I have multiple batches processed one by one in a serial fashion and each batch's elements are computed in parallel. As I repeat this operation dozens of times, it seems to introduce an little overhead with thread sheduling.
I would like to know if it's possible to set those tasks in advance and then call them during the serial loop. The number of batches or the elements per batch doesn't change over time.
// Repeat for N iterations
for (auto n = 0; n < iterations; ++i)
// Serial loop on batches
for (auto i = 0; i < BatchCount; ++i)
// Get current constraint group start index and size
const auto batchStart = offset[i];
const auto batchSize = offset[i + 1] - batchStart;
// Parallel loop on the batch items
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, batchSize, grainSize),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (auto j = range.begin(); j != range.end(); ++j)
const auto index = batchStart + j
// Call some functions here
For scheduling a TBB task, a rule of thumb is that a task should
execute for at least 1 microsecond or 10,000 processor cycles in
order to mitigate the overheads associated with task creation and
Pre-scheduling the tasks in advance will not help in overcoming the thread
scheduling overhead.
we are assuming a world where the slight additional overhead
of dynamic task scheduling is the most effective at
exposing the parallelism and exploiting it. This assumption has one
fault: if we can program an application to perfectly match the
hardware, without any dynamic adjustments, we may find a few
percentage points gain in performance.
tbb::pipeline has been
deprecated. It was replaced by tbb::parallel_pipeline. For more
information please refer to the below link:
I'm attempting to create a std::vector<std::set<int>> with one set for each NUMA-node, containing the thread-ids obtained using omp_get_thread_num().
Create data which is larger than L3 cache,
set first touch using thread 0,
perform multiple experiments to determine the minimum access time of each thread,
extract the threads into nodes based on sorted access times and information about the topology.
Code: (Intel compiler, OpenMP)
// create data which will be shared by multiple threads
const auto part_size = std::size_t{50 * 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(double)}; // 50 MB
const auto size = 2 * part_size;
auto container = std::unique_ptr<double>(new double[size]);
// open a parallel section
auto thread_count = 0;
auto thread_id_min_duration = std::multimap<double, int>{};
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(std::thread::hardware_concurrency())
#pragma omp parallel
// perform first touch using thread 0
const auto thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
if (thread_id == 0)
thread_count = omp_get_num_threads();
for (auto index = std::size_t{}; index < size; ++index)
container.get()[index] = static_cast<double>(std::rand() % 10 + 1);
#pragma omp barrier
// access the data using all threads individually
#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
for (auto thread_counter = std::size_t{}; thread_counter < thread_count; ++thread_counter)
// calculate the minimum access time of this thread
auto this_thread_min_duration = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (auto experiment_counter = std::size_t{}; experiment_counter < 250; ++experiment_counter)
const auto* data = experiment_counter % 2 == 0 ? container.get() : container.get() + part_size;
const auto start_timestamp = omp_get_wtime();
for (auto index = std::size_t{}; index < part_size; ++index)
static volatile auto exceedingly_interesting_value_wink_wink = data[index];
const auto end_timestamp = omp_get_wtime();
const auto duration = end_timestamp - start_timestamp;
if (duration < this_thread_min_duration)
this_thread_min_duration = duration;
#pragma omp critical
thread_id_min_duration.insert(std::make_pair(this_thread_min_duration, thread_id));
} // #pragma omp parallel
Not shown here is code which outputs the minimum access times sorted into the multimap.
Env. and Output
I am attempting to not use SMT by using export OMP_PLACES=cores OMP_PROC_BIND=spread OMP_NUM_THREADS=24. However, I'm getting this output:
What's puzzling me is that I'm having the same access times on all threads. Since I'm trying to spread them across the 2 NUMA nodes, I expect to neatly see 12 threads with access time, say, x and another 12 with access time ~2x.
Why is the above happening?
Additional Information
Even more puzzling are the following environments and their outputs:
Any help in understanding this phenomenon would be much appreciated.
Put it shortly, the benchmark is flawed.
perform multiple experiments to determine the minimum access time of each thread
The term "minimum access time" is unclear here. I assume you mean "latency". The thing is your benchmark does not measure the latency. volatile tell to the compiler to read store data from the memory hierarchy. The processor is free to store the value in its cache and x86-64 processors actually do that (like almost all modern processors).
