I'm making a game in SDL2, and I have a glow image that's rendered behind bullets and particles. The unoptimized version renders the glow image in the bullets iterations and particle iterations. The optimized version simply renders the glow image all at once (at the recorded glow locations). This is kind of strange, and I'd like to know of any other solutions than mass rendering the glow image (it looks strange since it's not rendered at the correct point in the game loop). This is an example of the unoptimized version:
for (Particle &particle: particles){
if (particle.update(renderer)){
// glow
glow_rect.x = particle.x;
glow_rect.y = particle.y;
glow_rect.w = particle.width * 2;
glow_rect.h = particle.height * 2;
SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(glow_vignette, particle.alpha);
camera.renderCopy(renderer, glow_vignette, NULL, &glow_rect);
whereas in the optimized version (rendering all glows at once):
// show glows
for (auto [rect, alpha]: glow_locs){
SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(glow_vignette, alpha);
camera.renderCopy(renderer, glow_vignette, NULL, &rect);
I'm trying to do an UWP game, and i came accross a problem where my game is much slower in release mode than it is in debug mode.
My game will draw a 3D view (Dungeon master style) and will have an UI part that draws over the 3D view. Because the 3D view can slow down to a small amount of frames per seconds (FPS), i decided to make my game running the UI part always at 60 FPS.
Here is how the main gameloop looks like, in some pseudo code:
Gameloop start
Update game datas
copy actual finished 3D view from buffer to screen
draw UI part
3D view loop start
If no more time to draw more textures on the 3D view exit 3D view loop
Draw one texture to 3D view buffer
3D view loop end --> 3D view loop start
Gameloop end --> Gameloop start
Here are the actual update and render functions:
void Dungeons_of_NargothMain::Update()
if (m_sceneRenderer->m_numberTotalOfTexturesToDraw == 0 ||
m_sceneRenderer->m_numberTotalOfTexturesToDraw <= m_sceneRenderer->m_numberOfTexturesDrawn)
m_sceneRenderer->m_numberTotalOfTexturesToDraw = 150000;
m_sceneRenderer->m_numberOfTexturesDrawn = 0;
bool Dungeons_of_NargothMain::Render()
// Render UI part here //
// Render 3D view to 960X540 screen //
m_sceneRenderer->setRenderTargetTo960X540Screen(); // 3D view buffer screen
bool screen960GotFullDrawn = false;
bool stillenoughTimeLeft = true;
while (stillenoughTimeLeft && (!screen960GotFullDrawn))
stillenoughTimeLeft = m_ritonTimer.enoughTimeForOneMoreTexture((int)E_RITON_TIMER::UI);
screen960GotFullDrawn = m_sceneRenderer->renderNextTextureTo960X540Screen();
if (screen960GotFullDrawn)
return true;
I removed what is not essential.
Here is the timer part (RitonTimer):
#pragma once
#include "pch.h"
#include <wrl.h>
#include "RitonTimer.h"
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcGameStartTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
void Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::startTimer(int timerIndex)
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcNowTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex] = m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart;
m_framesPerSecond[timerIndex] = 0;
m_frameCount[timerIndex] = 0;
void Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::resetTimer(int timerIndex)
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcNowTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex] = m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart;
m_framesPerSecond[timerIndex] = m_frameCount[timerIndex];
m_frameCount[timerIndex] = 0;
void Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::frameCountPlusOne(int timerIndex)
void Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::manageFramesPerSecond(int timerIndex)
if (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcNowTime))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
m_qpcDeltaTime = m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart - m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex];
if (m_qpcDeltaTime >= m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart)
m_framesPerSecond[timerIndex] = m_frameCount[timerIndex];
m_frameCount[timerIndex] = 0;
m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex] += m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart;
if ((m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex] + m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart) < m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart)
m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex] = m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart - m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart;
void Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::initTimer()
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&m_qpcFrequency))
throw ref new Platform::FailureException();
m_qpcOneFrameTime = m_qpcFrequency.QuadPart / 60;
m_qpc5PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime / 20;
m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime / 10;
m_qpc95PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime - m_qpc5PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc90PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc80PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc70PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpcOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc60PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpc70PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc50PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpc60PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc10PercentOfOneFrameTime;
m_qpc45PercentOfOneFrameTime = m_qpc50PercentOfOneFrameTime - m_qpc5PercentOfOneFrameTime;
bool Dungeons_of_Nargoth::RitonTimer::enoughTimeForOneMoreTexture(int timerIndex)
while (!QueryPerformanceCounter(&m_qpcNowTime));
m_qpcDeltaTime = m_qpcNowTime.QuadPart - m_qpcStartTime[timerIndex];
if (m_qpcDeltaTime < m_qpc45PercentOfOneFrameTime)
return true;
return false;
In debug mode the game's UI works at 60 FPS, and the 3D view is about 1 FPS on my PC. But even there i'm not sure why i have to stop my texture drawing at 45% of one game time and call present, to get the 60 FPS, if i wait longer i only get 30 FPS. (this valor is set in "enoughTimeForOneMoreTexture()" in RitonTimer.
