Unable to export or import workflows | Power centre (Informatica )| - informatica

I have recently installed Informatica 10.4 -> Power centre 10.4
After connecting to repository -> trying to open folder to take export of workflow
my application crashes and closed immediately
Can some one tell me why it is not allowing me to take export and same happen with import
it crashes
Any fix for it


using watchman only on specific project

I am running 2 ember applications on my computer.
On one of them I want watchman to run (to solve EMFILE: too many open files, watch),
on the other project I do not want it to run - since it causes an error (TypeError: Invalid Version: 2022.06.27.00)
Is there a way to configure watchman to run/ not run on specific projects?

Why am I getting an import error when trying to use react-native-maps?

Quick version:
expo init MyNewProject
cd MyNewProject
expo install react-native-maps
add import MapView from 'react-native-maps' to the top of my App.js, save/reload and I get the following error screen, along with this warning in the Expo Dev Tools
Attempted import error: 'requireNativeComponent' is not exported from 'react-native-web/dist/index'.
Long Version:
I created a brand new react-native app using expo, via expo init MyNewProject and chose a blank template. I then installed react-native-maps into my project directory as detailed here, https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/map-view/, by running expo install react-native-maps. At this point I haven't touched the code, other than adding an import in my App.js for the MapView component import MapView from 'react-native-maps'. Now, when I save/reload the app, it dies. What's happening?? Am I missing something or is this a bug?
React Native Maps doesn’t support the web. You can use React Native Web Maps for the platform difference in the meantime.

AWS Lambda and Numpy Libraries - Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed

Trying to successfully run numpy on AWS Lambda. The information I have read indicates that you need to use numpy libraries specifically compiled/compatible with AWS EC2.
Do do this I first followed the instruction to compile numpy on an ec2 instance, here:
Installing numpy on Amazon EC2
I then copied the newly built numpy into my Lambda application folder on my desktop, zipped up a Lambda deployment package containing the entire directory.
Upon running my Lambda function I still get this error:
Importing the multiarray numpy extension module failed. Most
likely you are trying to import a failed build of numpy.
If you're working with a numpy git repo, try git clean -xdf (removes all files not under version control). Otherwise reinstall numpy.
Adding an answer for anyone who finds this old question.
Luckily, this problem has now been solved with Lambda Layer. AWS even provides a NumPy and SciPy layer. You can attach it directly to your Lambda in the web console or use this ARN arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:668099181075:layer:AWSLambda-Python36-SciPy1x:2
An easy way to make your lambda function support the numpy library for python 3.7:
Go to your lambda function page
Find the Layers section at the bottom of the page.
Click on Add a layer.
Choose AWS layers as layer source.
Select AWSLambda-Python37-Scipy1x as AWS layers.
Select 37 for version.
And finally click on Add.
Now your lambda function is ready to support numpy.

How to configure WSO2 Governance Registry into Developer studio IDE?

I have built the source code (4.5.3). I have built it in the order orbit and all its patch releases and kernel and all its patch releases and platform and built directly greg 4.5.3 version and my built was successful. But, how can I configure that in developer studio IDE ?
I am trying to import as Existing WSO2 Projects into workspace and I started importing orbit first and then kernel, so after importing kernel I have many build path errors like 'Project 'kernel_4.0.5' is missing required library: 'core/feature-manager/org.wso2.carbon.feature.mgt.core/4.0.0/target/org.wso2.carbon.feature.mgt.core-4.0.0.jar' and like wise many of them. And When I try to import platform I am getting - resource'/${artifactId}' already exits. So, how to configure WSO2 Governance Registry(4.5.3) into IDE ?? Please help !
Take a look here at this similar question - in particular read the comments.
I don't think WSO2 developers import the whole source tree into eclipse, instead they only import the maven modules that they need to work on. Also, don't import the modules into eclipse using the maven eclipse plugin. Instead, run mvn eclipse:eclipse on the module and then import the module as a general project. Don't import as a maven project.

unable to load ovf to virtualbox created using vmware vphrere export?

I am trying to load a VM that was created by someone else using VMware vSphere into virtualbox. I got these 3 files, the first one being an xml ovf file, the second one containing the SHA1 sums and the last one being a 3.2GB vmdk:
When I try Import an Appliance choosing the ovf file, I get this error:
Failed to import appliance /home/username/VirtualBox VMs/blah/blah/myVM.ovf.
<vbox:Machine> element in OVF contains a medium attachment for the disk image 58d8e82a-37a1-4c10-b3be-b53cdb213fbe but the OVF describes no such image.
Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
Component: Appliance
Interface: IAppliance {3059cf9e-25c7-4f0b-9fa5-3c42e441670b}
I made sure the menu is pointing to the right vmdk file, but still there is something wrong.
Any ideas?
At the Import dialog, try to uncheck USB controller and CD/DVD devices.
If that will help, You can enable them afterwards. In fact, You will need them to install Guest Additions later.
This helped for me, to install Microsoft prepared Virtual machines for different Internet Explorer tests from http://dev.modern.ie/tools/vms/windows/
I received a similar issue today when doing a simple export / import of a windows 7 vm running Oracle VM 4.3.1 on linux mint. I exported in OVF 2.0 and it generated an .ova file. I had nearly identical error message when importing the image. I am assuming the image was made with Oracle VM.
"Failed to import appliance /home/val/Desktop/win7.ova"... "the OVF describes no such image"
THE FIX: All I had to do was rename the .ova file to .ovf; you may have to change the .ovf extension to .ova as well. Also ensure you are the owner of the file (chown) and you have correct permissions(chmod). This worked for me it may work for you.
I found this fix here: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/9414