You can find the documentation of both here and there. Put it shortly, I strongly advise you to set OMP_PROC_BIND=TRUE and OMP_PLACES="{0},{1},{2},..." based on the values retrieved from hw-loc. More specifically, you can get this from hwloc-calc which is a really great tool (consider using --li --po, and PU, not CORE because this is what OpenMP runtimes expect). For example you can query the PU identifiers of a given NUMA node. Note that some machines have very weird non-linear OS PU numbering and OpenMP runtimes sometimes fail to map the threads correctly. IOMP (OpenMP runtime of ICC) should use hw-loc internally but I found some bugs in the past related to that. To check the mapping is correct, I advise you to use hwloc-ps. Note that OMP_PLACES=cores does not guarantee that threads are not migrating from one core to another (even one on a different NUMA node) except if OMP_PROC_BIND=TRUE is set (or a similar setting). Note that you can also use numactl so to control the NUMA policies of your process. For example, you can tell to the OS not to use a given NUMA node or to interleave the allocations. The first touch policy is not the only one and may not be the default one on all platforms (on some Linux platforms, the OS can move the pages between the NUMA nodes so to improve locality).
Why is the above happening?
The code takes 4.38 ms to read 50 MiB in memory in each threads. This means 1200 MiB read from the node 0 assuming the first touch policy is applied. Thus the throughout should be about 267 GiB/s. While this seems fine at first glance, this is a pretty big throughput for such a processor especially assuming only 1 NUMA node is used. This is certainly because part of the fetches are done from the L3 cache and not the RAM. Indeed, the cache can partially hold a part of the array and certainly does resulting in faster fetches thanks to the cache associativity and good cache policy. This is especially true as the cache lines are not invalidated since the array is only read. I advise you to use a significantly bigger array to prevent this complex effect happening.
You certainly expect one NUMA node to have a smaller throughput due to remote NUMA memory access. This is not always true in practice. In fact, this is often wrong on modern 2-socket systems since the socket interconnect is often not a limiting factor (this is the main source of throughput slowdown on NUMA systems).
NUMA effect arise on modern platform because of unbalanced NUMA memory node saturation and non-uniform latency. The former is not a problem in your application since all the PUs use the same NUMA memory node. The later is not a problem either because of the linear memory access pattern, CPU caches and hardware prefetchers : the latency should be completely hidden.
Even more puzzling are the following environments and their outputs
Using 26 threads on a 24 core machine means that 4 threads have to be executed on two cores. The thing is hyper-threading should not help much in such a case. As a result, multiple threads sharing the same core will be slowed down. Because IOMP certainly pin thread to cores and the unbalanced workload, 4 threads will be about twice slower.
Having 48 threads cause all the threads to be slower because of a twice bigger workload.
Let me address your first sentence. A C++ std::vector is different from a C malloc. Malloc'ed space is not "instantiated": only when you touch the memory does the physical-to-logical address mapping get established. This is known as "first touch". And that is why in C-OpenMP you initialize an array in parallel, so that the socket touching the part of the array gets the pages of that part. In C++, the "array" in a vector is created by a single thread, so the pages wind up on the socket of that thread.
Here's a solution:
template<typename T>
struct uninitialized {
uninitialized() {};
T val;
constexpr operator T() const {return val;};
double operator=( const T&& v ) { val = v; return val; };
Now you can create a vector<uninitialized<double>> and the array memory is not touched until you explicitly initialize it:
vector<uninitialized<double>> x(N),y(N);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
y[i] = x[i] = 0.;
x[0] = 0; x[N-1] = 1.;
Now, I'm not sure how this goes if you have a vector of sets. Just thought I'd point out the issue.
After more investigation, I note the following:
work-load managers on clusters can and will disregard/reset OMP_PLACES/OMP_PROC_BIND,
memory page migration is a thing on modern NUMA systems.
Following this, I started using the work-load manager's own thread binding/pinning system, and adapted my benchmark to lock the memory page(s) on which my data lay. Furthermore, giving in to my programmer's paranoia, I ditched the std::unique_ptr for fear that it may lay its own first touch after allocating the memory.
// create data which will be shared by multiple threads
const auto size_per_thread = std::size_t{50 * 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(double)}; // 50 MB
const auto total_size = thread_count * size_per_thread;
double* data = nullptr;
posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data), sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), total_size * sizeof(double));
if (data == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("could_not_allocate_memory_error");
// perform first touch using thread 0
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count)
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0)
#pragma omp simd safelen(8)
for (auto d_index = std::size_t{}; d_index < total_size; ++d_index)
data[d_index] = -1.0;
} // #pragma omp parallel
mlock(data, total_size); // page migration is a real thing...
