In VSCode, how can I replace text with file information? - regex

In VSCode, I'd like to replace a particular string, say x, across a directory with the name of the file in which that string appears. Can I do this from the search menu? If not, is there an extension I can use?

You could use a simple python script like this to loop through a directory use regex to get the files you want to change and then change them to what you want.
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
p = Path('C:/Users/user/Pictures')
files = []
for x in p.iterdir():
a ='.*(jpe?g|png)',str(x))
if a is not None:
old_file_name =
new_file_name = newname
os.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name)


How to rename JPG files with running order using Python

I quite new in Python programming and i try to rename 100 files with ".jpg" extention, located in specific folder using pyhthon.
I need that the files will be renamed by running order start from number 1. This is the code i start writing:
import os,glob,fnmatch
for files in glob.glob("*.jpg"):
print files
When i run it, i get:
so the code, till now is OK.
For example my folder is:
and i need that all the files name will be:
1,2,3,4 - with running order names. Is it possible with python 2.7?
If you simply want to rename all files as 1.jpg, 2.jpg etc. you can do this:
import os
import glob
for index, oldfile in enumerate(glob.glob("*.jpg"), start=1):
newfile = '{}.jpg'.format(index)
os.rename (oldfile,newfile)
enumerate() is used to get get the index of each file from the list returned by glob(), so that it can be used to create the new filename. Note that it allows you to specify the start index, so I've started from 1, rather than Python Standard, zero
If you want this list of files to be sortable properly, you'll want the filename to be padded with zero's as well (001.jpg, etc.). In which case simply replace newfile = '{}.jpg'.format(index)' with newfile = '{:03}.jpg'.format(index).
See the the docs for more on str.format()
To rename all the JPG files from a particular folder First, get the list of all the files contain in the folder.
os.listdir will give you list all the files in images path.
use enumerate to get the index numbers to get the new name for
import os
images_path = r"D:\shots_images"
image_list = os.listdir(images_path)
for i, image in enumerate(image_list):
ext = os.path.splitext(image)[1]
if ext == '.jpg':
src = images_path + '/' + image
dst = images_path + '/' + str(i) + '.jpg'
os.rename(src, dst)
import os
from os import path
for file in os.listdir():
if ext == '.jpeg':
dst= '{}.jpg'.format(name)

Os.walk - WindowsError: [Error 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect:

new to python and looking for some help on a problem I am having with os.walk. I have had a solid look around and cannot find the right solution to my problem.
What the code does:
Scans a users selected HD or folder and returns all the filenames, subdirs and size. This is then manipulated in pandas (not in code below) and exported to an excel spreadsheet in the formatting I desired.
However, in the first part of the code, in Python 2.7, I am currently experiencing the below error:
WindowsError: [Error 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: 'E:\03. Work\Bre\Files\folder2\icons greyscale flatten\._Icon_18?10 Stainless Steel.psd'
I have explored using raw string (r') but to no avail. Perhaps I am writing it wrong.
I will note that I never get this in 3.5 or on cleanly labelled selected folders. Due to Pandas and pysinstaller problems with 3.5, I am hoping to stick with 2.7 until the error with 3.5 is resolved.
import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter
import os
from io import StringIO
#Lists for Pandas Dataframes
fpath = []
fname = []
fext = []
sizec = []
# START #Select file directory to scan
filed = raw_input("\nSelect a directory to scan: ")
#Scan the Hard-Drive and add to lists for Pandas DataFrames
print "\nGetting details..."
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filed):
for filename in files:
f = os.path.abspath(root) #File path
fname.append(filename) #File name
s = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] #File extension
s = str(s)
p = os.path.join(root, filename) #File size
si = os.stat(p).st_size
print "\nDone!"
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
In order to traverse filenames with unicode characters, you need to give os.walk a unicode path name.
Your path contains a unicode character, which is being displayed as ? in the exception.
If you pass in the unicode path, like this os.walk(unicode(filed)) you should not get that exception.
As noted in Convert python filenames to unicode sometimes you'll get a bytestring if the path is "undecodable" by Python 2.

How do I recursively find a specific subfolder name in a directory using Python / Regular expressions?

