost spirit::x3.
The Abstract Syntax Tree will hold the final result of the parser.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
namespace AST {
using Identifier = std::string; // Variable name.
using Value = std::variant<int,double>; // Variable value.
using Assignment = std::pair<Identifier,Value>; // Identifier = Value.
using Root = std::vector<Assignment>; // Whole file: all assignments.
Grammar description:
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
namespace Parser {
using namespace x3;
// Line: Identifier = value
const x3::rule<class assignment, AST::Assignment> assignment = "assignment";
// Line: comment
const x3::rule<class comment> comment = "comment";
// Variable name
const x3::rule<class identifier, AST::Identifier> identifier = "identifier";
// File
const x3::rule<class root, AST::Root> root = "root";
// Any valid value in the config file
const x3::rule<class value, AST::Value> value = "value";
// Semantic action
auto emplace_back = [](const auto& ctx) {
// Grammar
const auto assignment_def = skip(blank)[identifier >> '=' >> value];
const auto comment_def = '%' >> omit[*(char_ - eol)];
const auto identifier_def = lexeme[alpha >> +(alnum | char_('_'))];
const auto root_def = *((comment | assignment[emplace_back]) >> eol) >> omit[*blank];
const auto value_def = double_ | int_;
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(root, assignment, comment, identifier, value);
// Takes iterators on string/stream...
// Returns the AST of the input.
template<typename IteratorType>
AST::Root parse(IteratorType& begin, const IteratorType& end) {
AST::Root result;
bool parsed = x3::parse(begin, end, Parser::root, result);
if (!parsed || begin != end) {
throw std::domain_error("Parser received an invalid input.");
return result;
Live demo
To change where blank spaces are allowed, add/move x3::skip(blank) in the xxxx_def expressions.
Currently the file must end with a newline. Rewriting the root_def expression can fix that.
You'll certainly want to know why the parsing failed on invalid inputs. See the error handling tutorial for that.
You're just a few rules away from parsing more complicated things:
// 100 X_n Y_n
const auto point_def = lit("N_Points") >> ':' >> int_ >> eol >> *(double_ >> double_ >> eol)
If you don't need specific text file format, but have a lot of data and do care about performance, I recommend using some existing data serialization frameworks instead.
E.g. Google protocol buffers allow efficient serialization and deserialization with very little code. The file is binary, so typically much smaller than text file, and binary serialization is much faster than parsing text. It also supports structured data (arrays, nested structs), data versioning, and other goodies.

Sort .csv in multidimensional arrays

I'm trying to read specific values (i.e. values#coordinate XY) from a .csv file and struggle with a proper way to define multidimensional arrays within that .csv.
Here's an example of the form from my .csv file
Ok, in reality, this file becomes very large. You can interpret rows=latitudes and columns=longitudes and thus each block is an hourly measured coordinate map. The blocks usually have the size of row[361] column[720] and time periods can range up to 20 years (=24*365*20 blocks), just to give you an idea of the data size.
To structure this, I thought of scanning through the .csv and define each block as a vector t, which I can access by choosing the desired timestep t=0,1,2,3...
Then, within this block I would like to go to a specific line (i.e. latitude) and define it as a vector longitudeArray.
The outcome shall be a specified value from coordinate XY at time Z.
As you might guess, my coding experience is rather limited and this is why my actual question might be very simple: How can I arrange my vectors in order to be able to call any random value?
This is my code so far (sadly it is not much, cause I don't know how to continue...)
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
int longitude, latitude; //Coordinates used to specify desired value
int t; //Each array is associated to a specific time t=0,1,2,3... (corresponds to hourly measured data)
string value;
vector<string> t; //Vector of each block
vector<string> longitudeArray; //Line of array, i.e. latitude
ifstream file("swh.csv"); //Open file
if (!file.is_open()) //Check if file is opened, if not
print "File could..."
cout << "File could not open..." << endl;
return 1;
while (getline(file, latitude, latitude.empty())) //Scan .csv (vertically) and delimit every time a white line occurs
stringstream ss(latitude);
while(getline(ss,value,',') //Breaks line into comma delimited fields //Specify line number (i.e. int latitude) here??
latitudeArray.push_back(value); //Adds each field to the 1D array //Horizontal vector, i.e. latitude
t.push_back(/*BLOCK*/) //Adds each block to a distinct vector t
cout << t(longitudeArray[5])[6] << endl; //Output: 5th element of longitudeArray in my 6th block
return 0;
If you have any hint, especially if there is a better way handling large .csv files, I'd be very grateful.
Ps: C++ is inevitable for this project...
As usual you should first think in terms of data and data usage. Here you have floating point values (that can be NaN) that should be accessible as a 3D thing along latitude, longitude and time.
If you can accept simple (integer) indexes, the standard ways in C++ would be raw arrays, std::array and std::vector. The rule of thumb then says: if the sizes are known at compile time arrays (or std::array if you want operation on global arrays) are fine, else go with vectors. And if unsure std:vector is your workhorse.
So you will probably end with a std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> data, that you would use as data[timeindex][latindex][longindex]. If everything is static you could use a double data[NTIMES][NLATS][NLONGS] that you would access more or less the same way. Beware if the array is large, most compilers will choke if you declare it inside a function (including main), but it could be a global inside one compilation unit (C-ish but still valid in C++).
So read the file line by line, feeding values in your container. If you use statically defined arrays just assign each new value in its position, if you use vectors, you can dynamically add new elements with push_back.
This is too far from your current code for me to show you more than trivial code.
The static (C-ish) version could contain:
#define NTIMES 24*365*20
#define NLATS 361
#define NLONGS 720
double data[NTIMES][NLATS][NLONGS];
int time, lat, long;
for(time=0; time<NTIMES; time++) {
for (lat=0; lat<NLATS; lat++) {
for (long=0; long<NLONGS; long++) {
std::cin >> data[time][lat][long];
for (;;) {
if (! std::cin) break;
char c = std::cin.peek();
if (std::isspace(c) || (c == ',')) std::cin.get();
else break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (time != NTIMES) {
//Not enough values or read error
A more dynamic version using vectors could be:
int ntimes = 0;
const int nlats=361; // may be a non compile time values
const int nlongs=720; // dito
vector<vector<vector<double>>> data;
int lat, long;
for(;;) {
for(lat=0; lat<nlats; lat++) {
for(long=0; long<nlongs; long++) {
std::cin >> data[time][lat][long];
for (;;) {
if (! std::cin) break;
char c = std::cin.peek();
if (std::isspace(c) || (c == ',')) std::cin.get();
else break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (! std::cin) break;
if (lat!=nlats || long!=nlongs) {
//Not enough values or read error
ntimes += 1;
This code will successfully process NaN converting it the special not a number value, but it does not check the number of fields per line. To do that, read a line with std::getline and use a strstream to parse it.
Thanks, I tried to transfer both versions to my code, but I couldn't make it run.
Guess my poor coding skills aren't able to see what's obvious to everyone else. Can you name the additional libs I might require?
For std::isspace I do need #include <cctype>, anything else missing which is not mentioned in my code from above?
Can you also explain how if (std::isspace(c) || (c == ',')) std::cin.get(); works? From what I understand, it will check whether c (which is the input field?) is a whitespace, and if so, the right term becomes automatically "true" because of ||? What consequence results from that?
At last, if (! std::cin) break is used to stop the loop after we reached the specified array[time][lat][long]?
Anyhow, thanks for your response. I really appreciate it and I have now an idea how to define my loops.
Again thank you all for your ideas.
Unfortunately, I was not able to run the script... but my task changed slightly, thus the need to read very large arrays is not required anymore.
However, I've got an idea of how to structure such operations and most probably will transfer it to my new task.
You may close this topic now ;)