// open a parallel section
auto thread_id_avg_latency = std::multimap<double, int>{};
auto generator = std::mt19937(); // heavy object can be created outside parallel
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count) private(generator)
// access the data using all threads individually
#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
for (auto thread_counter = std::size_t{}; thread_counter < thread_count; ++thread_counter)
// seed each thread's generator
generator.seed(thread_counter + 1);
// calculate the minimum access latency of this thread
auto this_thread_avg_latency = 0.0;
const auto experiment_count = 250;
for (auto experiment_counter = std::size_t{}; experiment_counter < experiment_count; ++experiment_counter)
const auto start_timestamp = omp_get_wtime() * 1E+6;
for (auto counter = std::size_t{}; counter < size_per_thread / 100; ++counter)
const auto index = std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t>(0, size_per_thread-1)(generator);
auto& datapoint = data[thread_counter * size_per_thread + index];
datapoint += index;
const auto end_timestamp = omp_get_wtime() * 1E+6;
this_thread_avg_latency += end_timestamp - start_timestamp;
this_thread_avg_latency /= experiment_count;
#pragma omp critical
thread_id_avg_latency.insert(std::make_pair(this_thread_avg_latency, omp_get_thread_num()));
} // #pragma omp parallel
With these changes, I am noticing the difference I expected.
Further notes:
this experiment shows that the latency of non-local access is 1.09 - 1.15 times that of local access on the cluster that I'm using,
there is no reliable cross-platform way of doing this (requires kernel-APIs),
OpenMP seems to number the threads exactly as hwloc/lstopo, numactl and lscpu seems to number them (logical ID?)
The most astonishing things are that the difference in latencies is very low, and that memory page migration may happen, which begs the question, why should we care about first-touch and all the rest of the NUMA concerns at all?
Before I start, let me say that I've only used threads once when we were taught about them in university. Therefore, I have almost zero experience using them and I don't know if what I'm trying to do is a good idea.
I'm doing a project of my own and I'm trying to make a for loop run fast because I need the calculations in the loop for a real-time application. After "optimizing" the calculations in the loop, I've gotten closer to the desired speed. However, it still needs improvement.
Then, I remembered threading. I thought I could make the loop run even faster if I split it in 4 parts, one for each core of my machine. So this is what I tried to do:
void doYourThing(int size,int threadNumber,int numOfThreads) {
int start = (threadNumber - 1) * size / numOfThreads;
int end = threadNumber * size / numOfThreads;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
int main(void) {
int size = 100000;
int numOfThreads = 4;
int start = 0;
int end = size / numOfThreads;
std::thread coreB(doYourThing, size, 2, numOfThreads);
std::thread coreC(doYourThing, size, 3, numOfThreads);
std::thread coreD(doYourThing, size, 4, numOfThreads);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
With this, computation time changed from 60ms to 40ms.
1)Do my threads really run on a different core? If that's true, I would expect a greater increase in speed. More specifically, I assumed it would take close to 1/4 of the initial time.
2)If they don't, should I use even more threads to split the work? Will it make my loop faster or slower?
The question #François Andrieux asked is good. Because in the original code there is a well-structured for-loop, and if you used -O3 optimization, the compiler might be able to vectorize the computation. This vectorization will give you speedup.
Also, it depends on what is the critical path in your computation. According to Amdahl's law, the possible speedups are limited by the un-parallelisable path. You might check if the computation are reaching some variable where you have locks, then the time could also spend to spin on the lock.
(2). to find out the total number of cores and threads on your computer you may have lscpu command, which will show you the cores and threads information on your computer/server
(3). It is not necessarily true that more threads will have a better performance
There is a header-only library in Github which may be just what you need. Presumably your doYourThing processes an input vector (of size 100000 in your code) and stores the results into another vector. In this case, all you need to do is to say is
auto vectorOut = Lazy::runForAll(vectorIn, myFancyFunction);
The library will decide how many threads to use based on how many cores you have.
On the other hand, if the compiler is able to vectorize your algorithm and it still looks like it is a good idea to split the work into 4 chunks like in your example code, you could do it for example like this:
#include "Lazy.h"
void doYourThing(const MyVector& vecIn, int from, int to, MyVector& vecOut)
for (int i = from; i < to; ++i) {
// Calculate vecOut[i]
int main(void) {
int size = 100000;
MyVector vecIn(size), vecOut(size)
// Load vecIn vector with input data...
Lazy::runForAll({{std::pair{0, size/4}, {size/4, size/2}, {size/2, 3*size/4}, {3*size/4, size}},
[&](auto indexPair) {
doYourThing(vecIn, indexPair.first, indexPair.second, vecOut);
// Now the results are in vecOut
README.md gives further examples on parallel execution which you might find useful.