New to Python and programming. I'm using a Mac Air w/ OS X Yosemite version 10.10.2.
I'm looking for a way to recursively find multiple subfolders, with the same name(e.g."Table"), without using a direct path(assuming I don't know what folders they might be in) and read the files within them using regular expressions or Python. Thank you in advance!
import sys
import os, re, sys
import codecs
import glob
files = glob.glob( '*/Table/.*Records.sql' )
with open( 'AllTables1.2.sql', 'w' ) as result:
for file_ in files:
print file_
if len(file_) == 0: continue
for line in open( file_, 'r' ):
line = re.sub(r'[\[\]]', '', line)
line = re.sub(r'--.*', '', line)
line = re.sub('NVARCHAR', 'VARCHAR', line)
line = re.sub(r'IDENTITY', 'AUTO_INCREMENT', line)
line = re.sub(r'DEFAULT\D* +','', line)
line = re.sub(r'\W(1, 1\W)', ' ', line)
result.write( line.decode("utf-8-sig"))
You can use os.walk, which comes shippes with python for this purpose. As, the name suggest, os.walk will 'walk' thru your directory recursively and return the root, the dir and a list of file found in the dir.
You will find an example in the link that I gave above.
Hence for your example, you can achieve your goal you consider doing an os.walk, set up a regex to match folders with a given pattern and get the file with the matching name in your list of file.
For instanxe :
import os
for root, dir, filelist in os.walk('./'):
if dir == 'results': # insert logic to find the folder you want
for file in filelist:
if file == 'xx': # logic to match file name
fullpath = os.path.join(root, file) # Get the full path to the file
the above example will find your wanted file names in a particular folder.

Registered Trademark: Why does strip remove ® but replace can't find it? How do I remove symbols from folder and file names?

If the registered trademark symbol does not appear at the end of a file or folder name, strip cannot be used. Why doesn't replace work?
I have some old files and folders named with a registered trademark symbol that I want to remove.
The files don't have an extension.
folder: "\data\originals\Word Finder®"
file 1: "\data\originals\Word Finder® DA"
file 2: "\data\originals\Word Finder® Thesaurus"
For the folder, os.rename(p,p.strip('®')) works. However, replace os.rename(p,p.replace('®','')) does not work on either the folder or the files.
Replace works on strings fed to it, ie:
print 'Registered® Trademark®'.replace('®',''). Is there a reason the paths don't follow this same logic?
I'm using os.walk() to get the folder and file names
I have been unable to recreate your issue, so I'm not sure why it isn't working for you. Here is a workaround though: instead of using the registered character in your source code with the string methods, try being more explicit with something like this:
import os
for root, folders, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for fi in files:
oldpath = os.path.join(root, fi)
newpath = os.path.join(root, fi.decode("utf-8").replace(u'\u00AE', '').encode("utf-8"))
os.rename(oldpath, newpath)
Explicitly specifying the unicode codepoint you're looking for can help eliminate the number of places your code could be going wrong. The interpreter no longer has to worry about the encoding of your source code itself.
My original question 'Registered Trademark: Why does strip remove ® but replace can't find it?' is no longer applicable. The problem isn't strip or replace, but how os.rename() deals with unicode characters. So, I added to my question.
Going off of what Cameron said, os.rename() seems like it doesn't work with unicode characters. (please correct me if this is wrong - I don't know much about this). shutil.move() ultimately gives the same result that os.rename() should have.
Despite ScottLawson's suggestion to use u'\u00AE' instead of '®', I could not get it to work.
Basically, use shutil.move(old_name,new_name) instead.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import shutil
import os
# from this answer:
def remove(value):
deletechars = '®'
for c in deletechars:
value = value.replace(c,'')
return value
for root, folders, files in os.walk(r'C:\Users\myname\da\data\originals\Word_4_0'):
for f in files:
rename = remove(f)
for folder in folders:
rename = remove(folder)
This also works for the immediate directory (based off of this) and catches more symbols, chars, etc. that aren't included in string.printable and ® doesn't have to appear in the python code.
import shutil
import os
import string
directory_path = r'C:\Users\myname\da\data\originals\Word_4_0'
for file_name in os.listdir(directory_path):
new_file_name = ''.join(c for c in file_name if c in string.printable)

Python 2.7 Using Tkinter to concatenate a source path and filename gives error of nonetype

I am using Python 2.7 and imported Tkinter and TK.
What I am trying to do is use a sourced path (a directory path) and concatenate it from picking a file by opening windows explorer. This will enable the user to not have to type in a file name.
I realized I wasn't using a return and would get the following error:
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
After searching here for this error I found I needed to do a return. I tried to put string in the parenthesis but it doesn't' work. I am definitely missing something.
Here is a sample of my code:
from Tkinter import *
from Tkinter import Tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
source = '\\\\Isfs\\data$\\GIS Carto\TTP_Draw_Count' ## this a public directory path
filename = ''
filename = getFileName() ##this part is in a different def area.
with open (os.path.join(source + filename), 'r' ) as f: ## this is were it failing.
def getFileName():
filename = askopenfilename()
return getFileName()
I need to concatenate the source + filename to be used to process a csv file.
I didn't want to put all the code here since it is long and requires a csv file and custom dictionary to merge. All of that works. I hope I have put enough information in this question.
def getFileName():
filename = askopenfilename()
return getFileName()
You aren't returning the filename that you get here. Change this to:
def getFileName():
filename = askopenfilename()
return filename
Also note that askopenfilename gets the full path of the chosen file, so source+filename will evaluate to something like u'\\\\Isfs\\data$\\GIS Carto\\TTP_Draw_CountC:/Users/kevin/Desktop/myinput.txt'