In Release mode it drops dramatically, having like 10 FPS for the UI part, 1 FPS for the 3D part. I tried to find why for the last 2 days, didn't find it.
Also i have another small question: How do i tell visual studio that my game is actually a game and not an app ? Or does Microsoft do the "switch" when i send my game to their store ?
Here i have put my game on my OneDrive so everyone can download the source files and try to compile it, and see if you get the same results as me:
OneDrive link: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aj7wxGmZTdftgZAZT5YAbLDxbtMNVg
compile in either x64 Debug, or x64 Release mode.
I think i found the explanation why my game is slower in release mode.
The CPU is probably not waiting for the drawing instruction to be done, but simply adds it to a list which will be forward to the GPU at it's own pace in a separate task (or maybe the GPU does that cache himself). That would explain it all.
My plan was to draw the UI first and then to draw as many textures from the 3D view as possible till 95% of a 1/60th second frame time passed and then present it to the swapchain. The UI would always be at 60 FPS and the 3D view would be as fast as the system allows it (also at 60FPS if it can all be drawn in 95% of the frame time).
This didn't work because it probbably cached all the instructions my 3D view had (i was testing with 150000 BIG texture draw instructions for the 3D view) in one frame time, and so of course the UI was as slow as the 3D view at the end, or close to.
That is also why even in debug mode i didn't get 60FPS when i waited for 95% of a frame time, i had to wait for 45% of a frame time to get my 60 FPS i wanted for the UI.
I tested it with a lower value in release mode to verify that theory, and indeed i also get 60 FPS for the UI when i stop the Drawings at only 15% of a frame time.
I tought it worked like this only in DirectX12.
"How do i tell visual studio that my game is actually a game and not an app" - there's no difference, a game is an app.
I have your code running at 300-400 FPS now in debug mode.
Firstly I commented out your code that checks if you've got time to render another texture. Don't do that. Everything the player sees should render within a single frame. If your frame is taking more than 16ms (with 60fps target) look for expensive operations, or calls that are made repeatedly, possibly adding up to some unexpected cost. Look for code that might be doing something repeatedly when it only needs to do it once per frame or per resize. etc
So the issue is that you were rendering very large textures and a lot of them. You want to avoid overdraw (rendering a pixel where you've already rendered a pixel). You can have a bit of overdraw and that's sometimes preferable to being pedantic. But you were drawing 1000x2000 textures over and over again. So you were absolutely killing the pixel shader. It just can't render that many pixels. I didn't bother looking at the code that tries to control texture rendering based on frame time remaining. For what you're trying to do, that's not helpful.
Inside your render method comment out the while and if/else sections and use this to draw an array of your textures ..
// set sprite dimensions
int w = 64, h = 64;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
m_sceneRenderer->renderNextTextureTo960X540Screen(x*64, y*64, w, h);
and in RenderNextTextureToScreen(int x, int y, int w, int h) ..
m_squareBuffer.sizeX = w; // 1000;
m_squareBuffer.sizeY = h; // 2000;
m_squareBuffer.posX = x; // (float)(rand() % 1920);
m_squareBuffer.posY = y; // (float)(rand() % 1080);
See how this code renders much smaller textures, the textures are 64x64 and there's no overdraw.
And just be aware that the GPU isn't all powerful, it can do a lot if you use it right, but if you just throw crazy operations at it, you can grind it to a halt, just like with the CPU. So try to render things that 'look normal', that you can imagine being in a game. You'll learn in time what's sensible and what isn't.
The most likely explanation for the code running slower in release mode is that your timing and rendering limiter code was broken. It wasn't working properly because the 3d view was running at 1fps, so then who knows what it's behaviour is. With the changes I've made, the program seems to run faster in release mode as expected. Your clock code is showing 600-1600fps in release mode now for me.
As far as I've found out, cocos doesn't offer a simple filter handling like AS3 for example does.
My situation:
I want to add a realtime shadow to an cocos2d::Sprite.
For example I would like to do something like this (similar to AS3):
auto mySprite = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("myCharacter.png");
DropShadowFilter* dropShadow = new DropShadowFilter();
dropShadow->distance = 0;
dropShadow->angle = 45;
dropShadow->color = 0x333333;
dropShadow->alpha = 1;
dropShadow->blurX = 10;
dropShadow->blurY = 10;
dropShadow->strength = 1;
dropShadow->quality = 15;
This should add a shadow to my Sprite to achieve an result like this:
Adobe Drop Shadow Example
Could you help me please?
There isn't any built in support for shadows on Sprites in Cocos2D-X.
The best option, performance-wise, would be to place your shadows in your sprite images already, instead of calculating and drawing them in the code.
Another option is to sub-class Sprite and override the draw method so that you duplicate the sprite and apply your effects and draw it below the original.
One possible way to achieve that is with this snippet from this thread on the Cocos forum. I can't say that I completely follow what this code does with the GL transforms, but you can use this as a starting point to experiment.
void CMySprite::draw()
// is_shadow is true if this sprite is to be considered like a shadow sprite, false otherwise.#
if (is_shadow)
ccBlendFunc blend;
// Change the default blending factors to this one.
blend.src = GL_SRC_ALPHA;
blend.dst = GL_ONE;
setBlendFunc( blend );
// Change the blending equation to thi in order to subtract from the values already written in the frame buffer
// the ones of the sprite.
if (is_shadow)
// The default blending function of cocos2d-x is GL_FUNC_ADD.