Is there anyway to reset the filein to the initial state?

I am trying to input data from a text file in C++.
The text file is in that format:
4 15
3 516
25 52 etc.
Each line contains two integers. I don't know the number of lines in the file so I can bind enough memory and this is what I have come into as a way to solve that:
ifstream filein;"text.txt",ios::in);
int count=0;
while (!filein.eof())
count=count/2; // This is the number of lines in the text file.
My problem is that I can't figure out a way to reset
into the initial state (to the beggining of the file so I can actually input the data) other than closing the input stream and opening it again. Is there any other way to do that?
Rather than answer the question you asked, I'm going to answer the question you didn't ask, namely:
Q: How can I read in all the lines of the file if I don't know how many lines there are?
A: Use a std::vector<>.
If you want to read in all of the numbers, regardless of pairing:
// all code fragments untested. typos are possible
int i;
std::vector<int> all_of_the_values;
while(filein >> i)
If you want to read in all of the numbers, putting alternating numbers into different data structures:
int i, j;
std::vector<int> first_values;
std::vector<int> second_values;
while(filein >> i >> j) {
If you want to read in all of the numbers, storing them in some sort of data structure:
int i, j;
struct S {int i; int j;};
std::vector<S> values;
while(filein >> i >> j) {
S s = {i, j};
Finally, if you want to read the file a line at a time, keeping the first two numbers from each line, discarding the remainder of each line, and storing them a user-defined data structure:
std::vector<MyClass> v;
std::string sline;
while(std::getline(filein, sline)) {
std::istringstream isline(sline);
int i, j;
if(isline >> i >> j) {
values.push_back(MyClass(i, j));
Aside: never use eof() or good() in a loop conditional. Doing so almost always produces buggy code, as it would have in your case. Instead prefer invoking the input function in the condition, as I have done above.
I think #Robᵩ has pretty much the right idea -- instead of reading through all the data just to count the number of lines, then reading through the whole file again to actually read the data, using something like std::vector (or std::deque) that will expand as needed as you read the data.
In a typical case, however, the two numbers on a line are going to be related to each other, and you typically want to store them in a way that shows that association directly. For example, they might be the X and Y coordinates of points, in which case you want to read points:
class point {
int x, y;
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, point &p) {
return is >> p.x >> p.y;
std::ifstream in("myfile.txt");
// create the vector from the data in the file:
std::vector<point> points((std::istream_iterator<point>(in)),
On a slightly different note: even if you decide you want to use an explicit loop, please don't use while (!whatever.eof()) to do it -- that's pretty much guaranteed to fail. You want to check that reading data succeeded, so (for example) using the point class above, you could use something like:
point p;
while (infile >> p)
The function is: filein.seekg (0, ios::beg);
Here is a Reference
You should also use filein.clear() to reset the eof bit in the file if you do it this way.
And, of course, if you want the best method for what you are ultimately trying to do, Robᵩ's answer is much better, albeit more involved.