I have a C++ code that performs a time evolution of four variables that live on a 2D spatial grid. To save some time, I tried to parallelise my code with OpenMP but I just cannot get it to work: No matter how many cores I use, the runtime stays basically the same or increases. (My code does use 24 cores or however many I specify, so the compilation is not a problem.)
I have the feeling that the runtime for one individual time-step is too short and the overhead of producing threads kills the potential speed-up.
The layout of my code is:
for (int t = 0; t < max_time_steps; t++) {
// do some book-keeping
// perform time step
// (1) calculate righthand-side of ODE:
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ntheta; j++) {
rhs[0][i][j] = A0[i][j] + B0[i][j] + ...;
rhs[1][i][j] = A1[i][j] + B1[i][j] + ...;
rhs[2][i][j] = A2[i][j] + B2[i][j] + ...;
rhs[3][i][j] = A3[i][j] + B3[i][j] + ...;
// (2) perform Euler step (or Runge-Kutta, ...)
for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ntheta; j++) {
next[d][i][j] = current[d][i][j] + time_step * rhs[d][i][j];
I thought this code should be fairly easy to parallelise... I put "#pragma omp parellel for" in front of the (1) and (2) loops, and I also specified the number of cores (e.g. 4 cores for loop (2) since there are four variables) but there is simply no speed-up whatsoever.
I have found that OpenMP is fairly smart about when to create/destroy the threads. I.e. it realises that threads are required soon again and then they're only put asleep to save overhead time.
I think one "problem" is that my time step is coded in a subroutine (I'm using RK4 instead of Euler) and the computation of the righthand-side is again in another subroutine that is called by the time_step() function. So, I believe that due to this, OpenMP cannot see that the threads should be kept open for longer and hence the threads are created and destroyed at every time step.
Would it be helpful to put a "#pragma omp parallel" in front of the time-loop so that the threads are created at the very beginning? And then do the actual parallelisation for the righthand-side (1) and the Euler step (2)? But how do I do that?
I have found numerous examples for how to parallelise nested for loops, but none of them were concerned with the setup where the inner loops have been sourced out to separate modules. Would this an obstacle for parallelising?
I have now removed the d loops (by making the indices explicit) and collapsed the i and j loops (by running over the entire 2D array with one variable only).
The code looks like:
for (int t = 0; t < max_time_steps; t++) {
// do some book-keeping
// perform time step
// (1) calculate righthand-side of ODE:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < nr*ntheta; i++) {
rhs[0][0][i] = A0[0][i] + B0[0][i] + ...;
rhs[1][0][i] = A1[0][i] + B1[0][i] + ...;
rhs[2][0][i] = A2[0][i] + B2[0][i] + ...;
rhs[3][0][i] = A3[0][i] + B3[0][i] + ...;
// (2) perform Euler step (or Runge-Kutta, ...)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < nr*ntheta; i++) {
next[0][0][i] = current[0][0][i] + time_step * rhs[0][0][i];
next[1][0][i] = current[1][0][i] + time_step * rhs[1][0][i];
next[2][0][i] = current[2][0][i] + time_step * rhs[2][0][i];
next[3][0][i] = current[3][0][i] + time_step * rhs[3][0][i];
The size of nr*ntheta is 400*40=1600 and I a make max_time_steps=1000 time steps. Still, the parallelisation does not result in a speed-up:
Runtime without OpenMP (result of time on the command line):
real 0m23.597s
user 0m23.496s
sys 0m0.076s
Runtime with OpenMP (24 cores)
real 0m23.162s
user 7m47.026s
sys 0m0.905s
I do not understand what's happening here.
One peculiarity that I don't show in my code snippet above is that my variables are not actually doubles but a self-defined struct of two doubles which resemble real and imaginary part. But I think this should not make a difference.
Just wanted to report some success after I left the parallelisation alone for a while. The code evolved for a year and now I went back to parallelisation. This time, I can say that OpenMP does it's job and reduces the required walltime.
While the code evolved overall, this particular loop that I've shown above did not really change; merely two things: a) The resolution is higher so that it covers about 10 times as many points and b) the number of calculations per loop also is about 10-fold (maybe even more).
My only explanation why it works now and didn't work a little over a year ago, is that, when I tried to parallelise the code last time, it wasn't computationally expensive enough and the speed-up was killed by the OpenMP overhead. One single loop now requires about 200-300ms whereas that time required must have been in the single digit ms last time.
I can see such effect when comparing gcc and the Intel compiler (which are doing a very different job when vectorizing):
a) Using gcc, one loop needs about 300ms without OpenMP, and on two cores only 52% of the time is required --> near perfect optimization.
b) Using icpc, one loop needs about 160ms without OpenMP, and on two cores it needs 60% of the time --> good optimization but about 20% less effective.