In my program what I am drawing gets stuck on to the screen I am drawing on, by this I mean that what I previously drawed onto the screen stays after I call SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(). Here is my code.
void tower_manager::render()
m_tower.draw(camx, camy,m_screen);
//SDL_BlitSurface(test, NULL, m_screen, NULL);
SDL_Rect rect = { 32, 32, 32, 32 };
//draw the tower walls;
for (int x = 0; x < towerWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < towerHeight * 2; y += 2)
rect.x = x*blockSize - camx;
rect.y = y*blockSize - camy;
SDL_BlitSurface(test, NULL, m_screen, &rect);
Apparently I need at least 10 reputation to post images so I cant post a screen shot but here is an example, you know what happens to the desktop when a windows application freezes and it keeps drawing the same window over and over again and you can draw it around to make art and stuff? That's exactly what it looks like is happening here. Also I have another issue when I call the tower objects method that is originally going to draw the tower using the same code it does not draw or do anything at all(i am passing in a pointer to the screen I am drawing to in its parameter).
You would want to clear the surface regions that you are drawing to. If you don't, then the screen surface retains the old renderings from previous frames and you are drawing on top of them. This causes a smearing artifact.
An old optimization (no longer so useful with SDL2 or OpenGL) here is to keep track of dirty rectangles and clear each of them, but the simplest way is to just clear the entire surface each frame before rendering.
So, once per frame do something like this:
SDL_FillRect(m_screen, NULL, 0x000000);
I'm making a game in C++ with SDL, and I want to render particles with SDL_FillRect().
I've played with the code for hours, but no matter what I do, the particles are not drawing.
This is the code in my Render function (I made sure that I was in fact calling the function):
void Particle::Render()
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
//rect.w = Particle::Particle_Size;
//rect.h = Particle::Particle_Size;
rect.w = 8;
rect.h = 8;
surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,8,8,32,0,0,0,0);
if(SDL_FillRect(surface,&rect,SDL_MapRGB(surface->format,0,0,0)) != 0) printf("Error");
The console isn't printing "Error", so the SDL_FillRect() is successful. However, no rects are being drawn to the screen.
I tried creating a texture with SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface() with that surface passed in, and then used SDL_RenderCopy, which is commented out in the above function, but it worked before I commented it out. I want to use SDL_FillRect so I could have colored textures though.
Am I missing anything?
I think you could use this function to do what you are looking for:
You would have to set the renderer color before with:
I think you could also update the window surface to get what you have to work.
That would use
Hope it helps!
The SDL_CreateRGBSurface() function creates an off-screen surface. If you want to draw to the screen, you will have to draw to the surface returned by SDL_GetWindowSurface().
That is, if you are using SDL 2.0.
so i'm fairly new with SDL, and i'm trying to make a little snowboarding game. When the player is moving down the hill, I want to leave a trail of off-coloured snow behind him. Currently, the way i have this working is I have an array (with 1000 elements) that stores the players last position. Then each frame, I have a for loop that loops 1000 times, to draw out the trail texture in all these last 1000 positions of the player...
I feel this is extremely inefficient, and i'm looking for some better alternatives!
The Code:
void Player::draw()
if (posIndex >= 1000)
posIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) // Loop through all the 1000 past positions of the player
// pastPlayerPos is an array of SDL_Rects that stores the players last 1000 positions
// This line calculates teh location to draw the trail texture
SDL_Rect trailRect = {pastPlayerPos[i].x, pastPlayerPos[i].y, 32, 8};
// This draws the trail texture
SDL_RenderCopy(Renderer, Images[IMAGE_TRAIL], NULL, &trailRect);
// This draws the player
SDL_Rect drawRect = {(int)x, (int)y, 32, 32};
SDL_RenderCopy(Renderer, Images[0], NULL, &drawRect);
// This is storing the past position
SDL_Rect tempRect = {x, y, 0, 0};
pastPlayerPos[posIndex] = tempRect;
posIndex++; // This is to cycle through the array to store the new position
This is the result, which is exactly what i'm trying to accomplish, but i'm just looking for a more efficient way. If there isn't one, i will stick with this.
There are multiple solutions. I'll give you two.
Create screen-size surface. Fill it with alpha. On each player move, draw it's current position into this surface - so each movement will add you extra data to this would-be mask. Then blit this surface on screen (beware of blit order). In your case it could be improved by disabling alpha and initially filling surface with white, and blitting it first, before anything else. With that approach you can skip screen clearing after flip, by the way.
I recommend starting with this one.
Not easy one, but may be more efficient (it depends). Save array points where player actually changed movement direction. After it, you need to draw chainline between these points. There is however no builtin functions in SDL to draw lines; maybe there are in SDL_gfx, i never tried it. This approach may be better if you'll use OpenGL backend later on; with SDL (or any other ordinary 2D drawing library), it's not too useful.