When going for more than two cores, the speed-up is not large enough to make it worthwhile.
I have a function that populates entries in a large matrix. As the computations are independent, I was thinking about exploiting std::thread so that chunks of the matrix can be processed by separate threads.
Instead of dividing the matrix in to n chunks where n is the limit on the maximum number of threads allowed to run simultaneously, I would like to make finer chunks, so that I could spawn a new thread when an existing thread is finished. (As the compute time will be widely different for different entries, and equally dividing the matrix will not be very efficient here. Hence the latter idea.)
What are the concepts in std::thread I should look into for doing this? (I came across async and condition_variables although I don't clearly see how they can be exploited for such kinds of spawning). Some example pseudo code would greatly help!
Why tax the OS scheduler with thread creation & destruction? (Assume these operations are expensive.) Instead, make your threads work more instead.
EDIT: If you do no want to split the work in equal chunks, then the best solution really is a thread pool. FYI, there is a thread_pool library in the works for C++14.
What is below assumed that you could split the work in equal chunks, so is not exactly applicable to your question. END OF EDIT.
struct matrix
int nrows, ncols;
// assuming row-based processing; adjust for column-based processing
void fill_rows(int first, int last);
int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
std::vector< std::thread > threads(num_threads);
matrix m; // must be initialized...
// here - every thread will process as many rows as needed
int nrows_per_thread = m.nrows / num_threads;
for(int i = 0; i != num_threads; ++i)
// thread i will process these rows:
int first = i * nrows_per_thread;
int last = first + nrows_per_thread;
// last thread gets remaining rows
last += (i == num_threads - 1) ? m.nrows % nrows_per_thread : 0;
threads[i] = std::move(std::thread([&m,first,last]{
m.fill_rows(first,last); }))
for(int i = 0; i != num_threads; ++i)
If this is an operation you do very frequently, then use a worker pool as #Igor Tandetnik suggests in the comments. For one-offs, it's not worth the trouble.
To optimize the execution of some libraries I am making, I have to parallelize some calculations.
Unfortunately, I can not use openmp for that, so I am trying to do some similar alternative using boost::thread.
Anyone knows of some implementation like this?
I have special problems with the sharing of variables between threads (to define variables as 'shared' and 'pribate' of openmp). Any sugestions?
As far as I know you'll have to do that explicitly with anything other than OpenMP.
As an example if we have a parallelized loop in OpenMP
int i;
size_t length = 10000;
int someArray[] = new int[length];
#pragma omp parallel private(i)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 8)
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
someArray[i] = i*i;
You'll have to factor out the logic into a "generic" loop that can work on a sub-range of your problem, and then explicitly schedule the threads. Each thread will then work on a chunk of the whole problem. In that way you explicitly declare the "private" variables- the ones that go into the subProblem function.
void subProblem(int* someArray, size_t startIndex, size_t subLength) {
size_t end = startIndex+subLength;
for (size_t i = startIndex; i < end; ++i) {
someArray[i] = i*i;
void algorithm() {
size_t i;
size_t length = 10000;
int someArray[] = new int[length];
int numThreads = 4; // how to subdivide
int thread = 0;
// a vector of all threads working on the problem
std::vector<boost::thread> threadVector;
for(thread = 0; thread < numThreads; ++thread) {
// size of subproblem
size_t subLength = length / numThreads;
size_t startIndex = subLength*thread;
// use move semantics to create a thread in the vector
// requires c++11. If you can't use c++11,
// perhaps look at boost::move?
threadVector.emplace(boost::bind(subProblem, someArray, startIndex, subLength));
// threads are now working on subproblems
// now go through the thread vector and join with the threads.
// left as an exercise :P
The above is one of many scheduling algorithms- it just cuts the problem into as many chunks as you have threads.
The OpenMP way is more complicated- it cuts the problem into many small sized chunks (of 8 in my example), and then uses work-stealing scheduling to give these chunks to threads in a thread pool. The difficulty of implementing the OpenMP way, is that you need "persistent" threads that wait for work ( a thread pool ). Hope this makes sense.
An even simpler way would be to do async on every iteration (scheduling a piece of work for each iteration). This can work, if the each iteration is very expensive and takes a long time. However, if it's small pieces of work with MANY iterations, most of the overhead will go into the scheduling and thread creation, rendering the parallelization useless.
In conclusion, depending on your problem, there are be many ways to schedule the work, it's up to you to find out what works best for your problem.
Try Intel Threading Building Blocks (or Microsoft PPL) which schedule for you, provided you give the "sub-range" function: